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where did the shape of a heart come fromwhere did the shape of a heart come from
where did the shape of a heart come from

Love in Medieval Times [1]

Do you ever wonder how certain symbols came to embody what they represent. As design enthusiasts, we do.

How did it come to represent love and affection. Why the curves and pointed tip.

The origins of how the symbol of the heart came to signify what it does today are a little unclear but essentially, there are two hypotheses on this one:.

The first is that the heart symbol derives from an elusive plant called the silphium whose seedpod resembles a heart. This plant seemed to have a fountain of benefits if ingested/used, one being that it was used as a form of birth control by the Greeks and Romans.

Another more realistic hypothesis is that the heart shape we have come to know and love (pun intended) comes from medieval times. During this time period, people took an interest in trying to draw the heart that had been described in ancient texts by the likes of Aristotle.

Trying to draw this proved to be a little difficult because it is believed that the catholic church forbade the dissection of the human body during the 14th century. Because of this, early depictions of the heart were typically only for medical purposes and actually resembled something closer to a bird’s heart– which makes sense given that only the dissection of animals was allowed.

The actual concept of love and the symbolism that represents it began forming during medieval times. Before 1300-1400, the heart-shaped symbol that we are familiar with was just purely for decorative purposes- it did not stand for anything related to love at all.

The very first time a heart was depicted in a non-medical way was in a drawing that accompanied a poem titled Le Roman De La Poire by Thibaut, written circa 1255. It is believed that the poem influenced the idea that a person in love can “give” his or her heart to someone, the way the lover in the poem gives away a fruit.

The well-known heart shape that we have come to know in modern times made its debut in an Italian didactic poem called Documenti d’amore by Francesco Barberino. The illustration that accompanied the poem was of a nude cupid on a horse throwing various items at a crowd, among those items were hearts.

The piece did in fact, go viral.

Almost 200 years after the Documenti d’amore illustration, another significant piece that helped establish the modern meaning we associate with a heart emerged. This time, it was a tapestry titled “Le don du Coeur” (“The Gift of the Heart”) which showed a man holding a small red heart.

This piece can still be seen at the Louvre in Paris today. At WePropagate, design powers and inspires us to constantly push forward with our creations.

The fashion, the culture, the art are all so powerful and serve as windows to the past while always remaining relevant. They gave us the heart symbol after all.

Catholic origins of the heart shape symbol [2]

Have you ever drawn a heart for someone. As kids we might draw them on our notebook or, some of us, may even drew them to dot our i’s.

If you have every seen a real heart, we can see that it is not exactly the same shape. Whether colored in pink, red or black, the heart shape is symmetrical.

If you have ever wondered why we draw hearts like we do, oneHOWTO explains more by asking where does the heart shape com from. In our search for the origin of the heart symbol, we look at the different theories which might reveal why the heart shape as we know it is what it is.

Current evidence suggests Ancient Egypt was the first civilization to use this symbol, although it is always possible we are missing certain records.

This was a series of images drawn to convey messages, as opposed to letter system we most commonly use in modern languages. The hieroglyph used to represent the heart in Ancient Egypt still retains a certain semblance of an actual human heart.

However, the stylized hieroglyph also resembles the heart shape we use today. It is possible the origin of the modern heart symbol derives from this Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph which was refined over the centuries.

They believed this area of the body was where both the human mind and soul were located. Once a person died, they weighed their heart and compared it to the feather of the goddess Maat.

You can find the heart symbol in many different formats, one of the most popular is being used for tattoos which represent love for family. Another of the most plausible theories of where the heart shape comes from derives from the Ancient Greeks.

The evidence which suggests this origin of the heart symbol lies in coins which had been minted at the time in this location. Coins with this symbol have been discovered in archaeological remains.

In actuality, these heart symbols did not represent hearts. Rather, they were visual representations of seeds from the silphium plant.

It was highly valued not only by the Greeks, but by Roman and Egyptian peoples. The silphium plant had many uses and properties.

However, it was the use employed by the Romans which may lead to its popularity as an ideograph of the heart shape. The Romans used it as a contraceptive.

Potential contraceptive properties of the silphium plant made it highly appreciated in Roman societies. It was especially popular among young couples who could enjoy expressions of physical love with some freedom.

It was used as an early prototype of the morning-after pill. It is thought the possibility of effectiveness may have derived from high levels of estrogen in the seeds.

Since the plant itself was a facilitator of romantic relationships and was appreciated by many couples, it is possible the symbols are related. However, it wasn’t until the middle ages that the heart symbol started to be used as it is today.

Learn about another common visual motif present in different cultures with our article on the meaning of the lotus flower symbol.

It is certainly true it can be seen as an ornament or decoration on much Catholic iconography. The Valentine’s heart symbol is very similar to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as represented in many paintings throughout history.

In reality, Saint Margaret’s story is more likely to have popularized and internationalized the heart shape symbol, such is the power of the Roman Catholic Church’s influence. However, Saint Margaret’s vision didn’t occur until 1673, many years since the.

To learn more about Catholicism, read our article on the difference between Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox. There are other theories relating the origin of the heart symbol.

The latter, in particular, was often used to adorn gravestones, something which may be linked to the love one has for the deceased. However, these ideographs do not seem to have any direct link to the modern heart shape symbol.

Since it was often illegal to desecrate the body of a human by removing their organs, it was more likely for people to see a cow’s heart. A cow’s heart is more like the modern heart symbol than a human’s so it is possible it was believed to be the same shape as our own.

While it is possible one of these theories is true, the heart symbol as we know it has a more diffuse origin. Since the heart has long been associated with love and other symbolism throughout the ages, across nations, the aesthetics of its representation have been developed by many communities.

When we see an actual human heart isolated, it almost always means that the person it belong to is no more. Using a symbol to represent the feelings attributed to the heart without looking exactly like it may simply be a more pleasing option.

To learn more about symbolism, take a look at our related articles on: If you want to read similar articles to Where Does the Heart Shape Come From.

Botanical symbolism[edit] [3]

The heart symbol is an ideograph used to express the idea of the “heart” in its metaphorical or symbolic sense. Represented by an anatomically inaccurate shape, the heart symbol is often used to represent the center of emotion, including affection and love, especially romantic love.

Peepal leaves were used in artistic depictions of the Indus Valley civilisation: a heart-shaped pendant originating from there has been discovered and is now exhibited in the National Museum of India. In the 5th–6th century BC, the heart shape was used to represent the heart-shaped fruit of the plant silphium, a plant possibly used as a contraceptive and an aphrodisiac.

Since ancient times in Japan, the heart symbol has been called Inome (猪目), meaning the eye of a wild boar, and it has the meaning of warding off evil spirits. The decorations are used to decorate Shinto shrines, Buddhist temples, castles, and weapons.

The combination of the heart shape and its use within the heart metaphor was developed in the end of the Middle Ages, although the shape has been used in many ancient epigraphy monuments and texts. With possible early examples or direct predecessors in the 13th to 14th century, the familiar symbol of the heart representing love developed in the 15th century, and became popular in Europe during the 16th.

