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where is the maldives located on a map

Maldives Map 2023 [1]

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Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Baa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Male Atoll North Ari Atoll South Ari Atoll Vaavu Atoll Meemu Atoll Faafu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Gaagu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll / Addu.

Haa Alifu Atoll. Haa Dhaalu Atoll.

Haa Dhaalu Atoll. Shaviyani Atoll.

Shaviyani Atoll. Noonu Atoll.

Noonu Atoll. Raa Atoll.

Raa Atoll. Baa Atoll.

Baa Atoll. Lhaviyani Atoll.

Lhaviyani Atoll. Male Atoll.

Male Atoll. North Ari Atoll.

North Ari Atoll. South Ari Atoll.

South Ari Atoll. Vaavu Atoll.

Vaavu Atoll. Meemu Atoll.

Meemu Atoll. Faafu Atoll.

Faafu Atoll. Dhaalu Atoll.

Dhaalu Atoll. Thaa Atoll.

Thaa Atoll. Laamu Atoll.

Laamu Atoll. Gaagu Alifu Atoll.

Gaagu Alifu Atoll. Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll.

Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll. Gnaviyani Atoll.

Gnaviyani Atoll. Seenu Atoll / Addu.

Seenu Atoll / Addu.

List of Maldives Atolls [2]

Although you’re probably aware of The Maldives as one of the most picturesque and paradisical island groups in the world, you might be less clear about where it actually is on the map. Comprised a group of over 1,000 tiny coral islands clustered in ‘Atolls’ (essentially a group of islands).

This idyllic and unique country boasts the honour of being the smallest Asian nation in both land area and population. Spanning approximately 90,000 square kilometers, the Maldives’, what the Maldives lacks in size, it more than makes up for in captivating beauty with its azure waters, powdery white beaches, and vibrant coral reefs, making it a sought-after destination for honeymooners, divers, and people seeking the ultimate in luxury.

If you want to get really technical, the country is situated between latitudes 3°15’N and 7°09’N and longitudes 72°32’E and 73°45’E.

The country consists of 26 atolls, each comprising numerous coral islands and islets, with a total land area of approximately 300 square kilometers. The capital city, Malé, is situated on the island of the same name in the North Malé Atoll.

If we zoom in a little closer and look at the second image (below), you can see The Maldives Proximity to India, sitting just off the southern tip, to the Southwest. Although many people get The Maldives confused with other tropical island nations like Mauritius and the Seychelles, the geography of these countries is very distinct, and if you look at the first map you can see that they are thousands of miles apart.

So now we know exactly where in the world the Maldives is, what about how the country looks closer up. As mentioned The Maldives is unique in the way it’s structured, being made up of 26 Atolls, each comprising of various different numbers of islands.

This map however does give you a much better idea of the shape of The Maldives, as well as the orientation of some of the major Atolls. from North Male Atoll in the East (where the capital Male is located), Addu Atoll in the far south, Ari Atoll (one of the largest Atolls) in the West to Ihavabdhippolhu Atoll in the north.

In general, each individual island is home to just one or a small handful of resorts.

Be aware that many of the Atolls have a ‘local’ name, but also name used more commonly by foreign tourists. While the Maldives is known for its unrivaled natural beauty, it’s also home to some of the most luxurious 4 and 5-star resorts and hotels in the world.

Below is a list of some of the most popular hotels in the Maldives, along with the island and Atoll they’re located on.

Your flight times will of course depend on where you are in the world, and what island you’re starting on, as mentioned earlier, Male is the capital and location of the main airport, so most flights land here, but unless you’re staying on Male, a transfer by boat or seaplane is also required to get to your final destination.

Below are approximate times and the transport type required to give you an idea of the additional time it might take to get to your hotel. N.B.

The Best Time to Visit The Maldives From India [3]

If you could imagine paradise, how would you describe it. Tranquil.

Cheerful. Well, these words and more paint an accurate picture of The Maldives.

But before we go on about this earthly haven, we can hear you asking – “Where is Maldives. ”.

This piece of information might lead you to ask another question – “Is it located in India. ” Quite simply, no.

Even though the vast Indian Ocean has been named after India, it does not necessarily mean that all islands in this ocean belong to India. India does have many islands under its administration, though.

In any case, The Maldives is not a part of India. Sporting its own national flag and government, The Maldives is a collection of almost 1,200 tiny islands.

Most of the islands in The Maldives are uninhabited. Only about 200 Maldivian isles are inhabited by the local Maldivians.

A major proportion of these are private islands which are owned by large hospitality groups from across the world. True to the spirit of The Maldives’ ‘one-island one-resort’ theme, each private island is home to one luxury resort that sprawls all over the isle.

Apart from the resort islands, specifically dedicated to tourism, some uninhabited islands are used for industrial purposes, for the construction of factories or as dumping grounds. In fact, the Maldives International Airport is located on the uninhabited island of Hulhulé.

The inhabited islands are often called public islands. Only a few local islands are open to tourists at present, as most Maldivians are generally shy and prefer not to have their ethnic culture diluted by way of foreign influence.

After reading so much about this idyllic archipelago, you must be burning with the question – “Where is The Maldives Located. ” We are not going to bore you with the technical details of its longitudinal and latitudinal position or its extent in values you may not find relevant.

The Maldives is located in South Asia, sprawled across the equator, making it one of the few countries in the world to exist in both the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. If you happen to travel from India, you will find this cluster of palm fringed islands to the south west of the nation.

Since the islands are infinitesimally small, they are not normally shown on the world map unless you zoom in to get the details. Much of The Maldives lies on the Laccadive Sea and the bordering Arabian Sea.

However, a unique phenomenon you’ll find in these coral atolls are the intermixing of two seas, where the turquoise shade of one appears contrasting to the blue of the other. There are only two ways to reach The Maldives from India.

Quite a few airlines operate flights to and from the Velana International Airport, Maldives from a number of different Indian cities. Air India, Indigo and SpiceJet are only a handful of the scores of airline choices you will have.

However, if time is not a constraint and you don’t mind a layover, especially if it’s in another country, then there are multiple options to choose from – SriLankan Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Etihad Airways, and many more. For leisure travellers who prefer more luxurious vacations, a cruise might be an excellent option.

At the moment, it is possible to begin your journey from either Mumbai or Kochi. The luxuriant cruise takes about 3 days, with the first one for boarding, the second on the sea and the third day for arrival at Malé.

It is common knowledge that Maldives’ weather remains clement round the year. However, it is more pleasant to visit in the winter months of December and January.

But this is also when most of Maldives’ luxury villas are fully booked or overpriced to say the least. Besides, you will likely find plenty of other holidayers taking a slice off your privacy in certain public island resorts.

While you might find some of the top Maldives water villas at throwaway rates, you might have to miss out on certain activities to do in Maldives. Water sports and snorkeling are best done on a clear day when the sea is calm and the clouds don’t threaten to rain.

The months off April and October offer you the best of both worlds, with reasonable discounts on resorts in The Maldives and plenty of fair weather days to get on some of Maldives’ diving tours. All of the weather guidelines outlined above refer to the northern atolls of The Maldives which are above the equator.

Plan your honeymoon thoughtfully and book Maldives honeymoon packages from India that caters to your needs. Select from various Maldives tour packages from India that let you understand Maldives’ history & culture.

Sign up for one of the specially curated Maldives walking tours to discover this city on foot, or go on a culinary excursion around town. You will never have a dull moment when holidaying here.

Where are the Maldives located? [4]

This beautiful string of coral islands in the Indian Ocean must surely qualify as being an earthly paradise and most visitors to the Maldive islands enjoy a warm welcome and experience a true feeling of peace and tranquillity. These islands, however, are noted for their stormy past both physically and politically and even in recent years, there has been much unrest.

So welcome to Beautiful World’s travel guide where you can learn all about the Maldives, what the Maldives are and where they are located. Time zone: Greenwich Mean Time +5 hours Religion: Islam.

