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Presentation on theme: “HOMEOSTASIS AND NEGATIVE FEEDBACK BLOOD GLUCOSE, INSULIN AND GLUCAGON.”— Presentation transcript: [1]

1 HOMEOSTASIS AND NEGATIVE FEEDBACK BLOOD GLUCOSE, INSULIN AND GLUCAGON. 2 BLOOD GLUCOSE Carbohydrates in food Glucose in digestive system Glucose in blood Glucose in cells Must adhere to ‘Goldilocks’ principle Too much is bad = hyperglycemia Too little is bad = hypoglycemia 70-140 mg glucose per dL blood = ‘just right’ Cellular Metabolism (aerobic + anaerobic).

shaky, light-headed. rapid heart rate <40-50 mg/dL = loss of mental function, including confusion and/or erratic behavior.

loss of consciousness Hyperglycemia >180 mg/dL Immediate symptoms = increased thirst. headache.

frequent urination. blurred vision Long term results = nerve damage.

slow healing. loss of vision.

4 BLOOD GLUCOSE – REGULATION Blood glucose levels maintained by hormones Hormones = proteins made by endocrine glands Hormones = proteins that effect specific cells away from site of hormone production. 5 PANCREAS AND BLOOD GLUCOSE Pancreas is part of digestive system Produces enzymes to digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats Pancreas is part of endocrine system Produces hormones insulin and glucagon.

7 GLUCAGON AND BLOOD GLUCOSE  Blood glucose is low  Glucagon produced in alpha cells of pancreas  Glucagon effects liver + muscle cells that store glycogen  Cells breakdown glycogen to glucose  Glucose released to bloodstream + blood glucose increases  Glucagon production is stopped.

10 PROBLEMS WITH HOMEOSTASIS – INSULIN AND DIABETES Diabetes is a breakdown in homeostasis that results in abnormal blood sugar levels In U.S., 25.8 million people have diabetes (8.3% of total population) 18.8 million are diagnosed 7.0 million are undiagnosed Care of diabetes and diabetes related conditions costs ~$150 billion each year Two forms of diabetes – Type 1 and Type 2 – different cause/same effect.

Presentation on theme: “BLOOD SUGAR REGULATION”— Presentation transcript: [2]

1 BLOOD SUGAR REGULATIONhomeostasis. 2 1.

Liver Liver is connected via hepatic portal vein to: Stomach Spleen Pancreas Intestines.

Pancreas Islets of Langerhans: Alpha cells: glucagonBeta Cells: insulin Insulin: (decrease blood sugar) from Beta cells Accelerates transport of glucose from blood to cells Accelerates ‘glycogenesis’ (glucose glycogen) Stimulates glucose  fat (adipose tissue) Increases protein synthesis in some cells Glucagon: (increase blood sugar) from Alpha Cells Stimulates ‘glycogenolysis’ (glycogen  glucose) Stimulates ‘gluconeogensis’ (fat/amino acid  sugar molecules) Stimulates protein breakdown.

Adrenal Glands 3 hormones: Cortex: glucocorticoids (eg cortisol)Medulla: adrenaline Noradrenaline Glucocorticoids (increase blood sugar) Stimulated from anterior pituitary (ACTH) Stimulate glycogenolysis (glycogen  glucose) Increases rate by which amino acids are removed by cells & transported to liver for gluconeogenesis (fat/amino acids  glucose) Promotes mobilisation of fatty acids from adipose to allow fat  glucose.

8 Gas concentrations homeostasis. 9 Control of Breathing Diaphragm & intercostals require stimulation from nerves to contract.

of chemicals in plasma- specifically CO2, O2 , and H+): Aortic – in aorta Carotid bodies – in carotid (neck) artery Medulla Oblongata. 10 Conc.of O2: Receptors in Medulla, Carotid, and aortic bodies.

of CO2: small change results in a large response but chemoreceptors are only located in medulla (70-80% of breathing rate changes are a consequence of CO2 change detection) Takes several minutes for response. 11 Conc.

Centre of Medulla & inspiration ceases, expiration begins Not very sensitive, only a protective mech. to prevent overstretching.

Hyperventilation: Rapid deep breathing, Increases O2, decreased CO2 Dangerous as if done before swimming as: Can hold breath longer but not because of abundance of O2, but lack of CO2 Exercise and Breathing rate: Depth & rate must increase Heavy exercise can cause 10 – 20x more ventilation Due to fluctuations in O2, CO2 & H+ conc.

13 Blood Pressure/ heart ratehomeostasis. 14 Cardiac Output Heart rate: number of times heart beats/min Stroke volume: vol of blood forced from a ventricle/contraction Cardiac Output: vol of blood leaving ventricle / min Cardiac Output = Stroke vol x Heart rate Venus return: return of blood to heart Blood Pressure: Pressure of blood on vessel walls Influenced by: cardiac output & diameter of blood vessels.