Before the 14th century, the heart shape was not associated with the meaning of the heart metaphor. The geometric shape itself is found in much earlier sources, but in such instances does not depict a heart, but typically foliage: in examples from antiquity fig leaves, and in medieval iconography and heraldry, typically the leaves of ivy and of the water-lily.

The first known depiction of a heart as a symbol of romantic love dates to the 1250s. It occurs in a miniature decorating a capital ‘S’ in a manuscript of the French Roman de la poire.

The heart here resembles a pine cone (held “upside down”, the point facing upward), in accord with medieval anatomical descriptions. However, in this miniature, what suggests a heart shape is only the result of a lover’s finger superimposed on an object.

Moreover, the French title of the manuscript that features the miniature translates into “Novel Of The Pear” in English. Thus the heart-shaped object would be a pear.

Opinions, therefore, differ over this being the first depiction of a heart as a symbol of romantic love.

This heart is also depicted in the pine cone shape based on anatomical descriptions of the day (still held “upside down”). Giotto’s painting exerted considerable influence on later painters, and the motive of Caritas offering a heart is shown by Taddeo Gaddi in Santa Croce, by Andrea Pisano on the bronze door of the south porch of the Florence Baptistery (c.

1340) and by Andrea da Firenze in Santa Maria Novella in Florence (c. 1365).

The “scalloped” shape of the now-familiar heart symbol, with a dent in its base, arises in the early 14th century, at first only lightly dented, as in the miniatures in Francesco da Barberino’s Documenti d’amore (before 1320). A slightly later example with a more pronounced dent is found in a manuscript from the Cistercian monastery in Brussels.

The modern indented red heart has been used on playing cards since the late 15th century.

Such theories are modern, proposed from the 1960s onward, and they remain speculative, as no continuity between the supposed ancient predecessors and the late medieval tradition can be shown. Specific suggestions include: the shape of the seed of the silphium plant, used in ancient times as an herbal contraceptive, and stylized depictions of features of the human female body, such as the female’s breasts, buttocks, pubic mound, or spread vulva.

Heart shapes can be seen on various stucco reliefs and wall panels excavated from the ruins of Ctesiphon, the Persian capital (c. 90 BC – 637 AD).

The Luther rose was the seal that was designed for Martin Luther at the behest of Prince John Frederick, in 1530, while Luther was staying at the Coburg Fortress during the Diet of Augsburg. Luther wrote an explanation of the symbol to Lazarus Spengler: “a black cross in a heart, which retains its natural color, so that I myself would be reminded that faith in the Crucified saves us.

The aorta remains visible, as a protrusion at the top centered between the two “chambers” indicated in the symbol, in some depictions of the Sacred Heart well into the 18th century, and is partly still shown today (although mostly obscured by elements such as a crown, flames, rays, or a cross) but the “hearts” suit did not have this element since the 15th century.

Since the 19th century, the symbol has often been used on Valentine’s Day cards, candy boxes, and similar popular culture artifacts as a symbol of romantic love.

Heart symbols are frequently used to symbolize “health” or “lives” in video games. Super Mario Bros.

Since the 1990s, the heart symbol has also been used as an ideogram indicating health outside of the video gaming context, e.g., its use by restaurants to indicate heart-healthy nutrient content claim (e.g., “low in cholesterol”). A copyrighted “heart-check” symbol to indicate heart-healthy food was introduced by the American Heart Association in 1995.

The earliest heart-shaped charges in heraldry appear in the 12th century. the hearts in the coat of arms of Denmark go back to the royal banner of the kings of Denmark, in turn based on a seal used as early as the 1190s.

Instead, they are assumed to have depicted the leaves of the water-lily. Early heraldic heart-shaped charges depicting the leaves of water-lilies are found in various other designs related to territories close to rivers or a coastline (e.g.

Inverted heart symbols have been used in heraldry as stylized testicles (coglioni in Italian) as in the canting arms of the Colleoni family of Milan.

The authenticity of this seal is “very questionable”, i.e. it could possibly date to the late 14th or even the 15th century.

Heraldic charges actually representing hearts became more common in the early modern period, with the Sacred Heart depicted in ecclesiastical heraldry, and hearts representing love appearing in bourgeois coats of arms. Hearts also later became popular elements in municipal coats of arms.

There has been some conjecture regarding the link between the traditional heart symbol and images of the fruit of silphium, a (probably) extinct plant known to classical antiquity and belonging to the genus Ferula, used as a condiment and medicine, (the medicinal properties including contraceptive and abortifacient activity, linking the plant to sexuality and love).

The related Ferula species asafoetida – which was actually used as an inferior substitute for silphium – is regarded as an aphrodisiac in Tibet and India, suggesting yet a third amatory association relating to silphium.

The best-known of these is the cardioid, which is an epicycloid with one cusp. though as the cardioid lacks the point, it may be seen as a stylized water-lily leaf, a so-called seeblatt, rather than a heart.

How the Heart Shape Got Its Name and Why it Looks Nothing Like the Human Heart [4]

Posted by: Tampa Cardio. On: September 30, 2020.

So where did the Valentine’s day heart come from.

It is metaphorical in link to the human heart, with the idea that love is a feeling expressed and felt within the heart. The shape used is much more streamlined, simple, and frankly attractive than the lumpy fistful of muscle that is in our chests.

The heart shape we all recognize, and use originated back to an ancient plant known as the silphium. It was a species of giant fennel grown on the North African coastline near the Greek city of Cyrene.

Because of this it was linked with sex and of course love. There is also speculation of it being modeled after human anatomy of the breasts or buttocks, as well as that of the water lily leaf or ivy.

It showed up in a French romance called Roman de la Poire (Romance of the pear). But others question if that wasn’t just an upside-down pear….

The famous Italian painter Giotto did a painted depiction of charity in the Scrovengi Chapel in which a heart is given to Jesus. This painting had a big impact on the use of the shape of the heart going forward in representing the human emotional range in visual form.

At the beginning of the 1500s it flipped in images to the heart we see today point at the bottom. The heart shape is used worldwide to represent love, emotion, and caring.

We found all of this very interesting especially as it is our mission to keep hearts in perfect shape at all ages. Let us help take care of your heart.

Posted by: Tampa Cardio. On: 30/09/2020.

The Heart Shape in Ecology [5]

The heart shape is basically two inward spirals coming from a single point of origin. Where do we get spirals.

Turbulent flow and Vortex Shedding. Not what you thought you’d read about today, right.

When there’s something flowing, as long as nothing gets in the way it goes straight, but as soon as there’s something in the way, there’s turbulence. Turbulence creates an interesting pattern of fluid dynamics and in particular, something interesting happens in the process of vortex shedding.

(You see these patterns in a lot of Celtic swirls too) When they move farther away from the origin of the source, eventually they create matching inward-turning double vortices, which is exactly what a heart shape is. Swan Courting Patterns.

