19 How To Tell If A Girl Just Had Sex Hit

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How to tell if a girl just had sex
How to tell if a girl just had sex

If you’re wondering how to tell if your girlfriend has slept with someone else but you don’t feel comfortable just asking, here’s how you’ll know. [1]

There are just some things you don’t ask girls. How much she weighs, how old she is, and how many people she’s been with are at the top of that list.

If you’re wondering how to tell if your girlfriend has slept with someone else, we’re here to help. What do you do when you just can’t ask those things.

Since asking her may ruin your chances of even being with her, choose another means of finding out that information. Does it matter how many people she’s slept with.

The number of people a person’s been with is usually something you want to know if you end up becoming serious with them. You may even want to know just so you have a better idea of how experienced they are compared to you.

The short answer: no. However, depending on your religion and personal beliefs, it could mean more to different people.

[Read: 14 things you can do to get your partner to open up about sex]. How to tell if your girlfriend has slept with someone else – without asking her.

It’s natural to be curious about how many people someone you care about has been intimate with. But if you don’t want to risk upsetting them or even driving them away, find out without actually asking her.

Keep in mind everyone is different and not all of these rules work for the same person. These are the best ways to find out if your girlfriend slept with someone else without having to ask her.

If your girlfriend has had sex with someone before you, you’ll mostly be able to tell with the way she handles herself in the situation. Is she too nervous.

If she seems experienced and like she knows what she’s doing, it’s probably because she does. However, this is something that can be faked, so don’t go on just this tip alone.

#2 She’s really confident in bed. Just like someone who seems experienced probably has had sex before you, a really confident girl between the sheets probably does too.

And since she knows what she’s doing because she’s had sex before, it makes her feel more confident. However, some girls are just confident no matter what.

#3 She knows what you’d like before you tell her. Now, all guys aren’t the same, but most guys have similar things they like in bed.

[Read: How to talk about past relationships with your partner]. #4 She initiated the first time.

If your girlfriend initiated it the first time, she may have some experience under her belt. #5 She’s well-groomed.

If your girlfriend is well-groomed down below the first time you get intimate, she may know a few things about keeping that area in tip top shape just the way guys like it. However, there are girls who have done plenty of research and may have just got some advice from friends in that regards.

[Read: 20 real girl problems that guys will never understand]. #6 She takes the lead.

It’s not her first time. Confident girls know what they’re doing will be the ones to take lead.

#7 She initiates new positions. Newbies in the bedroom aren’t really going to know what positions are the best and what feels good.

But if she’s had sex with someone else before you, she’ll initiate different positions based on what she knows feels best for her. Because she’s slept with someone else and knows.

#8 She talks dirty. Dirty talk is not for the girls who haven’t had sex before.

So, if your girl is a firecracker in bed and knows just what to say, she’s had sex with someone before you. This is especially true if she just whips out the dirty talk out of nowhere.

#9 She has a reputation. Now, reputations can’t always be reliable because rumors get started.

Therefore, you shouldn’t rely only on what others say about her. If there’s a well-known fact that she’s had sex before, then she probably has.

There are tons of reasons girls go on birth control and a lot of them aren’t just to control having kids. However, if she’s on birth control and she has a lot of these other signs, she’s probably slept with someone else before you.

No girl who’s not having sex is going to have a stash of condoms lying around. If she has some readily available when you go to have sex for the first time, she’s probably slept with someone else before you.

[Read: 10 often-overlooked sex moves she’ll love in bed]. #12 She avoids talking about her past relationships.

If she changes the subject when the topic of her exes comes up, she may be avoiding talking about how she’s been with other people before you. [Read: Turn offs for girls: 32 worst things to say to a girl after sex].

You definitely won’t grow a new hymen [2]

“That is a complete fallacy,” says Dr. Zanotti.

It’s something that’s broken through when a woman [first] has intercourse or maybe uses a tampon. That tissue does not regrow.

Women who are late into menopause may experience a slight shrinking of the vaginal opening, Dr. Zanotti says.

Is It Okay If I Don’t Have A Dramatic/Loud Reaction During An Orgasm? [3]

Like most women, around 10-15%, if you’ve never experienced an orgasm before and are wondering what just happened, then, this article is mainly for you. It can be slightly challenging to identify whether or not you had an orgasm, especially if you’ve never had one.

Simply put, an orgasm is an enhanced pleasurable sexual arousal/stimulation that results in physical and psychological changes in the body. However, the goal of sex may not always be to have an orgasm.

Also, it’s important that we address the elephant in the room— pleasure and orgasm aren’t the same. Just because sex gives you pleasure, doesn’t mean that it will give you orgasm too.

So, let’s read on to find out how to know if a girl had an orgasm, and also, woman climax signs and symptoms.

Female orgasm is a physical and emotional reaction that occurs during sexual activity and is characterized by intense pleasure and the release of body tension. It is caused by the complex interaction of physical, psychological, and social factors.

Female orgasms can be achieved through various sexual stimulation methods, such as clitoral stimulation, vaginal penetration, or a combination of the two. It is also possible to achieve it through non-sexual means, such as fantasy or even exercise.

For someone with a clitoris, medically speaking, an orgasm may or may not always be like “fireworks” as commonly described. It could simply be a subtle increase in tension, after which there is a sudden release.

Nevertheless, here are a few signs to look out for:.

Usually, after an orgasm, you tend to release a range of feel-good hormones such as oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin. As a result, you feel truckloads of happiness, emotional releases, a sense of euphoria, empathy, closeness to your partner, peace and satisfaction.

YES, it is absolutely okay if you don’t have a dramatic or loud reaction during an orgasm. Different individuals have different reactions to an orgasm.

There is no right or wrong way to get an orgasm. The reactions shown in books, movies, songs etc, are highly generalised and are choreographed.

Always remember, fantasy, reel and real are all different and it’s important that you rely on facts and understand your body better to know if you had an orgasm.

Biologically, an orgasm can be encouraged by multisensory simulations, stimulations such as genital stimulation, including skin, breasts, mental stimulants. Here’s a fun fact we bet you didn’t know: orgasms happen in our brains, not our genitals.

Our skin is our most significant sexual organ, while our brain is the most crucial one. With that being said, the following are some ways to encourage/achieve orgasm faster:

While many people believe that women can only have clitoral orgasms, there are several types of orgasms that women can have. Clitoral, vaginal, G-spot, cervical, and even nipple orgasms are examples.

The clitoris is a highly sensitive organ at the top of the vulva that serves as the primary source of female sexual pleasure. Many women, however, do not receive enough clitoral stimulation during sexual activity, making it difficult for them to achieve orgasm.

While sex is often associated with pleasure, for some women, it can also be a source of pain. Vulvodynia, vaginismus, and endometriosis, as well as certain medications, hormonal changes, and psychological factors, can all cause pain during sex.

A study found that menopause does not eliminate a woman’s sexual drive as commonly believed. They examined four years’ worth of responses from women about their sexual health before and after menopause.