16 Regulation of heart rateSpecialised cells which initiate impulse in heart: Sinoatria node (SA node) – in right atrium Causes both atria to contract Can be influenced by sympathetic (noradrenaline) and parasympathetic NS (acetylcholine) Atrioventricular node (AV node) -in septum between two atria (near AV valves) After being stimulated by Av node, conducting fibres from Av node pass impulse to both ventricles May be stimulated by sympathetic NS (noradrenaline).

19 Factors influencing stroke VolumeLength of diastole: period of relaxation between contractions.

21 Blood Flow Amount of blood flowing through an organ or vessel (mL/min) Determined by: Cardiac output Diameter of arterioles. Determined by: CNS Hormones (adrenaline – vasodilator in muscle, vasoconstrictor everywhere else) CO2, lactic acid: Vasodilator, O2: Vasoconstrictor e.g Exercise Output of heart may rise from 5L/min to 30L/min.

Regulation[edit] [3]

The blood sugar level, blood sugar concentration, blood glucose level, or glycemia, is the measure of glucose concentrated in the blood. The body tightly regulates blood glucose levels as a part of metabolic homeostasis.

For a 70 kg (154 lb) human, approximately four grams of dissolved glucose (also called “blood glucose”) is maintained in the blood plasma at all times. Glucose that is not circulating in the blood is stored in skeletal muscle and liver cells in the form of glycogen.

Glucose can be transported from the intestines or liver to other tissues in the body via the bloodstream. Cellular glucose uptake is primarily regulated by insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas.

In humans, properly maintained glucose levels are necessary for normal function in a number of tissues, including the human brain, which consumes approximately 60% of blood glucose in fasting, sedentary individuals. A persistent elevation in blood glucose leads to glucose toxicity, which contributes to cell dysfunction and the pathology grouped together as complications of diabetes.

Glucose levels are usually lowest in the morning, before the first meal of the day, and rise after meals for an hour or two by a few millimoles.

low levels are referred to as hypoglycemia. Diabetes mellitus is characterized by persistent hyperglycemia from a variety of causes, and it is the most prominent disease related to the failure of blood sugar regulation.

Drinking alcohol causes an initial surge in blood sugar and later tends to cause levels to fall. Also, certain drugs can increase or decrease glucose levels.

There are two ways of measuring blood glucose levels: In the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries (Australia, Canada, India, etc.) and ex-USSR countries molar concentration, measured in mmol/L (millimoles per litre, or millimolar, abbreviated mM). In the United States, Germany, Japan and many other countries mass concentration is measured in mg/dL (milligrams per decilitre).

Since the molecular weight of glucose C6H12O6 is 180, the difference between the two units is a factor of 18, so 1 mmol/L of glucose is equivalent to 18 mg/dL.

Glucose homeostasis, when operating normally, restores the blood sugar level to a narrow range of about 4.4 to 6.1 mmol/L (79 to 110 mg/dL) (as measured by a fasting blood glucose test).

The global mean fasting plasma blood glucose level in humans is about 5.5 mmol/L (100 mg/dL). however, this level fluctuates throughout the day.

The blood glucose target range for diabetics, according to the American Diabetes Association, should be 5.0–7.2 mmol/L (90–130 mg/dL) before meals and less than 10 mmol/L (180 mg/dL) two hours after meals (as measured by a blood glucose monitor).

However, shortly after eating, the blood glucose level may rise, in non-diabetics, temporarily up to 7.8 mmol/L (140 mg/dL) or slightly more. For people with diabetes maintaining “tight diabetes control”, the American Diabetes Association recommends a post-meal glucose level of less than 10 mmol/L (180 mg/dL) and a fasting plasma glucose of 3.9 to 7.2 mmol/L (70–130 mg/dL).

The actual amount of glucose in the blood and body fluids is very small. In a healthy adult male of 75 kg (165 lb) with a blood volume of 5 L, a blood glucose level of 5.5 mmol/L (100 mg/dL) amounts to 5 g, equivalent to about a teaspoonful of sugar.

In general, ranges of blood sugar in common domestic ruminants are lower than in many monogastric mammals. However this generalization does not extend to wild ruminants or camelids.

62 to 108 for dogs, 62 to 114 for horses, 66 to 116 for pigs, 75 to 155 for rabbits, and 90 to 140 for llamas have been reported. A 90 percent reference interval for serum glucose of 26 to 181 mg/dL has been reported for captured mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus), where no effects of the pursuit and capture on measured levels were evident.