International Dialling Code: +960 Currency: Maldivian Rufiyaa Language: Maldivian, also known as Divehi. English is also widely understood and used especially in tourist regions.

The Maldives are a large group of islands located to the south-west of the southern tip of India. These are coral islands which have formed on the tops of a range of submerged mountains known as the Chagos-Maldives-Laccadive ridge which runs approximately in a north-south direction, straddling the equator.

The whole of the Maldives forms part of a large archipelago of geologically linked islands but they are formed in characteristic shapes known as atolls. Atolls are frequently encountered in coral island groups and individual atolls often form a circular shape enclosing an area of sheltered water.

In many cases several different islands may share the same lagoon and there are many other small islands which do not conform to this pattern.

Haa Alif Atoll (HA) Haa Dhaalu Atoll (Hdh) Shaviyani Atoll (Sh) Noonu Atoll (N) Raa Atoll (R) Baa Atoll (B) Lhaviyani Atoll (Lh) Kaafu Atoll (K) Alif Alif Atoll (AA) Alif Dhaal (Adh) Vaavu Atoll (V) Meemu Atoll (M) Faafu Atoll (F) Dhaalu Atoll (D) Thaa Atoll (Th) Laamu Atoll (L) Gaafu Alif Atoll (GA) Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll (Gdh) Gnaviyani Atoll (Gn) Addu Atoll, previously known as Seenu Atoll, (Seenu).

In the UK, the most common pronunciation is Moll-Deevs, rhyming with Doll Leaves, with the first syllable being most heavily stressed. Mall-Deeves, rhyming with Pal, is also used.

There is some uncertainty regarding the origins of this country’s name. The word certainly comes from languages used by early inhabitants and Malayalam, Sanskrit, Sinhala and Tamil have all been suggested.

The Maldivian people are referred to as “Dhivehin” meaning islanders. There is also general agreement that “Mal” is translated as “garland”.

When the islands were under Dutch control, they were known as “Maldivische Eilanden” and the British merely anglicised the name firstly to “Maldive Islands” and subsequently to “Maldives”. Officially the name of the country is “The Republic of Maldives”.

It is likely that these peaks once stood high above the surface of the sea but, due to erosion, or tectonic movement, these land masses have now subsided below the surface. Conditions in this region are however ideal for coral growth in the warm shallow waters and the bony coral structures would cover the retreating rocks.

The shape of the atolls has also been questioned and it has even been suggested that their circular shape could be. The shape of the atolls has also been questioned and it has even been suggested that their circular shape could be the result of corals growing around the uppermost parts of ancient super-volcanoes but this is most unlikely.

The shape of the atolls is therefore likely to follow the shape of the shoreline in an earlier era. Similarly shaped atolls are found in many other parts of the world.

Studies of language and customs, however, would suggest that the early island settlers arrived from the Indian sub-continent, Sri Lanka in particular. These Sinhalese people are believed to have arrived around 500 BC bringing with them the Buddhist religion.

Archaeological remains of Buddhist buildings can be found throughout the islands. A major change came about in the 12th century when the country’s leader, Dhovemi, converted to Islam and changed from being a Buddhist King to an Islamic Sultan.

Even as early as the 10th century, there was major trade with other Asian and African countries and cowrie shells which are abundant throughout the islands were particularly prized as they were actually used as currency at this time in many countries so visitors to the islands could literally pick up money.

Dried tuna, ambergris and coco de mer nuts were other valuable trade commodities. The influence of European countries began in the mid-16th century when the Portuguese established a trading post and garrison on the islands.

In the mid-17th century, the Dutch were a major force in the region and had taken control of Ceylon (Sri Lanka). They assumed authority over the Maldives but chose not to take any local involvement in government, preferring to let things continue more or less unchanged.1796 saw the Dutch ousted by the British, the islands becoming a British protectorate.

In an attempt to form a constitutional monarchy, the British began taking power away from the Sultan and placing it in the hands of the Chief Minister. The country’s first constitution was produced in 1932 but met with a great deal of anger and resentment.

In 1953, the First Republic was declared under the control of President Muhammed Amin Didi. Riots followed and Didi was beaten to death.

This brought great financial benefits to the most southerly Maldive islands but the country’s political leaders disapproved. The three most southerly atolls declared independence from the rest of the Maldives but such a move was quashed when gun-boats were sent to reclaim the lands.

The Maldives became a completely independent country in 1965 and a republic in 1968 finally consigning the Maldivian Sultanate to the history books. Any hopes for political stability, however, were short-lived and in 1970 the Prime Minister was arrested and exiled and the President fled the country along with vast sums of money from the treasury.

There were three coup attempts in 1980, 1983 and 1988, the latter requiring the intervention of the Indian armed forces. Towards the end of Gayoom’s term of office, some political reforms appeared leading to direct presidential elections and a new constitution in 2008.

Elections in 2013 saw Nasheed winning the most votes in the first round but the government of the day had the result annulled. The new President,.

Maldives Facts & Information [5]

Maldives is an island nation of Southern Asia situated in the north-central Indian Ocean. It lies southwest of India and Sri Lanka, and It lies between latitudes 1°S and 8°N, and longitudes 72° and 74°E.

Malé is the Cpital of Maldives.

Maldives consists of a chain of about 1,200 small coral islands and sandbanks, which are constituted of a double chain of about 26 atolls. It lies between the Minicoy Island (Lakshadweep islands, India) and Chagos Archipelago.

Surprisingly, the atolls of the Maldives comprise of a territory spread over approximately 90,000 square kilometers. This geographic feature categorizes it as one of the most dispersed countries in the world in terms area.

Maldives are the smallest Asian island country in terms of geographic area as well as population. By virtue of being located in the Indian Ocean, the climate of Mildives are largely controlled.

The variation of temperature is also low. The country’s economy is largely depends upon the tourism.

©2024 Whereig.com.

Maldives Atolls [6]

The Maldives can be found on a map by looking for the equator, which is a line of latitude that circles the Earth at 0 degrees. The Maldives are located near the equator, between latitudes 4 and 8 degrees north and longitudes 72 and 74 degrees east.

Location of Maldives on World map. The Maldives is an Indian Ocean tropical paradise made up of 26 atolls and over 1,000 coral islands.

The country has a land size of around 90,000 square kilometers and is Asia’s smallest in terms of both land area and population. Despite its small size, the Maldives has a rich cultural and historical heritage, with influences from India, Sri Lanka, and the Arab world.

The Maldives is a one-of-a-kind and magnificent island nation in the Indian Ocean, with stunning natural beauty and a rich cultural legacy. Its geographical location makes it a great destination for people looking for a tropical paradise retreat with a choice of water sports and beach activities.

The Maldives is made up of 26 natural atolls divided into 20 administrative atolls. These atolls are essentially a ring-shaped collection of coral islands that encircle a central lagoon.

The islands are made of coral, which is formed over millions of years by the accumulation of the remains of marine organisms. The Maldives’ atolls are unique in that they were formed by the gradual sinking of an ancient volcano.

The islands are constantly changing as a result of the effects of wind, waves, and ocean currents, and the coral reefs that surround them are home to a diverse range of marine life, including tropical fish, sharks, and sea turtles. The atolls are scattered throughout the Maldives, each with its own distinct personality and charm.

The atolls also have a number of resorts and hotels, many of which are located on their own private islands and provide activities such as snorkeling, diving, and water sports. The Maldives’ atolls are a distinct and beautiful feature of the country’s geography, and they play an important role in Maldivian culture.

The North Male and South Male Atolls are close to Male, the capital city, and are home to many of the Maldives’ most well-known resorts. The Ari Atoll is well-known for its excellent diving and snorkeling, whereas the Baa Atoll is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve known for its diverse marine life and natural beauty.

With its crystal-clear turquoise waters, white sand beaches, and abundant marine life, the Maldives is a tropical paradise. Because of its location in the Indian Ocean, the country is a great destination for beach-goers and water sports enthusiasts.

What part of the world does the Maldives belong to: neighbors [7]

Discovering the Location of the Maldives on World Map: A Comprehensive Guide. While the answer may seem obvious to some, it’s not always the case.