A recent survey of over 1000 women aged 18 and up conducted by an American firm debunks the myth that women lose interest in sex as they get older. According to the survey, 89 percent of women aged 45 to 55 are the most experimental.

Women can experience various types of orgasms, and each woman’s ability to experience different types can vary. Here are some of the most common types of orgasms that women can experience:

The clitoris is a highly sensitive organ located on the vulva’s top. The clitoris can be stimulated, resulting in a clitoral orgasm, which is characterised by the intense pleasure and contractions of the pelvic muscles.

The vaginal canal contains a dense network of nerve endings that can be stimulated by penetration. Some women may be able to achieve orgasm solely through vaginal stimulation, which can result in intense pleasure and pelvic muscle contractions.

The G-spot is a highly sensitive area inside the vagina that is approximately two to three inches in on the front vaginal wall. Stimulation of the G-spot can cause a G-spot orgasm, which is characterized by the intense pleasure and pelvic muscle contractions.

The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. Cervical orgasms can occur when the cervix is stimulated, and they are characterized by deep, full-body pleasure and pelvic muscle contractions.

The nipples are extremely sensitive areas that can be stimulated by touch or simply thinking about them. Nipple stimulation can cause a nipple orgasm, which is characterised by the intense pleasure and contractions of the pelvic muscles.

Directly ask your partner, or look out for signals such as heavy breathing, curling of fingers, and any involuntary muscle contractions.

It is important to note that climaxing can be uncomfortable or painful for the first few times. However, that’s normal.

It can feel different for the same person at various times. Research suggests that people with vulvas can experience a total of 14 different types of orgasms.

Unbelievable, isn’t it. To end with, keep it ” No shame attached” while communicating with your partner to have a good time.

So, what’s up with the third-date rule? [4]

Ah, sex and dating. Dating and sex.

Should “dating” be a precursor to sex. If so, what’s the right number of dates to go on before sex.

Are any rules really valid. *Screams into the void*.

But it’s 2021, and plenty of people are getting it on Marvin Gae-style without rings—or strings—attached. Still, sex is a physical way of bonding with another person, says Lori Lawrenz, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in sexual health at the Hawaii Center for Sexual and Relationship Health.

Often when we have sex with someone we are dating it is an expression of emotions and physicality that suggests the closeness we feel is reciprocated,” she notes. But more than that, some may also use sex “as a barometer to determine the level of the relationship,” explains Lawrenz.

Only a good ole fashioned talk can do that.

But if you’re still in need of some guidance, these expert-approved tips will help you figure out the right time (for you) to have sex with someone you’re dating.

—but if you’re seeking a committed relationship with this person, it may be helpful to think of sex more strategically. As Lawrenz puts it: “If both parties have consented and feel comfortable engaging in sex on the first date, then by all means, enjoy yourself.

After all, the slow build of sexual tension that develops over time can contribute to a deeper sexual connection, which may be reason enough to sway you away from having sex on the first date, Lawrenz adds. “If partners are seeking a relationship, then sex on the first date may inhibit the development of an emotional connection and heighten the physical aspect of the relationship to a degree that may be too much too soon,” she explains.

Making sure both parties are on the same page. “If one party is resistant, and the other is gung-ho, it’s best to wait.

So when in doubt, it might be better to err on the side of caution. As far as long-term relationships go, the research is mixed.

“The study suggests that dating and investing time in one another and the relationship before engaging in sexual contact [a.k.a. waiting a while before having sex] warrants the best relational outcomes,” Lawrenz says.

Of course, if you’re not hoping to get into a committed relationship with your date, this is much less important. If you’re feeling the sexual chemistry and wanting a fling, use your best judgment to decide when you’re ready to heat things up (and be safe.

No two relationships are alike, and there are no rules when it comes to sex—except for enthusiastic consent, of course. There are ~many~ reasons why you may want to leap into bed with someone in the super early stages of a relationship, like on a first date, or why you may feel like it’s best to hold off.

You’ve probably heard this one before: You should wait until the third date to have sex, so you don’t risk the other person totally ghosting you after sleeping together. Unfortunately, waiting until the third date doesn’t guarantee anything, and it’s probably best to avoid making decisions about your sex life based on “rules,” says Lawrenz.

To have a relationship based on trust and communication, you want to find a time to engage sexually that meets both partners’ needs and desires.”. That means there is no set number of dates you should have before getting physical, sorry (not sorry.

“Determining the number that fits with your relationship and your values is the best number,” Lawrenz says. “For one person that may be one date, but for someone else it may be one hundred dates, and that’s okay as long as both parties consent.”.

Again, this isn’t a concrete rule though.

“Sexual expression and mutual pleasure are beautiful ways to connect relationally. By ensuring that you engage in sex acts with who you want, when you want, you can ensure the sex will be a positive experience,” Lawrenz says.

But if you’re still super confused, these tips might help you decide when the moment is right for you.

Try something like: “I’m really flattered and I feel a lot of chemistry with you, but I’m a relationship person and I want to make sure I don’t get ahead of myself,” says Chloe Carmichael, PhD, a relationship therapist in New York City, and author of Dr. Chloe’s 10 Commandments of Dating.

If they miss the chance to pick up the ball and talk about relationships, you can probably take the absence of their statement as a statement in itself. (Read: A relationship is not on their mind.) Speaking of which..

You don’t need to have the relationship convo this early in the game. instead, try having a general chat about what you’re both looking for in the long run—not necessarily with each other.

That’s totally fine. But if you know that your goal in dating is to have a relationship, then you want to make sure they have the same goal before you sleep with them, says Carmichael.

Note that someone who is “open to a relationship” isn’t the same as someone who is “looking for a relationship.” A person who has a specific goal will be willing to work through challenges to make it happen. conversely, somebody who is just open to something is more likely to walk away if it doesn’t seem to be happening without challenges, explains Carmichael.

Don’t worry that openly talking about wanting a relationship will make you sound desperate. It’s not desperate at all.

Do a self check-in with the following questions to help you decide if you’re ready to have sex with a new partner, advises Carol Queen, PhD, Good Vibrations Staff Sexologist and co-author of The Sex & Pleasure Book: Good Vibrations Guide to Great Sex for Everyone.

“I think it’s really valuable to consider your feelings about all of that before you decide to be sexual—basically, know thyself.”. Two major reactions happen when women sleep with a date, says Carmichael.

If the sex is good, your body produces the bonding hormone oxytocin (the very same hormone that nursing mothers release, btw). If your partner is male, he’ll produce more testosterone, the “hunting hormone.” Unless he’s decided he’s going to commit to you, he might try to continue hunting..as in, sleeping with other people.

Once you’ve felt a bit of that bonding hormone, you’re probably going to stop trying to sleep with other people.

The only person who can truly decide how many dates you should go on before having sex is you, so take your time if you need to, figure out exactly what you’re looking for in another person, and always practice safety.

she holds a bachelor’s in psychology from Columbia University and is also a culinary school graduate of the plant-based Natural Gourmet Institute, which is now the Natural Gourmet Center at the Institute of Culinary Education. Her work has appeared in the New York Post, Men’s Journal, Rolling Stone, Oprah Daily, Insider.com, Architectural Digest, Southern Living, and more.

