26 I Feel Like I Don’T Fit In Anywhere Hot

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i feel like i don’t fit in anywherei feel like i don’t fit in anywhere
i feel like i don’t fit in anywhere

I Feel Like I Don’t Belong Anywhere, and It’s Fine [1]

I often feel like I don’t belong anywhere in this world. If you are reading this article, it probably means that you feel this way too and are looking for answers.

It may indicate underlying problems you’ve been ignoring all this time. Does your life lack meaning.

Are you surrounded by the wrong people.

Sometimes, it happens just because you don’t resonate with today’s society and its values. Read this article if you feel that you don’t belong here, in this world and society.

Even though not fitting in is not always a bad thing, it is important not to give in to feelings of detachment. When you don’t deal with them, with time, this frustration and disappointment can grow into bottled emotions and eventually evolve into depression.

If you find yourself strongly disappointed with what’s going on in society and the world, it makes sense why you may not feel like being a part of it. By the way, did you know that there is a word for it.

Yes, you can’t change the world on your own, but you can cope with this emotional state. All it takes is to turn to the bright side, and everything does have one.

When I feel like I don’t belong anywhere, I remind myself of them. You can read positive news and inspirational stories about real people who do remarkable acts of kindness and brave deeds.

Yes, today’s society is built on shallowness, blind consumerism, and greed, but humans still have many traits that are worth admiring. Never forget that.

And yes, finding one can be one of the most difficult things to do. You may also think that you don’t need anyone and are fine just the way you are.

Even if you are an extreme introvert like I am, having a couple of such people in your life is much better than having nobody. How do I find my tribe, you may ask.

For example, if you are an animal lover, volunteer for a local animal shelter. If you are an art fan, enroll in a painting class, or attend cultural seminars and exhibitions.

However, they do give you a great opportunity to meet people with similar interests and ideals in life. We don’t always feel like we don’t belong anywhere or generally in the world.

If you feel like you don’t belong in your family, you should find ways to reconnect. Easier said than done, right.

Remember the kindness in the world we talked about before. Similarly, focus on all the positive, powerful, and beautiful traits of those around you.

Believe me, you can find something in common even with the people you feel totally disconnected from. Right now, you might be feeling like an alien in your own family.

Keep this in mind. For example, if you feel like you don’t belong with your parents, think about all the positive personality traits you share with them.

Did you inherit a resilient character from your father. Or do you have a deeply sensitive nature just like your mother.

Likewise, make a list of all the talents and skills you got from your parents. Are you an analytical thinker or a highly creative person like your mom or dad.

And I’m sure that if you think about it a bit, you will find many valuable qualities. Then, recall a few beautiful memories from your childhood.

Travel to the time when you didn’t have disagreements with your parents yet. All you got from them was affection and care.

You will be surprised to see how experiencing positive emotions about the past has the power to make you happier and more grounded right now. Family is what helps us form a sense of belonging as children.

You may feel like you don’t belong anywhere because you are repelled by the superficiality of today’s society, but you don’t have to feel this way about our beautiful planet. Besides, getting closer to Mother Nature is a great way to fight dissociation and reconnect to reality.

There are simple ways to recreate your connection with nature. You can try a few grounding and mindfulness techniques.

You can also stand somewhere and visualize how roots are growing out of the soles of your feet and go deep under the ground. You can also take a walk outdoors and be present.

Sit or stand somewhere quiet and immerse into your sensations. In no time, you will realize that you do belong on this planet, no matter how you feel about society and people.

So discovering your purpose is one of the key ways to find your place in life and stop feeling like an alien or a misfit. You don’t have to start big – all it takes is to find things that make you feel alive.

Or it can be a new goal that will bring excitement and fulfillment to your life. Don’t worry if the things you are passionate about seem trivial or are not popular.

When you have something to live for, you eventually forget about this painful detachment. You start feeling that you do belong here, in this moment when you are doing something that makes your heart beat.

Here is the most important thing to remember. Never feel bad about yourself because of your struggle with a sense of belonging.

But there are many wrong things going on in our society. So next time you feel this way, think about it in this light.

And it’s certainly a good thing. P.S.

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I feel I don’t fit anywhere! [2]

I feel I don’t fit anywhere in this world, But with my writing I feel I do.

So to begin with, let me help you with my introduction. By the way with the word ‘intro”, remember I no way mean discussing my name, place of residence, D.O.B, current designation, qualifications, etc.

Trust me, I am literally fed up of passing on these facts & figures which only decides one’s market value & position in this world’s career-oriented game. I have had enough of it now and I guess you are done with it too, aren’t you.

Henceforth, getting back on the main usual track I will clue you that I am here just to make you known with an inner self who is in search of a place. A place where she feels she fits apt, a place to which she instantly connects, the place where her soul belongs as if she herself was always a part of it since the times in history it was found and created.

So, let me enlighten you on this subject that this person is none other than me. And this is all about narrating my life changing experiences to remind each one of us that no matter how tough the situation is we should never give up and deviate ourselves from paths of buoyancy.

I have always believed that every one of us is a writer of their own story. And it’s not the skills that matter here but the passion to express and determination to take out time in this busy scheduled life is something which truly plays the trick.

Please be patient and groove to the emotions enjoying this piece. I am a simple girl yet a very different one from every other in this world.

not ready to participate in any of the activities because I lacked confidence and had the fear of losing which is actually termed as ‘atychiphobia’, if you know, like most of the other children.

You must be pondering now where & why the difference lies. So, let me apprise you the fact that the only reason behind all of it was my unconditionally dreamy nature back then.

Anyway, a bit realistic you may think of me now because I guess I haven’t changed much when it comes to being practical & performing matureness. You will still find impressions of childishness on my skin if anytime you plan to trace.

However, unlike the former when it comes to thinking I never ever go on without over intellectualising matter’s each and every aspect. So, a keen observer & an over-thinker is exactly what you will call me right away.

Coming to the point, look neither I am the usual one who used to take interest in reading & writing articles, stories, quotes or poetries since a very young age, nor it flows in my blood passed on by my ancestors since the day in my mother’s womb I got created. I always considered myself a random member of the general clan.

I would have saved what all has been lost over the years in this legendary battle of survival with phrases possessing powers to heal & rejuvenate the shattered humans. This world won’t believe I know because even I don’t till date.

Though great philosophers say expectations come into existence when there lies any hope inside you somewhere but it was surely not this much stereotypical in my case because it had aimed at moulding my entire life this time to a different, rare shape. To conclude it must have been understood by now that I don’t have connections with any kind of literature and language.

So come on, now let me reveal the main character & introduce you to the person because of whom the entire effect took place. The effect that cured a dying, an almost dead soul with elixir bringing it back to life.

You get it, we actually never know. Sometimes, people who don’t hold much importance in our lives and aren’t meant to stay forever are capable of gifting presents which we will be cherishing forever until the time we are ready to depart from this world lying on the death beds.

No please don’t consider him as my love-interest or some random acquaintance suddenly turning into one best friend. He was just very special, he is very special even now and I don’t want to spoil it by giving out our relationship those stupid tags.

I believed it was some random unusual jest he cracked so I shook it off immediately from my head and the topic of conversation flowed to some other level. But you know, there was something that struck my mind, “Something.

” I named it because I never found words to describe it right. And, the very next minute I changed my mind and decided to give it a try even when I knew since the beginning writing was never and can be never my cup of tea in this lifetime.

So, I wished him good-bye planting a hope in his heart’s barren land to grow, mature freely and wait for the time when I fulfill his request completely. Well like always, I was scared and feared it all.

And before I could ask him out, he replied a good-bye too & in a moment dozed off. To be honest, I was disappointed for a while but I understood for him this wasn’t something great or unusual.

I was lying on the bed with closed eyes, thoughts and opinions just wandering in my head about him loosely and within secs, words started coming one after another at a high frequency. Effortlessly I soon jotted down a 20 lines poetry as if it had already been formulated and was ready to share, just waiting to be discovered by someone or me at the correct time and place plainly.

It amazed me how perfectly every word, every emotion got portrayed so right and how could this little over thinker finally detangle herself from the mess of thoughts & managed to write. To the world I feel it wouldn’t have appeared so mesmerizingly brilliant & bright, nevertheless for me it was as much as getting jewels discovered by the indigents in bags of rags & scraps making their lives.

But there was something much more than these insecurities which was still holding me in place. Yes, the excitement to forward him this piece itself had took entire control over me making me go crazy like hell.

Aren’t you. So, here it is.


Smile across the face my heart says I am missing you. I know you are asleep dreaming about me.

The night has gone, wake up it’s time to shine. A new day, a new challenge,.

Good days will come, hard-work will pay off. Such a great hotelier you are, how can you get a day off.

You are the perfect saviour to me. I know I may seem a fairy tale to you now,.