You can find adorable grandma-y cross-stitch patterns on this motif, but did you know that swans have been associated with marriage for a very long time. The swan is almost trite these days, but in mythology, it was a common symbol for purity and love throughout the Eurasian continent.

All sorts of seeds and leaves are heart-shaped. Off the top of my head I can name: the violet leaf, the catalpa tree leaf, and the linden tree leaf.

The most famous is the Sea Heart, the seed of the South American vine Entada gigas. This seed has all kinds of interesting lore.

The heart symbol doesn’t just emerge from nowhere in 13th century France. Our understanding of reality is rooted in the physical surroundings that we find ourselves in.

Take some time to see how symbols and motifs emerge in your own life, from the species around you.

The Universal Heart [6]

Ah love, sweet love. How wonderful it is to be in love with someone.

And you only need one symbol to express your love, the heart. The heart shape conveys love, romance, passion and care without ever saying a word.

The heart is everywhere. But how did the heart shape come to define love.

Let’s look through history and find out how the heart shape came to be.

Ancient Egyptians believed that the heart was the seed of life, and that the “heart soul” descended from the mother’s heart into her womb and would then take the shape of a child. The Ancient Greeks thought the heart supplied the whole body with heat and controlled reason and emotion.

In terms of the shape, it was most likely derived from the botanical world. One line of thinking is that the now extinct Silphium seedpod was the original model for the heart shape.

The seed was highly valuable and so crucial to Cyrene’s economy that its image was portrayed on their coins. The seed very closely resembles the heart shape and its link to sexuality may have led to its association with love.

The earliest heart shapes found in art were stylized depictions of fig leaves and ivy. These leaves were frequently found on Ancient Greek vase paintings of the god Dionysus, often in erotic scenes.

The first known depiction of the heart as a romantic symbol is in a 13th century manuscript entitled “Roman de la Poire” or Romance of the Pear, by Thibaut. In the image a kneeling lover offers his heart to a damsel, although the heart resembles more of a cone shape.

In the early 14th century, the heart symbol began to be depicted with a “scalloped” shape, or dent in its base. And then in the latter part of the century it was then flipped so its point was facing downward.

In the 15th century, the modern heart shape became well known across Europe as it was printed on widely distributed French playing cards.

It first appeared in heart shaped brooches used to hold clothing together, and which were inscribed with sayings of love.

In 17th century England, rock crystal hearts were worn to memorialize King Charles I who had been executed. These were pendants or rings made of clear faceted rock crystal which often encased a token, hair or initials under the crystal.

During this same period the heart shaped brooch was extremely popular. It was often referred to as a ‘Luckenbooth’ in Scotland, or witches’ brooch in the rest of Europe.

They were worn as a talisman against evil spirits, and were often worn by pregnant women or pinned onto babies’ blankets. Overtime these witches’ brooches also changed in meaning, to show you were “be-witched with love”.

Hearts in jewellery reached their height during the reign of Queen Victoria, and the Queen herself wore a charm bracelet with hearts representing each one of her children.

It usually represents romantic love, but can also be between family or friends. It is universally known and one of the most popular symbols in the world.

From its mysterious beginnings in plants and sexuality, to its role in religion and memorials, the heart has had many different meanings along the way. But for me, its current significance as a symbol of love, is definitely my favourite.

How the heart got its shape [7]

This time of year, you can hardly leave your house without seeing hearts everywhere. Or at least the particular combination of curves and a point that we call a heart.

What other shape represents an entire emotion. The history of the heart’s tie with romance is richer than you might expect.

So why do we say that the beating muscle in our chests inspires those warm feelings. Probably in part because we really can feel our hearts beat faster at the sight of that special someone.

Many ancient civilizations described the heart as the emotional and spiritual center of the body. The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and Teotihuacans (in ancient Mexico) believed that the heart housed morality, life, and the soul.

(The meaning is a mystery, though, so it doesn’t count as a valentine.) The Romantic period was thousands of years away, but the link between hearts and love was already beginning. You’ve probably noticed that a real heart doesn’t match the symbol’s lobed top and distinct pointed bottom.

Some say it is meant to look like a human heart, but the model was malformed or the artist wasn’t that great. Others will tell you the heart shape is actually suggestive of breasts, buttocks, or even genitalia.

It was probably inspired by plants. Several heart-shaped plants have long-standing ties to affairs of the heart.

Silphium was a very effective contraceptive, so it could easily have inspired an association between the heart shape and sex. Love and lust are two different feelings, of course.

Ivy and fig plants became associated with meanings such as faithfulness (because of ivy’s evergreen leaves) or enlightenment. The heart-shaped leaves of both of these plants may have helped strengthen the connection between the shape and loving ideals.

The legend goes that in the 1600s, Saint Margaret Mary Alocoque saw a heart surrounded by thorns in a vision. The Sacred Heart symbol spread wherever Catholic churches were found (which is to say, the entire Western world).

Victorian style inspired many of the qualities we still associate with valentines. Their handmade cards were ornate, feminine creations decorated with layers of lace, hearts, and pictures.

Hallmark got involved in 1913, and the rest is history. These days, hearts are expanding even further into everyday life.

We use hearts to mark our favorite Tweets and Instagram photos. Like the ancient Romans, we even use hearts as a symbol for life—or at least the “lives” left in a video game.

Whether it appears in a stained glass window or doodled in a middle-school notebook, the heart has become an essential part of how we capture the many kinds of love.

Left ventricle

The left ventricle is responsible for maintaining pulsatile blood flow against the relatively high-pressure systemic circulation. It is a muscular chamber of the heart that receives oxygenated blood from the left atrium.

It is roughly conical in shape and more elongated than its right counterpart. The base of the left ventricle begins at the left atrioventricular valve (a.k.a.

The ventricular lumen then curves around toward the aortic valve, where blood is ejected into the aorta and systemic circulation. The external walls of the relatively large ventricle account for much of the left pulmonary, sternocostal, and diaphragmatic surfaces of the heart.

Other important landmarks located over the ventricles are the cardiac grooves. The interventricular groove extends over the sternocostal and diaphragmatic surfaces, where it marks the separation between the two ventricles.

The internal surface of the left ventricle is generally unremarkable. The lumen is oval and trabeculated toward the apex like in the right ventricle.

The valves on the left side of the heart are more closely associated with each other than those on the right side. In fact, the mitral, aortic, and tricuspid valves are in continuity with each other via the fibroelastic cardiac skeleton (where they are attached by the left and right fibrous trigones.

The left ventricle also has papillary muscles (anterior and posterior) that are attached to chordae tendineae as observed in the right ventricle. However, the papillary muscles of the left ventricle are much larger than those seen on the right.

This is most likely related to the fact that these papillary muscles must resist greater pressure in order to keep the mitral valve closed during ventricular systole.

Test your knowledge on the left atrium and ventricle with this quiz.

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Heart Card Templates [10]

Last updated: January 5, 2023. Looking for heart templates and shapes to cut out or color in.