Learn more at VeganWhenSober.com. Chloe Carmichael, Ph.D.

Her book was endorsed by Deepak Chopra. Carmichael specializes in high-functioning people and emphasizes learning how to glean the healthy benefits from life’s challenges to increase fulfillment, productivity, and well-being.

What You Can Do to Help [5]

In fact, a more recent study published in 2003 by the Kinsey Institute, involving a telephone survey of 987 white and black women aged 20 to 65 years old, found that just 24 percent of women reported marked distress about their sexual relationship or sexuality.

Sexual dysfunction, like sexual response, also differs between the sexes: In women, it can be subtle and individualized, unlike in men, where it can be a more obvious problem, like the inability to maintain an erection.

Still, talking about sex and working on your sexual relationship can be difficult, even when you’ve enjoyed great intimacy. These ideas can help.

First-time sex: safety first! [6]

If you’re considering having sex for the first time, you should be aware of ways to protect yourself from unsafe sex. Having unprotected sex can transmit infections.

The risk of contracting infections is much higher if you don’t use protection when you have sex. Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) include:

HIV has no cure, but there are medications that can suppress the virus almost completely. Left untreated, HIV can develop into AIDS, which has no cure.

43 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Girlfriend Slept With Someone Else [7]

Have you been noticing a change in your girlfriend’s behavior.

Perhaps you can’t find the answer why..

It features 41 clear signs that your girlfriend is sleeping with someone else.

It’s not always possible to know if a woman has been unfaithful from her body language. Some of them are icey masters of deception.

That’s why I want to recommend the online tool most likely to reveal what has been going on.

Enter a few of your girlfriend’s basic details into this tool and you’ll discover who she’s been contacting most frequently.

And that’s just the start. You’ll receive a lot more data about her recent communications on top of that.

If your girlfriend has been playing around, this tool will reveal the evidence. (Hopefully nothing incriminating pops up and you can continue with a happy relationship).

It’s important to mention that this process is completely discreet. There’s no way she’ll find out that it’s being used on her.

The clues below will reveal whether you have a good reason to be suspicious of her behavior. Contents.

Is she giving you reasons to doubt her fidelity, but you can’t seem to decipher what has gone wrong. Perhaps she’s cheating, but you don’t have any basis for accusations.

Here’s the thing, cheating partners are always sneaky, and many of them can be pretty good at covering their tracks whenever they sleep with someone outside their relationship. Though they may feel like they are sleek and discreet, people make careless moves from time to time.

If you could just be extra attentive to look out for some signs your girlfriend just slept with someone else. you might just be able to figure out if she has compromised the relationship.

If you are interested, let’s not waste any more time as we dive into these 43 signs that’ll help you figure out if your girlfriend just slept with someone else. If she’s just coming from one of her cheating expeditions, there’s a huge chance coming close to you will seem a little difficult for her.

Notice her reaction. she won’t be too psyched about being affectionate.

If your girlfriend isn’t naturally an introvert that keeps to herself half the time, then being quiet is a good sign she was up to something earlier. On such days, notice you may have tried to reach her on her cell phone without success.

All things being equal, sex makes people a little tired and satisfied. So the chances are, another sexual encounter won’t be on her to-do list if she’s been with another man.

her reaction will tell you a lot. You’ll notice a huge “I’m not interested” vibe that’s not usually there.

The guilt makes them all jittery, which will make little things spook them. Ask them in a loving, “how come you arrived later than usual.

If infidelity is a new path for your girlfriend, chances are, she won’t find looking into your eyes easy. Research shows that people find it difficult to maintain eye contact with their accusers when they’ve done something wrong.

if something is fishy, it will spook her instead of exciting her. People use unusual behaviors as a defense mechanism to throw people off their real motives or intentions.

Wondering about your man. Let’s find out who he really is.From the newly dating to the happily married, trust issues can creep up on anyone.

Could he be sending flirty texts to another woman. Or secretly swiping on Tinder.

Or, the worst fear – could he be cheating.

It’ll dig out hidden social media accounts, dating profiles, photos, any legal run-ins, and more. Let us help clear your mind.

Things like this can’t easily be explained or denied, she would have to come up with something really creative if she denies getting some action outside the relationship. The way her clothes look could tell you what kind of things she did before coming home.

I’m sure this tip shouldn’t be hard for you to adopt.

Don’t let things like this slip, use them to your advantage if you feel like there’s a need to end the relationship. If you are looking for signs your girlfriend just slept with someone else, you might need to pay attention to her hair when she’s heading out.

You’d probably agree kissing is a very common part of sex. If your girl has just been with someone, you may notice her lipstick is smudged and has found its way off her lips to maybe, her cheeks.

Another careless move your girlfriend could make is rushing back home with a completely untidy face after the sex romp. Naturally, it couldn’t have been her style, so because it’s not yet a routine for her to cheat, forgetting to touch-up is possible.

Still, it could be a red flag. It’s one of the things people do to mask the scent of sex.

No matter how spontaneous and adventurous a person is, it’s not uncommon for sex to follow a routine most times. Suddenly initiating a new style or move might be a sign she’s been with someone else.

It’s only natural for a girl getting more sex elsewhere to go out more without you, the boyfriend. It’s not a hard sign to spot.

No faithful girlfriend has a sex finder app. It’s a sloppy move, but that’s what happens to cheaters eventually when they think no one is watching them.

Don’t see her as your ex-girlfriend yet until you catch her in a web of lies. The truth is, some ladies are very strategic fibbers, but it would take magical powers for them to equally change how things actually happened.

Amateur cheaters can be sloppy with their phones after cheating. Chances are, the other guy might want to text her about how great the sex was.

Your girlfriend may successfully throw you off her cheating trail with her words, but her body language will likely give her away. Look out for signs such as brushing her hair before answering your questions, pretending to be busy, and too much blinking.

Unlike men, women are not pros at compartmentalizing when it comes to cheating. A cheating girlfriend may be lost in thought frequently because she remembers the sex she just had a while ago.

In combination with coming in late, if you notice your girlfriend always gives generic answers to your questions, she’s probably cooked a ready-made solution to keep you quiet. When your girlfriend has just slept with someone, there’s no doubt you’ll be seeing strange habits such as being overprotective of her phone, mood swings or being defensive for no reason.

If you feel she’s just returning from a cheating trip, ask her unexpectedly and calmly for her phone. Pretend you need to call your cell, if your suspicions are right, a reaction will be a mix of defense and refusal.

This area is uncharted for most men. But if you want to catch a pro, you have to know the number of tablets she uses after sex.

If she is sleeping with someone else, an ‘audit report’ will expose her. Cheating partners don’t think of the consequence of their infidelity, but they do play safe.

You can also bait her by keeping tons of them in the house. Trust me.

Again an audit report will help you here. If it has come to the point where your girl seems to enjoy the man outside better than you, you’ll start to notice a significant drop in her bedroom excitement.

No offense, but the guy may be better than you at the game. Not only will she complain because she’s not enjoying you, but cheaters are also manipulators.

