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where is dna found in a eukaryotic cell

How did the eukaryotic cell evolved? [1]

The cell of eukaryotic organisms (animals, plants, fungi) differs from that of prokaryotic organisms (Archaea and Bacteria) by the presence of several specialized organelles, such as: the nucleus (containing the genetic information of the cell), the mitochondria (site of cellular respiration), or the chloroplast (site of photosynthesis in plants).

One possible hypothesis would be that current eukaryotes would descend from an archaeal ancestor who acquired a proteobacteria, the present mitochondria. Once this step was established, some cells would have incorporated cyanobacteria that are the origin of the chloroplast.

Throughout the process, gene transfer phenomena between symbionts, the taking over of the coding of some organelle proteins by the nucleus and the relocation of gene products into the organelles have closely integrated these prokaryotes within the host cell. The phenomenon of endosymbiosis is therefore very largely responsible for the biodiversity of eukaryotes that appeared during evolution.

EukaryotesSingle-cell or multicellular organisms whose cells have a nucleus and organelles (endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, various plastids, mitochondria, etc.) delimited by membranes. Eukaryotes are, along with bacteria and archaea, one of the three groups of living organisms.

The main characteristic of the eukaryotic cell (Figure 1) is the existence of a nucleus (in prokaryotes, the genome is only very rarely surrounded by a membrane) surrounded by a cytoplasm containing many organelles, such as mitochondriaOrganelles of the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells (plants, algae, animals).

This reaction requires the presence of oxygen and releases CO2, so it plays an essential role in the carbon cycle. Mitochondria originate from a prokaryotic organism (α-proteobacteria) integrated into eukaryotic protocells 2 billion years ago.

As a site of photosynthesis, chloroplasts produce O2 oxygen and play an essential role in the carbon cycle: they use light energy to fix CO2 and synthesize organic matter. They are thus responsible for the autotrophy of plants.

(site for photosynthesisBioenergetic process that allows plants, algae and some bacteria to synthesize organic matter from atmospheric CO2 by using sunlight. Solar energy is used to oxidize water and reduce carbon dioxide in order to synthesize organic substances (carbohydrates).

Photosynthesis is the basis of autotrophy, it is the result of the integrated functioning of the chloroplast within the cell., in plants in the broad sense, terrestrial plants and algae). These organelles are frequently displaced or reorganized by the cytoskeleton that triggers intracellular mobility (Figure 1).

It contains the nuclear genome characteristic of the eukaryotic cell, i.e. the genetic material of an individual encoded in its DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).

However, the eukaryotic cell also contains non-nuclear genomes within the organelles: – the mitochondrial genome, within the mitochondrial matrix (Figure 1). – the chloroplastic genome, within the chloroplast stroma (e.g.

The DNA constituting these three genomes is not organized in the same way. In the nucleus, the genome is distributed over several linear DNA molecules, and organized into well-differentiated chromosomes.

The three-dimensional configuration of the nuclear genome has a functional importance: the winding (or “condensation”) of DNA on itself and around proteins, the histonesBasic proteins associating with DNA to form the basic structure of chromatin. Histones play an important role in DNA packaging and folding, allowing a large amount of genetic information to be packaged in the tiny nucleus of a cell.

ProkaryoticMicroorganisms (usually unicellular) with a simple cellular structure, no nucleus, and almost never internal compartmentalization (the only exception being thylakoids in cyanobacteria). Two of the three groups that make up living organisms are prokaryotes: Archaea and Bacteria.-type cells (Bacteria and ArchaeaSingle-celled prokaryotic microorganisms living in particular in extreme environments (anaerobic, high salinity, very hot…).

Fox (1977) differentiated between archaea and other prokaryotic organisms (bacteria). Currently, living organisms are considered to consist of three groups: Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryota.), do not have a nucleus and their DNA is circular (or -in some rare cases- linear) and organized like that of chloroplasts or mitochondria.

It should be noted, however, that Archaea are only superficially similar to Bacteria in their cellular aspect: their metabolism differs greatly, and the mechanisms and proteins involved in the replication, transcription and translation processes have similar characteristics to those of eukaryotes.

Table 1. Comparison of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.

Table 1 compares the properties of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (with their mitochondria and possibly their chloroplasts). It shows that mitochondria and chloroplasts have many characteristics in common with those of prokaryotic cells.

Similarly, they have the same protein synthesis machinery (free 70S ribosomesA huge complex composed of RNAs and ribosomal proteins that allows the translation of mRNAs into proteins. Common to all cells (prokaryotes and eukaryotes), the ribosome varies according to the organisms: 80S ribosome in eukaryotes and 70S ribosome in prokaryotes and cellular organelles (mitochondria, chloroplast).

Associated with ribosomes, it is the place of synthesis of proteins secreted outside the cell and, on the other hand, proteins and lipids constituting the membranes of cellular organelles (Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, mitochondria, nucleus, ribosomes, vesicles…). Finally, bacteria also have the metabolism of mitochondria (i.e.

photosynthesis). On the other hand, the eukaryotic cell is distinguished by the existence of an active protein network, the cytoskeleton, a self-organized system capable of mobility, which positions and displaces the organelles in the cell.

Figure 2. Unrooted phylogenetic tree of the three domains of living organisms, produced using a gene from the small ribosomal subunit (bar: 0.1 substitution per site).

]The analysis of genome sequence by DNA sequencing techniques has provided information on the evolutionary history of living beings, including their relationship, also known as their phylogenyStudy of the links between related species. Allows to trace the main stages of the evolution of organisms from a common ancestor and to establish relationships of kinship between living beings.

and Inheritance or convergence. …).

Eukaryotic chromosomes are located within the nucleus, whereas prokaryotic chromosomes are located in the nucleoid. [2]

Since prokaryotic cells typically have only a single, circular chromosome, they can replicate faster than eukaryotic cells. In fact, a prokaryotic cell can undergo two rounds of DNA replication before the cell, itself, has divided.

Since eukaryotic cells typically have multiple linear chromosomes, capped with telomeres, eukaryotic DNA replication and cell division (mitosis and meiosis) are a bit more complicated. In eukaryotic cells, DNA replication occurs before mitosis begins, and it can’t occur while the cell is dividing.

Each time a typical or somatic eukaryotic cell divides, the telomeres get shorter. The key difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is that eukaryotic cells have a membrane-bound nucleus (and membrane-bound organelles), whereas prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus.

In prokaryotic cells, the chromosome is located in a region of the cytoplasm called the nucleoid, which lacks a membrane. One interesting implication of this difference in the location of eukaryotic and prokaryotic chromosomes is that transcription and translation—the processes of creating an RNA molecule and using that molecule to synthesize a protein—can occur simultaneously in prokaryotes.

As the RNA is being transcribed, ribosomes can begin the translation process of stringing together amino acids. In contrast, in eukaryotic cells, transcription always occurs first, and it takes place within the nucleus.

Then, translation is conducted by a ribosome in the cytoplasm.

Replication[edit] [3]

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA or mDNA) is the DNA located in mitochondria, cellular organelles within eukaryotic cells that convert chemical energy from food into a form that cells can use, such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Mitochondrial DNA is only a small portion of the DNA in a eukaryotic cell.

Human mitochondrial DNA was the first significant part of the human genome to be sequenced. This sequencing revealed that the human mtDNA includes 16,569 base pairs and encodes 13 proteins.

Since animal mtDNA evolves faster than nuclear genetic markers, it represents a mainstay of phylogenetics and evolutionary biology. It also permits tracing the relationships of populations, and so has become important in anthropology and biogeography.

Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA are thought to have separate evolutionary origins, with the mtDNA derived from the circular genomes of bacteria engulfed by the ancestors of modern eukaryotic cells. This theory is called the endosymbiotic theory.

The reasons mitochondria have retained some genes are debated. The existence in some species of mitochondrion-derived organelles lacking a genome suggests that complete gene loss is possible, and transferring mitochondrial genes to the nucleus has several advantages.

colocalisation for redox regulation is another, citing the desirability of localised control over mitochondrial machinery. Recent analysis of a wide range of mtDNA genomes suggests that both these features may dictate mitochondrial gene retention.

Across all organisms, there are six main mitochondrial genome types, classified by structure (i.e. circular versus linear), size, presence of introns or plasmid like structures, and whether the genetic material is a singular molecule or collection of homogeneous or heterogeneous molecules.

In many unicellular organisms (e.g., the ciliate Tetrahymena and the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii), and in rare cases also in multicellular organisms (e.g. in some species of Cnidaria), the mtDNA is linear DNA.

Most (bilaterian) animals have a circular mitochondrial genome. Medusozoa and calcarea clades however include species with linear mitochondrial chromosomes.

Mitochondrial genomes for animals average about 16,000 base pairs in length. The anemone Isarachnanthus nocturnus has the largest mitochondrial genome of any animal at 80,923 bp.

In February 2020, a jellyfish-related parasite – Henneguya salminicola – was discovered that lacks a mitochondrial genome but retains structures deemed mitochondrion-related organelles. Moreover, nuclear DNA genes involved in aerobic respiration and in mitochondrial DNA replication and transcription were either absent or present only as pseudogenes.

There are three different mitochondrial genome types in plants and fungi. The first type is a circular genome that has introns (type 2) and may range from 19 to 1000 kbp in length.

The final genome type found in plants and fungi is a linear genome made up of homogeneous DNA molecules (type 5).

In Fungi, however, there is no single gene shared among all mitogenomes. Some plant species have enormous mitochondrial genomes, with Silene conica mtDNA containing as many as 11,300,000 base pairs.

The genome of the mitochondrion of the cucumber (Cucumis sativus) consists of three circular chromosomes (lengths 1556, 84 and 45 kilobases), which are entirely or largely autonomous with regard to their replication.

Type 2, type 3 and type 5 of the plant and fungal genomes also exist in some protists, as do two unique genome types. One of these unique types is a heterogeneous collection of circular DNA molecules (type 4) while the other is a heterogeneous collection of linear molecules (type 6).

The smallest mitochondrial genome sequenced to date is the 5,967 bp mtDNA of the parasite Plasmodium falciparum.

Mitochondrial DNA is replicated by the DNA polymerase gamma complex which is composed of a 140 kDa catalytic DNA polymerase encoded by the POLG gene and two 55 kDa accessory subunits encoded by the POLG2 gene. The replisome machinery is formed by DNA polymerase, TWINKLE and mitochondrial SSB proteins.

All these polypeptides are encoded in the nuclear genome.

The resulting reduction in per-cell copy number of mtDNA plays a role in the mitochondrial bottleneck, exploiting cell-to-cell variability to ameliorate the inheritance of damaging mutations. According to Justin St.

In contrast, the cells of the inner cell mass restrict mtDNA replication until they receive the signals to differentiate to specific cell types.”.