Related Articles [3]

by Catherine Pratt This article is in response to the question I received about “Why don’t I fit in anywhere. “.

I just don’t feel like I fit in anywhere. Feeling like you don’t belong anywhere is a huge issue that affects so many people and it can be very confusing and painful as to why it’s happening.

” comes down to your own thoughts. This is good news in that you have total control over your thoughts and you can make changes.

To help figure this out, let’s start with ten questions to ask yourself. These questions will help bring to light some of the more common thoughts which might be causing you to feel like you don’t fit in anywhere.

For you, what exactly would that mean. Would it mean that:.

You also need to make sure that it’s what you’d really like in your life. It’s easy to say, “I’d like to have lots of friends” but if you’re a person who really likes to have alone time and do things on your own, having lots of friends who take up all your free time would end up being somewhat of a nightmare for you.

You may find that’s all you need. If you know that then you’ll be satisfied when you find those couple of good friends and won’t keep thinking that you “should” have more friends or think you should be the centre of attention at events.

Some groups just aren’t conducive to “fitting in”. For example, a meditation group.

They want to be calm and look deep within themselves. Expecting to be part of a group isn’t realistic in some situations.

You don’t have to fit in with everyone.

If you visualize yourself fitting in somewhere, what do you see yourself doing. Are you being open with others, are you laughing, making jokes, telling everyone stories about what you did that day.

Would you be happy, be at peace, be friendly. Now, what’s really stopping you from “being” this way already.

Sometimes by being the person you want to be, actually brings that into your life. Be that person who fits in everywhere.

.Have you had a chance to check out my Conversation Starters article. That might help as well.

Then, the next time you see them, you have something right away to talk to them about. For example, say you find out that one of the people in your group has a dog and you have a dog too.

So, you could talk about that. And, then the next time you see that person you could ask them about their dog or tell them about a dog course you just took or a great dog park you’ve found.

If you just say, “Hi” and wait for the other person to do all the talking then people may avoid talking to you. Just saying hi and then giving the impression that you’re expecting them to be in control of the conversation will make them feel very awkward and it puts a lot of pressure on them to think of something to say to you.

Take a look at that article I mentioned to get some more ideas.

What are you thinking. My guess is that you’re expecting people to not say hello or to avoid eye contact or not sit next to you.

Also, because that’s what you’re expecting, that’s what you’re looking for. You’re looking for signs of rejection.

That very much comes across in the impression that you give off to people.

That’s what people will see. You’ll look unapproachable and people will avoid you.

These thoughts will be appearing in your body language. Glance down at your body and see how are you standing.

Are they grasped tightly against you. Are your hands balled into fists.

Also, what is your face doing. So many of us are gritting our teeth or avoiding eye contact with others and this also repels other people.

Relax your body. Open yourself up to experiencing whatever you can wherever you are.

The other thing that may be happening is that you’re concentrating too much on yourself. For example, you may be thinking, “I shouldn’t have worn this shirt.

You’re also putting yourself down and you’ll be giving off the body language that you’re angry with yourself. Don’t get caught up in worrying about the impression you’re making on others or trying to think of something clever or witty to say.

That’s the person people want to get to know.

If you’re comparing yourself to others then you’re not being yourself. People want to get to know you, not a person stressed out because they’re putting themselves down for not being exactly like everyone else.

See that as a source of great power and great value. It validates your purpose here.

Are you thinking about how you never fit in anywhere or maybe how no one likes you. If that’s what your focus is on, then this might be causing some of your problems.

You’ll feel awkward and out of place so that’s how your body will react. You may be more hunched over or hide your face with your hair.

That’s what people will react to.

They will be mirroring what you’re thinking about yourself.

You need to be not so concerned about whether you fit in or not. It’s not that you don’t care, it’s that you change your focus to be on what people are saying or what you can learn from the situation or just being there and enjoying the moment.

You’re not concerned with getting people to like you or gain their approval. You’re more comfortable in your own skin and are interested in what’s going on around you.

I used to feel this for the longest time. But, it comes from focusing too much on yourself and not enough on those around you.

You’ve set up a self fulfilling prophecy for yourself.

It’s that extreme self consciousness that separates you the most. Let that go and just be.

The other issue that’s caused by focusing on this wall between you and others is that you’ll be less likely to share yourself with others. You probably won’t tell anyone about things you’ve done or how you feel about things.

Do you have a fear that if you let someone in, then you might end up getting hurt. If you do, then you’re going to come across to others as stand-offish.

Most likely the complete opposite of what you intend.

And, yes there is a chance that you might get hurt if you open yourself up to others. Being open to others and having feelings is a risk because when you have feelings, you can be hurt.

You’re only living a shell of a life and you say to yourself so many times, “I don’t fit in anywhere.”. The trick is to have feelings but also have the ability to manage those emotions so that you’re not overwhelmed if tragedy ever strikes.

You’ll probably also find that it doesn’t really hurt you as much as you expected and not only that, you’ll be enriched by the entire experience. The fear of getting hurt is usually much worse than the reality.

You make some friends and you feel much more happy and positive about life. You haven’t let fear get in your way.

I Feel I Don’t Fit Anywhere [4]

Preface. So to begin with, let me help you with my introduction.

or any other irrelevant information. Trust me, I am literally fed up of passing on these facts & figures which only decides one’s market value & position in this world’s career-oriented game.

Therefore, for once let’s leave all this behind and unveil a beautiful journey that will surely make our faces lit with a smile bringing in rays of positivity & light in the homes filled with darkness at the story’s end. Henceforth, getting back on the main usual track I will clue you that I am here just to make you known with an inner self who is in search of a place.

You must be wondering now what am I talking about, who this inner self is. So, let me enlighten you on this subject that this person is none other than me.

Well to be honest, if by any chance you are here considering that I have fought tooth & nails to get this story flawless I would proudly brag, this isn’t the case. I have always believed that every one of us is a writer of their own story.

Thus, I have merely penned down the happening in the most unaltered, simple anecdote form making justice to the emotions which goes like this. Please be patient and groove to the emotions enjoying this piece.

Since my childhood I have always been one of the back benchers. not ready to participate in any of the activities because I lacked confidence and had the fear of losing which is actually termed as ‘atychiphobia’, if you know, like most of the other children.

I was okay with what I was and never craved for any kind of betterment even when my parents vehemently wanted me to blossom into magical flowers & leave behind my other companions reaching heights of success. You must be pondering now where & why the difference lies.

I had my own world of isolation where only few could reside, away from this world a place where I was protected from unpleasant vibes. Anyway, a bit realistic you may think of me now because I guess I haven’t changed much when it comes to being practical & performing matureness.

Well even now I hesitate, restricting myself when it comes to opening up to many & mostly believe in talking a little less. However, unlike the former when it comes to thinking I never ever go on without over intellectualizing matter’s each and every aspect.

But, hey listen I am just a wanderer spending my days & nights imprisoned in the dungeon of thoughts waiting to be released by acts of love & kindness. Coming to the point, look neither I am the usual one who used to take interest in reading & writing articles, stories, quotes or poetries since a very young age, nor it flows in my blood passed on by my ancestors since the day in my mother’s womb I got created.

And only if I could sooner realize I am the leader, the fighter born to defeat the demons feeding on the angel’s blood and rule the land. I would have saved what all has been lost over the years in this legendary battle of survival with phrases possessing powers to heal & rejuvenate the shattered humans.

But to be honest with you girls and guys it just came to me like some magic one midnight when I had expected it less. Though great philosophers say expectations come into existence when there lies any hope inside you somewhere but it was surely not this much stereotypical in my case because it had aimed at molding my entire life this time to a different, rare shape.

I somehow used to write just to score good passing marks in my English tests and all I’m connected with are only things like feelings, emotions and goodness. So come on, now let me reveal the main character & introduce you to the person because of whom the entire effect took place.

the effect which was no less than the big bang theory according to me in the histories of science. You get it, we actually never know.

That guy you know he came like a messiah for me, although no super powers he possessed but he had the appropriate power to bring out the best in me. No please don’t consider him as my love-interest or some random acquaintance suddenly turning into one best friend.

So one usual night I guess around 2 o’clock when we were just engrossed in ourselves discussing our daily routines, out of nowhere there comes a request from his side “Try writing something for me”. I believed it was some random unusual jest he cracked so I shook it off immediately from my head and the topic of conversation flowed to some other level.

Yes, something. ” I named it because I never found words to describe it right.

I would fail in it, my mind roared but the heart consoled me by saying that the effort is what will matter and help me win it all. So, I wished him good-bye planting a hope in his heart’s barren land to grow, mature freely and wait for the time when I fulfill his request completely.

Unlike the other times, I had really wanted him to stay back that night, supporting & helping me out whenever & wherever I was about to fall. And before I could ask him out, he replied a good-bye too & in a moment dozed off.