This sign is common with pros and amateurs. The chances a woman wants to get down with you after a prior hot session with another guy is pretty low.

then it’s a cheating red flag.

If your girl is going out to cheat, there are chances she’ll groom herself. She might shave her legs and do every other pre-sex ritual women do.

Another sign common to all cheaters is the disappearing act. While this vanishing can be for hours or days, one thing that’s common is they won’t let you know where they’ve been.

If you know your girlfriend’s schedule, you’ll likely know how long it takes for her to get home from work. A secrete engagement like a sex appointment after work will definitely add to the time.

This move is the alternative to masking the ‘sex smell’ with perfume. If you notice your girlfriend avoiding you by heading straight to the bathroom, that’s a classic evidence-eliminating move.

Engaging in some lip-locking action will naturally wipe lipstick. Unlike amateurs, advanced cheaters take their time to add more lipstick.

it’s a red flag for suspicion if the lipstick looks too fresh. Most of us have been in a relationship where someone cheated.

So it would be easy for you to see the signs if an ex-girlfriend has pulled the same stunts before. There are really no new tactics in this game of cheating, especially when you’ve seen the way this plays out before.

Legends hardly get defensive or jittery after returning from a sexual encounter with another guy,. They’ll even buy you a gift once they notice they’ve gone AWOL for some time.

No one is perfect when it comes to cheating. they’ll eventually get careless and get caught.

Digital receipts are sent by either email or text. This sign could be a good way of knowing they are seeing someone outside the relationship.

If they visit a hotel to sleep with a man, it’s likely a location where close friends can’t identify them. Since many mobile phone devices have location services, you can see their location.

Advance cheaters aren’t stupid to leave browsing history if they use online dating services. Because they don’t want you to know, they’ll use the web rather than the app and clear the record.

It’s a common habit among cheaters to send nudes. However, advanced cheaters can use special services like KeepSafe to ensure their activities are safe.

If your girlfriend or significant other has an active second phone you don’t know about. it’s a pointer someone may be sharing the sheets with you.

Unless you are dating a girl with an incredibly high libido, the frequency of having sex with you will naturally drop. If she’s been with a man, it’s one of the first few sings you’ll notice.

E.g., a colleague, a gym buddy, or anyone she has a ‘casual’ relationship with. If on occasion, she slips up and calls you her cheating partner’s name, that’s another disheartening sign.

Pretty sneaky right. When you notice the pet-names aren’t particular, she’s probably all over the place and only trying to play it safe.

If she’s sharing her body with another person other than you, you’ll likely feel the heat.

Yes, for a very attentive partner, some signs can show you slept with another person. E.g., people have successfully smelt sex on their partners.

All of these are signs to expose a cheater. It’s natural for a woman who has slept with another guy to avoid sex or avoid looking you in the eyes due to guilt.

A lady who has just gone down the unfaithful hole will likely be nervous and unsettled if confronted by her man. The matters of the heart are quite complex.

It takes self-discipline and a personal decision not to walk the infidelity route even if faced with strong temptations. If he doesn’t shower after sex, his genitals will likely smell like latex from a protective condom or some other strange smell if he did it without protection.

Because humans are capable of sexual activity without being in love, they can have sexual feelings towards another third party while they love their partner. It may result from neglect in relationships, desire to explore or relive missed opportunities, a pornography addiction, midlife, crises, and more.

Note that there are legendary cheaters. sneaking around and covering their trails is exciting for them altogether.

Infidelity is not cool. it could leave the victim paranoid, making it difficult to trust again.

Please leave a comment below and share this article if it was helpful. Utilize this instrument for a comprehensive background checkWhether your relationship is in its budding phase or you’re in the blissful realm of marriage, escalating infidelity rates (over 40% in the past two decades) warrant your caution.

Or you might be fearing the worst – infidelity. This robust tool is designed to uncover hidden social media and dating profiles, unseen photographs, undisclosed criminal records, and much more, providing you with the clarity you need.

Option 2: Hold off for a few months [8]

We’ve all worried about the early stages of a relationship, thinking about whether we’re moving too fast or slow with a potential mate. Which got us wondering: When is the best time to start being sexually intimate in a relationship, according to science.

The answer is complicated, spanning anywhere from a few dates to a few months after you start to spend time together. One of the reasons it’s hard to determine the best time in a relationship to have sex is because there hasn’t been a lot of research tackling that specific question.

Few studies have looked at the health of a relationship as it relates to when couples first had sex, and the research that has been done mostly features specific samples of people — mainly college students or married heterosexual couples.FN. Some may feel they need to reach milestones, like getting to know a person or sharing a first kiss, prior to having sex with a partner.

“None of these things are universal and every person is different. Some people need a safe emotional connection before having sex, some people don’t need it, some want it, and some don’t,” Wright said.

And because every relationship’s sexual cadence is unique, it’s difficult to predict how your first sexual experience with someone will pan out in the long term, she said. That’s why being honest with yourself about your relationship goals is one of the most useful ways to decide when to have sex, according to Wright.

And understand that the more you know someone’s body, mind, and preferences, the better the sex will often be,” she said.

Is it societal conditioning, or because I really want it. ” could be a helpful question if you find yourself debating when to get intimate.

“The most important thing is you both agree not to push,” he previously told Business Insider. “Be clear that the person is comfortable.”.

According to psychotherapist Barton Goldsmith a total of 3six hours spent together is all it takes to be ready. Those hours don’t have to be consecutive, he previously told Insider — it could be a dinner date plus a weekend afternoon spent together, and so on, until the hours add up.

For most people, that would probably take a few weeks. If a couple waits much longer than that, he said, the strong desire to have sex may begin to subside.

A more recent study, published in 2017, followed 2,173 Finnish women over seven years and found that those who stayed in the same relationship had a low sex drive compared to those who had new partners.

Coleman suggested that somewhere in the neighborhood of three months would be an ideal time to start being intimate.

“A good match is somebody that makes you feel calm and comfortable,” Talia Goldstein, a matchmaker, previously told Insider. Though the honeymoon phase can be fun, it’s full of ups and downs, and can be emotionally volatile.

“You move past that, and your feet are more on the ground,” Coleman said. She added that previous studies have said the couples who “waited until that level fared a lot better than people who had sex on the first, second, or third date.”.

Some people’s religious beliefs dictate that they wait to have sex until after they get married. There’s limited scientific research about how this practice impacts a long-term relationship, however.

One of the existing papers on the matter is a 2012 Cornell and University of Wisconsin study of nearly six00 couples who were raising children. The researchers found that those who had become sexually involved early on reported lower relationship quality overall.

They found that women who waited over six months before having sex with their partner were more satisfied with their relationship, felt more committed and intimate with their partners, and felt more sexually satisfied than those who had sex before six months.

Is there a true average? What’s ‘normal’? [9]

Is there a true average. What’s ‘normal’.

Frequently asked questions [10]

A romantic relationship cannot work when there are trust issues between the two people involved. One of the primary things that make relationships work is the understanding that trust is a two-way thing – it has to be given just as it is received.