The heavy strand is rich in guanine and encodes 12 subunits of the oxidative phosphorylation system, two ribosomal RNAs (12S and 16S), and 14 transfer RNAs (tRNAs). The light strand encodes one subunit, and 8 tRNAs.

Between most (but not all) protein-coding regions, tRNAs are present (see the human mitochondrial genome map). During transcription, the tRNAs acquire their characteristic L-shape that gets recognized and cleaved by specific enzymes.

Folded tRNAs therefore act as secondary structure punctuations.

There is evidence that the transcription of the mitochondrial rRNAs is regulated by the heavy-strand promoter 1 (HSP1), and the transcription of the polycistronic transcripts coding for the protein subunits are regulated by HSP2.

Among the 12 tissues examined the highest level of expression was observed in heart, followed by brain and steroidogenic tissue samples.

Interestingly, while the expression of protein-encoding genes was stimulated by ACTH, the levels of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA showed no significant change.

Mechanisms for this include simple dilution (an egg contains on average 200,000 mtDNA molecules, whereas a healthy human sperm has been reported to contain on average 5 molecules), degradation of sperm mtDNA in the male genital tract and in the fertilized egg. and, at least in a few organisms, failure of sperm mtDNA to enter the egg.

Major Differences in Cell Structure [4]

Cells are the basic building block of life. The smallest living organisms only need one of these building blocks and others only need a handful.

All of these cells, whether they operate as a solitary bacterial cell or as part of a complex system such as the human body, can be sorted into two main categories: eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells. Most of the organisms in the world are made of prokaryotic cells, and these are usually unicellular.

Most prokaryotes are unicellular and are either archaea or bacteria. Their cells are smaller than eukaryotic cells.

Only eukaryotes have membrane-bound organelles and a nucleus. Prokaryotes divide via using binary fission, while eukaryotic cells divide via mitosis.

Prokaryotic cells reproduce asexually, copying themselves. Despite this, gene transfer processes still allow for genetic variance.

All of known life on Earth is sorted into a classification system that begins with three categories called domains and spreads out with each descending rank. This is what is commonly known as the tree of life.

The organisms in Archaea and Bacteria are prokaryotes, while the organisms in Eukarya have eukaryotic cells. The Archaea domain has subcategories, but scientific sources differ on whether these categories are phyla or kingdoms.

The Bacteria domain used to continue directly down the tree into the single Monera kingdom. However, newer classification systems eliminate Monera and divide the Bacteria domain into the two kingdoms of Eubacteria and Archaebacteria, which is sometimes written as Archaea but should not be confused with the domain of Archaea.

These are: All plant, protist, fungal and animal cells are eukaryotes.

In contrast, prokaryotes – bacteria and archaea – are single-celled organisms, with only a few exceptions. Prokaryotes tend to have smaller cell sizes than eukaryotes.

The lack of membrane-bound organelles in prokaryotes might be the most noticeable difference. While eukaryotic cells contain organelles enclosed in membranes – two examples would be the Golgi body and the endoplasmic reticulum – prokaryotes do not.

Without a nucleus or any other organelles, prokaryotic cells are incapable of the kinds of specialized functions that eukaryotic cells engage in. They cannot perform the advanced functions that cells with many supportive organelles can do.

Instead, most of their DNA is in one chromosome-like structure that sits in an area of the cytoplasm called the nucleoid. This nucleoid does not have a membrane of its own.

Prokaryotic cells engage in reproduction through a process of cell division called binary fission. Eukaryotic cells use a different process of cell division called mitosis, which involves a constant cycle of cell growth and development.

A fundamental part of all life on Earth is the transfer of genetic material to future generations. Eukaryotes reproduce sexually through a process called meiosis, which randomly sorts the genes from two parents to form the DNA of the offspring.

Prokaryotes reproduce asexually, which creates a precise copy of the original cell. Genetic variance comes in the form of less complex processes of gene transfer than eukaryotes, such as transduction.

The viruses grab the plasmids from one bacterium and transfer it to another bacterial cell. The DNA in the plasmid becomes integrated with the other DNA of the recipient cell.

Both cells have a plasma membrane, which serves as a barrier between the inside of the cell and the outside. The plasma membrane uses certain molecules embedded within it to allow foreign bodies to pass into the cell or to allow matter within the cell to pass out of the cell.

Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have ribosomes. Ribosomes are small organelles used to synthesize proteins as the cell needs them.

They receive messages from messenger RNA molecules, telling them what proteins the cell needs. They translate these messages into protein molecules by assembling amino acids.

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The Evolution of Eukaryotes [5]

You might be wondering how organisms got to be divided in this way. Well, according to endosymbiotic theory, it all started about 2 billion years ago, when some large prokaryote managed to create a nucleus by folding its cell membrane in on itself.

“The smaller prokaryote could perform aerobic respiration, or process sugars into energy using oxygen, similar to the mitochondria we see in eukaryotes that are living today. This smaller cell was maintained within the larger host cell, where it replicated and was passed on to subsequent generations.

Advertisement. However, the mitochondria of today’s eukaryotes have their own DNA blueprints that replicate independently from the DNA in the nucleus, and mitochondrial DNA has some similarity to prokaryotic DNA, which supports the endosymbiotic theory.

Eukaryotes and prokaryotes — they’re different. But even though it can be hard to see the similarities between humans and bacteria, we are all made of the same stuff: DNA, proteins, sugars and lipids.

Though it may one day be disproven, it’s supported by lots of facts. Advertisement.

Extracellular structures [6]

Before diving into the characteristics of eukaryotic cellular structures, let’s start with the basics. Eukaryotic cells, the building blocks of complex organisms ranging from fungi to plants and animals, are marvels of biological organization and sophistication.

These structures, found within the cell membrane and often surrounded by a membrane of their own, perform specialized functions that are essential for the cell’s survival and contribute to the complexity of eukaryotic life. In this exploration of eukaryotic cellular structures, we will delve into their characteristics, functions, and the pivotal role they play in the remarkable world of eukaryotic biology.

Site of protein synthesis. consists of three molecular weight classes of ribosomal RNA molecules and about 50 different proteins.

rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) is studded with ribosomes and modifies polypeptide chains into mature proteins (e.g., by glycosylation): smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) is free of ribosomes and is the site of lipid synthesis. Production of adenosinc triphosphatc (ATP) through the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain.

ATP is the main source of energy to power biochemical reactions. Sometimes called dictyosome in plants.

or fatty acids arc added to certain proteins. as membranes bud from the Golgi system they are marked for shipment in transport vesicles to arrive at specific sites (e.g., plasma membrane, lysosome).

may cause cell destruction if ruptured. Membrane-bound storage deposit for water and metabolic products (e.g.

plant cells often have a large central vacuole that (when filled with fluid to create turgor pressure) makes the cell turgid. Form poles of the spindle apparatus during cell divisions.

Contributes to shape, division, and motility of the cell and the ability to move and arrange its components. consists of microtubules of the protein tubulin (as in the spindle fibers responsible for chromosomal movements during nuclear division or in flagella and cilia), microfilaments of actin and myosin (as occurs in muscle cells), and intermediate filaments (each with a distinct protein such as keratin).

also called hyaloplasm. contains water, minerals, ions, sugars, amino acids, and other nutrients for building macromolecular biopolymers (nucleic acids, proteins, Lipids.

Read more about the Differences between Animal and Plant Cells. Eukaryotic cells are those that have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.

Some membrane-bound organelles seen in eukaryotic cells include the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, mitochondria, etc.

an inner membrane and an outer membrane. An inter-membranous space is present between these two membranes.

Centrioles are involved in the synthesis of spindle fibers during the process of cell division.

Golgi Apparatus [7]

The Golgi apparatus was discovered within the endomembrane system in 1898 by Italian scientist Camillo Golgi (1843–1926), who developed a novel staining technique that showed stacked membrane structures within the cells of Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria. The Golgi apparatus is composed of a series of membranous disks called dictyosomes, each having a single lipid bilayer, that are stacked together (Figure 3.64).

Glycolipids and glycoproteins are often inserted into the plasma membrane and are important for signal recognition by other cells or infectious particles. Different types of cells can be distinguished from one another by the structure and arrangement of the glycolipids and glycoproteins contained in their plasma membranes.

Transport vesicles leaving the ER fuse with a Golgi apparatus on its receiving, or cis, face. The proteins are processed within the Golgi apparatus, and then additional transport vesicles containing the modified proteins and lipids pinch off from the Golgi apparatus on its outgoing, or trans, face.

Exocytosis is the process by which secretory vesicles (spherical membranous sacs) release their contents to the cell’s exterior (Figure 3.64). All cells have constitutive secretory pathways in which secretory vesicles transport soluble proteins that are released from the cell continually (constitutively).

Regulated secretion involves substances that are only released in response to certain events or signals. For example, certain cells of the human immune system (e.g., mast cells) secrete histamine in response to the presence of foreign objects or pathogens in the body.

The Endoplasmic Reticulum [8]

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a series of interconnected membranous tubules that collectively modify proteins and synthesize lipids. However, these two functions are performed in separate areas of the endoplasmic reticulum: the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, respectively.

The membrane of the ER, which is a phospholipid bilayer embedded with proteins, is continuous with the nuclear envelope. The rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) is so named because the ribosomes attached to its cytoplasmic surface give it a studded appearance when viewed through an electron microscope.

The RER also makes phospholipids for cell membranes. If the phospholipids or modified proteins are not destined to stay in the RER, they will be packaged within vesicles and transported from the RER by budding from the membrane.

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) is continuous with the RER but has few or no ribosomes on its cytoplasmic surface. The SER’s functions include synthesis of carbohydrates, lipids (including phospholipids), and steroid hormones.

alcohol metabolism. and storage of calcium ions.

Eukaryote vs. Prokaryote [9]

Eukaryote n., plural: eukaryotes [juːˈkærɪˌɒt] Definition: an organism with a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles inside the cell(s). Table of Contents.

Organisms such as animals, plants, fungi, and protists are examples of eukaryotes because their cells are organized into compartmentalized structures called organelles, such as the nucleus. The presence of a distinct nucleus encased within membranes differentiates the eukaryotic cells from the prokaryotic cells.

Eukaryotes often have unique flagella made of microtubules in a 9+2 arrangement. A eukaryote is defined as any organism that is chiefly characterized by a cell with one or more nuclei at least once in its lifetime as opposed to a prokaryote that has a cell lacking a well-defined nucleus and with a nucleoid only.

Etymology: the term eukaryote (plural: eukaryotes) came from Greek ‘eu’, meaning “good”, “well”, “true” and ”káry(on)”, meaning “nut”, “kernel”. The term eukaryotic is a derived word and used to refer to eukaryote.

Here are two diagrams of a typical animal cell and a typical plant cell. Notice how a system of internal membranes separates their contents from the cytoplasm.

The cell of a eukaryote has several membrane-bound structures dispersed in the cytoplasm. They are called organelles.