He was too tired to even allow a second thought to enter his mind after his never ending hectic schedule so I decided to let go off that thought immediately and went back to the writing stuff. I was lying on the bed with closed eyes, thoughts and opinions just wandering in my head about him loosely and within secs, words started coming one after another at a high frequency.

To whom it seemed difficult to frame even one liner correctly, this was an achievement for lifetime trust me. It amazed me how perfectly every word, every emotion got portrayed so right and how could this little over thinker finally detangle herself from the mess of thoughts & managed to write.

Though the achievement was mountainous which allowed the pillars of confidence to grow strong inside me and grasp me tight, the nervousness didn’t miss a chance & came behind. But there was something much more than these insecurities which was still holding me in place.

Well, leave him for a while now I know somewhere you are eager too to read it, right. Aren’t you.

Prior to it, if you have already set the level high let me notify you it may just fall in the lowest category so, in case you don’t find it worth reading I beforehand apologies. THE MIDNIGHT STORY.

Staring at the wall, thinking about you. Smile across the face my heart says I am missing you.

Dead to alive, everything is magical just believe in me. The night has gone, wake up it’s time to shine.

I know you will complete in time. Good days will come, hard-work will pay off.

Caring, loving, pure-hearted I see,. You are the perfect saviour to me.

But simply consider me an angel who has come just to protect you from the demon’s mouth. And for.

How to feel like you belong? [5]

“Belonging has always been a fundamental driver of humankind”. We all want to be loved, have healthy relationships and a sense of purpose in our lives.

We can all feel at times in our life like we don’t fit in. This could be shyness from a young age, moving into a different cultural dynamic or even a career change in a new city.

It is very important for our health to have human interaction and relationships, but that does not mean you have to follow the norm in each new location. Sometimes the stars that shine brightest innovate first.

“Familiarity is the social glue that bonds people together, and we deliberately seek out the similar and the recognizable in order to feel secure. If we’re doing the same as everyone else, we must be doing it right, and finding a reflection of ourselves in those around us is a form of validation.”.

Joanna Cannon further discusses the idea that from an early age on the playground we mimic other children’s behaviours to validate ourselves. As adults, we priorities ordinary and can exclude others because it makes us question our own validation of ourselves that we have been working on for decades of our lives since the playground.

Art Markman, Ph.D. looked at a series of studies which showed that people with simple things such as the same birthday worked harder together to complete a task as it showed that sense of belonging to another person with the same birthday.

According to Blue Zones social isolation can cause a decrease in our mental well-being due to stress hormones rising when our self-worth decreases. They also suggest that a sense of belonging can actually increase your lifespan.

James House at the University of Michigan found the chance of dying over a period of 10 years increases by 10 percent for people who live alone or have only a few friends compared to people with more friends and family.”. It is normal to feel insecure at stages in our life and not have a full understanding your self-image and identity.

Please note all of the below pointers are perfectly normal and we will have all faced such challenges at stages of our lives. The most confident individuals will have started off as a shy or self-conscious induvial at a certain stage of their life.

Are loneliness and social isolation the same thing. Loneliness can lead to social isolation and social isolation can lead to loneliness.

For example someone may say hello to their colleagues but rarely go any deeper into the conversation. It is possible to be a very social person, but long working hours, moving location or a global challenge such as COVID-19 can result in social isolation.

It is important to distinguish between loneliness and social isolation as it may help us to understand why we feel like we don’t fit in anywhere. Learning how to combat loneliness can be a vital first step in helping us to fit in and connect with others.

We may feel less energised to do day to day tasks and this can become a vicious cycle leading to less action and a further deepening of a depression. When we lack hope, we start to lose the will to act and partake in anything meaningful to us.

“Fitting in is boring. But it takes you nearly your whole life to work that out.”.

Osha shared that you need to know who you are and be fully connected with yourself. You can read someone’s energy, someone’s needs, read them at their level.

It also requires a lot of self-acceptance and self love. because you will be too much up in your head and not relaxed in your body.

A sense of belonging is very important in order for us to feel that we matter, we have love and we have security within social groups. In order for us to feel like we fit in we first must work on ourselves.

but ironically through practicing self-acceptance we will become much more authentic, have a stronger sense of our own identity and from this others will be drawn towards us. Practice mindfulness and mindful lisetning to increase authentic empathy with others.

You may also enjoy our overthinking quotes section of our platform, which can help you with self-reflection, inspiration and self-compassion. Thanks for listening.

References. Friends Nourish the Body and Soul – Blue Zones.

Power 9® – Blue Zones. We All Want to Fit In | Psychology Today.

alex-ivashenko-RLdcScGQEJ4-unsplash. engin-akyurt-44D6S-5jDJQ-unsplash.

nick-grant-ygrOmmn1Oss-unsplash. Meaningful Paths Founder.

Key Challenges to Fitting In and Meeting New People [6]

“I don’t fit in. ” Does this thought often cross your mind, leaving you unsure of how to cope.

It can lead you to question your place in the world. But remember, you’re not alone in this.

Are you tired of wrestling with the nagging thought, “I just don’t belong here”.

Now, take this journey to finding your place, understanding your value, and embracing where you truly fit in.

When you say, “I don’t fit in,” you’re essentially admitting that you feel like an outsider—almost as if you’re a square peg in a world of round holes.

It’s like being in a room full of people but feeling all alone. You might struggle to share their interests or understand their jokes, making it hard to join in conversations or activities.

Not fitting in can weigh you down, even when no one else can tell. You could be in a crowd but still feel all alone.

Also, keep in mind, that social groups play an important role in daily life and help humans make meaning of the world around them. This silent struggle of not belonging can be draining….

Yes, feeling like you don’t fit in can affect how you feel inside. If you feel left out or alone a lot, it can make you really sad or worried.

It’s important to talk about these feelings with someone you trust, like a friend or a counselor. Finding activities or groups where you feel more welcome can also help.

Moving around a lot makes it tough to keep friends. Parents are so busy with kids that they hardly get time to socialize.

Long work hours also cut into time for hanging out. Besides COVID-19 making people lonelier, things like increased use of social media, which can make people feel left out, also add to loneliness.

These points are based on studies that look at how friendships have changed over time, how long it takes to make friends and the modern challenges in socializing. For more details, you can check out the studies:

For many people, the sensation of not fitting in is closely tied to social anxiety. They fear being rejected, or misunderstood, making social situations particularly challenging.

This includes:. Example: At a party, you might be preoccupied with how you’re standing, what you’re saying, and how you think others perceive you.

If your core values or interests are diametrically opposed to those of your social circle, workplace, or even family, you’re likely to feel out of sync. This difference can be as subtle as different tastes in music, or as significant as opposing political views.

This mismatch can make you feel like you don’t belong.

Past hurts or tough times can sometimes make us feel like we don’t fit in. They can shake our confidence and change the way we connect with people, making us feel like we’re not quite like everyone else.

Example: If you were bullied in school, you might carry those emotional scars into adulthood, making you feel apprehensive and out of place in social settings, fearing a repeat of the past.

Major life changes like moving to a new city, starting a new job, or going through a breakup can shake your sense of belonging. These transitions require you to adjust to new environments, social circles, or lifestyles.

Example: After relocating to a new city for work, you might feel disconnected and out of place until you form a new social circle and establish a new routine.

It’s tough when it seems like everyone else is on the same page and you’re reading from a different book. Your choices and even your style can stick out, and that can be lonely.

When you don’t blend in with the crowd, it might seem like everyone’s expecting you to switch tracks. You might feel pressure to hide what makes you unique.

When you’re not following the crowd, it can feel like there’s a lot of pressure to change or that you’re not fully accepted.

When you often think about big questions—like the meaning of life or your purpose or even what to do next in your career advice—it can make you feel alone in your thoughts, as if you’re on a different wavelength. Example: If you find yourself questioning the deeper meanings of life while your social circle is more interested in discussing the latest sports scores or celebrity gossip, you may feel disconnected or isolated.

The social energy level you’re comfortable with may differ from that of your environment. Introverts in a highly extroverted setting (or vice versa) might feel out of place simply because their social energy levels don’t match those of the people around them.

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”.

You might not be able to do everything everyone else is doing, like playing sports or even just hanging out for long periods, and this can make you feel isolated. It’s like there’s an invisible wall between you and the fun everyone else is having, and it’s hard not to feel left behind.

Sometimes feelings of disconnection come from generational differences, whether it’s in the family, in the workplace, or among friends. The gap may create different views on technology, social issues, or communication styles.

Sometimes you might feel, “I don’t fit in with anyone,” and that can feel weird and lonely.

Conquer Your Self-Doubt in Meetings – A Harvard Business Review article on overcoming self-doubt in professional settings. Self-Doubt Can Actually Help You Bloom — And It All Starts with How You Talk to Yourself – A TED Ideas piece exploring how self-doubt can be a motivation for personal growth.