The physical signs your girlfriend just slept with someone else are caused by guilt and should never be ignored. PAY ATTENTION: Help us change more lives, join TUKO.co.ke’s Patreon programme.

However, most of the time, some signs will tell you if someone is about to lose interest in you. If you want to tell if your girlfriend is physically cheating, you must look for any behaviour changes.

Read also. 15 tell-tale signs she has moved on to someone else already.

Anything out of the ordinary should be taken as a red alert and a remedy sought as soon as possible. Below are the top physical signs that your girlfriend slept with someone else:

She better have a good explanation as to why her hair is a mess, or else it would mean that she slept with someone else and forgot to tidy herself up.

Please reach us through [email protected] or WhatsApp: 0732482690. Another thing to look out for is her clothes.

Someone cannot be distracted without reason, so you should be concerned when your girlfriend is not paying attention.

10 sure signs she wants a serious relationship with you. As her boyfriend, you ought to know about anything that is worrying her.

This is among the most noticeable signs your partner is sleeping with someone else because you should be at the centre of her attention. Both of you should show each other affection and be caring towards the other no matter what.

You will start to notice that she is no longer around most of the time, and you can’t explain her whereabouts. If she keeps appearing and disappearing at odd hours, it is because she has found someone else.

Read also. When to leave a relationship: 15 signs you should give up on him.

There is no small thing to lie about in a relationship because it will give your partner a wrong impression. The question lingering on your mind will be, “what else could she be hiding.

Lying is bad because it dents relationship standards. If you catch your girlfriend lying about her location, it could mean she no longer cares about what happens to the relationship.

Intimacy is the wheel that keeps a relationship going. When the wheel is not in good shape, it indicates that things are about to go south.

Read also. 10 signs he doesn’t care about the relationship and what to do.

If it is stress-related, she should be able to return to previous intimacy levels as soon as possible.

To some, a partner’s phone is off limits, while to others, it is okay for a partner to view the other’s phone without permission. Either way, there should be no secrecy in how people in love use their phones.

If all of a sudden your girlfriend does not want you to touch her phone, then something sinister could be going on. One of the signs your girlfriend is sleeping with someone else is if she panics when she sees you operating her phone.

Read also. How to make a guy chase you by text.

a person is never busy – it only depends on whether you are on her priorities or not. If she still loves you, she will put everything else aside to make plans with you.

She may even start doing things she dislikes just to avoid being with you. Your girlfriend’s social habits around you will not change without reason.

Something will always pop up to prevent her from being around you.

A girlfriend who is sleeping with someone else will start to be distant for no reason. The worst bit is that she will be unreachable for extended periods when her phone is off, and she is not at her place of work or even with friends.

She stopped texting me out of nowhere. 8 possible reasons why.

This means you can ask her friends or colleagues where she is when you want to reach her. If no one can tell where she is, then it means that she is hiding something.

Women tend to stop caring too much about their appearance once they have settled in a relationship. They will purchase new and expensive clothes only for special occasions like the anniversary of your dating life unless it is something she has been doing all through.

A cheating girlfriend will wear old clothes when going out with you and rock the new ones when she leaves alone. She will always be excited when leaving home and comes back in high spirits, but the mood changes once she sees you.

Read also. Cute ways to ask a girl to be your girlfriend.

She will be enquiring about your schedule not because she cares about you but because she wants to know the best time to cheat on you. She will make plans to be with someone else while you are away and come home when you are around.

She is probably afraid that you may catch her in the act hence she gets worked up when you don’t stick to your schedule.

Interacting with friends and colleagues should be done during the day, while nighttime should be devoted to your partner. This is not just to avoid trust issues but also to show your partner that he is the most important thing to you.

Read also. How to pull away emotionally from a guy you love.

You will be forgiven for thinking that she has met someone else and she wishes to be with him instead of you. Otherwise, there is no explanation for her texting another person when she should be giving all her attention to you.

Read also. Signs your girlfriend is lesbian or bisexual.

If you want to fight for your relationship, you first have to establish whether your girlfriend likes someone else or not. After that, you will know the aspects of your love life that you will need to change so that she can love you again.

Tuko.co.ke published an article about when to leave a relationship. Breaking up is one of the most difficult things in a relationship.

Break up may end up resulting in a drastic change among the lovers. Having a legitimate reason to leave the relationship is important.

Read also. How to tell if your baby mama still loves you.

PAY ATTENTION: check out news exactly for YOU ➡️ find “Recommended for you” block and enjoy.

.By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. [11]

By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube.

Your vaginal walls could get thinner and tighter [12]

The pandemic has seen most people, barring couples who are in the same household, deprived of any sexual contact.

Quick recap: support bubbles allow for two households to come together as one, with the caveat that one of these households has an adult who lives alone. This means that that you can’t form a bubble with a household if both of them have several people living in the home.

They are then back to square one: no sex. Beyond sexual frustration, what actually happens in the body if we don’t have sex for a longer period of time.

Let’s start this off by saying that a ‘long time’ is hard to quantify – as it’s very individual. But for the sake of this investigation, we will use the pandemic as our example, so a ‘long time’ equates to 12-14 weeks.

We also get these from kissing, cuddling and general affection, but orgasms in particular provide a rush of hormones designed to make us feel relaxed. For some people, sex is also a way to distract their brain from other troubles, if even for a short while, which can help reduce anxiety.

Firstly, masturbation has very similar effects and you don’t need a partner to do that. Secondly, exercise also impacts serotonin, endorphin and dopamine levels in the body.

Wank or work out. Back to our lovely happy hormones – serotonin helps regulate our sleep, which is often why you feel a bit dozy after a session in the sheets.

On a positive note, some research suggests that having orgasms could boost your immune system, which is especially desirable when you’re in the midst of a global health crisis. Thankfully, as you know, orgasms can be achieved through masturbation – not just sex – and earlier this year, we explained the connection between masturbation and your immune system.

‘There is evidence to support that components of our immune system are activated by sexual arousal and orgasm,’ Dr Sarah Welsh, a gynaecologist and co-founder of the Hanx, a sexual wellness brand, tells us. ‘Orgasms, whether through sexual intercourse or masturbation, causes an increase in the levels of adrenaline and other immune cells within the bloodstream, indicating the positive impact sexual arousal can have on the immune system.’.

However, more research needs to be done in this field to give concrete results. Don’t panic, not having sex for three months will not alter the entire look and feel of your vagina – but a longer period of not getting freaky could see some changes happen.

‘However, this is less common in young healthy women, but more apparent in women who have gone through the menopause.’. ‘When someone doesn’t have sex for a while, there’s a very small chance they’ll notice any serious side effects on their health,’ says Dr Earim Chaudry, medical director at Manual.

Hospital’s water supply contaminated with dangerous bacteria. Baby who died after being fed contaminated baby food at hospital named after 10 years.

This proves especially true with ageing men. What’s more, regularly ejaculating is ‘said to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer by lowering stress and getting cell metabolism to a steady rate.’.