” or “Where is Maldives. ” and many more.

Get ready to delve into a wealth of interesting and useful information. It will be difficult for you to plan your dream trip to Maldives without these websites.

The Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean, just south of India and Sri Lanka. It is an island nation that consists of nearly 1,200 islands, of which only about 300 are inhabited.

Attached is a dynamic map of the Maldives, which you can click, zoom in, and explore in more detail. All 1,200 islands are of coral origin, meaning that they were formed as a result of coral activity in the ocean.

Even the capital city of the country is located on an island that measures only 2 by 3 kilometers. This is also a frequent question from tourists traveling to the Maldives for the first time.

Interesting to know: However, the nearby Seychelles, which are located close to the Maldives, are located on the African tectonic plate, which makes them part of Africa.

Good to know: The nearest countries to the Maldives are India, about 250 km from the northernmost Maldives atoll, and Sri Lanka, about 350 km from the same atoll.

Discover even more interesting facts about the Maldives in the article linked below. Learn about the alcohol ban and the absence of dogs on the islands, among other fascinating information.

Every resort here is a fairy tale and a dream come true, even though it’s not the tropics. The island resorts of the Indian Ocean are often referred to as tropical paradise islands.

There are many countries with access to the Indian Ocean, and many of them have well-developed tourism. But there is an unofficial ranking: the golden four of the tropical paradise islands of the Indian Ocean.

The article at the link is a comprehensive review, exploring the best places to relax at Indian Ocean resorts, complete with comparisons of all these resorts. In conclusion: Now you can easily find the Maldives on world map, know about neighbors and that they are not the only paradise islands in the Indian Ocean.

Wishing you a bright holiday in the Maldives.

Maldives Major Cities [8]

Maldives on a world map Maldives regional map Local map of Maldives, showing the capital, Male’ Absolute Location: 3.2000 Degrees North, 73.2200 Degrees East.  Geography: Places to Visit Ari Atoll: Ari Atoll is a natural atoll in Maldives.

This beautiful place is perfect for scuba diving, where divers can often see sharks, manta rays, and various tropical fish. Ari is one of the most developed islands in Maldives, which makes it a great place to visit.

This island does take a short boat ride to reach, but it’s worth it. Manta Point:Manta Point is the perfect place for an adventure.

You can also see beautiful coral and other sea life. Be sure to stop by for an adventure.

Maldives on a world map Maldives regional map Local map of Maldives, showing the capital, Male’ Absolute Location: 3.2000 Degrees North, 73.2200 Degrees East.  Geography: Places to Visit Ari Atoll: Ari Atoll is a natural atoll in Maldives.

This beautiful place is perfect for scuba diving, where divers can often see sharks, manta rays, and various tropical fish. Ari is one of the most developed islands in Maldives, which makes it a great place to visit.

This island does take a short boat ride to reach, but it’s worth it. Manta Point:Manta Point is the perfect place for an adventure.

You can also see beautiful coral and other sea life. Be sure to stop by for an adventure.

Maldives on a world map Maldives regional map Local map of Maldives, showing the capital, Male’ Absolute Location: 3.2000 Degrees North, 73.2200 Degrees East.  Geography: Places to Visit Ari Atoll: Ari Atoll is a natural atoll in Maldives.

This beautiful place is perfect for scuba diving, where divers can often see sharks, manta rays, and various tropical fish. Ari is one of the most developed islands in Maldives, which makes it a great place to visit.

This island does take a short boat ride to reach, but it’s worth it. Manta Point:Manta Point is the perfect place for an adventure.

You can also see beautiful coral and other sea life. Be sure to stop by for an adventure.

Maldives on a world map.

Maldives regional map.

Local map of Maldives, showing the capital, Male’. Absolute Location: 3.2000 Degrees North, 73.2200 Degrees East.

Ari Atoll: Ari Atoll is a natural atoll in Maldives. An atoll is a ring shaped coral reef that forms around an island.

Ari is one of the most developed islands in Maldives, which makes it a great place to visit.

Fua Mulaku: Fua Mulaku is a beautiful island that is rich in fruit, such as pineapples, mangoes, and oranges. This island does take a short boat ride to reach, but it’s worth it.

Manta Point:Manta Point is the perfect place for an adventure. Here you can swim, snorkel, or scuba dive with manta rays.

Be sure to stop by for an adventure.

This island hosts over 65000 people, and is currently the largest city. The capital is located here because it is one of the largest islands and is rich in natural resources, such as fruit, plant life, and fish.

Fuvahmulah: 0.2792° S, 73.4083° EFuvahmulah is a beautiful island hosting over 11,140 people. It is the second largest island in Maldives, topped only by the capital, Male’.

Hithadhoo: 0.6094° S, 73.0899° EHithadhoo is a small island with just over 9000 people. It is currently the third largest city in Maldives.

Popular Destinations in the Maldives [9]

The Maldives, an enchanting tropical paradise, is a popular tourist destination known for its pristine white sandy beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and vibrant coral reefs. We were lucky enough to explore this beautiful country in June this year for 1,5 week and wow what an experience it was.

To be honest, it was hard to explain as we knew its situated in the Indian Ocean close to India, but is was hard to share all the details about the Maldives location. When we booked our tickets and had a good overview of the flight routes we found out exactly where the Maldives are located and I love to share this information in this article.

Table of Contents. The Maldives archipelago is situated in the Indian Ocean, at the southwest of Sri Lanka and India.

In this article, I will share the geographical location of the Maldives, its unique characteristics, and why it captivates the hearts of millions of visitors each year. The Maldives is located in the southwestern region of the Indian Ocean.

The archipelago spans a vast area, stretching from north to south, covering approximately 298 square kilometers (115 square miles) of land, dispersed over 26 natural coral atolls. The Maldives islands are scattered across the Indian Ocean, covering an area of approximately 90,000 square kilometers (35,000 square miles).

The Maldives location on the world map. The Maldives, formed over millions of years, is the result of volcanic activity and coral growth.

The coral reefs played a crucial role in shaping the Maldives as we know it today. The Maldives comprises a huge collection of 1,192 coral islands, grouped into 26 natural atolls.

Each atoll is composed of numerous small islands, some of which are inhabited, while others remain untouched and uninhabited. It’s amazing to see all these atolls from a plane, like we did during our flight with a seaplane to one of the resorts.

Maldives atolls seen from a sea plane. The Maldives enjoys a tropical climate characterized by warm temperatures throughout the year.

The dry season, from November to April, brings clear skies, calm seas, and lower humidity, making it an ideal time to visit. The wet season, from May to October, sees occasional rainfall and stronger winds, but it also offers lower prices and fewer crowds.

A beautiful sunset during our stay in the Maldives. During our time in The Maldives in June, we experienced beautiful weather, but also cloudy days and unfortunately some rain.

You don’t want to book an expensive trip to paradise and end up watching Netflix in your room. Luckily most resorts offer amazing wellness treatments and these are booked quickly by the guests during bad weather.

The Maldives is divided into 20 atolls, each consisting of several individual islands. Some of the notable atolls include:

Despite being one of the smallest capitals in the world, Malé serves as the economic, political, and cultural hub of the Maldives. It offers a glimpse into the local way of life, with bustling markets, historical landmarks, and a vibrant arts and music scene.

The Maldives has a rich and diverse marine ecosystem, with vibrant coral reefs teeming with life. These coral reefs provide habitats for a vast array of marine species, including colorful fish, sea turtles, dolphins, sharks and even majestic manta rays and whale sharks.

The coral reefs in the Maldives provide habitats for a vast array of marine species like these black tip sharks. Did you know the Indian Ocean which is the third-largest ocean in the world.

It is home to numerous exotic islands, and nestled within this vast ocean lies the tropical paradise known as the Maldives. Tourism plays a vital role in the Maldivian economy, and the country has many facilities for luxury travelers seeking an idyllic retreat.