Sometimes, the problem isn’t the people around you. it’s what’s happening inside your head.

When you’re not confident, you might hold back and not join in, and a negative view of yourself can make every place feel like it’s not for you. Issues like low self-esteem, a lack of self-confidence, or a negative self-image can internally generate feelings of not belonging, even when external factors aren’t contributing.

Feeling out of place can come from a variety of sources. Cultural differences and language barriers can make you feel like an outsider, while gaps in socioeconomic status and educational backgrounds might create a divide.

Differences in political beliefs, personal values, or even age can also contribute to a sense of isolation. Other factors include gender norms and parental status, which can make you feel different, as can your physical appearance or having an uncommon job or career.

Finally, lifestyle choices like veganism, unique hobbies and interests, and the influence of social media can all impact your sense of belonging.

You’ve searched “I don’t fit in,” and here you are, reading this, looking for answers to that heavy feeling that’s more than just being alone. It’s that sense of being on the outside, looking in, not quite meshing with the people or the places that are supposed to feel like home.

Your tribe exists. You just have to find them. [7]

Every introvert has that moment when they realize they don’t quite fit in within the space they occupy. Perhaps it’s a teacher making a concerned comment about how they spend too much time alone on the playground or a parent worrying that they don’t enjoy socializing as much as their siblings.

Personally, I’ve often felt like I don’t fit in at school, work, and even around friends and family. Social situations are exhausting, and the older I get, the less energy I have to pretend otherwise.

For an introvert, there is no greater feeling than being accepted for who we are. However, for many of us, those moments of acceptance seem few and far between.

Meanwhile, we’re trying to operate at 100 percent when our batteries are struggling to stay above 10 percent. The world is slowly beginning to understand and accept introversion, but we’re not fully there yet.

Here are some words of encouragement for introverts who are searching for somewhere to belong. The world continually reminds introverts about all the things that are wrong with them.

We should “act like an extrovert” if we want to be successful. Society makes us feel like our personality is a disease in need of a cure.

In college, I was sure that my struggle to keep up with my extroverted friends who wanted to party five nights in a row meant that I had a problem. Discovering that I’m an introvert — and that it’s a personality preference, not a mental illness — changed everything.

I beat myself up for not speaking up enough in a meeting at work. The voice in my head will pop up to say, “See.

However, when we allow ourselves to live in that headspace, we limit ourselves from living to our full potential. When I silence the negative voices and focus on my strengths, I thrive.

I also take time to slip away and be alone when I start to feel overwhelmed. If the negative voices appear, I keep them at bay by focusing on deep breathing or other mindfulness practices.

You are an introvert, and that is okay. Go out and conquer the world, my quiet friends.

As a young introvert, I remember thinking that no one understood me. I had good friends and a supportive family.

They had an idea of who I was based on the role I played. This character was largely based on who I thought people wanted me to be.

It’s not rare nowadays for introverts (and extroverts, too) to have “internet friends.” Through social media, I’ve connected with dozens of individuals who share similar experiences and whose dreams and desires run parallel with my own. I’ve connected with writers, business owners, artists, and counselors, all who share my quiet temperament.

The best part is that I know I don’t have to pretend around them. I’m accepted the way I am.

Maybe you will find your people in an unconventional way, like through a Facebook group or on Twitter. Perhaps they are at a book club or a church group.

How do you know when you’ve found your tribe. Much like with romantic relationships, it’s often a “when you know, you know” type of feeling.

While your quiet personality may be viewed as a flaw by many others, your tribe embraces it as a wonderful part of what makes you who you are. Don’t be discouraged if you try out a few groups that aren’t a good fit.

Don’t settle for just “okay” when something better is out there. Buddha said, “What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind.”.

Every person on earth (yes, even introverts) needs a sense of belonging to be satisfied in life. However, there is a reason so many self-help gurus preach that “happiness comes from within.” Our internal beliefs play a huge role in how we feel about ourselves and our lives.

Because of this, many of us are incredibly self-aware. We may say little, but our imagination know no bounds.

Each time we tell ourselves who we can’t be or what we can’t do, we are shaping our reality. A true sense of belonging doesn’t merely come from being accepted by others, but by accepting ourselves as we are.

What does he or she look, act, and feel like. Use this vision to set your present beliefs about yourself.

You just have to start believing it. My hope for you and for every other introvert — including myself — in this new year is that you find your sense of belonging, whether that means finding your tribe or finding peace within yourself.

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Image credit: @sam_filos via Twenty20.

This Isn’t The Social Environment For You [8]

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing your own thing, living an independent life, or waving a giant “loner” flag as you eat lunch all by yourself. It’s confident and cool AF.

Plus, after spending more than a year in isolation, it’s no surprise if you feel more awkward socializing than you did pre-pandemic. And the transition back to in-person life can be bumpy as your friendships and social skills adjust to the shift — hence nerves or the feeling that you don’t fit in anywhere.

There’s actually a scientific reason for that — humans have a fundamental need to belong that is rooted deep in evolutionary survival instincts, says Kim Chronister, Psy.D., a licensed clinical psychologist. Evolution aside, rusty social skills from lockdown or a bad case of FOMO from seeing your friends Instagram their social outings can also add to feeling outcast.

To help you get to the bottom of your social discomfort, experts share 15 reasons you might be thinking, “I don’t fit in anywhere,” and what to do to overcome those thoughts. Remember when you were really young and assumed that your middle school BFF would be in your life forever.

But know that it’s also very common for people to drift apart as time passes, according to licensed marriage and family therapist Heidi McBain, LMFT. She says it can happen for all sorts of reasons: Maybe you moved to another city and have trouble staying in touch, or perhaps you’ve grown as a person and are no longer as compatible with certain friends.

Regardless, these shifts are normal, McBain explains. So if you feel on the outside of your usual friend group, it might be a sign that your dynamics are naturally changing and you’re in the market for new pals whose lives better match your own.

She says that may be the case because you don’t yet know yourself well or haven’t settled on what you value most in friendships.

McBain recommends reflecting on what you prioritize in relationships, whether that’s by yourself or with the help of a therapist. Once you have a clear idea of who you are and what you want, she says the friendships will come in time.

Sometimes being in the wrong setting is to blame for your struggles, says licensed counselor Nawal Alomari, LCPC. For example, if you prefer to have one-on-one conversations with lots of eye contact and few interruptions, a massive party might not be your ideal forum for social connection.

Feeling part of a group isn’t just about meeting people you like. It also requires people to open up to each other, and if that isn’t happening then it can be hard to connect, according to McBain.

Sometimes this is easier said than done if you tend to be more shy or private. But you don’t have to change who you are or pretend to be something you’re not to forge those connections — it’s just about being a little more open a little more often.

“If you tend to be quiet but still want to engage with others, try asking them questions about themselves and their life, and then actively listen to their responses,” she says. If ever there was a way to come across as uncomfortable or nervous in public, it’s by caring too much about what other people think, according to McBain.

To help you focus more on the present moment and less on what others may or may not be thinking, Alomari recommends literally visualizing yourself leaving the brains of the people around you and going back into your own body, where you can instead focus on how you’re feeling. McBain also suggests asking questions and active listening to help you ease into feeling more comfortable interacting.

And it’s hard to successfully socialize when you’re channeling all that energy towards yourself. One way to get out of your head is by, well, literally getting those thoughts out of your mind and into the open.

“We assume that everyone else is doing well and that socializing is natural for them, when in reality, they probably feel a lot of the same feelings that we do.”. Discomfort in social situations can spiral into a cycle of feeling like an outsider, says Alomari.

And when you’re more closed off, it limits people from getting close to you,” she tells Bustle. “It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.”.

In fact, your uniqueness is what makes you shine and can help you build those bridges. On that note, dulling your uniqueness in order to fit in might actually have quite the opposite effect, says McBain.

The more you embrace who you are and the things you like, the more likely you’ll attract folks who feel the exact same way. Consider this permission to confidently be yourself.

After all, not everyone is a life-of-the-party type. But feeling shy to the point where you’re unable to chat with new people can make it hard to insert yourself into a group dynamic.

“Being shy might make it hard to meet people in big groups, so maybe try to stick to smaller group settings when you can,” she says. “That being said, if there are certain people you feel more shy around than others, this might help you better understand the people who are ‘your people’ versus the ones who aren’t.”.

“When we don’t connect with ourselves, we can’t truly connect with others. We may end up feeling not only empty inside, but also left out and isolated from others,” she tells Bustle.

This pattern can be tough to overcome, but understanding that you can set an example for how you want to be treated is step one. Paul suggests working on these concerns with a therapist to help you reconnect with yourself and, ultimately, connect with others too.

You talk a bit, your friend talks a bit, and the dynamic stays relatively balanced. So if you feel disconnected from those around you even though you’re confident in a social setting, she says that could be a sign that you need to listen more.