Other cytoplasmic structures are cytoskeleton, inclusions, and biomolecules. These subcellular structures have their distinct functions and are involved in various metabolic activities that regulate cell biology and homeostasis.

While a single cell that undergoes mitosis gives rise to two daughter cells, in meiosis, one cell gives rise to four daughter cells. The cells from meiosis will be haploid after two consecutive divisions.

These two gametes could come together in a union via fertilization and give rise to a diploid zygote. Meiosis is essential as it is one of the major sources of genetic variations by way of genetic recombinations and chromosomal assortment.

In humans, there are several cell types: myocytes, adipocytes, blood cells, neurons, hepatocytes, osteocytes, macrophages, etc. Some eukaryotes are single-celled.

ingestion, respiration, excretion, osmoregulation, homeostasis, etc.) that different systems do in a multicellular organism. These single-celled organisms are exemplified by protists.

“Mitochondrial Eve”. In humans, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is theorized to be inherited from the maternal lineage.

(Image credit: Ludela, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported). Read: Mitochondrial Eve – mitochondrial genes and inheritance.

All eukaryotic organisms belong to Domain Eucarya. Organisms belonging to this domain are animals, plants, fungi, and protists.

Plants are photosynthetic eukaryotes. Plant cells have chlorophyll and other pigments that help in photosynthesis.

It provides structural support. They are not as motile as the animals.

They are capable of unlimited growth through meristematic tissues. They lack the sense organs in animals.

Similar to plants, fungi have cell walls. However, the cell walls are made up chiefly of chitin (material in the exoskeleton of insects).

Many of them are multicellular, forming hyphae and mycelium. Few species are unicellular organisms.

Protists are single-celled eukaryotes. However, some species form filaments or colonies of the same species.

Others lack these organs and therefore are non-motile. Protists include the following: (1) protozoa, the animal-like protists, (2) algae, the plant-like protists, and (3) slime molds and water molds, the fungus-like protists.

Endosymbiotic theory, the leading theory, proposes that eukaryotes came about as a result of early endosymbiosis between the cells of Archaea and Bacteria. “Endosymbiotic theory.

Phylogenetic trees derived from phylogenetic analyses depict that the first eukaryote, referred to as the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA), is believed to be the last common ancestor of all eukaryotes.

There is no clear-cut answer to it to this day. Also, some scientists suggest that LECA may have not been living singly but as a population of cells that are genetically diverse and exchanging genes.

Some eukaryotes, such as Giardia lamblia and Trichomonas vaginalis, lack the classic mitochondria. They seem to have lost their mitochondria secondarily but they have mitochondria-like organelles, such as hydrogenosomes and mitosomes.

lamblia and T. vaginalis are posited to represent the amitochondriate primitive eukaryotic cells.

The evolution of eukaryotes is deemed to be non-Darwinian as Darwinian evolution is mainly about beneficial genes towards reproductive success. Eukaryotic evolution, though, is posited to have occurred mainly by horizontal gene flow and then ‘fusing’ to form new organisms.

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Types of Eukaryotes [10]

Eukaryotes are organisms whose bodies are made up of eukaryotic cells, such as protists, fungi, plants and animals. Eukaryotic cells are cells that contain a nucleus and organelles, and are enclosed by a plasma membrane.

The other two domains of life, Archaea and Bacteria, have prokaryotic cells, which are simpler and lack organelles except for ribosomes, which make proteins. There are four types of eukaryotes: animals, plants, fungi, and protists.

this group includes protozoa, slime molds, and some algae. Protists and fungi are usually unicellular, while animals and plants are multicellular.

They move with the use of flagella, which are small thread-like appendages that extend from the cell membrane. Unicellular eukaryotes perform many of the same actions as multicellular eukaryotes, such as locomotion, respiration, digestion, excretion, and reproduction.

Eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotic cells between 1.6 and 2.7 billion years ago. Today, all complex organisms and most multicellular ones are eukaryotes, making this evolution a major event in the history of life on Earth.

Eukaryotes are more closely related to archaea, unicellular organisms sometimes found in extreme conditions such as hot springs, than to bacteria. Eukaryotic cells developed specific organelles, which are structures within the cell that perform a specific task.

Some organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts, may have evolved when free-living bacteria were taken up into cells. Under this theory, bacteria and the cells had a symbiotic relationship, where each benefited from the presence of the other.

Mitochondria have DNA that is separate from the chromosomal DNA found in a cell’s nucleus. However, another theory is that small amounts of DNA already in the cell were simply infolded within the cell membrane and evolved into organelles such as mitochondria.

Yet another theory proposes that eukaryotic cells evolved when an archaeon and a bacterium merged to form one cell. This is known as a chimeric model.

The development of sexual reproduction is another defining feature in the evolution of eukaryotes. It is believed that the common ancestor of all eukaryotes reproduced sexually, and that asexual eukaryotes (such as some amoebas) evolved asexuality from an ancestor that was sexual.

genes can be exchanged between individuals through horizontal gene transfer, but this is not sexual reproduction. While eukaryotes are complex, usually multicellular organisms that have eukaryotic cells, prokaryotes are usually single-celled organisms that have simpler prokaryotic cells.

Eukaryotes’ cells have DNA in a nucleus surrounded by a nuclear envelope, while the cells of prokaryotes do not have a distinct nucleus. Instead, they have a nucleoid, a nucleus-like region where DNA is concentrated.

They transmit genes from parents to offspring and, control cellular processes such as metabolism, and allow cell differentiation to take place during development. Eukaryotic cells are usually much larger than prokaryotic cells—they are usually a couple hundred times the size of prokaryotic cells—with a lower metabolic rate and a lower growth rate.

These eukaryotes can be up to a meter in length and are a single cell with many nuclei inside. 1.

Free-living bacteria were incorporated into cells. B.

Mitochondria evolved when an archaeon and a bacterium merged. D.

Which is NOT a characteristic of a eukaryotic cell. A.

The presence of mitochondria C. DNA organized into chromosomes D.

Which organism is a eukaryote. A.

Human C. Myxobacteria D.

Characteristics of Eukaryotic Cell [11]

Table of Contents. Eukaryotic cells are one of the two main types of cells, the other being prokaryotic cells.

They have a true nucleus containing genetic material enclosed in a nuclear envelope, as well as various membrane-bound organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, and lysosomes. Eukaryotic cells are typically found in organisms within the domain of eukarya, including animals, plants, fungi, and protists, while Prokaryotic Cells are found in bacteria and archaea.

An eukaryotic cell is a type of cell that processes a well-defined nucleus enclosed within a membrane, along with other membrane-bound organelles like mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus. Eukaryotic cells are more complex than prokaryotic cells (like bacteria) and are found in organisms within the domains of eukarya, including animals, plants, fungi, and protists.

The diagram of a eukaryotic cell illustrates the structure and organelles found in complex, membrane-bound cells. It typically shows the nucleus containing the genetic material, surrounded by the nuclear envelope.

This visual aid helps convey how eukaryotic cells are organized and function, emphasizing their compartmentalization and specialized roles in cellular processes.

Here we have discussed some of the characteristics of eukaryotic cells that contribute to the complexity and versatility of the eukaryotic cells, allowing them to perform a wide range of functions and adapt to diverse environments. The structure of a eukaryotic cell is highly organized and compartmentalized, with various membrane-bound organelles and structures that perform specific functions.

Here is an overview of the key components and structures within a eukaryotic cell: Eukaryotic cells are found in a wide range of organisms across the domains of eukarya, which includes animals, plants, fungi, and protists.

These examples will illustrate the vast diversity of eukaryotic organisms on Earth, each with its own unique adaptations and characteristics, all based on the fundamental eukaryotic cell structure. Sharing is caring.

Eukaryote definition [12]

Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes: What Are the Key Differences. Credit: Technology Networks via YouTube.

Prokaryote definition. Prokaryotic cell features.

– Do prokaryotes have mitochondria.

– Eukaryotic cell features. Examples of eukaryotes.

Key similarities between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Transcription and translation in prokaryotes vs eukaryotes.

Every living organism falls into one of two groups: eukaryotes or prokaryotes. Cellular structure determines which group an organism belongs to.

Prokaryotes are unicellular organisms that lack membrane-bound structures, the most noteworthy of which is the nucleus. Prokaryotic cells tend to be small, simple cells, measuring around 0.1-5 μm in diameter.

While prokaryotic cells do not have membrane-bound structures, they do have distinct cellular regions. In prokaryotic cells, DNA bundles together in a region called the nucleoid.

In prokaryotes, molecules of protein, DNA and metabolites are all found together, floating in the cytoplasm. Primitive organelles, found in bacteria, do act as micro-compartments to bring some sense of organisation to the arrangement.

Bacteria and archaea are the two types of prokaryotes. Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus.

Prokaryote DNA is usually found as a single chromosome of circular DNA. These organisms also lack other membrane-bound structures such as the endoplasmic reticulum.

No, prokaryotes do not have mitochondria. Mitochondria are only found in eukaryotic cells.

One theory for eukaryotic evolution hypothesizes that mitochondria were first prokaryotic cells that lived inside other cells. Over time, evolution led to these separate organisms functioning as a single organism in the form of a eukaryote.

Organelles are internal structures responsible for a variety of functions, such as energy production and protein synthesis.

Eukaryotic cells are large (around 10-100 μm) and complex. While most eukaryotes are multicellular organisms, there are some single-cell eukaryotes.

Here is an overview of many of the primary components of eukaryotic cells.

Animals, plants, fungi, algae and protozoans are all eukaryotes.

Prokaryotes were the first form of life. Scientists believe that eukaryotes evolved from prokaryotes around 2.7 billion years ago.

The primary distinction between these two types of organisms is that eukaryotic cells have a membrane-bound nucleus and prokaryotic cells do not. The nucleus is where eukaryotes store their genetic information.

The nucleus is only one of many membrane-bound organelles in eukaryotes. Prokaryotes, on the other hand, have no membrane-bound organelles.

Eukaryote DNA consists of multiple molecules of double-stranded linear DNA, while that of prokaryotes is double-stranded and circular.

Credit: Technology Networks.

Plasma membrane. 3.

Ribosomes. In prokaryotic cells, transcription and translation are coupled, meaning translation begins during mRNA synthesis.

In eukaryotic cells, transcription and translation are not coupled. Transcription occurs in the nucleus, producing mRNA.

Where are they Found [13]

A cell is the smallest unit of structure in an organism that can function independently. Based on complexity in structure and parts, all cells are divided into prokaryotic and eukaryotic.

The term ‘eukaryote’ is derived from Greek words, ‘eu’ meaning true and ‘karyon’ meaning ‘nucleus’. Eukaryotic cells are defined as cells that contain an organized nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.

However, they share a few common features, including the cytoplasm. Eukaryotic cells are located in plants, animals including humans, fungi, and protozoa.