There are so many ways to use our printable heart templates: Cut out the heart patterns to use as stencils for craft projects, print them for your kids to color in, make Valentine cards and decorations, write heart-shaped love notes.. the possibilities are endless.

Scroll down the page to see all our heart templates or click a link below to jump to a section of the page: Our heart templates come in all shapes and sizes so you can choose what works best for your project.

The heart templates come in varying sizes, from large (approximately 7 inch size, 1 per page), medium (5 inch, 2 per page), small (3 inch, 6 per page), and mini (2 inch, 15 per page). There’s also a page of mixed shapes and sizes from large to mini hearts.

Classic Heart Template, Medium (5 inch). Classic Heart Pattern, Small (3 inch).

Rounded Heart Template, Large. Rounded Heart Template, Medium.

Rounded Printable Hearts, Mini. Tapered Heart Template, Large.

Tapered Heart Pattern, Small. Tapered Printable Hearts, Mini.

Make your own Valentine’s Day cards using our heart-shaped folding card template.

There is also a smaller version of the heart card template with two cards per page, in case you’d like to make mini-cards or save on paper. Side-fold Heart Card Template, Large.

Side-fold Heart Card Template, Small. Top-fold Heart Card Template, Small.

Our lined heart templates are just the thing. Each heart has lines for writing, and you can choose from large or small versions of the template.

Lined Heart Template, Small. Making a heart chain is a super fun craft to do with the kids.

All you need is a printer and some scissors.

The template can make two heart chains per page, and the hearts will be approximately 2 inches in height. Paper Heart Chain Template.

Fold back along the dashed line. Continue folding back and forth like an accordion all the way to the end of the paper.

Unfold the paper to reveal your paper heart chain. If you’d like to make an extra-long paper heart chain, then tape two or more chains together.

Looking for heart coloring pages for Valentine’s day, anniversary crafts, or just because they’re sweet. On this page you’ll find a huge range of free printable pictures to download and color in, from simple heart outlines, to detailed drawings for older children and adults.

A collection of Valentine’s Day coloring pages, from sweet Valentines and love heart designs to intricate patterns for older kids and adults to color in too.

This printable is for personal, non-commercial use only.

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Pink flowers in a shape of heart [11]

Pink flowers in a shape of a heart. Royalty-Free Stock Photo Download preview.

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XS 480x343px 16.9cm x 12.1cm @72dpi jpg S 800x572px 6.8cm x 4.8cm @300dpi jpg M 2047x1464px 17.3cm x 12.4cm @300dpi jpg L 2796x2000px 23.7cm x 16.9cm @300dpi jpg XL 3344x2392px 28.3cm x 20.3cm @300dpi jpg MAX 4095x2929px 34.7cm x 24.8cm @300dpi jpg TIFF 3954x2828px 33.5cm x 23.9cm @300dpi 32MB | tiff Unlimited Seats (U-EL) Web Usage (W-EL) Print usage (P-EL) Sell the rights (SR-EL1) $125.00USD Sell the rights (SR-EL3) $300.00USD Sell the rights (SR-EL) $500.00USD.

XS 480x343px 16.9cm x 12.1cm @72dpi jpg S 800x572px 6.8cm x 4.8cm @300dpi jpg M 2047x1464px 17.3cm x 12.4cm @300dpi jpg L 2796x2000px 23.7cm x 16.9cm @300dpi jpg XL 3344x2392px 28.3cm x 20.3cm @300dpi jpg MAX 4095x2929px 34.7cm x 24.8cm @300dpi jpg TIFF 3954x2828px 33.5cm x 23.9cm @300dpi 32MB | tiff.

480x343px 16.9cm x 12.1cm @72dpi. jpg.

800x572px 6.8cm x 4.8cm @300dpi. jpg.

2047x1464px 17.3cm x 12.4cm @300dpi. jpg.

2796x2000px 23.7cm x 16.9cm @300dpi. jpg.

3344x2392px 28.3cm x 20.3cm @300dpi. jpg.

4095x2929px 34.7cm x 24.8cm @300dpi. jpg.

3954x2828px 33.5cm x 23.9cm @300dpi. 32MB | tiff.

Unlimited Seats (U-EL) Web Usage (W-EL) Print usage (P-EL) Sell the rights (SR-EL1) $125.00USD Sell the rights (SR-EL3) $300.00USD Sell the rights (SR-EL) $500.00USD. Unlimited Seats (U-EL).

Web Usage (W-EL). Web Usage (W-EL).

Print usage (P-EL). Sell the rights (SR-EL1) $125.00USD.

$125.00USD. $125.00USD.

Sell the rights (SR-EL3). $300.00USD.

Sell the rights (SR-EL) $500.00USD. Sell the rights (SR-EL).

$500.00USD. We accept all major credit cards from Vietnam.

We accept all major credit cards from Vietnam. ID 22746505 © Soyka| Dreamstime.com 2 3.

ID 22746505 © Soyka| Dreamstime.com 2 3. ID 22746505 © Soyka| Dreamstime.com.

Designers also selected these stock photos Floral heart Heart of flowers Pink valentine heart with flowers Beautiful roses with gift card & heart A cute little cow Friendly ladybug Cartoon Bug Collection Heart from pink daisies Flower heart Summer flowers heart concept Rose Flowers Heart Over White. Valentine.

Heart Birthday card with cat More similar stock images Heart made of petals of roses Rose heart Red rose heart shape Heart from red flowers Pink flower Rose hart Red roses petals Valentine’s Day Flower heart Heart of red roses Pink roses in heart shape isolated isolated on white Rose bouquet Happy flower heart with tulip arrow Mixed Valentine Flower Heart of rose petals More stock photos from Soyka’s portfolio Related categories Nature Flowers & Gardens Abstract Love Abstract Seasonal & Holiday Holidays Valentines Day Browse categories Animals Arts & Architecture Business Editorial IT & C Illustrations & Clipart Industries Objects People Technology Travel Web Design Graphics.

Valentine. Love Sunflower heart.

Designers also selected these stock photos. Floral heart Heart of flowers Pink valentine heart with flowers Beautiful roses with gift card & heart A cute little cow Friendly ladybug Cartoon Bug Collection Heart from pink daisies Flower heart Summer flowers heart concept Rose Flowers Heart Over White.

Love Sunflower heart. Heart Birthday card with cat.

Floral heart. Floral heart.

Heart of flowers. Pink valentine heart with flowers.

Beautiful roses with gift card & heart. Beautiful roses with gift card & heart.

A cute little cow. Friendly ladybug Cartoon Bug Collection Heart from pink daisies Flower heart Summer flowers heart concept Rose Flowers Heart Over White.

Love Sunflower heart. Heart Birthday card with cat.

Friendly ladybug. Cartoon Bug Collection.

Heart from pink daisies. Heart from pink daisies.

Flower heart. Summer flowers heart concept.

Rose Flowers Heart Over White. Valentine.

Rose Flowers Heart Over White. Valentine.