Instead of offering a story of your own, trying to one-up them, or launching into a monologue, Paul says simply listening can go a long way. Once this becomes a habit, she says they’ll also be more likely to return the favor, thus creating a deeper bond.

But pay attention to where and why you’re putting in that effort, says Paul. If you’re “trying too hard” in a caring way but you still can’t connect, she says it may be better to move on and find a group that will truly appreciate you.

That can be off-putting to the people around you, and if you notice that happening, Paul says it might be best to take a step back and reflect on why you feel the need to please. It’s also possible to not try hard enough, says McBain.

If you’re at work, for example, and wondering why no one is talking to you, take it upon yourself to move things along. Be chatty, be nice, ask people about their day.

You don’t have to commit an entire evening to a party, McBain says, but it never hurts to attend events or even create a few of your own. While it doesn’t really matter what you wear, there is something to be said for expressing yourself outwardly as a way of connecting with like-minded people.

If you constantly struggle with that tension of feeling left out, you may actually have social anxiety, says Alomari. If you suspect you’re dealing with more than the usual jitters, she recommends going to therapy to get help and find ways to cope with your anxiety.

Why Do I Feel Like I Don’t Belong Anywhere? 7 Possible Explanations [9]

I never felt like fitting in with other people. As a child and teen, I would typically feel disconnected from my peers, which would stop me from making friends and participating in group activities.

As a result, I often asked myself, “Why do I feel like I don’t belong anywhere. ”.

And most importantly, feeling like you don’t belong anywhere is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, it is an indication of greater perceptiveness and a rare personality.

Table of Contents. Emotional detachment doesn’t let us enjoy the connection with other human beings.

They may find it difficult to empathize and relate to other people too. If you have an emotionally detached personality, however, it doesn’t mean that you are cold-blooded and unfeeling.

You might actually feel everything deeply, but you hate to show it and expose your vulnerability to others. When you are overly guarded and emotionally detached, you may end up feeling like a stranger among people, which doesn’t let you embrace the sense of belonging.

The same is true about those with extremely introverted personalities. These loners are too focused on their inner worlds and have a very low need for social interaction.

As a loner, you are happy with having just one or two friends or even none of them – maybe your social circle consists of your family members alone. However, from time to time, you may still feel like you don’t belong anywhere because you have no friends and no social life.

It is someone who wants to make friends, be popular and successful, get a job, start a family, etc. All these patterns are imposed on us by society starting from a very young age.

The key to dealing with this emotional state as a loner is to feel comfortable in your own skin. Empaths and highly sensitive people are more prone to feelings of isolation and emotional alienation.

However, these traits also make them more susceptible to emotional overwhelm, which leads them to seek solitude and isolation. Empaths and HSPs instinctively try to limit other people’s impact on their emotional well-being and often end up withdrawing from social situations.

That’s why so many empaths and HSPs don’t feel like they belong anywhere and don’t fit in with other people. There is one more side to the alienation of these personality types.

They may get deeply sad when they hear news about wars, crime, and social injustice. An empath or a highly sensitive person may wonder why people are so evil, selfish, and greedy.

It’s not always our connection with other people that is to blame. Sometimes, we feel like we don’t belong anywhere because we are disconnected from ourselves.

Maybe you are chasing someone else’s goals and have forgotten about your own aspirations. Are you trying too hard to please your parents, boss, or spouse, doing what they want you to do and not what is best for you.

You could have low self-esteem and mental illness such as social anxiety that impairs your self-image. Maybe you just don’t know what you want from life and this is why you feel like you have no place in this world and belong nowhere.

But deep inside, you know that something is missing. You know that this something is what makes you feel like you don’t belong anywhere.

You can’t open up to them and discuss your personal problems. They don’t look interested when you talk about your life and are not there when you need their help.

This translates into the vague feeling like you don’t belong anywhere. Through this frustrating emotional state, your subconscious mind is trying to reach you out so that you finally see the truth.

Like you have nothing to get up for in the morning and your life is going nowhere. Maybe you are living a life that looks like an endless Groundhog Day, where you relive the same day over and over again.

It’s because you are stuck in a boring routine and feel like everything you do is pointless. Therefore, you are haunted by the feeling like you haven’t found your place in life.

Engaging in meaningful activities helps you feel more connected to yourself, others, and the world. Even if your life lacks deep connections with other people, you can still be happy by cultivating a sense of purpose.

Therefore, cultivating a sense of purpose can help you develop a sense of belonging. I often feel like I don’t belong anywhere, especially in modern society.

When you realize how much ignorance, greed, and vanity our world has, you inevitably feel like an alien who has no place here. So many deep thinkers and independent personalities, including world-famous authors and scientists, have faced social rejection.

It’s the cost of remaining loyal to yourself. You choose to follow your own moral code, views of life, and goals instead of those imposed by society.

As you have seen from the above, feeling like you don’t belong is not always a bad thing. This experience may stem from your personality traits and may, in fact, be a sign of higher intelligence and perceptiveness.

Keep this in mind the next time you feel like not belonging anywhere.

Why Don’t I Fit In? [10]

Not fitting in can have a lot to do with levels of self-esteem, how people view themselves, how they view their interactions with others, and how others view them. Some people may find it difficult to fit in because of issues with their self-esteem and may base their worth off of how well others view them.2 These people may wait for others to affirm or validate who they are, giving other people the power to determine if they fit in or not.

More and more, there is evidence of people engaging in extreme behaviors just to get noticed, recognized, or acknowledged by their peers.2 Continuously trying to prove yourself so that other people will like you is just an indication that you are not really accepting who you are.3 Oftentimes, people can spot others who are putting too much work into trying to fit in versus those who are just being themselves and fit in naturally.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) [11]

Have you ever felt like you don’t belong anywhere.

It’s a common feeling that most everyone experiences at least once in their life. Sometimes we may just be going through some temporary hard times where we feel we can’t really relate to anyone.

Either way, the need to belong is inherently part of being human. Every person, to some degree, needs to feel like they relate to someone around them.

Speak to an accredited and experienced therapist to help you with your lack of belonging. You may want to try speaking to one via BetterHelp.com for quality care at its most convenient.

Not usually. It’s hard to figure out one’s place in the world when you are constantly bombarded from all sides from social media, traditional media, your friends and family, or even coworkers who feel you should see the world the same way they do.

It takes lots of different perspectives, ideas, and actions to make the world go round. A differing world view or personality can feel isolating because you may not feel understood.

A good way to counter this feeling is to find other people who see the world through similar eyes. Look into groups, activities, or locations where you can meet other people with similar perspectives and interests.

The ability to clearly communicate what you think and how you feel goes a long way toward helping you feel accepted and welcome. You may not be articulating your innermost thoughts, desires, and passions in a clear, concise way to the people around you.

Brush up on your communication skills. Contemplate how to say things that need to be said and practice, practice, practice.

The other half of communication is listening and actually hearing what other people have to say. This is an entirely different, unique skill that needs to be developed on its own.

Instead, they listen to what the person is saying and then impose their own thoughts, opinions, or beliefs on the other person’s words.

They may just assume that certain thoughts, feelings, or actions are backed by different motivations other than what the original speaker intended. The ability to listen is integral for clear communication which can help both parties feel understood and more easily reach a compromise when needed.

Life happens. The years go by and people change, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse.

As time passes and people change, they will eventually need to travel down their own roads. They may go off to college, get married, or move off to a new location in search of their own peace of mind and happiness.

Change is going to come whether we want it or not. We have no choice in the matter.

The good news is that there are a lot of people out there in the world who will bring a lot to your life, as you will to theirs. You just have to keep moving toward them.

That could be anything from a passionless relationship to a job that just doesn’t offer any degree of fulfillment. Furthermore, if you are the kind of person who is interested in adventure or excitement, feeling bogged down or not stimulated is going to feel more isolating.

Maybe it’s time for a career change, to pick up a new hobby, take a road trip, or even travel abroad – anything to break up the monotony a bit and get a breath of fresh air.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness estimates that nearly 1 in 4 adults is living with a diagnosable mental illness. There are certain mental illnesses that can contribute to feeling like you’re isolated or alone.

The good news is that many mental health issues can be confronted and overcome. A person may find therapy helpful, can learn ways to manage and reduce those negative feelings, or may need something more.

They will likely be able to help you identify the source of those feelings and find a way to improve on them.

You know what. Some people just feel like they don’t belong in certain areas.

Open-minded people may not do well in a predominantly closed-minded population. Perhaps you look, dress, or act in a drastically different way than the people in your community, thus not fitting in well socially.

There’s no real reason to spend one’s life miserable and unhappy, living in a place where they may feel ostracized or unwelcome. It’s okay to be who you are and to feel how you feel, but of course, everyone else in the world may not agree.

Related article: 24 Questions To Ask Before You Leave Everything Behind To Start A New Life.