The first eukaryotic cells probably evolved about 2 billion years ago. The endosymbiotic theory explains their evolution.

Instead, the small cells lived within them and evolved into organelles. The large and small cells formed a symbiotic relationship where both cells benefited from each other.

Some of the small cells were able to break down the large cell’s wastes and, in return, generate energy for them and the large cell. Those cells became the mitochondria.

They became the chloroplast. The basic characteristic features of a eukaryotic cell are:

Their size is significantly larger than prokaryotic cells, with an average of 10 to 100 µm in diameter. The shape of eukaryotic cells varies significantly with the type of cell.

The two major parts of a typical eukaryotic cell are the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm contains all other organelles suspended in it.

1) Cell (Plasma) Membrane: It is a semipermeable membrane that separates a cell inside from outside. The cell membrane is made of proteins, carbohydrates, and phospholipid bilayer.

They interact with aqueous environments. The non-polar hydrophobic tails are found between the heads that remain aloof from the watery environment.

2) Cell Wall: It is a non-living part, forming a rigid structure outside the cell membrane. It is made of cellulose, hemicellulose, proteins, and pectin in plants.

Structurally, a cell wall is divided into three layers: a) the outer, middle lamella, made of calcium pectate, b) the middle, primary wall, made of cellulose and hemicelluloses, and c) the inner, secondary wall, having a similar composition to the middle lamella. It is absent in animal cells.

3) Nucleus: Unique to eukaryotic cells, it is a double-membrane bound organelle that contains all the genetic information of the cell. It is the most prominent and essential part, called the ‘brain of the cell’.

A nucleus has four main parts: a) nuclear envelope, b) nucleoplasm, c) nucleolus, and d) chromatin. Functions.

The outer and inner membranes divide the mitochondrial lumen into two compartments. The outer membrane surrounds the organelle, while the inner member is semipermeable that forms folds called cristae.

Mitochondria contain DNA, RNA, and other components required for protein synthesis. Functions.

It divides the cell cytoplasm into two parts: luminal and cytoplasm. They are of two types: a) smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) that is devoid of the ribosome and b) rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), with the attached ribosome.

Functions. 6) Ribosomes: Structures not bounded by a membrane.

Eukaryotic ribosome is the 80S, with 60S large subunit and 40S small subunit. It has a size of between 25 and 30 nm.

7) Golgi Apparatus: Made of many flat, disc-shaped structures called cisternae. It is found in every eukaryotic cell except human red blood cells and sieve cells of plants.

It has a cis (forming) face that faces the cell membrane and the trans (maturing) face that faces the nucleus.

8) Lysosomes: Membrane-bound organelles formed in the Golgi apparatus. They contain rich hydrolytic enzymes such as lipases, proteases, and peptidases.

Functions. 9) Peroxisomes: Single membrane-bound small, round-shaped structures.

Peroxisomes are a group of heterogeneous organelles, and the presence of marker enzymes distinguishes them from others. Functions.

Based on the type of pigment present, they are three types: a) chloroplasts, containing green pigment, b) chromoplast, containing green carotene, and c) leucoplast, with no pigment. Functions.

The cytoskeleton is three types: a) microtubules, b) microfilaments, and c) intermediate filaments. Functions.

Flagella are long tube-like structures that are present at one end of the cell. They are composed of microtubules.

13) Vacuoles and Vesicles: Vacuoles are found centrally in plants, making up almost 30 to 80% of the total plant cell volume. It is the largest organelle in a plant cell, filled with fluids, ions, enzymes, and other molecules.

Vesicles are membrane-bound sacs that can fuse with the cell membrane or other membrane systems within the cell.

14) Centrosome: Located only in animal cells, it is the microtubule-organizing center. It contains a pair of centrioles that lie perpendicular to each other.

Function. Eukaryotes perform two types of cell division: mitosis and meiosis.

A eukaryotic cell cycle is an ordered event involving cell growth and division, producing two daughter cells through mitosis. The cell cycle length is highly variable within the different cell types.

For epithelial cells in humans, it is about two to five days. Again, cells of cortical neurons or cardiac muscle cells do not divide throughout their life cycle.

In this phase, the chromosome gets duplicated as the cell prepares for division. It is the longest phase of the cell cycle and happens between one cell division (mitotic phase) to the next.

G1-phase: The first-gap phase when the cells grow in size, synthesize cell organelles and other macromolecules. S-phase: Synthesis phase, when the existing DNA is copied within the nucleus.

G2-phase: Second-gap phase when the cell grows further in size, making more proteins. End Result.

Also known as the cell division phase, it occurs just after the G2-phase. During this period, the cell divides its DNA (mitosis or karyokinesis) and cytoplasm to form two new cells (cytokinesis).

Also known as the resting phase, during which the cells do not divide. It occurs in cells such as the liver, kidney, neurons, and stomach that do not immediately enter another round of interphase following division.

Many cells do not enter this phase and multiply throughout their life cycle. Others such as nerve cells and cardiac cells either never divide or seldom divide and remain in G0 permanently.

Based on the types of organisms, eukaryotic cells are of four types: 1) plant cells, 2) animal cells, 3) fungal cells, and 4) protozoa. They have thick cell walls consisting of cellulose that provides structural support to the cell.

They also contain chloroplast, an organelle having the pigment chlorophyll that helps plants to perform photosynthesis. They lack cell walls but have a plasma membrane.

It helps in the ingestion of food by phagocytosis and fluids by pinocytosis. In contrast to an animal cell, plants do not have chloroplasts but contain many small vacuoles.

Some fungi have septa, holes that allow organelles and cytoplasm to pass between them. They mostly live underground or in dead and decaying organic matter that remains interconnected as a mycelial network.

Structure[edit] [14]

A prokaryote (/proʊˈkærioʊt, -ət/, also spelled procaryote) is a single-cell organism whose cell lacks a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. The word prokaryote comes from the Ancient Greek πρό (pró) ‘before’ and κάρυον (káruon) ‘nut, kernel’.

But in the three-domain system, based upon molecular analysis, prokaryotes are divided into two domains: Bacteria (formerly Eubacteria) and Archaea (formerly Archaebacteria). Organisms with nuclei are placed in a third domain, Eukaryota.

Prokaryotes evolved before eukaryotes, and lack nuclei, mitochondria or most of the other distinct organelles that characterize the eukaryotic cell.

Others, such as myxobacteria, have multicellular stages in their life cycles. Prokaryotes are asexual, reproducing via binary fission without any fusion of gametes, although horizontal gene transfer may take place.

Molecular studies have provided insight into the evolution and interrelationships of the three domains of life. The division between prokaryotes and eukaryotes reflects the existence of two very different levels of cellular organization.

Distinctive types of prokaryotes include extremophiles and methanogens. these are common in some extreme environments.

The distinction between prokaryotes and eukaryotes was firmly established by the microbiologists Roger Stanier and C. B.

That paper cites Édouard Chatton’s 1937 book Titres et Travaux Scientifiques for using those terms and recognizing the distinction. One reason for this classification was so that what was then often called blue-green algae (now called cyanobacteria) would not be classified as plants but grouped with bacteria.

Prokaryotes have a prokaryotic cytoskeleton that is more primitive than that of the eukaryotes. Besides homologues of actin and tubulin (MreB and FtsZ), the helically arranged building-block of the flagellum, flagellin, is one of the most significant cytoskeletal proteins of bacteria, as it provides structural backgrounds of chemotaxis, the basic cell physiological response of bacteria.

Membranous organelles (or intracellular membranes) are known in some groups of prokaryotes, such as vacuoles or membrane systems devoted to special metabolic properties, such as photosynthesis or chemolithotrophy. In addition, some species also contain carbohydrate-enclosed microcompartments, which have distinct physiological roles (e.g.

Most prokaryotes are between 1 µm and 10 µm, but they can vary in size from 0.2 µm (Mycoplasma genitalium) to 750 µm (Thiomargarita namibiensis).

the four basic shapes of bacteria are:. The archaeon Haloquadratum has flat square-shaped cells.

Bacteria and archaea reproduce through asexual reproduction, usually by binary fission. Genetic exchange and recombination still occur, but this is a form of horizontal gene transfer and is not a replicative process, simply involving the transference of DNA between two cells, as in bacterial conjugation.

DNA transfer between prokaryotic cells occurs in bacteria and archaea, although it has been mainly studied in bacteria. In bacteria, gene transfer occurs by three processes.

Transduction of bacterial genes by bacteriophage appears to reflect an occasional error during intracellular assembly of virus particles, rather than an adaptation of the host bacteria. The transfer of bacterial DNA is under the control of the bacteriophage’s genes rather than bacterial genes.

coli system is controlled by plasmid genes, and is an adaptation for distributing copies of a plasmid from one bacterial host to another. Infrequently during this process, a plasmid may integrate into the host bacterial chromosome, and subsequently transfer part of the host bacterial DNA to another bacterium.

Natural bacterial transformation involves the transfer of DNA from one bacterium to another through the intervening medium. Unlike transduction and conjugation, transformation is clearly a bacterial adaptation for DNA transfer, because it depends on numerous bacterial gene products that specifically interact to perform this complex process.

About 40 genes are required in Bacillus subtilis for the development of competence. The length of DNA transferred during B.

Transformation is a common mode of DNA transfer, and 67 prokaryotic species are thus far known to be naturally competent for transformation.

Another archaeon, Sulfolobus solfataricus, transfers DNA between cells by direct contact. Frols et al.

solfataricus to DNA damaging agents induces cellular aggregation, and suggested that cellular aggregation may enhance DNA transfer among cells to provide increased repair of damaged DNA via homologous recombination.

When such communities are encased in a stabilizing polymer matrix (“slime”), they may be called “biofilms”. Cells in biofilms often show distinct patterns of gene expression (phenotypic differentiation) in time and space.

Biofilms may be highly heterogeneous and structurally complex and may attach to solid surfaces, or exist at liquid-air interfaces, or potentially even liquid-liquid interfaces. Bacterial biofilms are often made up of microcolonies (approximately dome-shaped masses of bacteria and matrix) separated by “voids” through which the medium (e.g., water) may flow easily.

This structural complexity—combined with observations that oxygen limitation (a ubiquitous challenge for anything growing in size beyond the scale of diffusion) is at least partially eased by movement of medium throughout the biofilm—has led some to speculate that this may constitute a circulatory system and many researchers have started calling prokaryotic communities multicellular (for example ).

However, these colonies are seldom if ever founded by a single founder (in the way that animals and plants are founded by single cells), which presents a number of theoretical issues. Most explanations of co-operation and the evolution of multicellularity have focused on high relatedness between members of a group (or colony, or whole organism).

Should these instances of prokaryotic sociality prove to be the rule rather than the exception, it would have serious implications for the way we view prokaryotes in general, and the way we deal with them in medicine. Bacterial biofilms may be 100 times more resistant to antibiotics than free-living unicells and may be nearly impossible to remove from surfaces once they have colonized them.