Dr Becky Spelman, psychologist and clinical director at the Private Therapy Clinic, explains: ‘Not having sex for a long time affects people in different ways and this really depends on where your sex drive is at currently. ‘If you’ve got an incredibly high sex drive or even a moderately high sex drive it’s going to be incredibly frustrating for you to not have sex in a long time.

‘For people with a high libido a lack of sex can impact on their mental health.

It’s also rewarding for people to be able to have regular sex – not only because of the physical pleasure when they orgasm, but also because it let’s them feel connected to others intimately.’. Do you have a story to share.

Get in touch by emailing [email protected]. MORE : Can you have an orgy with another household in lockdown.

MORE : What to do if you’re not chosen for someone’s sex bubble. MORE : How to get started with sexting and make dirty talk feel less awkward.

Know your symptom patterns [13]

Log your symptoms and see how specific symptoms are connected to different cycle phases. Learn more with Flo.

Popular myths and facts [14]

Female ejaculation, commonly called squirting, is a natural phenomenon which actual existence has been questioned in today’s society by a number of people. Often confused with urine, the most solid medical explanation on its origin says that it comes out from the urethra, and not from the vagina.

Provided below is an index with the 6 points we are going to expand on in this article. In women, the glandular tissue located below the bladder and surrounding the urethra appears to be homologous to the male prostate.

Many women produce this liquid—even in small quantities—, which means that all of them can experience the female ejaculation. Although it is clear that being able to ejaculate depends to a great extent on the Skene’s glands, the truth is that it still remains an enigma for experts.

It is in this area where we can find the Skene’s glands that, apart from producing estrogens, secrete this fluid. It is important to make a distinction between ejaculating, squirting and gushing:

Stimulating the G-Spot makes the blood flow to be higher in these glands, which gets them to expel this liquid through the urethra. This is an important fact to keep in mind, as many people believe that women ejaculate through the vagina.

It should be clear that, even though the vagina segregates a lubricant fluid to ease penetration, the female ejaculation has its own urethral exit at orgasm. The way in which each woman achieves it is also different.

While some do it little by little in small quantities, others are able to shoot a big load. It is an odorless and tasteless milky fluid which color ranges from whitish to transparent.

This substance, which is released by the urethra and not by the vagina, contains prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP). These substances are released by the Skene’s glands, and can be found in urine too, although in lower concentrations.

A number of analyses have identified in the ejaculate of many women the presence of antimicrobial secretions. In such cases, it was proven that women who are actually capable of expelling this substance when ejaculating had fewer chances of suffering from urinary tract infections (UTIs) caused by sex.

The truth is, no definitive studies have been conducted to date from which we can affirm or refute how true is this. Because of this uncertainty, there exist a number of myths and misconceptions surrounding this topic, which are described below:

Because of these feelings, several women have undergone surgery in the bladder because they thought it was a case of incontinence. We know, however, that it’s not due to urinary incontinence, since this exit of fluids occurs even after the woman has urinated.

While some women have to rest for a few hours before it happens again, others get it on several occasions in a short time period. How many times a woman may ejaculate depends on a number of factors such as age, physical conditions, and the fear she has to urinate, among others.

In other words: ejaculating is not a sign of pregnancy. Again, it depends on each particular case, and having the ability to do so does not necessarily mean a greater level of overall sexual satisfaction.

There is no physical reason why a woman should stop experiencing ejaculatory orgasms after menopause. There is a common misconception in today’s society which associates the end of a woman’s sex life with menopause.

We’re already 773.

To date, data has shown that around 60% of women admits having been able to ejaculate at least once in their lifetime. There are two main causes why not every woman might be able to ejaculate:

Women can continue with their sex life despite being pregnant. In fact, some are able to experience ejaculation for the first time during pregnancy as a consequence of undo pressure on the pelvic regions.

Nevertheless, be it involuntary urine or an actual fluid originated from the Skene’s glands, it does not come out from the uterus or cervix, so the answer is no: hysterectomy would not change a woman’s ability to ejaculate. The following is a list of the most common benefits reported by those who have experienced it at least once in their lifetime:

Stimulating the clitoris helps, too. If a woman feels that she has to urinate and pushes with the muscles of her vagina, ejaculation is very likely to happen.

An orgasm combined with female ejaculation is one of the most intense feelings that a woman can experience. Back pain associated with orgasms, whether ejaculation occurs or not, is a condition called female dysorgasmia.

It usually happens when a woman climaxes, and appears in the form of a cramp-like pain in the lower part of the abdomen which can be referred to the back or rectum area. Most patients describe it as an intense, bothersome pain that passes within a few minutes.

Other theories associate it with the presence of ovarian cysts, endometriosis or fibroids. No, it does not.

What is true is that some women produce antisperm antibodies naturally which can “kill” sperm and compromise a couple’s chances for having a baby. To learn more, we recommend you to visit the following post: What are antisperm antibodies.

The esoteric tradition of Hinduism and Buddhism known as Tantra or tantric sex refers to female ejaculation, squirting and gushing as amrita, which meaning is, in fact, nectar of the gods. It is also known as kalas.

Let Your Body Language Speak for You [15]

Sex can be a pleasurable experience to share with a partner. From foreplay and teasing to the exploration of physical touch, sexual intimacy can bring you closer as a couple.

Some hesitate to initiate sex because they fear rejection. Others worry about coming on too strong and throwing off the vibe or saying and doing the wrong things, making things feel awkward.

Having a healthy sex life can be important for both your well-being and your relationship. Taking steps to pursue sex provides benefits for you, your partner, and your relationship.

Sex can be much more than just a physical interaction between partners. For people in relationships, this activity helps boost emotional intimacy and may even provide relief from daily stress.

“Making an effort to initiate physical touch, sex, and intimacy with your partner is an intentional practice for maintaining and deepening connection and closeness in a relationship,” says Ivy Kwong, LMFT, a licensed marriage and family therapist specializing in relationships and intimacy. “Taking the initiative communicates desire, intimacy, and an active investment in shared connection.”.

Some studies have connected sex with improved mental health, especially when going through challenging times. For instance, one piece of research found that people who remained sexually active during the COVID-19 lockdown reported lower levels of depression and anxiety.

In addition to being beneficial for emotional and physical well-being, connected sex can improve your self-esteem. For partners with significant others that initiate sex, the knowledge that your lover finds you desirable and wants to show their desire in sensual and sexual ways can be incredibly affirming.

If you’re not usually the one to initiate sex and begin to do so, this can be rejuvenating in the relationship and jump-start excitement between partners, especially in the wake of a dry spell. There are several steps you can take to help reduce your discomfort with pursuing your partner sexually.

An important factor in any form of physical intimacy is consent. Partners being in agreement to engage sexually is an essential first step.

When it comes to sexual intimacy, assumptions are not always accurate. Partners may not be on the same page about their interest, readiness, or openness to sex.

You might confirm consent by asking questions such as these before or during sex: Consent is sexy.

Asking if your partner is comfortable with the pace or the act itself shouldn’t be shied away from. If they are silent, appear to hesitate, or seem unsure about intercourse in that moment, it is important to respect their boundaries.