Far too many people think that friends and opportunities are going to come batter down their door. This isn’t going to happen.

Furthermore, people have a bad habit of overlooking opportunities that might be right in front of them. Perhaps those people who are different than you are trying to welcome you as best as they can.

and you may not understand theirs. Making an effort to bridge the gap in a way that does not compromise the most important parts of you is a good way to find connections with other people.

Smiles and laughter transcend so many social barriers. Not sure what to do about the nagging feeling that you don’t belong.

After all, there’s a good chance you don’t have anyone to talk to who might understand your feelings or be able to help. That’s why it’s highly likely you’ll need the guidance of a trained therapist if you are to banish these feelings from your life.

BetterHelp.com is a website where you can connect with a therapist via phone, video, or instant message. A therapist can listen to you, ask questions to find the root causes of your feelings, and then provide specific advice to give you the best chance of finding that sense of belonging that you’re missing.

Now it’s time to go deeper than any internet article can go and get the personal help you need. Here’s that link again if you’d like to learn more about the service BetterHelp.com provide and the process of getting started.

You still get access to a fully qualified professional. It’s just more convenient and quite often more affordable too.

You feel appreciated for what you bring to the group or community you are a part of. But you are also valued as an individual, aside from what you can contribute.

Indeed, you build deep bonds with other members of the group and feel comfortable in their presence. Belonging feels like you have found your place in this world.

When you feel you don’t belong anywhere, it can feel like a complete rejection of who you are because if nobody likes you for who you are or ‘gets’ you, it’s hard not to take it personally. It can be isolating to have no strong social bonds, as though you are being excluded from the communities you see around you.

Most people place a great deal of importance on experiencing belongingness. Humans are social creatures who evolved in groups of individuals who worked together to survive and thrive.

Yes, there are some people who seem able to happily exist away from the world, or at least outside of the usual social web. But these are few and far between.

You want to belong because the alternative is typically problematic. To not.

Not fitting in with family [12]

“I feel like I don’t fit in anywhere in this world. I don’t have a group of friends, and I don’t fit in at work.

It feels like there’s no place in society for me.”. It’s tough to feel like you don’t fit in.

We all go through periods of feeling lonely or like we don’t fit in. Sometimes, it’s just a feeling or a short-term problem.

We’re told to be ourselves, but that’s not always simple. And what happens when we try to be ourselves, but we don’t find anyone else that we seem to connect to.

Depression and anxiety can make someone feel like they don’t fit in. You may be an introvert who doesn’t enjoy being in groups.

The best way to find where you belong is to get to know yourself. What interests you.

Doing different things opens you up to talking to people you may never have met otherwise. When you feel like an outsider, the feeling might or might not be based on facts.

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It can help to remind yourself that this kind of situation is temporary and that most people feel like they don’t fit in at some point in their lives. But other times, it feels like we never fit in however much we try.

Your feelings of “not fitting in” may be coming from a place of self-judgment. For example, if you think you are “weird” or “strange,” you may always feel like you don’t fit in.

A recommendation. If you want to improve your social skills, self-confidence, and ability to bond, take our 1-minute quiz.

Start the quiz. Sometimes, we have to adapt to certain situations or environments.

But if you try to change or hide the core of who you are, you’ll continue to struggle. Even if you succeed in getting friends in this way, you’ll still feel like you don’t fit in because you’re not showing your true self.

When we’re nervous, we may tense our body, cross our arms, and have a serious expression on our face. When talking to others, notice how you’re holding your body.

We have more tips on how to look friendly and approachable. Part of fitting in with others is sharing about ourselves.

We feel more comfortable sharing with others when they share with us, as well. Opening up to others is scary, but it will make your relationships more rewarding.

We have an in-depth article on how to open up to people. To fit in with people, we have to give them a certain level of trust.

However, trust is something we can learn to develop and nurture. Read more in our guide to building trust in relationships.

People like talking about themselves, as long as you appear to be asking out of genuine interest instead of coming from a place of judgment. Make sure that the questions you ask are relevant to what they are talking about and aren’t too personal.

For example, if someone mentions that they recently went through a break-up, try asking how long they were together instead of the reason for the break-up. They will share more personal information if and when they are ready.

If you’re someone who feels you don’t fit in, this can make you feel like no one will like you. But the truth is, we can usually find something in common with the person we’re talking to, even if it’s just a love of Korean noodle cups.

Your goal is to find out what that similarity is. For more help on this topic, check out our guide on how to get along with others.

Article continues below. Take this quiz and see how you can improve your social life.

Start improving your confidence, your conversation skills, or your ability to bond – in less than an hour. Start the quiz.

They can make you believe that you’re not worthy of other people’s attention. You can work on these issues with a therapist or coach, who will help you pinpoint your problems and find solutions tailored to your specific situation.

We also have a guide on how to make friends when you’re depressed. Working on framing your problem in a more specific way can help you overcome it.

You may see people teasing each other and want to participate. Once we’re close to someone and feel safe with them, teasing and bantering can be a fun activity that solidifies the relationship.

To fit in at work, you need to understand your workplace’s social rules and norms. Your workplace may be a formal place that expects people to keep their personal life private.

Try to observe how other people act at work. Do they use humor when they talk to each other, or are they mainly formal.

Is it OK to walk up to people’s desks and ask a question, or are you expected to communicate via email.

Understanding how people are at your place of work is the first step to fitting in. Article continues below.

Take this quiz and get a custom report based on your unique personality and goals. Start improving your confidence, your conversation skills, or your ability to bond – in less than an hour.

If your workplace is formal, making an effort to dress nicer may help you fit in. If your workplace is more casual, adopting a similar attitude can help.

Don’t lie about your skills, work experience, or background to fit in or impress your coworkers. It will backfire if someone finds out.

For example, if someone asks you about your family, you don’t need to say, “I’ve cut contact with my father because he’s an alcoholic.” Instead, try something like, “I’m not close to my family.”. Similarly, don’t ask your coworkers too many personal questions.

Respect your coworker’s privacy and let a friendship develop naturally. Some people prefer to keep their work and personal lives separate.

It’s usually best to keep political and moral discussions to existing friendships outside the workplace. Try not to bring up sensitive topics that people might have strong views about.

If you need help with this, read our guide on how to be more agreeable. One of the best ways to bond is over a food or coffee break.

Do people go out to eat together. Ask if you can join in.

We may try hard to fit in with them but struggle to know how to do that. In the process, we may miss other interesting, kind people we may get along with quite well.

Try to notice something about everyone in your class. Is there a classmate you often find doodling that you could talk to about art.

Take a chance on the shy kid who sits off to the side. Join groups for things that you’re interested in, or consider starting one.

I feel like I don’t belong anywhere [13]

Have you ever had the feeling that you just don’t belong anywhere.

You’re not alone. It’s a feeling that most people have at some point in their lives.

So many fabulous platforms for connection that also highlight just how much you don’t fit in. There’s a reason you are feeling this way.

Belonging is about feeling a connection to others or to a place. Whether it’s friends, work, family, church, or society, finding where you belong is about acceptance.

At the same time, you value those around you and share similar thoughts and interests that connect you. Where you find this sense of belonging will be different for everyone.

Others find themselves connected to entire communities. When you struggle to find this sense of belonging, the ensuing loneliness that arises can be extremely painful and hard to live with.

If you are feeling like you don’t belong anywhere, from friendship group to work colleagues to family, then here are 10 reasons to help you work out why and decide – what next.

The problem is simply you. Do you tend to sit back in your friendship groups and let everyone else do the talking.

Do you ever stop to share important things that are going on in your life.

Sometimes these feelings of not belonging come because we don’t open up to our friends. We feel like they don’t understand us.

They don’t know us. It can be frustrating and upsetting at the same time.

You never let them understand you, let them get you, and let them know you. If you never open up to your friends and share your thoughts and feelings, how can you know whether or not you belong.

Opening up and disclosing personal experiences and concerns can deepen that connection between you and your friends. If you do this with them, then they are also more likely to trust you and confide in you in return.

It’s time for you to stop worrying about what others think and to care more about what you think. If you are too focused on what other people say about you, then it can stop you from being yourself.

You will find yourself surrounded by friends who don’t know the real you and these feelings will be perpetuated. You will then start to worry about what happens if they do discover the real you.

Will they leave you. What can you do to make sure they don’t.

If you have all these thoughts running through your head, then it’s time to make some changes. Pick up some positive mantras:

You will start to care less (but not stop entirely) about what other people think of you, allowing you to be more true to yourself. In turn, you will find people who value you for who you are.

At other times, the reason you don’t belong is because you are yet to find your place and your people. There are a number of reasons this might be.

This would make things so much easier. Unfortunately, that isn’t how it works.

And it takes time. As you do, you may find you have very different views from everyone else out there.