Prokaryotes have diversified greatly throughout their long existence. The metabolism of prokaryotes is far more varied than that of eukaryotes, leading to many highly distinct prokaryotic types.

This enables prokaryotes to thrive in harsh environments as cold as the snow surface of Antarctica, studied in cryobiology, or as hot as undersea hydrothermal vents and land-based hot springs.

Further Reading [15]

Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells possess a nucleus enclosed within a cell membrane, making up one of the three domains of life, Eukaryota. They include multicellular organisms such as plants, animals, and fungi.

They do not possess membrane-bound cellular compartments, such as nuclei. Lukiyanova Natalia Frenta | Shutterstock.

Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells both use deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) as the basis for their genetic information. This genetic material is needed to regulate and inform cell function through the creation of RNA by transcription, followed by the generation of proteins through translation.

The cytoplasm is the medium in which the biochemical reactions of the cell take place, of which the primary component is cytosol. In eukaryotic cells, the cytoplasm comprises everything between the plasma membrane and the nuclear envelope, including the organelles.

In prokaryotes the cytoplasm encompasses everything within the plasma membrane, including the cytoskeleton and genetic material. Structure of a eukaryotic cell.

Eukaryotic cells are ordinarily larger (10 – 100um) than prokaryotic cells (1 – 10um). Eukaryotes are often multicellular whereas prokaryotes are unicellular.

Eukaryotic cells have a true nucleus bound by a double membrane. It contains the DNA-related functions of the large cell in a smaller enclosure to ensure close proximity of materials and increased efficiency for cellular communication and functions.

The materials are already fairly close to each other and there is only a “nucleoid” which is the central open region of the cell where the DNA is located. Eukaryotic DNA is linear and complexed with packaging proteins called “histones,” before organization into a number of chromosomes.

A prokaryotic cell is simpler and requires far fewer genes to function than the eukaryotic cell. Therefore, it contains only one circular DNA molecule and various smaller DNA circlets (plasmids).

(In Art / Shutterstock). Eukaryotic cells contain many membrane-enclosed, large, complex organelles in the cytoplasm whereas prokaryotic cells do not contain these membrane-bound organelles.

Due to the larger size of the eukaryotic cells, confining certain cellular process to a smaller area also increases the efficiency of functions by improving communication and movement within the cell. Only eukaryotes possess a membrane-bound nucleus and membrane-bound organelles such as the mitochondria, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, peroxisomes and ER.

however the ribosomes of the eukaryotic cells are larger than prokaryotic ribosomes i.e. 80S compared to 70S.

In contrast, prokaryotic ribosomes are composed of only three kinds of rRNA and about fifty kinds of protein. This is a multicomponent system in eukaryotes composed of microtubules, actin filaments and intermediate filaments.

It is also paramount in movement and cell division. Most eukaryotes undergo sexual reproduction whilst prokaryotes reproduce asexually.

On the other hand, a prokaryote will reproduce clones of itself via binary fission and relies more on horizontal genetic transfer for variation. This occurs by mitosis for eukaryotic cells and binary fission for prokaryotic cells.

This involves numerous stages – the nuclear membrane disintegrates then the chromosomes are sorted and separated to ensure that each daughter cell receives two sets (a diploid number) of chromosomes. Following this, the cytoplasm divides to form two genetically identical daughter cells i.e.

In contrast, prokaryotes undergo a simpler process of binary fission. This is faster than mitosis and involves DNA (nucleoid) replication, chromosomal segregation, and ultimately cell separation into two daughter cells genetically identical to the parent cell.

What are Prokaryotic Cells? [16]

The key difference between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells is that the eukaryotic cells possess a true nucleus and true membrane-bound organelles while the prokaryotic cells do not possess a true nucleus or true organelles.

The composition of the cells can be seen in two kinds: the eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells. The first parts of these names “eu”’ and “pro” mean good and before, respectively.

Thus, eukaryotic means good nucleus (having a true nucleus) while prokaryotic refers to before a nucleus. 1.

What are Eukaryotic Cells 3. What are Prokaryotic Cells 4.

Side by Side Comparison – Eukaryotic Cells vs Prokaryotic Cells in Tabular Form 6. Summary.

They are complex cells having a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Furthermore, a plasma membrane encloses these cells, and they contain 80S ribosomes.

Moreover, multiple linear chromosomes are present in these cells, and they are located inside the nucleus. Figure 01: Eukaryotic Cell.

They have complex photosynthesis and respiratory processes. Prokaryotic cells do not possess a nucleus in them.

They have hair-like structures on their surface. For example, bacteria and archaea are prokaryotes which show prokaryotic cellular organization.

Moreover, they are known to have single cell structure. Also, they carry cytoplasm, plasma membrane, and ribosome in them.

their production is mainly on the basis of asexual procedures such as binary fission, budding etc. A prokaryotic cell contains a single circular chromosome that floats in the cytoplasm.

It is the key difference between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells. Moreover, another significant difference between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells is that the eukaryotes are multi-cellular whereas prokaryotes are single-celled.

Hence, this is also an important difference between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells. Also, the eukaryotic cell has multiple linear chromosomes while the prokaryotic cell has a single circular chromosome.

Besides, fungi, protists, animals, and plants contain eukaryotic cells whereas Bacteria and Archaea contain prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells have a nuclear membrane which surrounds the nucleus, unlike prokaryotic cells.

The cell division in eukaryotes occurs by mitosis and meiosis while the cell division in prokaryotes occurs by binary fission.

Eukaryotic cells have a different structure than the latter, as they carry nucleus in their structures. The DNA of eukaryotic cells is inside the nucleus, and in prokaryotic it travels freely in the cytoplasm.

Prokaryotic cell structures are very simple and smaller in size. This is the difference between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells.

“Eukaryotic Cell (animal)” By Mediran – Own work (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia 2. “Prokaryote cell diagram” By Mariana Ruiz LadyofHats (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia.

Gene Expression and the Nucleus [17]

The cell is the fundamental organizational and functional component in living things, being the simplest natural construct that includes all of the properties assigned to life. Indeed, some organisms consist of only a single cell.

The best cell nucleus analogy is that, at least in eukaryotes, it is the “brain” of the cell. much the same way that a literal brain is the control center of the parent animal.

While some eukaryotic cells are anucleate (e.g., red blood cells), most human cells contain one or more nuclei that store information, dispatch commands and perform other “higher” cell functions. Guarding the Fortress: The nucleus is one of many organelles (French for “little organ”) found in eukaryotic cells.

all organelles also have a double plasma membrane that separates the organelle from the cytoplasm, the gelatinous substance that constitutes most of the mass of a cell’s interior. The nucleus is normally the most prominent organelle when a cell is viewed under a microscope, and it is unquestionably pre-eminent in terms of importance of function.

While the human brain is fortunate to be protected by a bony skull, the nucleus relies on a nuclear envelope for protection. Since the nucleus is within a structure that itself is protected from the external world by a cell membrane (and in the case of plants and some fungi, a cell wall), specific threats to the nucleus should be minimal.

It contains openings called nuclear pores, through which substances can be exchanged with the cell cytoplasm in accordance with real-time requirements. These pores actively control the transport of larger molecules, such as proteins, into and out of the nucleus proper.

In this way, the nuclear envelope itself, apart from its contents, contributes to the regulation of information transmitted from the nucleus to the rest of the cell. The Business of Nuclear Government: The nucleus contains deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) packed into coiled molecular strings called chromatin.

Every chromosome is really nothing more than an extremely long strand of DNA along with an ample smattering of proteins called histones. Finally, the nucleus also contains one or more nucleoli (singular nucleolus).

Ribosomes, in turn, are responsible for the manufacture of almost all proteins in the body. Under a microscope, the nucleolus appears dark in relation to its surroundings.

DNA consists of monomers called nucleotides, each of which in turn has three subunits: a five-carbon sugar called deoxyribose, a phosphate group and a nitrogenous base. The sugar and phosphate sections of the molecule are invariant, but the nitrogenous base comes in four types: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T).

Nucleotides are, logically, named for the nitrogenous base they contain (e.g., A, C, G or T). Finally, the phosphate of one nucleotide is bonded to the deoxyribose of the next, thus creating a long chain or strand of DNA.

This occurs via bonding between nitrogenous bases of adjacent strands. Critically, the types of bonds that can be formed in this arrangement are limited to A-T and C-G.

Based on this relationship, in double-stranded DNA, one strand is complementary to the other. Double-stranded DNA is, when undisturbed by outside factors, in the form of a double helix.

If you have seen a spiral staircase, you have in a sense seen what a DNA double helix resembles. In the nucleus, however, the DNA is very tightly packed.

This is accomplished through the formation of chromatin. Chromatin, the Cellular Efficiency Expert: Chromatin consists of DNA and proteins called histones.

The histone components actually consist of octets, or groups of eight. These eight subunits come in four pairs.

The resulting DNA-histone complex is called a nucleosome. The nucleosomes are wound into structures called solenoids, which are further coiled into other structures and so on.

The chromatin of humans is divided into 46 distinct pieces, which are the chromosomes. Everyone gets 23 chromosomes from each parent.

The remaining chromosomes are the sex chromosomes. A male has one X and one Y chromosome, while a female has two X chromosomes.

With the exception of cells called gametes, all of a person’s cells contain a diploid number of chromosomes, a single complete copy of the chromosomes inherited from each parent. Chromatin actually comes in two types, heterochromatin and euchromatin.

Euchromatin is less tightly bunched, and it is typically transcribed. The looser arrangement of euchromatin makes it easier for the molecules that participate in transcription to access the DNA up close.

This is the first step in the so-called “central dogma” of molecular biology: DNA is transcribed to make messenger mRNA, which is then translated into proteins. DNA contains the genes, which are simply unique lengths of DNA that code for given proteins.

At the start of transcription, the DNA double helix in the region to be transcribed becomes partially unwound, resulting in a transcription bubble. At this point, enzymes and other proteins that contribute to transcription have migrated to the region.

The response at the promoter site determines whether the gene “downstream” will be transcribed or whether it will be ignored. Messenger RNA is assembled from nucleotides, which are the same as those found in DNA except for two characteristics: The sugar is ribose instead of deoxyribose and the nitrogenous base uracil (U) takes the place of thymine.

Thus a strand of DNA with the base sequence ATCGGCT would have a complementary DNA strand of TAGCCGA and an mRNA transcription product of UAGCCGU. Once the mRNA has been fully transcribed, it moves away from the DNA upon which it was assembled.

This processed mRNA then leaves the nucleus for the cytoplasm. Eventually, it will encounter a ribosome, and the code it carries in the form of its base sequence will be translated into a particular protein.