Start things off by telling them how amazing they look in their new shirt, praise them for their progress at the gym, or give another genuine compliment. This can be very stimulating, especially when paired with your vocalized desire.

To take things up a notch, sprinkle dirty talk into the mix. Give your partner insight into your sexual plans by telling them what you want to do with (or to) them.

It’s always a good time to remind your partner how much they mean to you. This can be shared any time—when initiating sex, during sex, and even after sex.

It’s also a good way to let them know that you want them if you’re not comfortable talking about sex and saying what you want.

These are all easy ways to let your partner know that you’re available for and interested in physical intimacy.

Massaging your partner, kissing them intimately, or hugging them deeply are all inviting possibilities for beginning further sensual and sexual exploration.

If your partner enjoys spontaneity, you can indulge their preference. Impromptu physical moves like slowly unbuttoning their clothing or grabbing their hand in the middle of the day and leading them to the bedroom can both lead to spontaneous sexual activity.

Spur-of-the-moment sex can be initiated and enjoyed in different locations at home, in the car, or in other safe and private places. Being spontaneous with your partner can be a fun and exciting way to keep things steamy.

Because consent is a priority, it’s important that you don’t cross your partner’s boundaries or push them into doing something they don’t want to do. Discussing whether they would enjoy this type of approach before initiating any spontaneous activity is a good first step.

Being attuned to their responses is crucial in making sure you are respecting their boundaries.

Help them feel comfortable in telling you this by saying so outright or using a phrase that reinforces that you care for each other, but can be said if either of you is not in the mood to be sexually intimate at that moment. While spontaneity can be exciting, scheduling time for sex is something that plenty of couples do to prioritize physical intimacy.

A mutual effort to initiate sex and physical intimacy can help create a balanced dynamic where both partners feel desired, valued, and empowered within the relationship. There’s another reason to pre-schedule your sexual sessions.

If you’ve been wondering how to initiate sex subtly, you might try coming up with playful ways to signal your interest and availability to your partner. Maybe you wear a certain piece of jewelry that lets them know you’re in the mood, or you put a note on their dresser or on the bed where they’ll see it.

You can even have a designated fridge magnet that you put into position when you’re wanting intimacy with your partner. Have fun and get creative.

If you’re easing into the idea of initiating sex, a tame place to begin is with texts. You could begin with an innocent, “Can’t wait to see you tonight.

If you’re feeling more risqué, you might even go into some detail about your plans for them later in the day.

When you lust for each other, this helps boost your sexual chemistry—a factor that has been linked to great sex. Words aren’t always necessary when sending signs that you are feeling sexy.

Wear lingerie, let your partner know you don’t have on any underwear, or wear clothing that you simply feel attractive in. These are all ways to send suggestive messages for playtime later.

While wearing a sexy outfit, you may also role-play with your partner as a fun way to initiate sex. It’s important not to put pressure on yourself or your partner when it comes to having sex.

Be understanding and compassionate with each other and respect each other’s space. Try not to take it personally if your partner isn’t the mood.

Sex should be an enjoyable, freeing act between two consenting adults. It’s understandable to want to take pleasure in this activity without always waiting for your partner to lead the way.

You can comfortably take charge of creating intimate moments by sharing your needs and ensuring your partner is in the same headspace.

Top things to know about sex:  [16]

Sex can mean different things for different people. Having sex is not just about having babies, it should also be fun for everyone involved.

Understanding your and your partner’s anatomy will help you both experience pleasure during sex. STIs are common and nothing to be ashamed about.

Many are curable. We wouldn’t be on this planet if it wasn’t for sex.

This can cause a lot of confusion and questions.

That’s okay. Each of us are on our own timeline and the path to sexual pleasure looks different for everyone.

Do you track your sexual activity in Clue.

Here are the very basics of what you need to know.

It can involve touch, words, or both. It may involve touching genitals but does not always have to.

Sexual activty should be enjoyable for everyone invovled and each person should provide consent throughout the event.

Even if you’ve heard of sexual consent, you might be unsure of.. This means that everyone should agree on what they are comfortable with at the beginning of the activity.

This ensures that it is a pleasurable experience for all involved.

Vaginal sex is when the penis rubs or enters the vagina or if two vaginas rub together. Mouth to genital sex.

This can be done by licking, kissing, or sucking.

The penis or sex toy is inserted into the anus (butt hole). Lubrication is very important because the anus does not create its own lubrication.

Hands or other body parts are used to cause a sexual feeling or sensation. This can be nipple stimulation, cuddling, kissing, or rubbing and caressing genitals or other parts of the body.

Fingering or handjob. Fingering is using fingers to stimulate clitoris and/or putting fingers in the vagina or putting fingers in the anus, to cause sexual senstations.

Masturbation. Touching your own body parts to cause sexual pleasure.

Sex toys can be used during masturbation, including vibrators, dildos, anal toys, and more.

Talking, flirting, and sharing images with someone online or through the phone to cause sexual arousal or excitement.

Hormones, stress levels, and physical and mental health all impact our sex drive (1, 2). Our romantic partners, family, friends, community, and faith/religion may influence our feelings towards sex and pleasure and these can vary throughout our lifetime (1).

Anticholinergics used to treat many conditions related to lungs, bladder, intestine, dizziness and nausea/vomiting. Hormonal therapy.

Mental health medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Research does not show a direct connection between hormonal birth control and sexual drive (3).

If you feel that a medication you are taking is affecting your sex drive, talk to a healthcare provider. Track your experiences in the Clue app.

Sexual pleasure is not defined in one certain way. Many things can bring enjoyment and satisfaction.

This is one way to achieve sexual pleasure. People with penises experience orgasm when the penis becomes hard and enlarged.

Ejaculation usually occurs during orgasm. People with vulvas experience orgasm when the clitoris (and sometimes the inner and outer labia) is stimulated and becomes swollen.

Just like the penis, the clitoris has a high concentration of nerve endings (4, 5). By touching and massaging these erogenous zones, signals in the body flood the nerves.

Understanding your and your partner’s anatomy is important so that you both experience the highest amount of pleasure during sex.

What feels good to you might not feel good to someone else. Talk with your partner about what you do and do not like.

Increased communication may also increase intimacy. Masturbation is another way that may help you understand the best techniques for experiencing sexual pleasure.

Safer sex is a way to reduce your risk of STIs and pregnancy. Penis-in-vagina sex is the main type of sex that can lead to pregnancy.

STIs can be shared during all forms of sex where bodies and body fluids come in contact. 1.

Barrier methods should be used on body parts and toys for any vaginal, anal, or oral sex.

External condoms (sometimes called “male” condoms). Internal condoms (sometimes called “female” condoms).

Dental dams. 2.

Change condoms before switching between oral, vaginal, or anal sex. 4.

Test for all STIs frequently, and encourage your partner to do the same. Barrier methods significantly lower the risk of getting an STI (6).

When used correctly every single time, condoms can also prevent pregnancy about 98% of the time with perfect use and 87% of the time with typical use (8). You should always use a barrier method unless all partners have recently tested negative for an STI, and you are both absolutely sure that neither of you have had sex with anyone else since the test.