Beyond its natural beauty, the Maldives has a rich cultural heritage and a fascinating history. The local population, predominantly Muslim, embraces their unique customs and traditions.

Fishing and tourism are the primary drivers of the Maldivian economy while South Indian, Sinhalese, and Arab traditions influences the local culture. The Maldivian people, known as Dhivehin, are warm and welcoming, ensuring you will feel at home during your stay.

You can immerse in the local culture if you like. This you can do by exploring ancient mosques, visiting traditional fishing villages, and savoring authentic Maldivian dishes.

Entertainment like live music and dancing, or cooking classes to give you a real taste of the local culture. Travelers can reach the Maldives by air, with Malé International Airport (MLE), serving as the main gateway.

It is located on Hulhulé Island, near Malé. Currently this airport is under construction to serve more travelers in the future.

Once on the islands, transportation mainly relies on boats and seaplanes, adding to the sense of adventure and exclusivity. The Noovilu Seaplane Terminal is the largest seaplane terminal in the world.

The Noovilu Seaplane Terminal is the largest seaplane terminal in the world. The Maldives is at the forefront of environmental conservation efforts.

A great thing is the government and local communities pursue sustainable development initiatives. This to preserve the natural beauty and delicate ecosystem of the islands.

The possibilities are endless.From indulging in a luxurious spa treatment overlooking the ocean to embarking on a romantic sunset cruise. You can also enjoy water sports such as surfing, snorkeling, and kayaking.

The Maldives offers an abundance of stunning destinations. From the vibrant North Malé Atoll to the secluded and pristine Baa Atoll, each region has its unique charm and attractions.

The Maldives offers a diverse range of accommodation options, ranging from luxurious private villas and overwater bungalows to budget-friendly guesthouses. Each resort or guesthouse offers a unique experience, ensuring visitors find their perfect slice of paradise.

Because of this it’s very interesting to discover the differences between all the resorts.

For example, we experienced Anantara Veli which is an adult only resort in the Maldives. We had an amazing and soothing experience at this wonderful resort.

Niyama Private Island is not an adult only resort and we definitely experienced another vibe. This because families with kids gives more fuss and noise in general, especially in the restaurants and nearby the pool.

Its stunning natural beauty, vibrant marine life, and luxurious resorts make it a dream destination for many. For those seeking an idyllic getaway, the Maldives promises an unforgettable experience amidst its sun-kissed islands and turquoise waters.

Where is Maldives? [10]

Where is Maldives. / Where is Maldives Located in The World.

A small state in the Indian Ocean, occupying an atoll chain of 1,192 coral islands, has been considered the best resting place and a measure of success for several decades now. Here in the literal sense of the smell of luxury and big money.

Which country is the Maldives in.

This is a delightful atmosphere of complete relaxation, respectable laziness, and detachment from everyday problems. Quick facts.

Where is Maldives located in which country. How expensive is it to go to the Maldives.

Is Maldives is a part of India. How long does it take to get to the Maldives.

What’s the best way to travel to Maldives [11]

Where is the Maldives located and how many hours last the flight to one of the most beautiful places on Earth are 2 of the most common questions people ask before visiting this place. This article will answer your questions regarding the location and will give you good reasons to visit the islands of Maldives.

Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean, close to Sri Lanka and India. It is about 750 km south from Asia’s mainland, quite close to the Equator with many sunny days and clear sky.

The north part is called Ihavandhippolhu Atoll, and the south part is called Addu Atoll. Maldives or Maldive Islands as they are also called, is a republic.

Table of Contents. Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean, southwest of Sri Lanka and India, and about 750 kilometers away from Asia’s mainland.

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The Republic of Maldives is located north of the Equator, south Asian continent, south of India. An interesting fact is that not all the islands in the Indian Ocean are inhabited.

It was classified as the world’s most dispersed country, and it is also the smallest country on the Asian continent. The country has about 570.000 inhabitants that live on some of the islands.

The capital of the country is Male, the place where Velana International Airport, is located. This airport is the main gateway to the world, and the most important airport in the archipelago.

Based on scientific evidence, the island of Maldives is located on an ancient volcanic mountain range. The islands we see today are nothing but the crowns of that volcanic mountain range.

Each atoll or private island has sandy beaches, turquoise waters, and lagoons. They have lush vegetation with coconut palms, breadfruit trees, and some tropical bushes.

The rainy seasons generally last from May to August, while the dry season is from December to March. The name comes from the Sanskrit words mālā (garland) and dvīpa (island) – Maala Divaina, which means Necklace Islands in Sinhala.

According to ancient writings, people from Sri Lanka called Maldives Mahiladiva, which means the Island of Women. Most probably, this is the wrong translation of the Sanskrit word that means “Garland”.

Many people find that the long journey is part of the fun, as the island chain is very remote. There may not be many direct flights from your country of origin.

Your flight will finally land in Male, the main airport of travel for most international destinations. Once you exit the plane, resort representatives will be there to welcome you.

Note that you must book this method of transportation in advance through your resort.

I’ve covered here everything you need to know on The Maldives airport your main gateway to paradise on Earth. Do not mistake “direct flights” for “non-stop flights”.

Direct flights may have a short layover for something like refueling the aircraft. If you’re booking a flight from South Africa to the Maldives, non-stop flights are unfortunately unavailable at the moment.

It will take you 13 hours and 45 minutes with a stopover in Johannesburg. The main airlines with flights to the Maldives are Emirates, Qatar Airways, Etihad Airways and SriLankan Airlines.

Flights from any of these airports are extremely affordable. The Maldives, an archipelago of over a thousand islands, is nestled in the Indian Ocean.

While many wonder about the Maldives location on world map, it’s situated southwest of Sri Lanka and India. Altogether, there are 1,192 islands in 26 atolls in the Maldives.

Among these islands, there are numerous inhabited islands. On each inhabited island, locals have built their homes and lives.

That is why the only way to access these islands is with speed boats or by air. The 26 atolls are grouped in 21 administrative divisions, the largest being Gan, located in Laamu Atoll.

The maximum elevation of the land is only 2.5 meters, making the Maldives the lowest country in the world. Where is the Maldives located exposes it to the risk of sinking as the sea level continues to rise.

At the moment, Maldives has diplomatic relations with 135 countries worldwide. It also has 13 resident missions in countries like China, Bangladesh, India, Japan, European Union, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Singapore, United Kingdom, and United Nations at Geneva and New York.

It played a crucial role in the establishment of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in 1985. 10 years later, in 1995, the islands became a member of the World Trade Organisation.

In 2009 it entered into the International Labor Organisation. Today Maldives is a member of more than 60 international organizations.

It promoted regional collaboration and security problems in South Asia. If we discuss environmental issues, Maldives is a good example to follow.

A few years ago the country established the Baa Atoll UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Its plan is to transform all the islands and atolls into a Biosphere Reserve.

Its climate is strongly affected by the large landmass of South Asia. Because of its low elevation, the temperature is constant, and the climate is often humid all year round.

The dry season is associated with the northeastern winter monsoon. The rainy season associated with the southwest monsoon which comes with quite strong winds and heavy storms.

The rainy season generally lasts from June till November. But the weather is quite unpredictable and it is quite difficult to place it in a pattern.

The good news is that these rains generally don’t last for long and there is nothing to worry about. The sun comes out quickly and you have another wonderful beach day ahead.

You can check here the weather forecast for Male. Maldive is indeed Paradise on Earth, so don’t be surprised to find out that it is among the most popular destinations in the world.

Tourists from around the world flock here, drawn by the allure of its pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters.

For those looking for opulence, the islands boast some of the world’s most exclusive luxury resorts, each luxury resort is offering a unique blend of indulgence and natural beauty. If you are looking for a place to relax or the perfect destination for a romantic escape, Maldive sure is the best choice.

Very few people even heard about them until 1970, when they started to become more popular. The main income source for the island is tourism.

The islands’ main attraction is the resorts built on atolls where you have the whole island for yourself. In 2020 about 90% of the government tax revenue comes from tourism.