For the white rhinoceros, one study has indicated that the 95 percent range is 28 to 140 mg/dL. For harp seals, a serum glucose range of 4.9 to 12.1 mmol/L [i.e.

for hooded seals, a range of 7.5 to 15.7 mmol/L [i.e. about 135 to 283 mg/dL] has been reported.

The body’s homeostatic mechanism keeps blood glucose levels within a narrow range. It is composed of several interacting systems, of which hormone regulation is the most important.

There are two types of mutually antagonistic metabolic hormones affecting blood glucose levels:. These hormones are secreted from pancreatic islets (bundles of endocrine tissues), of which there are four types: alpha (A) cells, beta (B) cells, Delta (D) cells and F cells.

Together they regulate the blood-glucose levels through negative feedback, a process where the end product of one reaction stimulates the beginning of another reaction. In blood-glucose levels, insulin lowers the concentration of glucose in the blood.

In order for blood glucose to be kept stable, modifications to insulin, glucagon, epinephrine and cortisol are made. Each of these hormones has a different responsibility to keep blood glucose regulated.

Glucagon responds to too low of a blood glucose level. it informs the tissue to release some glucose from the glycogen stores.

Lastly, cortisol supplies the body with fuel in times of heavy stress.

Long-term hyperglycemia causes many health problems including heart disease, cancer, eye, kidney, and nerve damage.

Ketones will be very high (a magnitude higher than when eating a very low carbohydrate diet) initiating ketoacidosis. The Mayo Clinic recommends emergency room treatment above 16.7 mmol/L (300 mg/dL) blood glucose.[citation needed] The most common cause of hyperglycemia is diabetes.

From the perspective of the majority of patients, treatment with an old, well-understood diabetes drug such as metformin will be the safest, most effective, least expensive, and most comfortable route to managing the condition. Treatment will vary for the distinct forms of Diabetes and can differ from person to person based on how they are reacting to treatment.

Some medications may cause a rise in blood sugars of diabetics, such as steroid medications, including cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisolone, prednisone, and dexamethasone.

Low blood sugar is very frequent among type 1 diabetics. There are several causes of low blood sugar, including, taking an excessive amount of insulin, not consuming enough carbohydrates, drinking alcohol, spending time at a high elevation, puberty, and menstruation.

Symptoms may include lethargy, impaired mental functioning. irritability.

pale complexion. sweating.

Mechanisms that restore satisfactory blood glucose levels after extreme hypoglycemia (below 2.2 mmol/L or 40 mg/dL) must be quick and effective to prevent extremely serious consequences of insufficient glucose: confusion or unsteadiness and, in the extreme (below 0.8 mmol/L or 15 mg/dL) loss of consciousness and seizures.

Self-assessment Quiz [4]

Insulin is the main regulator of sugar in the bloodstream. This hormone is made by beta cells and continuously released into the blood stream.

Insulin levels in the blood stream are carefully calibrated to keep the blood glucose just right. High insulin levels drive sugar out of the bloodstream into muscle, fat and liver cells where it is stored for future use.

Overnight and between meals, insulin levels in the blood stream are low and relatively constant. These low levels of insulin allow the body to tap into its stored energy sources (namely glycogen and fat) and also to release sugar and other fuels from the liver.

When you haven’t eaten for a while, your blood sugar level will be somewhere between 60 to 100 mg/dl. When eating, the amount of insulin released from the pancreas rapidly spikes.

After a meal, blood sugar levels peak at less than 140 mg/dl and then fall back to the baseline (pre-meal) range. The high levels of insulin help the sugar get out of the blood stream and be stored for future use.

To keep the blood glucose in a narrow range throughout the day, there is a low steady secretion of insulin overnight, fasting and between meals with spikes of insulin at mealtimes. Adapted: Jacobs DM Care 20:1279, 1997.

Self assessment quizzes are available for topics covered in this website. To find out how much you have learned about Facts about Diabetes, take our self assessment quiz when you have completed this section.

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Student Exploration: Circulatory System [5]

Directions: Follow the instructions to go through the simulation. Respond to the questions and prompts in the orange boxes.

Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.). Gizmo Warm-up The Circulatory System Gizmo shows the heart and blood vessels that make up the circulatory system.

These are heart valves. Heart valves control the flow of blood through the heart.

Name: Julia Denis Date: 5/24/. Why do you need blood.

What organ pushes blood through your body. Your heart pushes blood through your body.

Right atrium Left atrium Right ventricle Left ventricle. What do you think causes heartbeat sounds.

Question: How does blood flow through the heart.

Click Play ( ) and observe the balls as they move through the heart and lungs. Starting at the right atrium, in what order does blood flow through the four chambers.

Analyze : Click Play. Observe the path of blood that leaves each ventricle.

Look at the Data from blood sample numbers. Collect data : Now collect a blood sample from the left atrium.