At the start of mitosis, the chromosomes, which to this point in the cell’s life cycle have sat rather loosely in the nucleus, become far more condensed, while the nucleolus does the opposite and becomes harder to visualize. during the second of the five basic stages of mitosis, called prometaphase, the nuclear envelope disappears.

Plant cells are supported by a cell wall, use chloroplasts to carry out photosynthesis, and contain a large central vacuole that stores water [18]

Like bacteria, animal cells have a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and DNA. However, you’ll notice that the inside and outside of animal cells looks quite different from that of bacteria.

Instead, they have a cytoskeleton, a network of filaments composed of proteins. The cytoskeleton provides support and internal transport for the cell.

The DNA inside the nucleus is usually organized into strings called chromosomes. The cytoplasm of animal cells is filled with a variety of organelles that help the cells survive and reproduce.

Organelle. Function.

The centrioles and pericentriolar material inside play a role in cell division and building microtubules. Golgi apparatus.

Lysosomes & peroxisomes. Help remove waste, break down toxic compounds, and recycle cell structures.

Generate energy. Ribosomes.

Rough endoplasmic reticulum. Continuous with outer layer of nuclear envelope and has ribosomes embedded on the outer membrane.

segregates newly-made proteins for transport by vesicles. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

site of lipid synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism and detoxification. helps transport materials within the cell.

Small membranous sacs that transport materials within the cell. can fuse with the cell membrane to release contents.

Difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells [19]

Eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus and organelles bound by plasma membranes. Fungi, plants, and animals are made of eukaryotic cells (eukaryotes).

All bacteria and members of Archaea are made of prokaryotic cells (prokaryotes). The most obvious difference between them is that prokaryotes have no nuclei, but there are four major differences between a eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell:

every eukaryotic cell has a nucleus. Prokaryotic cells have no mitochondria.

Prokaryotic cells have no organelles enclosed in plasma membranes. every eukaryotic cell has a nucleus and organelles, each enclosed in plasma membranes.

eukaryotic cells have multiple molecules of double-stranded, linear DNA.

Both types of cells have five similarities: Both types of cells carry on all the necessary functions of life (adaptation through evolution, cellular organization, growth and development, heredity, homeostasis, reproduction, metabolism, and response to stimuli).

Both cells carry DNA and rDNA (ribosomal DNA). Both prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells have vesicles.

Amoebas, paramecia, and yeast are all single-cell eukaryotes. Both types of cells have vacuoles, storage units for food and liquid.

Cells organize into tissues, which organize into organs, which organize into amazing life forms like plants, fungi, dogs, ducks, and people. Intracellular structures are common to both types of cells.

Ribosomes. Cytoplasm.

An organism with prokaryotic cells is a prokaryote. Prokaryotic organisms get their names from the Greek roots, pro (before) and karyon (nut or kernel).

The three domains of life, Eukaryota, Bacteria, and Archaea, include two branches that are prokaryotes: Bacteria – The first prokaryotes were discovered in 1676.

Archaea – Single-cell organisms. They have no nuclear membrane and share some qualities with bacteria (rDNA, circular chromosomes, asexual reproduction) but are set apart from bacteria by their unique rDNA and ether-linked lipids in their cell membranes.

Examples of archaea include Crenarchaeota (living in extreme acidity or temperatures) and Euryarchaeota (living in salty water or producing methane). Prokaryotic cells are extremely small, much smaller than eukaryotic cells.

1 micron or micrometer, μm\mu mμm, is one-thousandth of a millimeter or one-millionth of a meter. Anywhere from 200 to 10,000 prokaryotic cells could fit on the head of a pin.

One amazing prokaryotic outlier is Thiomargarita namibiensis, the largest bacterium ever discovered, coming in at a whopping 100 to 300 microns. That is large enough to see in a light microscope.

All the equivalent functions of eukaryotic cells are performed by four structures: a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, ribosomes, and genetic material (both rDNA and DNA). Prokaryotes help recycle nutrients by decomposing dead organisms.

The DNA of a prokaryotic cell is tightly coiled in a ‘nucleoid,’ which is not a true nucleus since it has no membrane. Prokaryotic rDNA is a single ring of DNA and is only about 0.1 percent of the amount of DNA in a eukaryotic cell.

Roughly half of all bacteria have flagella, little whip-like external structures that all them to move. Prokaryotic cells can use pili and fimbriae.

Prokaryotic cells can perform binary fission roughly every 24 hours, meaning they can reproduce exponentially fast. All adult humans have about 0.2 kg of bacteria in their digestive systems and on their skin.

Prokaryotic cells are the oldest life forms on earth, dating back 3.5 million years. Fungi, plants, protista, and all animals (including humans) are eukaryotes.

The word eukaryote comes from two Greek roots, eu (good, well), and karyon (nut, kernel), so a eukaryote has a well-defined or “good” nucleus (kernel) in its cells. Eukaryotic cells have nuclei and organelles, which sets them apart from prokaryotic cells.

Some of these eukaryotic cell organelles are: Mitochondria (cell powerhouses).

Endoplasmic reticulum (the cell transport system). Golgi apparatus (protein packagers).

Vacuoles (water and food storage). Lysosomes (digestive processes).

Nucleus (the mind and brain of the cell). In general, eukaryotic cells are much bigger than prokaryotic cells.

Eukaryotic cells measure between 10 and 100 microns, which means you could barely see them with a standard school light microscope. Eukaryotes can be single-celled organisms (like protozoa or paramecia) or multicellular organisms (like you or an elephant).

Eukaryotes have linear chromosomes, contrasting with the single ring of rDNA in prokaryotes. Eukaryotes include animal and plant cells, differentiated in many ways but most obviously by the plasma membrane of animal cells and synthesis cell walls in plants.

Mitochondria, found only in eukaryotic cells, have their own DNA chromosome, which may indicate they were once freely existing, independent prokaryotic cells “captured” by eukaryotic cells. In contrast with the mind-blowing miniature prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells are so large, even some of their organelles are visible under the light microscope of a high school science laboratory.

fossils of this eukaryote were discovered in a Michigan iron mine. Eukaryotes mostly reproduce sexually, though some do use cell division.

Cell biology can be tricky stuff, so check your understanding by answering these questions. Are animal cells prokaryotic or eukaryotic.

Name two locations of prokaryotic cells in the human body. Are mitochondria found in prokaryotic cells.

Name one feature of eukaryotic cells that is not found in prokaryotic cells. What type of cells are prokaryotic.

List three similarities between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Do prokaryotes have organelles.

Review the reading and review your answers before you review our answers.

Two locations of prokaryotic cells in the human body are in the intestine (where gut bacteria help you digest food) and on your skin (where bacteria thrive). Mitochondria are not found in prokaryotic cells.

One feature of eukaryotic cells that is not found in prokaryotic cells is the cell nucleus. Simple, primitive cells are prokaryotic.

Three similarities between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are that both have vesicles, vacuoles, and the ability to carry out the eight functions of life. Prokaryotes do not have organelles.

Plasmids make themselves indispensable [20]

Like other organisms, bacteria use double-stranded DNA as their genetic material. However, bacteria organise their DNA differently to more complex organisms.

The chromosome, along with several proteins and RNA molecules, forms an irregularly shaped structure called the nucleoid. This sits in the cytoplasm of the bacterial cell.

Bacteria can pick up new plasmids from other bacterial cells (during conjugation) or from the environment. They can also readily lose them – for instance, when a bacterium divides in two, one of the daughter cells might miss out on getting a plasmid.

For this reason, plasmids can copy themselves independently of the bacterial chromosome, so there can be many copies of a plasmid – even hundreds – within one bacterial cell. Plasmids contain just a few genes, but they make a big difference to their host bacterium.

For instance, many plasmids contain genes that, when expressed, make the host bacterium resistant to an antibiotic (so it won’t die when treated with that antibiotic). Other plasmids contain genes that help the host to digest unusual substances or to kill other types of bacteria.

However, by protecting its bacterial host from stress-related death, a plasmid maximises its chances of being kept around. Under stressful conditions, bacteria with the plasmid will live longer – and have more opportunity to pass on the plasmid to daughter cells or to other bacteria.

Some plasmids take extreme measures to ensure that they are retained within bacteria. For example, some carry a gene that makes a long-lived poison and a second gene that makes a short-lived antidote.

Plasmids have been key to the development of molecular biotechnology. They act as delivery vehicles, or vectors, to introduce foreign DNA into bacteria.

The modified plasmids were then reintroduced into bacteria. Decades after their first use, plasmids are still crucial laboratory tools in biotechnology:

What is a Eukaryotic Plant Cell? [21]

Your body is a complex organism. You have many different parts, organs and systems all working together to keep you alive and well.

Your skin reacts to touch while acting as a barrier to things like bacteria and disease. Your legs keep you moving while you are running around the track or running to catch the bus.

Your brain is the command center, making sure that all your many parts are doing what they are supposed to do.

A eukaryotic cell is a cell whose intracellular components are organized into membrane-bound organelles. Organelle literally means ‘little organ’, and like organs, organelles perform specific functions for the cell.

Like your skin, the cell membrane separates the inside of the cell from the outer environment and controls what can enter and leave the cell.

However, they also contain specialized organelles that identify them as members of the Plant Kingdom. The Plant Kingdom is comprised of multicellular organisms, supported by cell walls constructed of cellulose, that obtain energy from sunlight.

1 Introduction: a blueprint for communication [22]

Cells represent the fundamental units of life that have evolved to assemble into organisms of increasing anatomical, physiological and behavioral complexity. Each individual cell in our bodies is able to execute complex biological activities as an individual unit, as well as receive and process environmental cues, allowing it to function as a part of a tissue, an organ and ultimately an organism.

The mitochondria produce all the adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the basic biochemical carrier of energy needed to support eukaryotic life, earning them the label “the powerhouse of the cell”. According to the prevailing hypothesis, mitochondria are of bacterial origin (Gray et al., 1999.

Martijn et al., 2018. Munoz-Gomez et al., 2022).

Several lines of evidence support this hypothesis, as mitochondria are self-replicating, have circular DNA, and an independent transcriptional and translational machinery that resembles the one in modern day bacteria.

Furthermore, mitochondria and bacteria create and employ polycistronic transcripts, have clustered RNA genes, and notably, the mitochondrial transcription factor B2 (TFB2M) is homologous to the rRNA methyltransferase family in bacteria (Boguszewska et al., 2020). Importantly, similar to bacteria and viruses free metabolically competent mitochondria have been observed circulating in blood (Markova, 2017.

From an evolutionary perspective, eukaryotic cells that formed this symbiotic relationship gained a fitness advantage as mitochondria provided internal and continuous access to energy (ATP), ultimately resulting in complex behavior and cognition with high energy requirements (Raichle and Gusnard, 2002.

Magistretti and Allaman, 2015. Bruckmaier et al., 2020).