Sunflower heart.

Heart. Heart.

Birthday card with cat. More similar stock images Heart made of petals of roses Rose heart Red rose heart shape Heart from red flowers Pink flower Rose hart Red roses petals Valentine’s Day Flower heart Heart of red roses Pink roses in heart shape isolated isolated on white Rose bouquet Happy flower heart with tulip arrow Mixed Valentine Flower Heart of rose petals.

Who gets broken-heart syndrome? [12]

Years of gender-based research have shown that in matters of the heart, sex differences abound. One striking example is the temporary heart condition known as takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also known as broken-heart syndrome.

The condition is usually the result of severe emotional or physical stress, such as a sudden illness, the loss of a loved one, a serious accident, or a natural disaster such as an earthquake. That’s why the condition is also called stress-induced cardiomyopathy, or broken-heart syndrome.

But takotsubo cardiomyopathy can produce the same sudden heart symptoms even when the coronary arteries are clear. Sometimes people with broken heart syndrome experience less dramatic chest pain.

More than 90% of reported cases are in women ages 58 to 75. Research suggests that up to 5% of women suspected of having a heart attack actually have this disorder.

The precise cause of broken heart syndrome isn’t known, but experts think that surging stress hormones (for example, adrenaline) essentially “stun” the heart, triggering changes in heart muscle cells or coronary blood vessels (or both) that prevent the left ventricle from contracting effectively. Some causes of broken heart syndrome include:

155, No. 3, pp.


And an electrocardiogram (ECG) may show abnormalities similar to those found in some heart attacks — in particular, changes known as ST-segment elevation. Consequently, imaging studies and other measures are needed to rule out a heart attack.

An x-ray of the left ventricle (A) shows apical ballooning, a reversible abnormality characteristic of takotsubo cardiomyopathy. During systole (cardiac contraction) the midsection and tip (apex) of the left ventricle balloon out, while the area above, called the base, contracts normally.

Photos reprinted with permission from Bilal Saeed, M.D., University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo, Ohio (A). and Satoshi Kurisu, M.D., Hiroshima City Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan (B).

Most of the abnormalities in systolic function and ventricle wall movement seen in broken-heart syndrome clear up in one to four weeks. Most individuals who experience it recover fully within two months and are at low risk for it happening again.

In rare cases, broken heart syndrome can be fatal. There is no specific treatment for broken-heart syndrome.

Clinicians often recommend standard heart failure medications such as beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, and diuretics (water pills). They may give aspirin to patients who also have atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in the arterial walls).

It’s also important to work on reducing any stress that may have played a role in triggering the disorder. Image: Arsgera/Getty Images.

Heart shape closeup carved in red apple [13]

Heart shape closeup carved in apple. Royalty-Free Stock Photo Download preview.

Royalty-Free Stock Photo Download preview. Royalty-Free Stock Photo.

Add to lightbox DOWNLOAD Royalty-Free Extended licenses.

Add to lightbox DOWNLOAD. Royalty-Free Extended licenses.

XS 405x480px 14.3cm x 16.9cm @72dpi jpg S 676x800px 5.7cm x 6.8cm @300dpi jpg M 1591x1884px 13.5cm x 16cm @300dpi jpg L 2054x2433px 17.4cm x 20.6cm @300dpi jpg XL 3040x3600px 25.7cm x 30.5cm @300dpi jpg MAX 3183x3769px 26.9cm x 31.9cm @300dpi 3MB | jpg TIFF 4299x5091px 36.4cm x 43.1cm @300dpi 62.6MB | tiff Unlimited Seats (U-EL) Web Usage (W-EL) Print usage (P-EL) Sell the rights (SR-EL1) $1,250.00USD Sell the rights (SR-EL3) $3,000.00USD Sell the rights (SR-EL) $5,000.00USD.

XS 405x480px 14.3cm x 16.9cm @72dpi jpg S 676x800px 5.7cm x 6.8cm @300dpi jpg M 1591x1884px 13.5cm x 16cm @300dpi jpg L 2054x2433px 17.4cm x 20.6cm @300dpi jpg XL 3040x3600px 25.7cm x 30.5cm @300dpi jpg MAX 3183x3769px 26.9cm x 31.9cm @300dpi 3MB | jpg TIFF 4299x5091px 36.4cm x 43.1cm @300dpi 62.6MB | tiff.

405x480px 14.3cm x 16.9cm @72dpi. jpg.

676x800px 5.7cm x 6.8cm @300dpi. jpg.

1591x1884px 13.5cm x 16cm @300dpi. jpg.

2054x2433px 17.4cm x 20.6cm @300dpi. jpg.

3040x3600px 25.7cm x 30.5cm @300dpi. jpg.

3183x3769px 26.9cm x 31.9cm @300dpi. 3MB | jpg.

4299x5091px 36.4cm x 43.1cm @300dpi. 62.6MB | tiff.

Unlimited Seats (U-EL) Web Usage (W-EL) Print usage (P-EL) Sell the rights (SR-EL1) $1,250.00USD Sell the rights (SR-EL3) $3,000.00USD Sell the rights (SR-EL) $5,000.00USD. Unlimited Seats (U-EL).

Web Usage (W-EL). Web Usage (W-EL).

Print usage (P-EL). Sell the rights (SR-EL1) $1,250.00USD.

$1,250.00USD. $1,250.00USD.

Sell the rights (SR-EL3). $3,000.00USD.

Sell the rights (SR-EL) $5,000.00USD. Sell the rights (SR-EL).

$5,000.00USD. We accept all major credit cards from Vietnam.

We accept all major credit cards from Vietnam. ID 28869263 © Deyangeorgiev| Dreamstime.com 2 1.

ID 28869263 © Deyangeorgiev| Dreamstime.com 2 1. ID 28869263 © Deyangeorgiev| Dreamstime.com.

Designers also selected these stock photos Pomegranate fruit Red apple with heart School background Heart shape closeup carved in apple Pomegranate seeds shaping heart in hands Wood Texture Background, Wooden Board Grains, Old Floor Striped Planks More similar stock images Red apple with a heart shaped cut-out.

Heart apple Red apple with a heart shaped cut-out Apple Heart Apple with heart shape Red apple isolated with heart Red apple with heart symbol Three apples with hearts Red apple with a heart symbol Red apple with heart Red apple with a heart shape Two halves become one (Clipping path included) Red apple with a heart symbol More stock photos from Deyangeorgiev’s portfolio Related categories Nature Fruits & Vegetables Abstract Seasonal & Holiday Browse categories Animals Arts & Architecture Business Editorial Holidays IT & C Illustrations & Clipart Industries Objects People Technology Travel Web Design Graphics.

Designers also selected these stock photos. Pomegranate fruit Red apple with heart School background Heart shape closeup carved in apple Pomegranate seeds shaping heart in hands Wood Texture Background, Wooden Board Grains, Old Floor Striped Planks.

Pomegranate fruit. Pomegranate fruit.

Red apple with heart. School background.