Based on the data you have collected, what happens in the lungs.

Blood flow. Get the Gizmo ready :

● Turn on Show blood flow. Right atrium Right ventricle Left atrium Left ventricle.

Where does blood from the right ventricle go. It goes into the lungs.

Where does blood from the left ventricle go. It goes into the head, arms, liver, kidneys, intestines, and legs.

What is the concentration of oxygen in this sample. 36.

What is the concentration of carbon dioxide in this sample. 47.

What is the concentration of oxygen in this sample. 93.

What is the concentration of carbon dioxide in this sample. 38.

Observe : Click Play and watch the blood after it leaves the left ventricle. What are some places that blood goes after leaving the heart.

Compare : The Gizmo shows three types of blood vessels. Arteries carry blood away from the heart, capillaries are small vessels that carry blood to body cells, and veins carry blood back to the heart.

Use the syringe to take blood samples from several different veins and arteries. A.

How is the blood in the pulmonary veins different from blood in other veins.

Blood circulation. Get the Gizmo ready :

● Turn on Show blood flow. The head, arms, liver, kidneys, intestines, and legs.

Which type of blood vessel usually carries oxygen-rich blood. Arteries.

Which type of blood vessel usually carries oxygen-poor blood. Veins.

In which type of blood vessel is oxygen released into body cells. Capillaries.

The blood has oxygen in it. They both transport to get a final destination.

Find and label the following objects in your sketch: ● Red blood cells (small, round cells that carry oxygen) ● White blood cells (large, irregular cells that fight disease) ● Platelets (tiny fragments that help to stop bleeding when you are cut).

Four of these are listed above the Microscopic view. Oxygen and sugar are needed by all body cells.

What are the concentrations of each substance in this sample.

Try to determine where sugar enters the blood, and where it is removed. Investigate : Take blood samples to determine where urea enters the blood and is removed.

What’s in your blood.

● Take a blood sample from any blood vessel using the syringe. Oxygen: 93 Carbon Dioxide: 39 Sugar: 118 Urea: 13.

Where does sugar enter the blood. Through the liver.

How can you tell where sugar enters the blood. The blood sugar was high there.

Where is sugar removed from the blood. Through the left kidney.

How can you tell. The blood sugar is low there.

Where does urea enter the blood. The liver.

Where is urea removed from the blood. The kidney.

Diagnosis[edit] [6]

Hyperglycemia is a condition in which an excessive amount of glucose circulates in the blood plasma. This is generally a blood sugar level higher than 11.1 mmol/L (200 mg/dL), but symptoms may not start to become noticeable until even higher values such as 13.9–16.7 mmol/L (~250–300 mg/dL).

For diabetics, glucose levels that are considered to be too hyperglycemic can vary from person to person, mainly due to the person’s renal threshold of glucose and overall glucose tolerance. On average, however, chronic levels above 10–12 mmol/L (180–216 mg/dL) can produce noticeable organ damage over time.

The degree of hyperglycemia can change over time depending on the metabolic cause, for example, impaired glucose tolerance or fasting glucose, and it can depend on treatment. Temporary hyperglycemia is often benign and asymptomatic.

During this asymptomatic period, an abnormality in carbohydrate metabolism can occur, which can be tested by measuring plasma glucose. Chronic hyperglycemia at above normal levels can produce a very wide variety of serious complications over a period of years, including kidney damage, neurological damage, cardiovascular damage, damage to the retina or damage to feet and legs.

Impairment of growth and susceptibility to certain infections can occur as a result of chronic hyperglycemia.

It is most often seen in persons who have uncontrolled insulin-dependent diabetes.[citation needed]. The following symptoms may be associated with acute or chronic hyperglycemia, with the first three composing the classic hyperglycemic triad:.

This may occur when people who have diabetes take too much oral hypoglycemic medication or insulin for the amount of food they eat. The resulting drop in blood sugar level to below the normal range prompts a hunger response.[citation needed].

This produces an osmotic diuresis.[citation needed]. Signs and symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis may include:[citation needed].

Decreased cognitive performance may cause forgetfulness and concentration loss.

The degradation of triacylglycerides by hormone-sensitive lipase produces free fatty acids that are eventually converted to acetyl-coA by beta-oxidation.[citation needed]. Ketoacidosis is a life-threatening condition which requires immediate treatment.

Chronic hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) injures the heart in patients without a history of heart disease or diabetes and is strongly associated with heart attacks and death in subjects with no coronary heart disease or history of heart failure.

Perioperative hyperglycemia has been associated with immunosuppression, increased infections, osmotic diuresis, delayed wound healing, delayed gastric emptying, sympatho-adrenergic stimulation, and increased mortality.