These molecules facilitate multidirectional lines of communication inside the cell between mitochondria and the other cellular components, as well as among the cells in a given organism, and the host cells and microbes (i.e. bacteria and viruses) (Lobet et al., 2015.

Stefano and Kream, 2022b). This last type of interface between the host and the microbe is very often the one that is exploited by the pathogens that use common biochemical messengers to “hijack” cellular processes for their own fitness advantage, thus causing disease (Stefano et al., 2020).

Stefano and Kream, 2022b). For example, SARS-CoV-2 hijacking of the mitochondria effectively diminishes innate and adaptive immunity by disrupting energy metabolism.

For example, activation of TLR9 signaling pathways by extracellular mtDNA can promote downstream activation of p38 and mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) whose canonical substrates are unmethylated cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) dinucleotides common to both bacteria and DNA viruses (Sorouri et al., 2022).

Importantly, also shared mechanisms of action of clinically employed drugs against bacterial and viral infections may reflect complementary shapes or recognition domains indicating a shared biochemical language that has evolved simultaneously in different organisms.

Puertas and Gonzalez-Sanchez, 2020. Wei et al., 2022).

Furthermore, methylation processes inhibited the expression of this genetic material, however, some segments, a minority, are expressed. We surmise this common phenomenon maybe involved in viral targeting of mitochondria, leading to eukaryotic cell genome targeting and access whereby aberrant proteins emerge.

However, unlike bacteria that are free living, mitochondria are symbiotic with the host cell and assumed to have no independent function. Figure 1 Mitochondrial multidirectional informational sharing.

This exchange of information is facilitated by the use of the “shared biochemical language” evolving simultaneously. Here, we will focus on discussing how the shared common lines of communication are used by the mitochondria to exert functional independence despite 1.45 billion years of endosymbiotic relationship.

Furthermore, we will highlight examples of mitochondrial malfunction and how that contributes to pathology of many human diseases. We will build an argument that the current prevailing view of mitochondria as energy-generating organelles needs to be revised and expanded to recognize mitochondrial independence and sensory function.

A typical eukaryotic cell contains numerous mitochondria. For example, 30−40% of the cardiac muscle cell volume is occupied by mitochondria (Stefano et al., 2017).

Importantly, mtDNA mutational rates are 100-1,000 times higher than nuclear DNA (Wallace and Chalkia, 2013) therefore, given the number of mtDNA sequences that may exist within a cell, referred to as heteroplasmy, mtDNA harbors an enormous pool of differing genetic information that is closely tied to the survival of an organism (Collins et al., 2002.

Stefano and Kream, 2022a). Although mtDNA appears to be less complex than nuclear DNA, it functions in a similar way and can initiate metabolite-steered changes in gene expression between bacteria, mitochondria, and the host cell’s nucleus (Han et al., 2019).

Historical studies have described functional and morphological heterogeneity of populations of mitochondria sorted according to cell type and differential aerobic/anaerobic conditions (Collins et al., 2002. Tielens et al., 2002).

MacVicar et al., 2019). This form of individualized communication depends on factors such as the location of the mitochondria within a cell, the host cell type, and their microenvironment.

Al Amir Dache et al., 2020. Song et al., 2020).

Chou et al., 2017). Importantly, Joshi and coworkers demonstrated stimulated release of functional, dysfunctional, and fragmented mitochondria into the extracellular neuronal milieu, thereby highlighting the biological importance of their specific ratios under pathological conditions (Joshi et al., 2019).

Chromatin is the name for the diffuse granular mass of DNA found in interphase cells. Euchromatin is `active` chromatin, containing DNA sequences that are being transcribed into RNA. The nucleolus is the site in the nucleus where ribosomal RNA is transcribed. [23]

The nucleus is a membrane bound organelle found in the majority of eukaryotic cells. Royalty-Free Illustration Download preview.

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Division of Prokaryotes (Reproduction) [24]

Table of Contents. Prokaryotes are single-celled entities that are primitive in structure and function as they lack a membrane-bound nucleus and other organelles.

Prokaryotes are considered to be the first living organisms of the earth as they are the simplest form of life. Image created using biorender.com.

The structure of a prokaryote is not as complex as eukaryotic cells as they have primitive cell organelles. Generally, most prokaryotic cells have the following components/ parts:

Some asexual modes of reproduction in prokaryotes are: Steps of binary fission.

coli, and mycoplasma. Yes, Prokaryotes have ribosomes.

No, Prokaryotes do not have a membrane-bound nucleus, but they do have a nucleoid region in the cytoplasm that contains the genetic material. No, Prokaryotes do not have mitochondria.

Prokaryotes divide through asexual methods like binary fission and conjugation. Eukaryotes are cells that are complex in structure and function as they have a membrane-bound well-defined nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.

Eukaryotes are much larger in size when compared with prokaryotic cells, having a volume about 10,000 times higher than prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells are formed of a number of membrane-bound and membrane-less organelles that all perform together to support the cell’s organization and function.

Some eukaryotic cells can divide only by asexual means while other eukaryotic cells divide both sexually as well as asexually. Subscribe us to receive latest notes.

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When friend becomes foe [25]

Long before the earliest animals swam through the water-covered surface of Earth’s ancient past, one of the most important encounters in the history of life took place. A primitive bacterium was engulfed by our oldest ancestor — a solo, free-floating cell.

That’s the best hypothesis to date for how the cellular components, or organelles, known as mitochondria came to be. Today, trillions of these bacterial descendants live within our bodies, churning out ATP, the molecular energy source that sustains our cells.

These features make mitochondria both a critical element of our cells and a potential source of problems. Like the DNA inside the nuclei of our cells that makes up the human genome, mitochondrial DNA can harbor mutations.

On top of that, mitochondrial injury can release molecules that, due to their similarities to those made by bacteria, can be mistaken by our immune system as foreign invaders, triggering a harmful inflammatory response against our own cells. There is one organ that appears to be particularly vulnerable to mitochondrial damage: our power-hungry brains.

According to some estimates, each neuron can have up to 2 million mitochondria. A small but growing number of scientists are now turning their attention to the contributions of mitochondria in brain health.

They may even be at the heart of an enduring mystery for researchers who study brain disorders: how genetic predispositions and environmental influences interact to put people at risk for developing these conditions. In the 1960s, researchers discovered that mitochondria possess a unique set of genetic material.

A short time later, in the 1970s, a doctoral student at Yale University named Douglas Wallace developed an interest in mitochondria DNA. Wallace reasoned that since mitochondria were the primary producers of the body’s energy, mutations in their DNA would lead to disease.

It wasn’t until 1988, when Wallace and his colleagues established the first link between a mutation in mitochondrial DNA and a human disease — Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy, a condition that causes sudden blindness — that medical researchers began to take the idea seriously, Wallace recalls.

In the same way that high-energy appliances will be disproportionately affected when voltage levels drop during a metropolitan brownout, even small reductions in mitochondrial function can have large effects on the brain, Wallace says. Wallace is particularly interested in how mitochondria might contribute to autism spectrum disorder.

An additional 30 percent to 50 percent of children with autism show signs of mitochondrial dysfunction, such as abnormal levels of certain byproducts generated by cellular respiration, the process through which ATP is produced. In some people with autism, scientists have identified genetic differences either in mitochondrial DNA, or in some of the thousand or so genes in the human genome known to influence mitochondrial function.

Wallace and colleagues reported earlier this year in PNAS that a specific mutation in mitochondrial DNA can lead to autism-like traits in mice, including impaired social interactions, skittishness and compulsive behavior. Genetic alterations aren’t the only way mitochondria could contribute to autism.

Richard Frye, a pediatric neurologist and autism researcher at the Phoenix Children’s Hospital in Arizona, and his colleagues have found that such factors may also perturb the health of mitochondria in people with autism. In one study, they found that the amount of air pollution that children with autism were exposed to before birth altered the rates at which their mitochondria produced ATP.

Together, Frye says, these findings suggest that mitochondria be the missing link between autism and the environmental influences that contribute to the condition. “It’s too soon to make any firm conclusions about a lot of this stuff, but it sure looks like the mitochondria are disrupted in many kids with autism,” Frye says.

Researchers have also found signs of mitochondrial dysfunction, such as disturbances in the way they metabolize sugars to create energy, in people with schizophrenia and depression. In addition, studies also suggest that mitochondria may be sensitive to a risk factor for many mental illnesses: psychological stress in early life.

This uptick in mitochondrial DNA — which can indicate the formation of new mitochondria — may occur to compensate for problems in the organelle, according to Teresa Daniels, a biological psychiatry researcher at Brown University, where she is working on addressing this question. Daniels is a coauthor of a 2020 paper in the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology that discusses the role of mitochondria in psychiatric disorders.

“It’s a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem,” he says. However, McCullumsmith adds, studying the role of mitochondria in these disorders is important, and he sees promising evidence that therapeutics that target mitochondria may end up benefiting patients, even if they don’t cure these conditions.

But another way mitochondria could contribute to brain disorders stems from their ancestral past. As descendants of bacteria, mitochondria have DNA and other components that can be released when cells are injured or stressed and mistaken by our immune system as a foreign threat.

This, in turn, attracted immune cells and triggered a severe inflammatory response that mimicked sepsis — a life-threatening condition in which the immune system attacks the body’s own tissues. A few years later, A.

Inflammation caused by the release of mitochondrial DNA may contribute to the damage found in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), according to a growing number of studies. In separate lines of research, scientists have linked these disorders with both inflammation and an inability to properly rid cells of defective mitochondria.

Presentation on theme: “Agenda: Warm-Up DNA Overview DNA Gummy Model”— Presentation transcript: [26]

1 Agenda: Warm-Up DNA Overview DNA Gummy ModelJanuary 8, 2018 EQ: How is DNA designed. Warm-Up: What is a nucleotide composed of.

2 DNA It’s a nucleic Acid…specifically it’s Deoxyribonucleic Acid.This is the material that determines inherited characteristics.

A little historyWatson & Crick found through X-ray images, that DNA looks like two threads twisted around each other & held together by many bridges in between, like a spiral staircase. This structure is called a double helix.

Rosalind Franklin was actually the 1st scientist to produce the pictures of DNA , but died before the Nobel Prize was given.

Eukaryotic cells it is stored in the nucleus. Eukaryotic cells have more DNA than prokaryotic cells.

5 The Parts of DNA DNA is made up of NUCLEOTIDESNUCLEOTIDES are made of three parts: A Pentose Sugar: Deoxyribose…it’s a sugar with 5 carbons (penta=5, -ose=sugar). 2.

One of four different Nitrogenous Bases: Adenine Thymine Cytosine Guanine A T C G. 6 Visuals of the THREE Parts of a nucleotide:Nitrogenous base Pentose Sugar Phosphate group.

This shape is called a DOUBLE HELIX. 1950 Irwin Chargaff figures out that there is always the same amount of adenine as thymine, and there was the same amount of cytosine as guanine.