You act differently. You believe different things.

It is making you feel very alone and isolated. First of all, it is these differences that set you apart and make you who you are.

It is when we try and mold and conform to the beliefs of others that we lose ourselves in the process. So start by giving yourself a mental high five for recognizing these differences and allowing them to be.

It might not seem like it right now, but there are others out there like you. Thankfully, the internet is making it easier than ever to connect with them.

It won’t take you long to find others you connect with and work out where you belong. Whether you are still living in the same area you grew up.

Still, with the same friendship group, you have had since you were kids. It’s time for change.

Perhaps you grew up in a very religious neighborhood and no longer share those views.

Just because all your friends and family around you are happy to accept this status quo, doesn’t mean you need to. It might be time to get out and explore the world.

A fresh start can be the perfect opportunity to find a place you do belong to.

It happens. Just because you grew up as BFFs, doesn’t mean you have to stay BFFs.

So, what are some signs this might be happening to you.

Take a look at where you are at in your life: have you started a new job. Moved cities.

Moved out of home. These are all opportunities to find a new group of friends who are in the same life stage as you.

By working out where you are at, you can find friends with common goals. Before long, you will be feeling like you belong once again.

Making friends at the park with the little girl playing on the swing next to you. Oh how easily friends came back them.

There are only so many to choose from, so you find those who are most like you. You then form groups with people in social settings outside of school, such as art classes, debating, sports teams, and more.

Next, it’s off to University where you are thrust together with people who all share common interests with you. Do you notice the pattern here.

Or what stage of your life you are at. As a person, you are constantly changing and developing.

Until you know yourself and understand who you are, it’s almost impossible to find friends who can value and appreciate you for who you are. Sometimes we are lucky enough that our friends grow and change with us, while still sharing the same values we do.

In this case, keep the search going. Take some time out to reflect on who you are and what you enjoy.

You may be feeling like you don’t belong, simply because you don’t. There is no shame in this.

It ends up having the opposite effect and we feel even more alienated and lonely than before. Here are some questions you need to ask to discover whether you are being true to yourself:

Step away from this friendship group and take some time to figure out what likes/interests are your own, versus those you told yourself you liked/were interested in just to fit in. We all like to fit in.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to recognise when you are trying too hard and move on. Go find people you can truly be yourself with.

The way we dress, speak, act and more are all different ways we express ourselves and who we are. All these factors can determine how others see us, and in turn, the type of people we attract.

Take a look at the friends around you. How do they dress, speak, act.

If it is, then you aren’t expressing yourself the right way – since you clearly don’t fit in. It’s time to take a look in the mirror and make some changes.

These are all conversation starters. If you want to get the conversation off on the right foot, then it’s important to express yourself in the right way, to begin with.

Cons of feeling like you don’t belong [14]

Jump to section. What does it mean to feel like you belong.

Pros of feeling like you belong. Cons of feeling like you don’t belong.

Achieving a sense of belonging: 5 tips. You belong somewhere.

When you feel profoundly connected to friends, family, or your community as a whole, you feel happier, and your life gains purpose and meaning.

And if you aren’t careful, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy: the more isolated you feel, the harder it becomes to connect. Connection is a fundamental part of the human experience — and everyone deserves to feel like they belong somewhere.

A sense of belonging is the subjective feeling of being valued and respected in a reciprocal relationship. When you’re comfortable and accepted as your authentic self, you feel part of something.

Human beings are intrinsically motivated by the need to belong. This need drives you to create and nurture caring interpersonal relationships that positively impact your daily life and personal growth.

An introvert might value spending time with a few close friends, while an extrovert feels their best when surrounded by a larger community. Regardless of where you fit in, developing deeper bonds with your chosen community can bring meaning to your life, stimulate positive personal growth, and improve your well-being.

To enjoy these rewards, most people develop deeper bonds and a sense of belonging in three ways.

Your knowledge, shared behaviors, or skills demonstrate your social and cultural capital.

As you catch up on technical skills, learn company jargon, and understand your coworkers’ ways of doing things, your sense of belonging at work rises.

You may root your personal identity in your sexual orientation or gender identity, ethnicity, or religious beliefs. However you define your identity, when you feel accepted, you’ll develop a stronger sense of belonging.

You can develop relationships constructed over a common bond nearly anywhere — an online community, a new friend at a regular yoga class, or an old friend as passionate about cooking as you are. Your similarities make forging close relationships easier than doing so with someone whose interests are dissimilar to yours.

Feeling accepted comes easy.

Simply being part of a supportive social network can reduce stress and improve well-being, even if your network isn’t directly providing emotional support. Just knowing you belong is enough to reap the benefits.

Here are three pros of experiencing a strong sense of belonging: More goal-oriented behavior: Nurturing a strong relationship with a friend or larger community can push you to seek self-improvement.

Better coping mechanisms: Support systems help you cope with stressors that can cause mental health struggles. They help you overcome insecurities and self-esteem concerns and push you beyond your comfort zone.

Improved physical health: Studies have shown links to belonging and positive recovery from cancer, tuberculosis, and heart disease. Feeling alone can be a suffocating, circular emotion.

But a lack of belongingness extends far beyond your current emotional state. Here are three negative effects of a lack of belonging:

Feeling outcast from social interactions or suffering from feelings of isolation can disrupt your sense of self-worth and fill you with intrusive thoughts of incompetence, guilt, or unattractiveness.

If you frequently think, “I feel like I don’t belong in my family,” for example, this lost connection is stronger than the positive effect of social support you might receive elsewhere. Lowers health systems: Studies show that those deprived of belongingness see decreases in their immune functions.

Feelings of alienation, isolation, or disconnection are subjective experiences. Your reasons for feeling like you don’t belong may not align with someone else’s.

Here are three potential sources: Struggling with your mental health: You might be experiencing a larger mental health issue that makes you feel alienated from others.

Hanging with the wrong crowd: If you find yourself in the wrong crowd, either personally or professionally, it might be time to re-evaluate your goals and values and consider if you’re connecting with like-minded people. Disregarding new opportunities: Not all opportunities are in your face.

Be honest with yourself about your openness to new opportunities and consider alternative friend groups and professional development challenges to build a sense of belonging. Feeling like a part of a community can help you find meaning in your life.

It’s easy to focus on the lives of others. You’re bombarded with images on social media of everyone’s perfect life or may measure yourself against your friends and coworkers’ accomplishments.

Learn to stop comparing yourself to others by practicing gratitude, developing your personal strengths, and becoming aware of your triggers (like too much social media use).

You can build a more general sense of belonging in your life by finding your calling. This gives your life direction and improves your mental health.

If you don’t know who you are, you can’t find like-minded people to connect with. But it can be difficult cultivating self-awareness when external messages might convince you that you need to fit into others’ definitions of the norm.

You may find that some relationships don’t fit the new you, but the more sincerely you behave, the more likely you’ll find the group of people that get you.

But new friends aren’t going to show up on your doorstep. Think about a hobby you’d like to pursue (like painting) or one you can share with others (like running) to find community.

Check out your local centers for classes, clubs, or workshops, look into online communities, or seek out small group events. Putting yourself out there at first may be difficult, but once you connect with someone over a shared interest, developing a friendship will be much easier.

Help comes in many forms. Open up to friends and family about your lack of belonging.

A coach or therapist can also analyze the source of your lack of belonging and provide practical strategies and goal-oriented steps to get in touch with yourself and find your people. Feeling like you belong isn’t a privilege — everyone fits in somewhere.

If you constantly think, “I feel like I don’t belong,” and struggle to connect with others, you’re not alone. But identifying the source of your isolation and taking steps to find your people is worth the investment.

FAQs About Feeling Like You Don’t Fit In Anywhere [15]

Feeling like an outsider, like you don’t fit in anywhere, can be a challenging and isolating experience. Whether you’re at work, school, or with friends, the nagging feeling of not belonging can make even the most social situations uncomfortable.

So, if you’re feeling like an outsider and don’t fit in anywhere, know that you’re not alone and that there are ways to manage these feelings. Feeling like you don’t fit in anywhere can take many forms.

Or maybe you struggle to make friends and feel out of place in social situations. Whatever the case may be, feeling like you don’t belong can be a deeply isolating experience.

You may feel like no one understands you or that you’re fundamentally different from those around you. These feelings can be exacerbated by social media, where we’re bombarded with images of seemingly perfect lives and happy, connected people.

Sometimes it’s a matter of personality or temperament – introverted people, for example, may struggle to feel at home in social situations. Other times, it’s a result of social or cultural differences, such as feeling like an outsider in a new country or among a different community.

Feeling like you don’t fit in anywhere can also be related to a sense of not conforming to society’s expectations. We’re bombarded with messages about how we should look, act, and think, and those who don’t fit into those boxes can feel like they’re on the outside looking in.