Hyperglycemia may be caused by: diabetes, various (non-diabetic) endocrine disorders (insulin resistance and thyroid, adrenal, pancreatic, and pituitary disorders), sepsis and certain infections, intracranial diseases (e.g.

Hyperglycaemia may thus be seen in: Cushing’s syndrome, pheochromocytoma, acromegaly, hyperglucagonemia, and hyperthyroidism.

In fact, chronic hyperglycemia is the defining characteristic of the disease. Intermittent hyperglycemia may be present in prediabetic states.

In diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia is usually caused by low insulin levels (diabetes mellitus type 1) and/or by resistance to insulin at the cellular level (diabetes mellitus type 2), depending on the type and state of the disease.

When the mechanisms fail in a way that allows glucose to rise to abnormal levels, hyperglycemia is the result.[citation needed]. Ketoacidosis may be the first symptom of immune-mediated diabetes, particularly in children and adolescents.

Obesity has been contributing to increased insulin resistance in the global population. Insulin resistance increases hyperglycemia because the body becomes over saturated by glucose.

The leading cause of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes is the failure of insulin to suppress glucose production by glycolysis and gluconeogenesis due to insulin resistance. Insulin normally inhibits glycogenolysis, but fails to do so in a condition of insulin resistance, resulting in increased glucose production.

In a condition of insulin resistance insulin fails to block Fox06, resulting in continued gluconeogenesis even upon feeding.

The acute administration of stimulants such as amphetamines typically produces hyperglycemia. chronic use, however, produces hypoglycemia.

Thiazides are used to treat type 2 diabetes but it also causes severe hyperglycemia.

(Or perhaps stroke or myocardial infarction was caused by hyperglycemia and undiagnosed diabetes.)[citation needed] Human and animal studies suggest that this is not benign, and that stress-induced hyperglycemia is associated with a high risk of mortality after both stroke and myocardial infarction. Somatostatinomas and aldosteronoma-induced hypokalemia can cause hyperglycemia but usually disappears after the removal of the tumour.

Stress causes hyperglycaemia via several mechanisms, including through metabolic and hormonal changes, and via increased proinflammatory cytokines that interrupt carbohydrate metabolism, leading to excessive glucose production and reduced uptake in tissues, can cause hyperglycemia.

It is critical for patients who monitor glucose levels at home to be aware of which units of measurement their glucose meter uses. Glucose levels are measured in either:[citation needed].

some journals now use mmol/L as the primary unit but quote mg/dL in parentheses.

the definition of “normal” varies among medical professionals. In general, the normal range for most people (fasting adults) is about 4 to 6 mmol/L or 80 to 110 mg/dL.

Excess Glucose And Other Ways For Cholesterol Depositions [7]

Glucose is the source of our energy. Whenever we feel low and weak, we either drink glucose powder or if the matters are worse, doctors put you on a glucose drip.

The main source is food rich in carbs such as potatoes and rice. As much as glucose is necessary for energising our body to complete routine tasks an excess of the same glucose can be the cause of our death.

It is a common condition faced by people suffering from diabetes. It is common knowledge how diabetes reduces a person’s life expectancy.

We have all noticed that people suffering from diabetes and obesity have a higher risk of stroke. So, the question arises “How are fat, glucose and heart diseases connected.

Our blood vessels are surrounded by flat epithelial cells. These cells are surrounded by the basement membrane, which is the lining of the blood vessels.

This entry of excess water results in the swelling of the epithelial cells. This causes the diameter of the blood vessels to shrink, and as a result, there is an increase in blood pressure.

This tricks the immune system to cover the exposed membrane using LDL cholesterol and blood clotting factor. Over many years, this cholesterol gets deposited in the blood vessels, causing damage.

Generally, the level of glucose is regulated by the pancreas. The pancreas produces insulin in the body, which controls the glucose present in the blood.

Thus, the body fails to balance insulin and glucose levels. As a result, there is an excess amount of glucose in the body.

The insulin binds to the receptor present on the surface of the cells. This provides a passage for the glucose to leave the blood vessel and enter the cells, where it undergoes glycolysis to release energy.

However, when there is excess glucose in the body, it causes insulin resistance in the body. Insulin resistance causes the buildup of glucose in the blood cells.

Once the surplus glucose enters the blood cells, it allows the entry of the excess water surrounding the cell. This results in the swelling of the cell.

The immune system of the body works on it, and helps in the deposition of the LDL in the vacant place. Excess glucose leads to the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels.

One of the main mechanisms is glycation. When glucose levels are high, surplus glucose molecules can bind to proteins, including LDL cholesterol.

Additionally, high blood glucose levels can produce free radicals, which can damage LDL cholesterol and make it more susceptible to oxidation. Oxidised LDL cholesterol is particularly harmful, as it can trigger an inflammatory response in the arteries and promote the deposition of fat.