Heart shape closeup carved in apple. Heart shape closeup carved in apple.

Pomegranate seeds shaping heart in hands. Wood Texture Background, Wooden Board Grains, Old Floor Striped Planks.

More similar stock images Red apple with a heart shaped cut-out. Apple with an inscription I LOVE YOU.

More similar stock images. Red apple with a heart shaped cut-out.

Heart apple Red apple with a heart shaped cut-out Apple Heart Apple with heart shape Red apple isolated with heart Red apple with heart symbol Three apples with hearts Red apple with a heart symbol Red apple with heart Red apple with a heart shape Two halves become one (Clipping path included) Red apple with a heart symbol.

Apple with an inscription I LOVE YOU. Heart apple Red apple with a heart shaped cut-out Apple Heart Apple with heart shape.

Red apple with a heart shaped cut-out. Apple with an inscription I LOVE YOU.

Apple with an inscription I LOVE YOU. Heart apple.

Red apple with a heart shaped cut-out. Red apple with a heart shaped cut-out.

Apple Heart. Apple with heart shape.


Can you imagine a way to make a 3D heart out of paper. Look no further than our 3D paper hearts craft.

Grab our free 3D paper heart template and project sheet below for an easy Valentine’s Day craft for one kiddo or a group. Enjoy colorful Valentine’s crafts for kids at home or in the classroom.

What shape do you associate with Valentine’s Day. It is the love heart, isn’t it.

It is thought that the origins of the heart shape were inspired by plant leaves with examples from over a thousand years ago. However, the familiar symbol of the heart representing love as we know it, developed in the 15th century, and became popular in Europe during the 16th.

All you need are a few simple supplies to get started.

STEP 2: Place the heart printable on top of a sheet of colored paper. STEP 3: Fold the papers in half so the hearts overlap.

Then cut the hearts out with scissors.

STEP 5: Stack all 6 hearts on top of each other. Staple the hearts twice down the middle.

Tape the string along both sides of the staples and use to hang your heart ornament.


01LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEED + PRICE – MATCH ON EVERY ORDERYou’ll always get real lowest price on all our promotional products & items when you order from us. And if you find a lower price elsewhere, let us know, and we’ll match it.02FREE VISUAL PROOF – SEE BEFORE YOUR BUYIf you’re not sure how your logo will look on one of our promotional products, we can send you a free visual proof via email within 24-48 hours.

We have a team of experienced designers who will work with you to create a unique and eye-catching logo. The benefits of working with our team go beyond just getting your artwork or logo turned into a high-resolution vector file.

Our customers are our number one priority, and we work hard to ensure they are satisfied with our products and services. We stand behind our products and services, and we are always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

And if you find a lower price elsewhere, let us know, and we’ll match it.

And if you find a lower price elsewhere, let us know, and we’ll match it. 01LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEED + PRICE – MATCH ON EVERY ORDER.

02FREE VISUAL PROOF – SEE BEFORE YOUR BUYIf you’re not sure how your logo will look on one of our promotional products, we can send you a free visual proof via email within 24-48 hours. Just let us know what product you’re interested in, and send us your logo or artwork, and we’ll email you an image of how your logo will look on it.

02FREE VISUAL PROOF – SEE BEFORE YOUR BUYIf you’re not sure how your logo will look on one of our promotional products, we can send you a free visual proof via email within 24-48 hours. Just let us know what product you’re interested in, and send us your logo or artwork, and we’ll email you an image of how your logo will look on it.

03FREE LOGO DESIGN & ARTWORK SERVICEWe offer a free logo design and artwork service that is perfect for businesses that need extra help with their branding. We have a team of experienced designers who will work with you to create a unique and eye-catching logo.

Our team can also advise you on the best possible layout for your project, and handle everything from start to finish.

We have a team of experienced designers who will work with you to create a unique and eye-catching logo. The benefits of working with our team go beyond just getting your artwork or logo turned into a high-resolution vector file.


Our customers are our number one priority, and we work hard to ensure they are satisfied with our products and services. We stand behind our products and services, and we are always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

04100% Satisfaction GuaranteeWe want you to be thrilled with your purchase, and our 100% satisfaction guarantee ensures that you will be. Our customers are our number one priority, and we work hard to ensure they are satisfied with our products and services.

04100% Satisfaction Guarantee. 04.

Ship to Any Location in Australia  [16]

Spread the love for your brand with these promotional heart flashing buttons which come complete with 2 button cell batteries already inserted. Product features rapidly blinking red lights that are certainly eye catching and would put the spotlight on your brand name or logo.

The front panel is also made with reflective plastic material adding safety to the user. Please make sure items are branded with your business name or logo to enjoy brand visibility.

The price displayed for the Branded Flashing Badge Heart Shape includes your logo personalized onto it by pad printing. Standard pricing includes of a 1 colour artwork printed.

The maximum amount of colours that can be branded onto this product is available up to one colour only. Your custom branding is emblazoned onto the front.

Additional areas for branding logo and graphics onto this product is not available. This item measures: 2 1/3″W x 1 7/8″H x 5/8″D in inches.

This product is available to deliveries within Australia only for the time being. The completed branded item comes packaged to you in cartons measuring: 12 x 10 x 10inches.

Full production is scheduled after receiving approved artwork and payment of invoice. Please allow 2 weeks to print your merchandise.

Cost of delivery is dependent on your location. We can supply you with an estimate at the time of quotation.

3d rendering in 6 sets of hearts, heart shape in different rotation, red hot color, Valentine’s Day. [17]

3d rendering in hearts, heart shape in different rotation, red hot color, Valentine’s Day.

Royalty-Free Illustration Download preview. Royalty-Free Illustration.

Add to lightbox DOWNLOAD Royalty-Free Extended licenses.

Add to lightbox DOWNLOAD. Royalty-Free Extended licenses.

XS 480x323px 16.9cm x 11.4cm @72dpi 86kB | jpg S 800x538px 6.8cm x 4.6cm @300dpi 179kB | jpg M 2112x1419px 17.9cm x 12cm @300dpi 893kB | jpg L 3000x2016px 25.4cm x 17.1cm @300dpi 1.3MB | jpg XL 3450x2318px 29.2cm x 19.6cm @300dpi 1.8MB | jpg MAX 4225x2839px 35.8cm x 24cm @300dpi 1.3MB | jpg TIFF 4243x2851px 35.9cm x 24.1cm @300dpi 34.6MB | tiff Unlimited Seats (U-EL) Web Usage (W-EL) Print usage (P-EL) Sell the rights (SR-EL1) $62.50USD Sell the rights (SR-EL3) $150.00USD Sell the rights (SR-EL) $250.00USD.

XS 480x323px 16.9cm x 11.4cm @72dpi 86kB | jpg S 800x538px 6.8cm x 4.6cm @300dpi 179kB | jpg M 2112x1419px 17.9cm x 12cm @300dpi 893kB | jpg L 3000x2016px 25.4cm x 17.1cm @300dpi 1.3MB | jpg XL 3450x2318px 29.2cm x 19.6cm @300dpi 1.8MB | jpg MAX 4225x2839px 35.8cm x 24cm @300dpi 1.3MB | jpg TIFF 4243x2851px 35.9cm x 24.1cm @300dpi 34.6MB | tiff.