While feeling like you don’t fit in anywhere can be challenging, there are ways to manage these feelings and find a sense of belonging. One way to cope with feeling like an outsider is to embrace your uniqueness.

Remember that your unique perspective and experiences can be valuable contributions to any group or community. Another way to cope with feeling like you don’t belong is to seek out like-minded people.

Making connections with others who understand you can also provide a sense of validation and support. When you’re struggling with feelings of not fitting in, it’s important to prioritize your mental health.

Remember that taking care of yourself is essential for coping with any difficult situation. Finally, it can be helpful to practice gratitude.

This can help shift your perspective and provide a sense of positivity and hope. Q.

Feeling like you don’t fit in anywhere can be related to mental health issues like anxiety, depression, or ADHD. If your feelings of isolation and disconnection are interfering with your daily life, it’s important to seek out professional support.

How Can I Talk to Others About Feeling Like I Don’t Belong.

Talking to others about feeling like an outsider can be challenging, but it’s important to reach out for support. Consider confiding in a trusted friend or family member, or seeking out a support group or therapist who can provide a safe space to explore these feelings.

Can Therapy Help Me Cope with Feeling Like I Don’t Fit In Anywhere.

Yes, therapy can be a helpful tool for coping with feelings of not fitting in. A therapist can provide a safe and supportive environment to explore these feelings, as well as offer practical coping strategies and support.

By embracing your uniqueness, seeking out supportive communities, prioritizing your mental health, and practicing gratitude, you can find ways to manage these feelings and feel more connected to yourself and others.

So, if you’re feeling like you don’t fit in anywhere, know that there are ways to manage these feelings and find a sense of belonging. If you’re looking for more inspiration and uplifting content, don’t forget to check out our collection of posts in the Positive Blog category.

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2 thoughts on “I Don’t Fit In Anywhere” [17]

You took the way I feel about everything and hit it spot on. I actually love to hear others opinions and beliefs which must not be a common quality to have this day in age.

But to me it doesn’t take away from the beauty I choose to see in the world and in life in every way. I love all humanity.

You know what my answer was. I don’t see the bad in any1, because I don’t look for it, I don’t think about what bad they could bring into my life, I look at it like this….what if I’m the only kind / loving part of that person’s life at that moment n time, when the rest of their world is so harsh and cruel ( u never know what a person has been through or may be going through or what a difference just being kind can make in a person’s journey.

And on a level that brings them to see the world around them differently because they change the way they looke at the world from one act of kindness. Your email address will not be published.

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You have shed loads of uncertainty in your life now [18]

You may be wondering why you’re feeling out-of-sorts during lockdown. In the past few weeks you may have been feeling lethargic, sleeping a lot, or not enough.

You’re not your normal self. But you know you’ve got a roof over your head, some food in the fridge, enough loo roll, you’ve got the basics.

It’s not surprising you’re feeling the way you do. Given what you, your family, the country and the world are currently dealing with in this time of coronavirus, your responses are a normal reaction.

These reasons aren’t the whole of your story. There’s a lot else which could be contributing to you feeling the way you do.

Knowing the why, even if you can’t change it, helps you to recognise how you’re feeling and name it. That knowledge in itself can help you feel more calm and able to focus on what you can control.

In an effort to contain coronavirus, the government has placed restrictions on what you can do, when and with whom. You have less choice and hence less freedom.

We often don’t like being told what to do and what we can’t do.

Will I or a family member get COVID-19. How would we be affected.

Will I be able to do X, Y or Z later on this year. Maybe that is to get married, go on a special holiday, have a birthday party for a special birthday, graduate from university, etc.

Will my relationship survive this lockdown.

Will I get my bonus at work.

You probably have a lot of questions like this swirling around your head about all the unknowns. We humans don’t like uncertainty.

And you can feel powerless as a result.

Maybe you’ve had to learn how to use Zoom for work, or to stay in touch with family and friends. Maybe you are self-employed and have had to find a way to get your business online if that is even possible.

If there is new work to be had. Or figure out how to work from home, deal with feeling isolated if you live on your own, or how to home school your children and do your job at the same time.

This kind of change can feel enforced and unwelcome. It can be hard to deal with.

There are all sorts of losses you and everyone else are dealing with. Loss of.

Cue that powerless feeling again. It’s no wonder you could be feeling out-of-sorts during lockdown.

That’s a lot for you to hold. That’s a lot for any one country to deal with.

Many of us are feeling out-of-sorts during lockdown. Waking up in terror in the middle of the night, feeling intense overwhelm, wanting to hide away from it all, these are normal responses to the intense enormity of what you and the world are dealing with.

It’s about how you acknowledge and move through the terror, overwhelm and grief in a healthy way psychologically, physically and socially. I can and will say more on that but I am going to leave it here as what I’ve written is plenty for now.

What else would help you manage that feeling out-of-sorts during lockdown and get through it.

It might be about how to deal with the intensity of living with family members and/or dealing with kids 24/7. Or trying to balance work and home schooling and keep your sanity.

Deal with whatever is concerning you right now.

I’d love to know so Return to Wellness® can target its support in a way that would be meaningful for you. Drop your thoughts in the comments below or get in touch via the contact form.

Has this blog made you think. Helped you in some way.

© Copyright Barbara Babcock 2020. Sign up to access useful resources for living well with a challenging health issue.

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More Jojo Moyes Quotes [19]

There are normal hours, and then there are invalid hours, where time stalls and slips, where life—real life—seems to exist at one remove. I felt the music like a physical thing.

It made my skin prickle and my palms dampen…It was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. We are all part of some great cycle, some pattern that it was only God’s purpose to understand.

I know this isn’t a conventional love story. A man who has always loved you and, to his detriment, suspects he always will.

I can’t. It’s Not who I am.

I know there are all sorts of reasons I shouldn’t even be saying what I am. But I love you.

I knew it when I left Patrick. And I think you might even love me a little bit.

You need to fill it out mentally as well as physically. Sometimes, she realizes suddenly, it is simply a matter of blind faith.

There they are.’ And suddenly you feel at home. Push yourself.

Just live well. Just LIVE.

Potential. And I cannot for the life of me see how you can be content to live this tiny life.

What if I don’t fill my days with frenetic activity. ” “But one day you might wish you had.”.

You decided what you thought you’d like me to do, and you went ahead and did it. You did what everyone else does.

Try to write at least 500 words a day. You may ditch 499 of them tomorrow, but you will still be moving forward.

You are scored on my heart, Clark. You were from the first day you walked in, with your ridiculous clothes and your bad jokes and your complete inability to ever hide a single thing you felt.

And it was suddenly very simple: There was no choice. My nerve endings seemed to have come alive.

Whatever else,. If all we are allowed is hours, minutes, I want to be able to etch each of them on to my memory with exquisite clarity so that I can recall them at moments like this, when my very soul feels blackened.

I didn’t eat. I didn’t go out.

But I survived, Paul. Sometimes, Clark, you are pretty much the only thing that makes me want to get up in the morning.

I realized I was afraid of living without him. How is it you have the right to destroy my life, I wanted to demand of him, but I’m not allowed a say in yours.

I just tried to be, tried to absorb the man I loved through osmosis, tried to imprint what I had left of him on myself. I did not speak.

Reference source

  1. https://www.learning-mind.com/i-dont-belong-anywhere/
  2. https://storymirror.com/read/english/story/i-feel-i-dont-fit-anywhere/tyszvieq
  3. https://www.life-with-confidence.com/why-dont-I-fit-in.html
  4. https://storymirror.com/read/english/story/i-feel-i-dont-fit-anywhere/wosn7rqg
  5. https://www.meaningfulpaths.com/dont-fit-in-anywhere/
  6. https://loopward.com/i-dont-fit-in/
  7. https://introvertdear.com/news/introverts-help-dont-fit-in/
  8. https://www.bustle.com/wellness/reasons-you-feel-like-you-dont-fit-in-what-to-do-about-it
  9. https://powerofmisfits.com/communication/why-do-i-feel-like-i-dont-belong-anywhere/
  10. https://www.choosingtherapy.com/dont-fit-in/
  11. https://www.aconsciousrethink.com/7567/dont-belong/
  12. https://socialself.com/blog/not-fitting-in/
  13. https://ideapod.com/i-dont-belong-anywhere/
  14. https://www.betterup.com/blog/i-feel-like-i-dont-belong
  15. https://penwhatmatters.com/i-dont-fit-in-anywhere-coping-with-feeling-like-an-outsider/
  16. https://www.mlive.com/galleries/NWH2MZ6XBVCB5PSZFOAHGNV6GU/
  17. https://www.newlifeontheroad.com/i-dont-fit-in-anywhere/
  18. https://returntowellness.co.uk/2020/04/14/why-youre-feeling-out-of-sorts-during-lockdown/
  19. https://minimalistquotes.com/jojo-moyes-quote-296650/

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