This damage can lead to the development of atherosclerosis, a buildup of plaque in the arteries that can restrict blood flow and increase the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Also, Read | Biology: There Is Science Behind Third Gender Identities.

It can also damage the small blood vessels in our eyes, kidneys, and nerves. This can lead to a range of serious complications, such as blindness, kidney failure, and neuropathy.

To reduce the deposition of LDL fat in the arteries, it is important to change your lifestyle. This can be achieved by adopting healthy habits.

It is important to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. This can cause the easy excretion of water from the body.

This can be achieved through a combination of medication, a healthy diet, regular exercise, and monitoring blood glucose levels regularly. In addition, adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and managing stress.

Also, Read | How Understanding Chemistry Helps Concept Building In Biology.

Managing Blood Sugar after Gallbladder Removal [8]

Undergoing gallbladder surgery can be a concern for patients with diabetes, as they may face challenges in managing their blood sugar levels post-surgery. At G&L Surgical Clinic, we recognise these challenges and strive to address your concerns.

In this article, we will explore the connection between gallbladder removal and blood sugar regulation, discuss risk factors for high blood sugar following surgery, and provide practical tips for managing blood sugar levels after gallbladder removal.

This small, pear-shaped organ is located beneath the liver and is responsible for the storage and concentration of bile, a digestive fluid produced by the liver to facilitate the digestion and absorption of fats and other nutrients in the small intestine.

As a result, bile produced by the liver flows directly into the small intestine. This continuous, unregulated flow of bile can lead to a lower concentration of bile in the intestine, particularly after consuming a fatty meal.

Moreover, bile regulates the digestion of carbohydrates by neutralising stomach acid and maintaining an optimal pH in the small intestine. With the gallbladder removed and bile flow less regulated, this may lead to incomplete carbohydrate digestion and absorption, further contributing to gastrointestinal symptoms.

These changes in bile flow and nutrient absorption can have broader implications, including an impact on blood sugar regulation. Disruptions in bile flow following gallbladder removal can lead to alterations in the levels of gut hormones, which play a role in blood sugar control.

Understanding how certain risk factors can impact blood sugar regulation after gallbladder removal is crucial for managing potential complications and ensuring optimal recovery. Here, we discuss how pre-existing diabetes, obesity, and age can affect blood sugar control following cholecystectomy.

Gallbladder removal can further exacerbate these issues by disrupting bile flow, carbohydrate digestion, and gut hormone secretion. Consequently, diabetic patients may experience more significant fluctuations in blood sugar levels after gallbladder removal, requiring closer monitoring and potential adjustments to their diabetes management plan.

Following gallbladder removal, obese individuals may face additional challenges in managing their blood sugar levels due to the altered digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Our bodies become less efficient at processing glucose as we age, and insulin sensitivity may decrease. These factors, combined with the altered bile flow and gut hormone secretion following gallbladder removal, can make it more challenging for older individuals to maintain stable blood sugar levels after surgery.

Here, we provide practical tips and highlight the importance of regular monitoring and lifestyle changes to support blood sugar regulation following a cholecystectomy. Consistent monitoring of blood sugar levels is important after gallbladder removal, as fluctuations can occur due to disruptions in bile flow, nutrient absorption, and gut hormone secretion.

Work with your healthcare team to determine the appropriate frequency and method of blood sugar monitoring. Depending on your specific needs, this may involve self-monitoring using a glucometer or continuous glucose monitoring system.

Consume fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.

Additionally, consider consuming smaller, more frequent meals to avoid overwhelming your digestive system. Regular physical activity can help improve insulin sensitivity and support blood sugar regulation after gallbladder removal.

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for blood sugar control, as obesity can contribute to insulin resistance and exacerbate blood sugar fluctuations after gallbladder removal. Work with your healthcare team to develop a weight management plan, which may include a combination of dietary modifications, increased physical activity, and behaviour changes.

This may involve changing dosages and medication types, to accommodate the changes in your digestive function and blood sugar regulation. At G&L Surgical Clinic, we specialise in gallbladder removal surgery and are well-equipped to handle the specific needs of diabetic patients.

Ganesh has extensive experience in treating patients with diabetes and providing expert advice on managing gallbladder disease. Our dedicated team is committed to supporting patients throughout the entire process, from pre-operative consultations to post-operative care and blood sugar management.

We are here to provide personalised guidance and support to navigate the challenges of blood sugar regulation following a gallbladder removal.

What are the complications of glomerular disease? [9]

On this page: Glomerular disease is a condition that can damage your kidneys.

Damaged glomeruli can allow proteins and sometimes red blood cells to leak into your urine. One of the proteins in your blood is albumin.