Dating & Partnership. Condoms are very effective at preventing pregnancy and the spread of sexually..

Have open communication with your partner. If they pressure you to have unsafe sex, think about if they are a person you want to be with.

STIs are a common and varied experience. We reached out via social..

But while STIs are extremely common, how much do you know about them. Did you know there are preventative steps you can take from contracting STIs.

Knowing some basic information may change the way you take precautions about sex in your own life. Chlamydia is often asymptomatic, meaning that many people don’t know they have it.

frequent or painful urination. spotting between periods or after sex.

Untreated, it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, and/or infertility in women and people with female reproductive tracts (11). Genital herpes is the second most common STI in the USA (12).

Many people with herpes have no symptoms and are able to continue spreading the disease. There is no cure for herpes, but outbreaks and symptoms can be managed (13).

Untreated, it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, and/or infertility in women and people with female reproductive tracts (15). Gonorrhea infections must be treated with two antibiotic medications (14).

Your Vagina. The quality, consistency, and volume of cervical fluid types changes along with..

HIV is transmitted through the exchange of certain types of bodily fluids including blood, semen, breast milk, and vaginal fluids (18). Saliva, tears, sneezing, and physical contact cannot transmit HIV (19).

There is no cure for HIV, but medications are available that can keep the viral load low and greatly reduce the risk of both transmitting and contracting HIV (18). STIs can be transferred through semen, vaginal fluids, skin-to-skin contact, blood, saliva, and even feces (20).

having both oral sex and penis-in-vagina sex during the same session) (20). Oral herpes (HSV-1).

Gonorrhea. HPV.

Syphilis. HIV.

Anything that can cause cuts or tears to the anus or genitals (like fingernails, rings, or tearing of the skin) can increase possible transmission of any blood-borne STIs (like HIV or hepatitis B or C). If your fingers contact other people’s genitals and then your own, STIs can be passed through genital secretions.

Gonorrhea. Chlamydia.

Syphilis. Chancroid.

Trichomoniasis. Genital warts.

Hepatitis B & C. HPV.

Gonorrhea. Chlamydia.

Genital warts. Diseases transmitted through microorganisms from feces (Giardia, Shigella, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and E.

Having an STI is nothing to be ashamed of. Discussing STIs more openly with peers and telling your partners is not only necessary for your sexual health, but also important for fighting stigmas and breaking societal and cultural taboos.

Being informed, safe, and comfortable will mean that your sexual experiences can be fun and pleasurable too.

Download Clue to track when you have protected or unprotected sex, and set reminders for STI check-ups.

And no matter the definition, it feels different for everyone [17]

And no matter the definition, it feels different for everyone.

12 “signs” you’re having a girl: [18]

As soon as parents-to-be find out they’re expecting, they may start to wonder about their baby’s gender: Is it a boy or a girl.

(Apparently craving fruit or having dry hands could point you in the right direction.). And as soon as friends and family are aware, they will share their own gender predictions and myths around them, too.

Someone at work might guess that it’s a boy if you are carrying low. These old-school myths are not science-based, but merely guessing methods that prove to be more enjoyable than the medically sound (but ultimately boring) amniocentesis or ultrasound.

You didn’t experience morning sickness in early pregnancy. While many will confirm that “morning sickness” is a misnomer, as nausea can occur all throughout the day (and sometimes all throughout the pregnancy), being less nauseous is supposedly a sign of Y chromosomes.

The normal range for fetal heart rate is from 120 to 160 beats per minute, according to the National Library of Medicine. You are carrying the extra weight out front.

Your belly looks like a basketball. Round and sticking out.

You are carrying low. Even the height of your belly will be open to predictions.

Oh yes, there are other body parts to analyze, too. You are craving salty or sour foods.

According to myth, that may be a sign. You are craving protein — meats and cheese.

Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy. Pack some extra socks, apparently.

The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy..

Your hands are very dry. Somehow, little boys affect your skin dryness, according to these legends.

If you’ve got that sought-after glow, people may predict you’re having a boy. You had morning sickness early in pregnancy.

About 90% of pregnant people experience it, according to Dr. Daniel F.

Your baby’s heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute. Does a little girl’s heart really beat faster.

You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear. The belly-carrying myths around your baby’s sex extend to your whole body.

Baby girls are higher up, so goes the popular myth. Your belly looks like a watermelon.

You are craving sweets. Sugar, spice and everything nice is a sign of X chromosomes, apparently.

A hankering for berries and apples is on the “girls” list, so they say. You crave orange juice.

You don’t look quite as good as normal during pregnancy. Sigh, try to ignore the “stealing your beauty” line from your mother-in-law.

Or this may just be a sign of pregnancy generally. Your face breaks out more than usual.

Your breasts have really blossomed.

Just a reminder, these tricks are not science-based and are just for fun. But go ahead, give ’em a try.

What happens to the body during sex? [19]

While having sex, people usually experience physical changes such as increased heart rate, muscle tension, and blood pressure.

These increase the amount of fluid in the vagina or increase blood flow to the penis, causing an erection. A person may also feel their heart rate quicken, and their body become more sensitive during sex.

The brain releases hormones that support sexual pleasure, and there are thousands of nerve endings in the genitals that can feel good when stimulated.

Nguồn tham khảo

  1. https://www.lovepanky.com/sensual-tease/fantasy/how-to-tell-if-your-girlfriend-has-slept-with-someone-else
  2. https://www.prevention.com/sex/g26133381/what-happens-vagina-when-stop-having-sex/
  3. https://manmatters.com/blog/woman-climax-signs-and-symptoms/
  4. https://www.womenshealthmag.com/relationships/a28689650/how-many-dates-before-sex/
  5. https://www.everydayhealth.com/news/what-when-shes-not-interested-sex/
  6. https://flo.health/menstrual-cycle/sex/sexual-health/how-to-have-sex-for-the-first-time
  7. https://lovedevani.com/signs-your-girlfriend-just-slept-with-someone-else
  8. https://www.businessinsider.com/when-to-start-having-sex-in-relationship-2017-2
  9. https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/how-many-dates-before-sex
  10. https://www.tuko.co.ke/facts-lifehacks/guides/470387-10-physical-signs-girlfriend-slept/
  11. https://www.wikihow.com/Tell-if-It%27s-Real-Love-or-Just-Sex
  12. https://metro.co.uk/2020/06/15/what-happens-dont-have-sex-long-time-12853179/
  13. https://flo.health/menstrual-cycle/sex/sexual-health/what-happens-when-you-stop-having-sex
  14. https://www.invitra.com/en/things-you-didnt-know-about-the-female-ejaculation/
  15. https://www.verywellmind.com/how-to-initiate-sex-with-your-partner-5220346
  16. https://helloclue.com/articles/sex/a-beginners-guide-to-sex
  17. https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/what-does-sex-feel-like
  18. https://www.today.com/parents/gender-prediction-how-guess-your-baby-s-sex-t75536
  19. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326122

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