Until 1970 agriculture and fishing were the main income sources for Maldivians and the Government. Based on the offic.

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The Maldives Map 2022 [13]

The Maldives island location on world map for visitors provides information about where is Maldives located, and with best places marked, in case if you think of where to stay in Maldives. There is also a lists of the islands with name in this guide.

The country is located in the Indian ocean equator line, which is the centerline of the world, within the distance of a 1-hour flight from Colombo, Sri-lanka. Being in the centerline is the reason why the Maldives has 2 climates and temperature is average of 30-32°C.

The Maldives maps is for tourists who are visiting for holidays, located in Indian Ocean, close to the equator (center of the world). This map of the maldives, will show best places for diving, surfing and excursions.

If you are planning a vacation on one of these islands, you may find out which islands are nearest to your selected destination and schedule travels appropriately. If you have reserved more than one resort, you may check the location of the other resort and predict what you could view throughout your travel.

Hydrology[edit] [14]

The Laccadive Sea, also known as the Lakshadweep Sea, is a body of water bordering India (including its Lakshadweep islands), the Maldives, and Sri Lanka. It is located to the southwest of Karnataka, to the west of Kerala and to the south of Tamil Nadu.

Mangaluru, Kasaragod, Kannur, Kozhikode, Ponnani, Kochi, Alappuzha, Kollam, Thiruvananthapuram, Tuticorin, Colombo, and Malé are the major cities on the shore of the Laccadive Sea. Kanyakumari, the southernmost tip of peninsular India, also borders this sea.

The International Hydrographic Organization defines the limits of the Laccadive Sea as follows:. On the West.

on West Coast of India (14°48′N 74°07′E / 14.800°N 74.117°E / 14.800. 74.117) to Corah Divh (13°42′N 72°10′E / 13.700°N 72.167°E / 13.700.

On the South. A line running from Dondra Head in Sri Lanka to the most Southerly point of Addu Atoll.

On the East. The West coasts of Sri Lanka and India.

On the Northeast. Adams Bridge (between India and Sri Lanka).

Water temperature is rather constant through the year, averaging 26–28 °C in summer and 25 °C in winter. Salinity is 34‰ (parts per thousand) in the center and northern part and up to 35.5‰ in the south.

There are numerous coral reefs in the sea, such as the Lakshadweep islands which are made up of atolls and contain 105 coral species.

Pliny the Elder (23–79) praised the pearl fishery of the gulf as the most productive in the world. Although extraction of natural pearls is considered too expensive in most parts of the world, it is still conducted in the gulf.

Other mollusks of the sea are either too scarce or not popular in Indian society and therefore have no commercial value.

The annual fish catch is 2,000 to 5,000 tonnes from the Lakshadweep islands, which is mostly constituted by tuna (about 70%) and shark. Perches, halfbeaks, Carangidae, needlefish and rays are also caught near the reefs.

With about 3,600 species of flora and fauna, the Gulf of Mannar is regarded as one of the richest marine biological resources in the world. Of these 3,600 species, 44 are protected, 117 are corals, 79 crustaceans, 108 sponges, 260 mollusks, 441 fin fishes, 147 seaweeds and 17 mangroves.

The park and its buffer zone were designated as a Biosphere Reserve in 1989. The Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve covers an area of 10,500 km2 of ocean, islands and the adjoining coastline, and is the largest such reserve in India.

About 150,000 people live in the buffer zone, and more than 70% of them depend on the coastal marine resources. There are about 125 fishing villages with 35,000 active fishers and 25,000 divers for sea cucumbers in the area, about 5,000 women collect seaweed.

The seaweed collection aims at shallow-water species Gelidiella acerosa (marikozhundu passi), Gracilaria edulis (Agarophytes, Kanchi passi), Sargassum spp. (kattakorai), Turbinaria (Alginophyte, Pakoda passi) and Ulva lactuca, and is conducted between October and March.

Health and Safety [15]

For a long time now, Maldives has been a popular choice as a holiday destination for Honeymooners or those looking for a peaceful holiday staying in luxurious isolated resorts. Over the last few years, scuba diving in the Maldives has become very popular as more and more divers come to explore the superb reefs and lagoons that Maldives has to offer.

Maldives Archipelago has 1190 Islands and only 100 of those are inhabited. They all offer pristine white sand beaches, crystal clear water and swaying palm trees.

However, you may not like to visit the Maldives if you are travelling on a tight budget or prefer more adventurous travel, as everything needs to be planned and reserved in advance so therefore less opportunity for spontaneity. Diving is also more expensive here than in South East Asia in places such as Indonesia, Malaysia or Thailand.

Table of contents. I usually use this website to book in advance my hotels in Maldives as they usually have the lowest rates I find.

There are about 100 resorts in Maldives. The rule is one resort per Island.

These resorts range from Basic bungalows to a luxurious villa with a private beach. For divers, a Liveaboard can be more affordable than a resort with extra dives to pay.

Some places are also a great spot for surfing or sailing.

The weather is mostly sunny all year round with air temperature ranging from 26°C to 32°C year round. The Wet Season runs May to August with sometimes heavy rains but it usually doesn’t last long and is followed by a sunny day.

From December to March the Weather is very dry with no rain and is the best time to visit Maldives. The hottest months are from April to June.

Most of the resorts have a “No Shoes” policy. -).

As it is an Islamic Republic, going topless, even in the resorts, is forbidden.

Just in case, you can take anti-diarrhea medication. The biggest threats here are getting sunburnt and cuts on the Coral.

Each hotel has its own Island and it is a crime free zone. For diving safety, there are decompression chambers on Bandos Atoll in North Male and Kurumathi Atoll.

If you are planning an upcoming dive trip or travelling to Maldives, it is a really good idea to invest in travel insurance for scuba diving, because you never know what could happen and when you might need it (because accidents do happen. ).

Everybody seems to ask Where is the Maldives exactly.

It stretches over 820 kilometres from North to South and 120km from West to East. See the map below.

The plane is the only way to reach the Maldives. The plane ticket is usually included in the holiday package with the resort or the Liveaboard.

You will arrive at Male International Airport. From there, the local staff will transfer you to the boat or to the sea plane to reach your resort.

Although now, British Airways has direct flights from London to Male. Singapore Airlines has also direct flights from Singapore to Male as well as Malaysian Airlines from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.

Hot tip: It is very easy.

The only condition is that your passport has to be valid for at least 6 months after your arrival. It is also highly advisable to have a resort or a Liveaboard already booked.

There are 2 companies to take a sea plane: Trans Maldivian and Maldivian Air Taxi. The price of this very scenic flight is normally included in your holiday package.

There are also the domestic airports of Gan, Hanimaadhoo, Kaadedhdoo and Kadhdoo. They permit you to travel between the Islands.

Review by Julien, creator of Blog de Plongee.

You will find all information about sea life, best time to visit, top dive spots, etc. in our review: Maldives Diving.

Good chance of spotting Manta Rays and Whale Sharks.

There are liveaboard safari boats and th. Maldives Mosaique Liveaboard Review.

MV Ari Queen Liveaboard Review. The beautiful Ocean Divine is a 33 meter.

MV Adora is one of the most beautiful ve. MV Adora Liveaboard Review.

MV Emperor Orion Liveaboard Review. The Dhaainkan Baa is a very luxurious li.

The M/V Duke of York is owned and operat. MV Duke of York Liveaboard Review.

MV Theia Liveaboard Review. The stunning Azalea liveaboard is 38 met.

When it comes to one of the most spaciou. MV Blue Force One Liveaboard Review.

Maldives Location on World Map [16]

The Maldives situated in the heart of the Indian Ocean, south of India and southwest of Sri Lanka. Geographically, it occupies latitudes approximately 3.2028° N and longitudes around 73.2207° E.

Table of Contents. The Maldives boasts 26 coral atolls and over a thousand islands.

Known for its turquoise waters and abundant coral reefs, it draws travelers to its sun-kissed beaches. The Maldives’ connection with the Indian Ocean shapes its climate and culture, making it a unique and captivating destination for all who seek its beauty.