480x323px 16.9cm x 11.4cm @72dpi. 86kB | jpg.

800x538px 6.8cm x 4.6cm @300dpi. 179kB | jpg.

2112x1419px 17.9cm x 12cm @300dpi. 893kB | jpg.

3000x2016px 25.4cm x 17.1cm @300dpi. 1.3MB | jpg.

3450x2318px 29.2cm x 19.6cm @300dpi. 1.8MB | jpg.

4225x2839px 35.8cm x 24cm @300dpi. 1.3MB | jpg.

4243x2851px 35.9cm x 24.1cm @300dpi. 34.6MB | tiff.

Unlimited Seats (U-EL) Web Usage (W-EL) Print usage (P-EL) Sell the rights (SR-EL1) $62.50USD Sell the rights (SR-EL3) $150.00USD Sell the rights (SR-EL) $250.00USD. Unlimited Seats (U-EL).

Web Usage (W-EL). Web Usage (W-EL).

Print usage (P-EL). Sell the rights (SR-EL1) $62.50USD.

$62.50USD. $62.50USD.

Sell the rights (SR-EL3). $150.00USD.

Sell the rights (SR-EL) $250.00USD. Sell the rights (SR-EL).

$250.00USD. We accept all major credit cards from Vietnam.

We accept all major credit cards from Vietnam. ID 182029491 © Boon Leong Yap| Dreamstime.com.

ID 182029491 © Boon Leong Yap| Dreamstime.com. ID 182029491 © Boon Leong Yap| Dreamstime.com.

More similar stock illustrations Pink paper butterflies on pink background. Valentine\’s day concept.

More similar stock illustrations Pink paper butterflies on pink background. Valentine\’s day concept.

More similar stock illustrations. Pink paper butterflies on pink background.

3D Rendering, Paper pink hearts fly on soft 3d rendering hearts on black background for valentine`s day 3d rendering, Hearts on pink background 3D Rendering Hearts Background 3D Rendering Hearts Background 3D Rendering Hearts Background 3D Rendering Hearts Background 3d rendering hearts and gift boxes on the podium and text Love concept Valentine Day 3d illustration of mother`s day panorama model rendering 3d hearts, roses, gifts, heart balloons 3d rendering hearts and gift boxes on the podium with pink color tone background concept Valentine`s Day 3d rendering hearts and gift boxes on the podium with pink color tone background concept Valentine`s Day 3d rendering , Hearts shape on a water 3d rendering , Hearts on a beach 3D Rendering Hearts Background.

Valentine\’s day concept. 3D Rendering, Paper pink hearts fly on soft 3d rendering hearts on black background for valentine`s day 3d rendering, Hearts on pink background 3D Rendering Hearts Background.

Valentine\’s day concept. 3D Rendering, Paper pink hearts fly on soft.

Valentine\’s day concept. 3D Rendering, Paper pink hearts fly on soft.

3d rendering hearts on black background for valentine`s day. 3d rendering, Hearts on pink background.

3D Rendering Hearts Background. 3D Rendering Hearts Background.

Management and Treatment [18]

Sinus bradycardia usually doesn’t need treatment unless you have symptoms. This is especially true if you have sinus bradycardia because you’re in good physical condition and exercise regularly.

When your sinoatrial node (SA) — your heart’s natural pacemaker — isn’t working as it should, there are artificial ways to get the same effect. Permanent pacemakers, devices that a cardiologist or surgeon can implant in your chest, can deliver an electric current to make your heart beat properly.

In some cases, there’s also a short-term method that uses the same principles. That method, temporary pacing, uses a device that sends electrical pulses into your body through pads attached to your skin, or through a temporary wire inserted into your heart.

For some people, a new type of pacemaker device is an appropriate and better option. Leadless pacemakers are implantable using a catheter-based procedure.

They then thread that tube-like device through your blood vessels and up to your heart. Once there, they can implant the leadless pacemaker — which is about the size of a large multivitamin — directly inside the right ventricle of your heart.

Intravenous (IV) and injectable medications like atropine can speed up your heart rate for a short time. Your healthcare provider is the best person to tell you what side effects to expect from any treatments, medications or procedures to treat your sinus bradycardia.

Because sinus bradycardia requires an EKG to diagnose, it’s not something you should assume you have based on symptoms alone. The best course of action is to see your healthcare provider if you have sinus bradycardia symptoms.

You should start feeling better soon after you receive effective treatment for sinus bradycardia (either medications or temporary pacing). If you need a permanent pacemaker, you should start feeling better after that surgery (especially after you recover from the surgery itself).

Regardless of which treatments you receive, your healthcare provider is the best person to tell you how long it should take you to recover and what you can expect. That’s because they can take into account your unique circumstances and situation.

Colorful silhouette closeup globe earth world in heart shape coming out of cardboard box vector illustration [19]

Colorful silhouette closeup globe earth world in heart shape coming out of cardboard box. Royalty-Free Vector Download preview.

Royalty-Free Vector Download preview. Royalty-Free Vector.

Add to lightbox DOWNLOAD Royalty-Free Extended licenses.

Add to lightbox DOWNLOAD. Royalty-Free Extended licenses.

XS 480x480px 16.9cm x 16.9cm @72dpi 96kB | jpg S 800x800px 6.8cm x 6.8cm @300dpi 191kB | jpg M 1732x1732px 14.7cm x 14.7cm @300dpi 600kB | jpg L 2236x2236px 18.9cm x 18.9cm @300dpi 756kB | jpg XL 2828x2828px 23.9cm x 23.9cm @300dpi 1005kB | jpg MAX 5315x5315px 45cm x 45cm @300dpi 1.8MB | jpg EPS Encapsulated PostScript vector eps TIFF 7517x7517px 63.6cm x 63.6cm @300dpi 161.6MB | tiff Unlimited Seats (U-EL) Web Usage (W-EL) Print usage (P-EL) Sell the rights (SR-EL1) Sell the rights (SR-EL3) Sell the rights (SR-EL).

XS 480x480px 16.9cm x 16.9cm @72dpi 96kB | jpg S 800x800px 6.8cm x 6.8cm @300dpi 191kB | jpg M 1732x1732px 14.7cm x 14.7cm @300dpi 600kB | jpg L 2236x2236px 18.9cm x 18.9cm @300dpi 756kB | jpg XL 2828x2828px 23.9cm x 23.9cm @300dpi 1005kB | jpg MAX 5315x5315px 45cm x 45cm @300dpi 1.8MB | jpg EPS Encapsulated PostScript vector eps TIFF 7517x7517px 63.6cm x 63.6cm @300dpi 161.6MB | tiff.

480x480px 16.9cm x 16.9cm @72dpi. 96kB | jpg.