In some cases, glomerular disease can also prevent your kidneys from properly removing waste products, causing wastes to build up in your blood. As blood passes through healthy kidneys, the glomeruli filter out waste products and allow the blood to keep the cells and proteins the body needs.

But one of them, diabetic kidney disease, affects more than 1 in 3 U.S. adults who have diabetes.1 Diabetic kidney disease is also the leading cause of end-stage kidney disease, which is kidney failure that is treated with dialysis or a kidney transplant.

Having a family member who has glomerular disease increases your risk. Glomerular disease often progresses slowly, causing no symptoms for many years.

In some cases, glomerular disease can cause rapid kidney failure that may lead to confusion and death if not treated immediately. Symptoms of glomerular disease vary and are related to the type of damage to your glomeruli.

Symptoms can include. One or more of these symptoms can be the first sign of kidney disease.

In some cases, the exact cause of a glomerular disease is unknown. Health care professionals diagnose glomerular disease by ordering tests, such as.

In some cases, glomerular disease may go away once its cause has been treated. In other cases, the disease may go away but later return.

Health care professionals often treat glomerular disease with medicines, such as. If kidney disease advances to kidney failure, your health care professional may suggest treatment options such as.

But if you have glomerular disease, your health care professional may recommend you. NIDDK conducts and supports clinical trials in many diseases and conditions, including kidney diseases.

Clinical trials—and other types of clinical studies—are part of medical research and involve people like you. When you volunteer to take part in a clinical study, you help doctors and researchers learn more about disease and improve health care for people in the future.

Find out if clinical studies are right for you. Watch a video of NIDDK Director Dr.

Rodgers explaining the importance of participating in clinical trials. You can view a filtered list of clinical studies on glomerular disease that are federally funded, open, and recruiting at You can expand or narrow the list to include clinical studies from industry, universities, and individuals.

Always talk with your health care provider before you participate in a clinical study. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

US Department of Health and Human Services. 2020.

768 KB). O’Shaughnessy MM, Hogan SL, Poulton CJ, et al.

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2017.

doi: 10.2215/CJN.10871016. O’Shaughnessy MM, Hogan SL, Thompson BD, Coppo R, Fogo AB, Jennette JC.

Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation. 2018.

doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfx189. Mariani LH, Bomback AS, Canetta PA, et al.

American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2019.

doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2018.07.020.

Only about 20% of the cholesterol in your bloodstream comes from the food you eat. Your body makes the rest. [10]

Cholesterol has a bad reputation, thanks to its well-known role in promoting heart disease. Excess cholesterol in the bloodstream is a key contributor to artery-clogging plaque, which can accumulate and set the stage for a heart attack.

To fully explain cholesterol, you need to realize that it’s also vital to your health and well-being. Although we measure cholesterol production in the blood, it’s found in every cell in the body.

Cholesterol also is needed to make vitamin D, hormones (including testosterone and estrogen), and fat-dissolving bile acids. In fact, cholesterol production is so important that your liver and intestines make about 80% of the cholesterol you need to stay healthy.

(See illustration.).

Since cholesterol is a fat, it can’t travel alone in the bloodstream. It would end up as useless globs (imagine bacon fat floating in a pot of water).

These tiny particles, called lipoproteins (lipid plus protein), move cholesterol and other fats throughout the body. Cholesterol and other lipids circulate in the bloodstream in several different forms.

But lipoproteins come in a range of shapes and sizes, and each type has its own tasks. They also morph from one form into another.

– By Julie Corliss Executive Editor, Harvard Heart Letter.

How does the menstrual cycle affect blood sugar levels? [11]

The menstrual cycle is a complex biological process that involves the cyclical maturation and release of an egg, controlled by a delicate interplay of hormones. While the hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle are primarily associated with reproductive function, they can also have significant effects on metabolism.

One such effect is on blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, which can vary across the menstrual cycle. Understanding these variations is important, as they may have implications for the management of conditions such as diabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in women.

In this article, we will explore the relationship between the menstrual cycle, blood sugar levels, and insulin resistance, and discuss the potential implications for women’s health. The menstrual cycle is the process of ovulation and menstruation, which occurs on average every 28 days in most women.

These hormones are responsible for preparing the uterus for pregnancy, as well as causing changes in the ovaries and other organs. The menstrual cycle consists of two main phases: the follicular phase (approx days 1-14) and the luteal phase (approx days 15-28).

You can learn more about it in our in-depth article about The Menstrual Cycle – Phases, hormones, and their functions. Historically, studies on how blood sugar levels change during the menstrual cycle have had mixed results.

However, its important to note that these studies have had issues like small numbers of blood sugar tests, reliance on self-reported dates for menstruation, and not accounting for differences in body weight or physical activity, which could explain why the results vary from one study to another.