The atolls of the Maldives were sculpted by nature’s hand over millions of years, formed atop the remnants of ancient volcanic peaks, and coral reefs gradually developed around these underwater foundations. Over time, the volcanic islands eroded, leaving behind submerged circular reefs or atolls.

The Maldives’ atolls tell a geological story of erosion, coral growth, and the ongoing dance between land and sea.

This enchanting archipelago graces the southern expanse of India and the southwestern stretch of Sri Lanka. Geographically, the Maldives nestles between the approximate coordinates of 3.2028° N latitude and 73.2207° E longitude.

it unveils an ethereal paradise known for its 26 coral atolls and over a thousand coral islands. The Maldives’ position in the Indian Ocean also shapes its climate, a delicate balance of tropical warmth and refreshing sea winds.

As you ponder the Maldives’ location on the world map, remember that it’s more than just a dot. it’s a beacon that beckons you to explore its shores, dive into its waters, and experience the magic of a true tropical paradise.

This urban gem is nestled on the southern edge of North Malé Atoll, surrounded by the tranquil turquoise waters that define the Maldives. Its geographical coordinates, approximately 4.1755° N latitude and 73.5093° E longitude, mark its spot on the map.

The city’s intimate connection with the Indian Ocean profoundly shapes its identity. As you gaze upon its skyline, you’ll notice a mix of modern buildings harmonizing with the natural surroundings.

The Maldives, a breathtaking tropical paradise, is an independent country. No other nation does not own this stunning archipelago in the Indian Ocean.

The official language of the Maldives is Dhivehi. English is also widely spoken, particularly in tourist areas.

The Maldives is indeed in Asia, but it is an independent country distinct from India. Geographically, the Maldives lies in the Indian Ocean and forms a part of the South Asian region.

It’s a dream destination for those seeking relaxation, water sports, and an intimate connection with nature. The capital of the Maldives is Malé.

The Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean, south of India and southwest of Sri Lanka. Its geographical coordinates are approximately 3.2028° N latitude and 73.2207° E longitude.

Bora Bora is a mesmerizing island located in French Polynesia. At the same time, the Maldives is a separate archipelago situated southwest of India and Sri Lanka.

However, a valid passport, proof of accommodation, and return or onward flight information are necessary for entry. It’s advisable to check the latest travel requirements before planning your trip.

Getting to Maldives – Maldives Airports [17]

The Maldives Islands is a place that we associate with paradisiacal beaches, white sands and crystal clear waters, but many people do not know where they are or that they are a country in themselves. The Republic of Maldives, Maldive Islands or simply Maldives, is an independent island country, and it does not have any territory on the continent.

You can visit our page with all the information about traveling to Maldives during coronavirus.

The islands are also often considered to be in the Laccadive Sea within the Indian Ocean itself. They belong to the continent of Asia, more specifically it is one of the southernmost points of the Asian continent.

Here is the location of the Maldives on the map: The Maldives Islands are a series of coral atolls built from the crowns of an ancient submerged volcanic mountain range.

The reefs form a barrier that protect the islands from the destructive effects of the monsoons. The rainy season, from May to August, is brought by the southwest monsoon.

The atolls have sandy beaches, lagoons, and lush growth of coconut trees, along with breadfruit trees and tropical shrubs. Fish abound in the reefs, lagoons and seas adjacent to the islands, making it an ideal place for snorkelling and diving.

The Portuguese settled in Malé from 1558 until their expulsion in 1573. In the 17th century, the islands were a sultanate under the protection of the Dutch rulers of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and, after the British took possession of Ceylon in 1796, the islands became a British protectorate, formalized in 1887.

A republic was proclaimed in 1953, but during that year the country became a sultanate again. In 1965, the Maldives Islands achieved full political independence from the British, and in 1968 a new republic was inaugurated and the sultanate abolished.

Maldives became a member of the Commonwealth in 1982. The constitution of the Maldives was adopted in 2008.

The president and vice president are directly elected by universal suffrage for a maximum of two five-year terms. The cabinet is made up of the vice president, government ministers, and the attorney general.

The 2008 constitution established Islam as the official state religion. Non-Muslims cannot become citizens, and the government is prohibited from enacting laws that contravene the principles of Islam.

The president in consultation with the Judicial Service Commission appoints its judges. All judges must be Sunni Muslims.

Located in Kaafu Atoll (or also called Malé Atoll), Malé is the largest city in the country with just over 100,000 inhabitants. The island on which it is located, with an area of 2 kilometers long and 1 kilometer wide, is urbanized throughout its area.

It has quite narrow streets and most of them are very busy. Malé, the capital of the Maldives Islands, is the main source of supplies for the rest of the country.

More videos from Maldives on our Youtube channel. The culture of the Maldives is influenced by different visitors who came to the Maldives throughout the ages.

The main language of the country is Dhivehi. The Dhivehi is a unique blend of Arabic, English, Hindi, Sinhalese, and Urdu.

Of course, since tourism is a major industry in the country, almost all international languages are spoken in hotels and resorts, such as English, German, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese. Most travelers will easily find someone who can communicate with them fluently.

Here we show you how to travel to the Maldives, with a video taken by ourselves: The Maldives Islands are served almost exclusively at Malé International Airport, whose official name is Velena International Airport (MLE).

A large number of airlines operate at Malé International Airport. SriLankan Airlines ranks first as the largest foreign airline as they now operate 35 weekly flights to and from the Maldives.

There are also some other very small domestic airports found in and around the Maldives Islands. These domestic airports provide you with an easy way to get from one island to other, and you may be heading to one if you are taking a private transfer by plane.

The resorts are private islands for tourism in the Maldives. They are perhaps the most famous type of accommodation in the Maldives and what any tourist thinks of when visiting them.

They usually offer numerous activities to their guests and have a very complete restaurant service. On the resort islands you do not have to follow the strict laws of the official Muslim religion in the country.

Here we visit a room in a Maldives resort: The local islands were opened a few years ago to international tourism and are a cheaper option for tourism in the Maldives.

Here we see a local island in the Maldives, Thulusdhoo: Urban hotel accommodation has recently become popular with tourists visiting the Maldives.

The tourist can stay on a local island in Maldives and enjoy a variety of excursions, visit local shops and dine at its restaurants. It is one of the ways to save on vacation in Maldives.

Guesthouses are the cheapest category of accommodation in the Maldives. It is defined as “an establishment that is not a resort or a tourist hotel, but that has been developed in accordance with the standards determined by the Ministry of Tourism to provide accommodation to the tourists and the family of the house is looking after the guest.”.

More information, photos, videos and curiosities of the Maldives:.

Learn more about the map styles [18]

Maphill is a collection of map images. This image combines a physical map with the globe centered on Mula.

Each map type has its advantages. No map style is the best.

Sure, this physical location map is nice. But there is good chance you will like other map styles even more.

See Mula and Maldives from a different view. If you like this Mula, Maldives map, please don’t keep it to yourself.

Use the buttons for Facebook, Twitter or Google+ to share a link to this physical map of Mula. Maphill is the largest map gallery on the web.

You can embed, print or download the map just like any other image. All Mula and Maldives maps are available in a common image format.

Sure, there is. It has been said that Maphill maps are worth a thousand words.

But you can experience much more when you visit Mula. Maldives has a lot to offer.

Each place is worth a visit. It will never be possible to capture all the beauty in the map.

Thanks to our partnership with Booking.com you can take advantage of up to 50% discounts for hotels in many locations in the area of Maldives. Book hotels online and save money.

Each map type offers different information and each map style is designed for a different purpose. Read about the styles and map projection used in the above map (Physical Location Map of Mula).

Differences in land elevations relative to the sea level are represented by color. Green color represents lower elevations, orange or brown indicate higher elevations, shades of grey are used for the highest mountain ranges in the world.

Darker blues are used for the deepest water, lighter shades of blue represent shallower water such as the continental shelf. The location map of Mula combines two projections: the orthographic azimuthal projection for the globe and the simple geographic projection for the rectangular part of the map.