800x800px 6.8cm x 6.8cm @300dpi. 191kB | jpg.

1732x1732px 14.7cm x 14.7cm @300dpi. 600kB | jpg.

2236x2236px 18.9cm x 18.9cm @300dpi. 756kB | jpg.

2828x2828px 23.9cm x 23.9cm @300dpi. 1005kB | jpg.

5315x5315px 45cm x 45cm @300dpi. 1.8MB | jpg.

Encapsulated PostScript vector. eps.

7517x7517px 63.6cm x 63.6cm @300dpi. 161.6MB | tiff.

Unlimited Seats (U-EL) Web Usage (W-EL) Print usage (P-EL) Sell the rights (SR-EL1) Sell the rights (SR-EL3) Sell the rights (SR-EL). Unlimited Seats (U-EL).

Web Usage (W-EL). Web Usage (W-EL).

Print usage (P-EL). Sell the rights (SR-EL1).

Sell the rights (SR-EL3). Sell the rights (SR-EL3).

Sell the rights (SR-EL). We accept all major credit cards from Vietnam.

We accept all major credit cards from Vietnam. ID 142490526 © Gpgroup| Dreamstime.com 2 4.

ID 142490526 © Gpgroup| Dreamstime.com 2 4. ID 142490526 © Gpgroup| Dreamstime.com.

Designers Also Selected These Stock Illustrations Earth Heart Home and garden lawn care t-shirt Planet Tag for Earth Day in Doodle Style, Vector Illustration Home Alone with earth and sky contour badge pin logo template April 22 – Earth Day Mountain logo Local seo symbol. Globe and location marker line icon, filled outline vector sign, linear colorful pictogram isolated on white.

Vector thin outline pictograms with flat color related with payment, finances and economy Budget Line Color Icon Blurred silhouette front view globe earth world in heart shape Sea waves icon flat black round button vector illustration Audit, Accounting, Banking, Budget, Business, Calculation, Financial, Report Abstract Flat Color Icon Template Save the world, Globe and hands doodle.

More similar stock illustrations Global business World shipments Global distribution Global Business Concept World in box Download concept, earth globe in a white box Cardboard box with globe Icon of globe in box Earth in crate World globe box World box shipment concept World in box Shipment concept Illustration of shipping box with earth More stock photos from Gpgroup’s portfolio Related categories Industries Healthcare & Medical People Active Objects Other Browse categories Abstract Animals Arts & Architecture Business Editorial Holidays IT & C Illustrations & Clipart Nature Technology Travel Web Design Graphics.

Globe and location marker line icon, filled outline vector sign, linear colorful pictogram isolated on white. l Strong team at a team building event Money and Finance icons.

Earth icon hand-drawn on white background.

Earth Heart Home and garden lawn care t-shirt Planet Tag for Earth Day in Doodle Style, Vector Illustration Home Alone with earth and sky contour badge pin logo template April 22 – Earth Day Mountain logo Local seo symbol. Globe and location marker line icon, filled outline vector sign, linear colorful pictogram isolated on white.

Vector thin outline pictograms with flat color related with payment, finances and economy Budget Line Color Icon Blurred silhouette front view globe earth world in heart shape Sea waves icon flat black round button vector illustration Audit, Accounting, Banking, Budget, Business, Calculation, Financial, Report Abstract Flat Color Icon Template Save the world, Globe and hands doodle.

So Where Does Love Come From, The Heart Or The Soul? [20]

I know, I know, you must be have reread this question at least a couple of times and asked yourself, “Whaaaaat. Isn’t the heart and the soul the same thing.

I remember being in a book club in college and asking the same thing. It gets even more confusing when you try to add the word “spirit” into the mix.

In order to be able to answer this question, it’s important to define what soul means and what heart means. Let’s start off with soul.

The soul: Now let’s talk about the heart.

A dream is a wish your heart makes When you’re fast asleep In dreams you will lose your heartache Whatever you wish for you keep. Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on believing the dream that you wish will come true.

Let’s explore what loving with the heart and loving with the soul looks like. For most of you, loving with your heart is easy.

Your heart is where most of the love that you give to others comes from. If you stop to think about it, it’s a beautiful thing that you are willing to love yourself with the a delicate part of you that is bound to be hurt.

That’s why when you know that someone loves you and they demonstrate it well, you treasure that love … because it is a treasure. Loving someone with your soul means that you are:

Generally speaking, most people love more people with their heart and fewer people with their soul. It just happens to be like that.

It’s a guidance system that you should just accept and not feel bad to try to manipulate it. Feeling love in you is marvelous thing.

Simple. And as we’ve talked about in this site before, you need express your love in a way that the other person grasps.

If you love them with your heart that’s great. If you love them with your heart and soul…they should absolutely know about it.

They deserve to know. So tell them.

The main difference between loving someone with the soul vs. loving them with the heart is that your heart expresses love through affection and your soul expresses love through devotion.

Share some examples with us below. You can even get creative and share how you act when you know that you love someone with your heart vs.

Or both. Can’t wait to hear your comments below.

Your experiences will also enrich our perspectives. 🙂.

Reference source

  1. https://wepropagate.co/design/heart-and-design-the-history-behind-the-heart-symbol/
  2. https://education.onehowto.com/article/where-does-the-heart-shape-come-from-13217.html
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_symbol
  4. https://tampacardio.com/how-the-heart-shape-got-its-name-and-why-it-looks-nothing-like-the-human-heart/
  5. https://www.patheos.com/blogs/dandelionlady/2021/02/origins-of-the-heart-shape-found-in-folkart-embroidery-and-ecology.html
  6. https://www.kimberfire.com/origins-of-the-heart
  7. https://99designs.com/blog/design-history-movements/the-history-of-the-heart/
  8. https://www.kenhub.com/en/library/anatomy/the-ventricles-of-the-heart
  9. https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-illustration-gift-box-heart-shape-flat-style-isolated-white-background-love-concept-icon-vector-illustration-image81900330
  10. https://www.homemade-gifts-made-easy.com/heart-template.html
  11. https://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photo-pink-flowers-shape-heart-image22746505
  12. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/takotsubo-cardiomyopathy-broken-heart-syndrome
  13. https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photos-heart-shape-closeup-carved-apple-image28869263
  14. https://littlebinsforlittlehands.com/3d-paper-heart/
  15. https://www.promotionalproductinc.com/heart-shape-stress-reliever
  16. https://www.promotionalitems.com.au/branded-flashing-badge-heart-shape
  17. https://www.dreamstime.com/d-rendering-sets-hearts-heart-shape-different-rotation-red-hot-sexy-color-valentine-s-day-d-rendering-hearts-heart-image182029491
  18. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22473-sinus-bradycardia
  19. https://www.dreamstime.com/colorful-silhouette-closeup-globe-earth-world-heart-shape-coming-out-cardboard-box-vector-illustration-image142490526
  20. https://loveandtreasure.com/where-does-love-come-from-your-heart-or-your-soul/

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