They found that sugar levels were highest during the Luteal phase (after ovulation, before menstruation) and lowest during the Late Follicular phase (just before Ovulation). These changes were consistent even when considering other factors like physical activity, estrogen levels, food cravings, tiredness, and sleep problems.

For instance, estrogen can reduce appetite and food cravings, which might help explain why blood sugar levels and food cravings vary during the cycle. The study also suggests that daily blood sugar levels could be used to estimate different phases of the menstrual cycle.

However, it’s worth noting that women with diabetes may experience more significant changes in blood sugar levels during the menstrual cycle than women without diabetes. As mentioned before, different stages of the menstrual cycle can have different effects on your blood sugar levels.

As you approach the luteal phase, these blood sugar levels naturally increase even further and you may experience some insulin resistance. Several studies ( have shown that a high concentration of progesterone is related to abnormal glucose metabolism, a high level of plasma glucose, and increased insulin resistance.

We mentioned in the previous section, how blood sugar levels change in the menstrual cycle. Now let us dig a little further into the hormones responsible for blood sugar levels.

Glucagon comes from alpha cells found in the pancreas, their primary function is to work with other hormones and bodily functions to control glucose levels in the blood. In simple terms, they increase blood sugar levels when they go too low.

A cell’s ability to absorb glucose is mediated by insulin, which allows the muscle, fat, and liver to absorb glucose from the blood. Glucose can serve as energy or be converted into fat as needed.

This is because insulin is a hormone that helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. When insulin levels are too high, it can disrupt the normal balance of hormones, which can lead to irregular periods.

Instead, it’s a combination of certain genetic and lifestyle factors that can lead to the condition. These include:

There is some evidence that ovulation may cause insulin resistance. One study found that women who ovulated had higher levels of insulin and C-peptide (a marker for insulin resistance) than women who did not ovulate.

These studies suggest that there may be a link between ovulation and insulin resistance, but more research is needed to confirm this. If you’re concerned about your risk of insulin resistance, talk to your healthcare provider.

Studies also show that, during the luteal phase, there would be an increase in circulating insulin and a reduction in circulating glucose and triglycerides. A few major factors that can worsen insulin resistance are.

However, you can help your body’s cells become more receptive to insulin by. Hormone changes, especially during your menstrual cycle, can affect a person’s diabetes.

So women with diabetes should take extra care in managing these changes. Several factors can influence blood sugar levels during menstruation.

Studies have shown that women who consume a diet high in carbohydrates and processed foods may experience greater blood sugar fluctuations during the menstrual cycle. Recent studies suggest that regular physical activity (PA) can lower the risk of insulin resistance.

However, both aerobic and resistance exercises can improve glucose regulation.

Other factors that may influence blood sugar levels during the menstrual cycle include medications and other health conditions. Managing blood sugar levels during the menstrual cycle can be challenging, but there are several strategies that women can use to help regulate their blood sugar levels.

Women should consume foods that are low in carbohydrates and high in fiber, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Women should aim to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. Other strategies for managing blood sugar levels during the menstrual cycle include managing stress, getting adequate sleep, and taking medications as prescribed.

These devices can provide real-time information on blood sugar levels and help identify patterns and fluctuations over time. It’s also important to keep a menstrual cycle calendar or app to track the menstrual cycle phases and note any changes in blood sugar levels.

This information can help in adjusting diet, exercise, and medication to manage blood sugar levels during the menstrual cycle. It’s important to consult with a healthcare provider for guidance on tracking and managing blood sugar levels during the menstrual cycle.

Lifestyle changes: Diet guidelines:

Women with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar levels regularly and take steps to manage their blood sugar levels. By understanding the relationship between the menstrual cycle and glucose levels and adopting healthy lifestyle habits, women can improve their overall health and well-being.

Reference source

  1. https://slideplayer.com/slide/10336560/
  2. https://slideplayer.com/slide/1711436/
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_sugar_level
  4. https://dtc.ucsf.edu/types-of-diabetes/type2/understanding-type-2-diabetes/how-the-body-processes-sugar/controlling-blood-sugar/
  5. https://www.studocu.com/en-us/document/universal-technical-institute/biology/answers-to-gizmo-circulatory-system/15099371
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperglycemia
  7. https://www.careers360.com/premium/how-does-blood-glucose-damage-your-blood-vessels
  8. https://www.glsurgical.com.sg/gallbladder-surgery-in-patients-with-diabetes-managing-blood-sugar-levels/
  9. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/kidney-disease/glomerular-disease
  10. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/how-its-made-cholesterol-production-in-your-body
  11. https://elara.care/hormones/relationship-between-menstrual-cycle-and-blood-sugar/

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