The orthographic azimuthal projection is a perspective projection from infinite distance. It was already known to the Egyptians and Greeks more than 2,000 years ago.

Only one hemisphere can be viewed at a time. The globe centered on Mula appears more realistic than almost any other projection.

The Maphill difference [19]

It’s neither this satellite location map nor any other of the many millions of maps. The value of a map gallery is not determined by the number of pictures, but by the possibility to see the world from many different perspectives.

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All location maps of Kulhudhuffushi are created based on real Earth data. This is how the world looks like.

You can copy, print or embed the map very easily. Just like any other image.

Maphill presents the map of Kulhudhuffushi in a wide variety of map types and styles. We build each location map individually with regard to the characteristics of the map area and the chosen graphic style.

Maphill maps will never be as detailed as Google maps or as precise as designed by professional cartographers. Our goal is different.

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Island Resort Locations in Maldives [20]

If you’re thinking about going to the Maldives or just curious about learning more, one of the things to answer is where is the Maldives exactly. This question can get a little complicated because the Republic of Maldives is not just one small spot.

There are a lot of details to uncover about the Maldives and just where the islands are located. In this guide, we will break it down a bit more, talking about the Maldives location, but also how vast of an area this country really spans.

Table of Contents. The best way to describe Maldives is to call it a bundle of islands and reef atoll locations.

Many islands are not inhabited islands, with only about 200 of the islands having any type of population on them. What we do know is that the islands are largely made up of coral islands and atolls, which is why the coral reefs are so popular.

When you’re looking at where is Maldives on the map, it might be easier to locate by first finding Sri Lanka. Maldives is made up of 26 atolls, and nearly all of the islands are not much above sea level.

These are some details that set apart the country in terms of where is Maldives located:.

In fact, Maldives is an independent nation and its own country with its own government entities that do not fall under any other country on the map. Maldives is governed by a Muslim government, and they thrive through tourism.

Malé is the capital of this island nation and this is where the international airport is. From here, you transfer to your islands or resorts.

While Male is the capital, there are many islands that have resorts, which is perhaps a detail that complicates the question of “where are the Maldives located. ”.

They are loaded with palms, lagoons, pristine beaches, and luxury destination resorts to vacation on. These are some of the most popular islands, but it does not cover them all:

Take a trip to the east, west, Northern, or Southern parts of Maldives and experience the culture, natural habitats, Maldives language, fishing, diving, and so much more.

The key to planning your flights to Maldives is to use an airline that will get you there. In some cases, you may have to change airlines in order to fly internationally.

In most cases, you will come to central Male first, and then take other flights, speedboats, or transit to your final destination. Some people have had to get a hotel on the main island and then go to their location the next day.

There are very few direct flights, which are mostly from Colombo, Sri Lanka, or Qatar. The majority of luxury hotels and resorts in paradise will have direct transport that takes you from Central Male to your final location, especially those that aren’t nearby and require a seaplane.

Where is the Maldives islands is easier to understand when you take a look at it here. Of course, if you’re working with a vacation planner or flights, you don’t necessarily have to know the exact response to where are the Maldive Islands, right.

But if you want to get a quick idea of where’s the Maldives. Remember that it’s just slightly north of the equator, and it’s located near India and Sri Lanka, in Asia.

Maldives GPS coordinates are: (Source: The GPS coordinates can be helpful, particularly if you are looking online or in a digital database.

One thing that you hear a lot about the Maldives is the atoll locations. Many islands and resorts are described by what atoll they naturally fall into.

These are the primary groupings of the atolls: In each of these areas, from southwest to southeast or northeast to northwest, you will find there are several different atolls within each region.

This is the top area for diving and other watersports, and it is called the luxury side of the Maldives, thanks to resorts like Park Hyatt Maldives and more. The names you will likely hear the most in this area are the Huvadhoo and Addu atoll spots.

Here, you will find the South and North male atolls, as well as areas like Laamu. The central atolls are home to award-winning resorts like Six Senses Laamu and Niyama Private Islands.

Plan to take a seaplane to most of the resort areas in the northern Maldivian region. They are quite a ways from the city and the main airport, but this means they are private from beach to resort.

The main difference from the south is just the location and the way the sea level affects the waves of the sea. Here you can find the best Maldives surf resorts.

Unlike other countries, this spacious beach and island locale is independent. It’s a bright spot for tourism, honeymoon packages, and international life as well.

What part of Maldives appeals to you the most.

They have their own president and government, with their own laws and allowances throughout the country. Maldives is its own country.

However, they thrive on tourism and do their best to keep you safe when you visit. This is really a matter of preferences.

Different areas might have varying details (like surfing, diving, or other activities) that specifically appeal to you. It depends on where you’re coming from.

In some cases, you can get there in 12-13 hours. However, traveling from the US, it may take you up to 32 hours to complete your travel plans.

However, when it comes to traveling and visiting the country, there are only 200 islands that are inhabited and even fewer that have hotels or resorts on them.

Geography[edit] [21]

The Maldives (/ˈmɔːldivz/ ⓘ MAWL-deevz. Dhivehi: ދިވެހިރާއްޖެ, romanized: Dhivehi Raajje, Dhivehi pronunciation: [diʋehi ɾaːd͡ʒːe]), officially the Republic of Maldives (ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ, Dhivehi Raajjeyge Jumhooriyyaa, Dhivehi pronunciation: [diʋehi ɾaːd͡ʒːeːge d͡ʒumhuːɾijjaː]), is a country and an archipelagic state in South Asia, situated in the Indian Ocean.

400 nautical miles) from the Asian continent’s mainland. The Maldives’ chain of 26 atolls stretches across the equator from Ihavandhippolhu Atoll in the north to Addu Atoll in the south.

Comprising a territory spanning roughly 90,000 square kilometres (35,000 sq mi) including the sea, and a land area of 298 square kilometres (115 sq mi), the Maldives is the smallest country in Asia, as well as one of the world’s most geographically dispersed sovereign states, and the smallest Muslim-majority countries by land area.

Malé is the capital and the most populated city, traditionally called the “King’s Island”, where the ancient royal dynasties ruled from its central location. The Maldivian Archipelago is located on the Chagos–Laccadive Ridge, a vast submarine mountain range in the Indian Ocean.

With an average ground-level elevation of 1.5 metres (4 ft 11 in) above sea level, and a highest natural point of only 2.4 metres (7 ft 10 in), it is the world’s lowest-lying country. (Some sources state the highest point, Mount Villingili, as 5.1 metres or 17 feet.).

In the 12th century, Islam reached the Maldivian Archipelago, which was consolidated as a sultanate, developing strong commercial and cultural ties with Asia and Africa. From the mid-16th century, the region came under the increasing influence of European colonial powers, with the Maldives becoming a British protectorate in 1887.

The ensuing decades have seen political instability, efforts at democratic reform, and environmental challenges posed by climate change and rising sea levels. The Maldives became a founding member of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC).

The Maldives is a member of the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, and the Non-Aligned Movement. The World Bank classifies the Maldives as having an upper-middle income economy.

Fishing has historically been the dominant economic activity, and remains the largest sector by far, followed by the rapidly growing tourism industry. The Maldives rates “high” on the Human Development Index, with per capita income significantly higher than other SAARC nations.

The Maldives rejoined the Commonwealth on 1 February 2020 after showing evidence of functioning democratic processes and popular support.

The first Kingdom of the Maldives was known as Dheeva Maari. During the 3rd century BCE visit of emissaries, it was noted that the Maldives was known as Dheeva Mahal.

During c. 1100 – 1166, the Maldives was also referred to as Diva Kudha and the Laccadive archipelago which was a part of the Maldives was then referred to as Diva Kanbar by the scholar and polymath al-Biruni (973–1048).

The name Maldives may also derive from Sanskrit माला mālā (garland) and द्वीप dvīpa (island), or මාල දිවයින Maala Divaina (“Necklace Islands”) in Sinhala. The Maldivian people are called Dhivehin.