8 The Structure of the Double HelixThe Rails of the ladder are alternating sugars and phosphates. (***Remember from your DNA candy lab.

(***These were the gummy bears.). 9 Genes are… A GENE is a set of chemical instructions for assembling a protein.

Within a gene, each group of three nitrogenous bases codes for one amino acid. A sequence of amino acids is linked to make a protein.

10 What is a genetic code. The genetic code is the set of rules by which information encoded in DNA is translated into proteins by living cells.

The order of the bases tells the cell what types of proteins to make. The genetic code is the specific order and number of nitrogen bases of an organism’s DNA.

11 Replication When DNA copies (every time a cell divides), it splits down the middle separating in between the base pairs. The new strand of bases is complementary…that means that where there’s an A (adenine), there will be a T (thymine) to match with it.

There are two DNA strands formed through replication. Each new strand contains one copy of the original strand.

12 Here’s What You Should Have GAATTCGCGGAT CTTAAGCGCCTA. 13 Enzymes (an enzyme is a protein…look for the –ase)*There are a number of enzymes that are involved in this process: DNA helicase: unzips the DNA (breaks the hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous bases) DNA polymerase: lines up the new bases DNA ligase: “glues” sections together Amoeba Sisters DNA replication:.

Include 4 base pairs. Be sure to have a color-coded key.

Determine the amount of black and red Twizzlers you need. Use toothpicks to hold your DNA model together.

Organelles vs. Inclusions [27]

Organelle n., plural: organelles [ˌɔɹ.ɡənˈɛl] Definition: a cell structure that has distinctive functions. Table of Contents.

It is a membrane-bound structure containing compartments and structures dispersed in the cytoplasm. There are two types of cells based on the presence of cytoplasmic membrane-bound organelles: eukaryotic cell and prokaryotic cell.

In a eukaryotic cell, the organelles bound by a double lipid bilayer include the nucleus, mitochondria, and plastids. Also included are the plasma membrane and the cell wall.

Other less-strict characterization of an organelle includes the non-membrane-bound cytoplasmic structures, such as the nucleolus and ribosomes. Questions: Which cell structures are involved in protein synthesis.

Find the answer here: Where Does Protein Synthesis Take Place. Join now and participate in our Forum.

Organelle literally means “little organs”. As the body is composed of various organs, the cell, too, has “little organs” that perform special functions.

In a strict definition, an organelle is a membrane-bound compartment or structure in a cell that performs a special function. In the less-stricter definition, an organelle refers to any cellular structure, whether it is membrane-bound or not, that carries a particular function.

A derived word organellar is a descriptive word that pertains to, relating to, or characterized by an organelle. Synonym: cell organelle.

In contrast, cell inclusions are the non-living materials that are also present inside the cell. By non-living, it means that the inclusions do not carry out biological activities that organelles do.

A eukaryotic cell contains many organelles, for example, the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, and chloroplast (plastid). However, not all these organelles are found in only one cell or in an organism.

There are organelles that have their own DNA apart from the nucleus and are suggested to have originated from endosymbiotic bacteria according to the endosymbiotic theory. These organelles are mitochondria and plastids.

However, some references pertain to them as proteinaceous micro-compartments rather than true organelles. Examples are carboxysome (a protein-shell compartment for carbon fixation in some bacteria), chlorosome (a light harvesting complex in green sulfur bacteria), magnetosome (found in magnetotactic bacteria), and thylakoid (in some cyanobacteria).

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Some references are strict in their definition of an organelle: an organelle is one that is surrounded by lipid bilayers. Based on this definition, they are particularly nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, and plastids (e.g.

In this sense, ribosomes and nucleosomes are not regarded as organelles because they are not bounded by membranes. In the same way, lysosomes and vacuoles, would not qualify as organelle because they are single-membrane bounded cytoplasmic structures.

An organelle is one that acts as a specialized subunit inside the cell that performs a specific function. In this regard, there are two types of organelles: (1) membrane-bound organelles (included are double-membraned and single-membraned cytoplasmic structures) and (2) non-membrane-bound organelles (also referred to as biomolecular complexes or proteinaceous organelles).

The membrane may be a single layer or a double layer of lipids and typically with interspersed proteins. Examples of membrane-bound organelles are nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, plastids, lysosomes, and vacuoles.

The nucleus is one of the most prominent structures in a cell because of its relatively large size and typically round shape. It is bound by a nuclear envelope, which is a lipid bilayer perforated with nuclear pores.

Red blood cells, for example, lose their nucleus at maturity to provide a larger affinity for respiratory gases, such as oxygen. Inside the nucleus are multiple linear DNA molecules organized into structures called chromosomes.

They are responsible chiefly for the generation of ATP through cellular respiration. Does protein synthesis take place in the ER.

Find out here in our Forum — Where Does Protein Synthesis Take Place. Join now.

Plastids are double-membrane-bound organelles present in photosynthetic cells, such as plant cells. The three types of plastids are chloroplasts, chromoplasts, and leucoplasts.

Chromoplasts are plastids containing other pigments aside from green. Leucoplasts are plastids lacking in pigments and are involved in food storage.

There are two types of ER: the rough ER and the smooth ER. The rough ER is studded with ribosomes on its surface whereas the smooth ER lacks bound ribosomes.

Golgi apparatus is another membraned organelle involved in glycosylation, packaging of molecules for secretion, transporting of lipids within the cell, and giving rise to lysosomes. It is made up of membrane-bound stacks.

They are single-membraned and involved primarily in digestion and removal of excess or worn-out organelles, food particles, and engulfed viruses or bacteria. Vacuoles are membrane-bound vesicles in the cytoplasm of a cell, especially of plants.

Endosomes are membrane-bound cytoplasmic structures through which molecules that are endocytosed pass en route to the lysosome. Non-membrane-bound organelles are cytoplasmic structures that are not bound by a membrane but carry out specialized functions.

Each of the organelles performs a particular function. For easy reference, see the tables below.

The nucleus contains nuclear genetic material. Mutations involving the genes or the chromosome could lead to deleterious effects or genetic disorders.

A metabolic disease due to defects in lysosomal function resulting in an abnormal accumulation of toxic materials in the cell is referred to lysosomal storage disease. Lysosomal storage diseases are hereditary.

Lysosomal storage diseases that have been identified so far are as follows: sphingolipidoses, ceramidase (e.g. Farber disease, Krabbe disease, etc.), galactosialidosis, gangliosides, alpha-galactosidase (e.g.

Sandhoff disease, Tay-Sachs disease, etc.), glucocerebroside (e.g. Gaucher disease), sphingomyelinase (e.g.

neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, Wolman disease, etc.), cholesterol ester storage disease, lysosomal transport disease, glycogen storage disease, etc. The symptoms may vary depending on the dysfunctional lysosomal enzyme involved.

Choose the best answer.

© Biology Online. Content provided and moderated by Biology Online Editors.

Nucleolus Function [28]

The nucleolus is the distinct structure present in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. Primarily, it participates in assembling the ribosomes, alteration of transfer RNA and sensing cellular stress.

Nucleolus. It is one of the main components of the nucleus.

The main components of the nucleolus are ribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid and proteins. Also Read: Nucleus.

The components can be further identified as: The ultrastructure of the nucleolus can be easily visualized through an electron microscope.

The nucleolus of several plant species has very high concentrations of iron in contrast to the human and animal cell nucleolus. The nucleolus is considered as the brain of the nucleus, covering nearly 25% volume of the nucleus.

Hence, nucleolus plays an important role in the synthesis of proteins and in the production of ribosomes in eukaryotic cells. The difference between nucleus and nucleolus is mentioned below:

For more information on nucleolus, its structure, function and the difference between nucleus and nucleolus, keep visiting BYJU’S website or download the BYJU’S app for further reference.

Where is the nucleolus located in the cell.

It is surrounded by a membrane inside the nucleus. The nucleolus contains DNA, RNA and proteins.

Cells from other species often have multiple nucleoli. Is nucleolus an organelle.

The nucleolus is an organelle, and a very unusual one because it is devoid of lipid bilayers, which are characteristic of other organelles. If the nucleolus didn’t exist, there would be no production of ribosomes and there would be no synthesis of proteins.

Reference source

  1. https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/en/life/symbiosis-and-evolution-origin-eukaryotic-cell/
  2. https://www.visiblebody.com/learn/biology/dna-chromosomes/eukaryotic-vs-prokaryotic
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrial_DNA
  4. https://sciencing.com/prokaryotic-vs-eukaryotic-cells-similarities-differences-13717689.html
  5. https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/cellular-microscopic/prokaryotic-vs-eukaryotic-cells.htm
  6. https://alevelbiology.co.uk/notes/characteristics-of-eukaryotic-cellular-structures/
  7. https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/microbio/chapter/unique-characteristics-of-eukaryotic-cells/
  8. https://uen.pressbooks.pub/biology1010revision/chapter/3-3-eukaryotic-cells/
  9. https://www.biologyonline.com/dictionary/eukaryote
  10. https://biologydictionary.net/eukaryote/
  11. https://www.careerpower.in/school/biology/eukaryotic-cell
  12. https://www.technologynetworks.com/cell-science/articles/prokaryotes-vs-eukaryotes-what-are-the-key-differences-336095
  13. https://www.sciencefacts.net/eukaryotic-cell.html
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prokaryote
  15. https://www.news-medical.net/life-sciences/Eukaryotic-and-Prokaryotic-Cells-Similarities-and-Differences.aspx
  16. https://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-eukaryotic-cells-and-vs-prokaryotic-cells/
  17. https://sciencing.com/nucleus-definition-structure-function-with-diagram-13717297.html
  18. https://www.visiblebody.com/learn/biology/cells/eukaryotic-cells
  19. https://tutors.com/lesson/prokaryotic-vs-eukaryotic-cells
  20. https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/resources/1900-bacterial-dna-the-role-of-plasmids
  21. https://study.com/academy/lesson/eukaryotic-plant-cells-definition-examples-characteristics.html
  22. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcimb.2023.1130197
  23. https://www.dreamstime.com/chromatin-name-diffuse-granular-mass-dna-found-interphase-cells-euchromatin-active-chromatin-containing-image241463024
  24. https://microbenotes.com/differences-between-prokaryotes-and-eukaryotes/
  25. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/could-mitochondria-be-the-key-to-a-healthy-brain/
  26. https://slideplayer.com/slide/15804613/
  27. https://www.biologyonline.com/dictionary/organelle
  28. https://byjus.com/biology/nucleolus/

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You are learning about according to the cell theory, where do cells come from?. Here are the best content by the team fotoz.online summarized and compiled, see…

30 Where Is My Qr Code On My Phone Hit

30 Where Is My Qr Code On My Phone Hit

You are learning about where is my qr code on my phone. Here are the best content by the team fotoz.online summarized and compiled, see more in…

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