In Tamil, “Garland of Islands” can be translated as Mālaitīvu (மாலைத்தீவு).

] a mistranslation of the same Sanskrit word meaning “garland”.

In Malayalam, “Garland of Islands” can be translated as Maladweepu (മാലദ്വീപ്).[citation needed] In Kannada, “Garland of Islands” can be translated as Maaledweepa (ಮಾಲೆದ್ವೀಪ).[citation needed] None of these names are mentioned in any literature,[citation needed] but classical Sanskrit texts dating back to the Vedic period mention the “Hundred Thousand Islands” (Lakshadweepa), a generic name which would include not only the Maldives, but also the Laccadives, Aminidivi Islands, Minicoy, and the Chagos island groups.

Medieval Arab travellers such as Ibn Battuta called the islands Maḥal Dībīyāt (محل ديبية) from the Arabic word maḥal (“palace”), which must be how the Berber traveller interpreted the local name, having been through Muslim North India, where Perso-Arabic words were introduced to the local vocabulary.

The classical Persian/Arabic name for the Maldives is Dibajat. The Dutch referred to the islands as the Maldivische Eilanden (pronounced [mɑlˈdivisə ˈʔɛilɑndə(n)]), while the British anglicised the local name for the islands first to the “Maldive Islands” and later to “Maldives”.

In a conversational book published in 1563, Garcia da Orta writes: “I must tell you that I have heard it said that the natives do not call it Maldiva but Nalediva. In the Malabar language, nale means four and diva island.

The local name for Maldives by the Maldivian people in Dhivehi language is “Dhivehi Raajje”.

The country has an established history of over 2,500 years according to historical evidence and legends. Early settlers in the Maldives were probably Gujaratis who reached and settled Sri Lanka about 500 BCE.

The Mahāvaṃsa (300 BCE) has records of people from Sri Lanka emigrating to the Maldives. Assuming that cowrie shells come from the Maldives, historians believe that there may have been people living in the Maldives during the Indus Valley civilisation (3300–1300 BCE).

According to the book Kitāb fi āthār Mīdhu al-qādimah (كتاب في آثار ميذو القديمة) (On the Ancient Ruins of Meedhoo), written in the 17th century in Arabic by Allama Ahmed Shihabuddine (Allama Shihab al-Din) of Meedhoo in Addu Atoll, the first settlers of the Maldives were people known as Dheyvis. They came from the Kalibanga in India.

Shihabuddin’s story tallies remarkably well with the recorded history of South Asia and that of the copperplate document of the Maldives known as Loamaafaanu.

A 4th-century notice written by Ammianus Marcellinus (362 CE) speaks of gifts sent to the Roman emperor Julian by a deputation from the nation of Divi. The name Divi is very similar to Dheyvi who were the first settlers of Maldives.

The ancient history of the Maldives is told in copperplates, ancient scripts carved on coral artefacts, traditions, language and different ethnicities of Maldivians.

Their buildings were probably built of wood, palm fronds, and other perishable materials, which would have quickly decayed in the salt and wind of the tropical climate. Moreover, chiefs or headmen did not reside in elaborate stone palaces, nor did their religion require the construction of large temples or compounds.

Comparative studies of Maldivian oral, linguistic, and cultural traditions confirm that the first settlers were people from the southern shores of the neighbouring Indian subcontinent, including the Giraavaru people, mentioned in ancient legends and local folklore about the establishment of the capital and kingly rule in Malé.

A strong underlying layer of Dravidian and North Indian cultures survives in Maldivian society, with a clear Elu substratum in the language, which also appears in place names, kinship terms, poetry, dance, and religious beliefs. The North Indian system was brought by the original Sinhalese from Sri Lanka.

The Maldive Islands were mentioned in ancient Sangam Tamil literature as “Munneer Pazhantheevam” or “Older Islands of Three Seas”.

What is the capital of the Maldives? [22]

The Maldives is located in Asia and is the smallest country in terms of area as well as population. The Maldives is an Indian Ocean tropical paradise located southwest of Sri Lanka and India.

Post, Covid-19 pandemic, the buzz to Maldives trip has expanded. With beautiful white sand and crystal clear water, Maldives is a best place to spend your honeymoon.

Nevertheless, read the article completely to understand where exactly Maldives is located.

Water Villas. Customizable Itineraries.

The Maldives is located between the latitudes of 4° 17′ and 7° 30′ N and the longitudes of 72° 32′ and 73° 46′ E. The country covers around 90,000 square kilometres and has a population of approximately 530,000 people.

The beautiful sunshine of the Maldives attracts many travellers, making it an ideal vacation destination. It is north of the equator and lies between the coordinates 4°17′N 73°50′E.

Malé city, the capital city of the Maldives is situated on the Malé Atoll, and the Malé atoll is the largest island in the Maldives. It is the also biggest city in the Maldives which is inhabited by most of the Maldives’ population.

The islands of Maldives capture tourists’ attention all over the world with their mesmerizing natural settings. It provides a break from the buildings and hustle bustle of usual lifestyles.

5* Resorts. Water Villas.

The aerial view of the islands is very magical and the scenic beauty that is created by the never-ending water is worth capturing by your own eyes. It welcomes its guests in the best way possible, so you won’t regret your visit here.

The Maldives is home to some of the most captivating destinations that will transport you to an idyllic paradise. Here are some of the top places to visit in the Maldives, have a look:

The distance between Kochi (India) to Male (Maldives) is 709 km / 441 miles and it takes around 1h 45m in a direct flight. and from Colombo (Sri Lanka) and Male (Maldives) is 766 km.

It would take around 1h 25m for a direct flight from Colombo (Sri Lanka) to Male (MLE), Maldives. You can have a direct flight from service providers Sri Lankan Airways and Emirates.

Yes, the Maldives is an independent country and is located in Asia. It is located in Asia and the geographic coordinates of the Maldives are 3°15′N 73°00′E.

It is a cluster of 1,190 coral islands formed in 26 naturally formed ring-like atolls. The Maldives is an independent island country, hence, not part of India or Sri Lanka.

The most visited and famous islands of the Maldives are Maafushi, Hulhumale, Fihalhohi, Fulidhoo and more. The Maldives is a wonderful place with so many mesmerizing sights.

For great deals on Maldives tour packages, visit Pickyourtrail. Here, you can also customise your itinerary on your own, depending on your likes and dislikes, and even book affordable Maldives honeymoon package for couple.

Book a vacation completely online.

Reference source

  1. https://maldivesfinest.com/location-map
  2. https://www.travelrepublic.co.uk/blog/maldives-on-a-map
  3. https://maldivestourism.in/where-is-maldives-located-in-india/
  4. https://www.beautifulworld.com/asia/maldives/maldives/
  5. https://www.whereig.com/maldives/
  6. https://www.mymaldives.com/maldives/map-of-maldives/
  7. https://travel-4-fun.com/maldives/maldives-on-world-map/
  8. https://experiencemaldives.weebly.com/geography.html
  9. https://digitaltravelcouple.com/where-is-the-maldives-located/
  10. https://whereismap.net/where-is-maldives-located-in-the-world-maldives-map/
  11. https://worldwidetravel.tips/maldives/where-is-the-maldives-located/
  12. https://www.dreamstime.com/maldives-location-map-south-asia-d-flag-marker-pin-high-quality-republic-vector-illustration-eps-%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5-rgb-image155741018
  13. https://maldivestour.guide/maps/maldives-island-on-world-map.html
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laccadive_Sea
  15. https://divezone.net/travel/maldives
  16. https://travel-to-maldives.com/where-is-the-maldives/
  17. https://maldivesarena.com/where-is-maldives-located/
  18. http://www.maphill.com/maldives/mula/location-maps/physical-map/
  19. http://www.maphill.com/maldives/kulhudhuffushi/location-maps/satellite-map/free/
  20. https://vacationtomaldives.com/travel-tips/where-is-the-maldives/
  21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maldives
  22. https://pickyourtrail.com/blog/where-is-maldives-located/

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