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where is mom and dad or where are mom and dad
where is mom and dad or where are mom and dad

They prioritize happiness over social norms [1]

Talking to David Balogun is like talking to, well, a 9-year-old. Despite the occasional tangent about quantum entanglement, David is a kid at his core.

“This is the normal 9-year-old part,” his mother, Ronya Balogun, tells CNBC Make It as she refocuses him on the conversation. David is one of the youngest people in the U.S.

He graduated in late January from Reach Cyber Charter School, a tuition-free online school in his home state of Pennsylvania, and is currently enrolled in online classes at Bucks County Community College — where he says he completes a week’s worth of homework in a single day. “If I don’t learn, then I probably will stay up until 4 [a.m.] and wake up at 5 [a.m.],” David says.

They first tested David’s intellect when he was 6 years old, and have since scrapped many of their more conventional parenting techniques for him. “You’ve got to develop a different mindset as a parent,” Henry says.

You have to keep answering the questions, because you don’t want to say, ‘Just leave me alone.'”. The Baloguns insist there’s no magic parenting recipe.

Still, they have a No. 1 rule: When a system isn’t built for your child, don’t try to fix your child.

By the time David was in first grade, it was clear he wouldn’t thrive in a regular classroom, Ronya says: In one incident, she learned that David’s classmates listened to him more than their teacher. So, the Baloguns got creative — if only to get him to sleep at night.

Those programs weren’t enough for David, his parents say — so when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, they looked into more permanent, personalized solutions. In 2020, they moved then-7-year-old David into the online learning program Reach Cyber, which emphasizes individualized curriculums.

Ronya says she’s had conversations with universities about David’s next steps, but has to be stern about not letting her 9-year-old be in a classroom with 20-year-olds. She and Henry say they’re unsure what their solution will be, but dedicated to finding a creative workaround.

It’s very scary, you can’t find this,” Ronya says, adding: “Sometimes I can’t fix the system, but there are other unconventional choices and solutions to help lead my son through his journey to fulfill his dreams.”. There’s a social side to this, too: When David told his mother that he didn’t have friends, “it did hurt me and bother me,” Ronya says.

“I think the biggest social and emotional problem [for gifted children] is that they can’t find other people like themselves,” Dr. Ellen Winner, a psychologist who specializes in gifted children, told ParentEdge magazine in 2012.

The key, wrote clinical child psychologist Shefali Tsabary in a CNBC Make It essay last month: Understand your kids’ needs and adjust, not the other way around. Rather than pressure David into building a large friend network, Ronya focuses on embracing his introversion, she says.

“There was a study that suggested that introverts don’t enjoy spicy food as much as extroverts,” he says. When David showed that he could add and subtract negative numbers at age 6, before anyone had taught him, his parents had to believe him.

“I can’t tell him, ‘This is what you know,’ because I’m not in his brain,” she says. “I have to trust him to be partially leading the way.”.

When he came home from school claiming to know where babies come from, Ronya says she imposed some boundaries — giving him a partial walkthrough of reproductive anatomy before authoritatively ending the conversation. “Mind you, at this moment, I’m talking to a 6-year-old,” she says.

“The more you trust your children to do things on their own, the more empowered they’ll be,” Esther Wojcicki, a longtime educator who raised two CEOs and a doctor, wrote in an essay for CNBC Make It last year. But predicting David’s future is a tough task, since there are few precedents.

“There is no frame of reference,” says Ronya. “So you know how sometimes when there is no path, you start a new path.

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Why Do We Call Parents “Mom” and “Dad”? [2]

Calling our parents anything other than mom, dad or one of the many variations thereof is an almost alien concept to many (and in some cultures is considered downright rude). So why is it we refer to our parents in this way.

The words can be traced back to the 1500s for “dad” and the 1800s for “mom”. As with so many etymologies, where these words were first uttered and by whom is a mystery.

The word “mom”, on the other hand, is a slightly different story and it’s widely believed that the word was born from the much older word “mamma” which itself can be traced back to the 1500s in English. This, in turn, can be traced back to Latin where “mamma” meant “breast” or “teat”.

This brings us to the amazing part- a word extremely similar to “mom” occurs in almost every language on Earth. We don’t mean that there is a word for “mom” in every language.

For example, if you wanted to address your mother in Dutch you’d say “moeder”, if you were to travel to Germany on the other hand you’d call her “mutter” while over in Italy you’d refer to her as, “madre”. Now we know what you’re thinking, those are all European languages.

As you can clearly see from this list, there’s a very peculiar trend with “mom” in various languages in that it’s nearly universally pronounced with an “m” sound. If you’re still not convinced or think that we’re perhaps cherry picking examples, here’s a pretty exhaustive list of ways to say “mother” in a number of languages for you to peruse at your leisure.

As for the word “dad”, while there is certainly more variation in the ways to address your man-mum in foreign languages, similar trends can be observed. For example, the word “Papa” is present in several languages including Russian, Hindi, Spanish and English, while slight variations on it appear in German (Papi), Icelandic (Pabbi), Swedish (Pappa) and a number of other languages across the globe.

The current working theory to explain this fascinating phenomenon is that the words parents use to refer to themselves are derived from the babblings of their child during its “baby-talk” phase. It has been observed that babies, regardless of where in the world they’re born, naturally learn to make the same few sounds as they begin to learn to speak.

The really interesting part about these protowords is that they’re consistent across different cultures for reasons that aren’t quite clear. The words babies make in this early babbling stage tend to use the softer contestants like B, P and M, often leading to the creation of otherwise non-words like baba, papa and mama by the child in question.

It’s usually less complex to say than the parent’s real names and works as a substitute that ultimately sticks. As to why the “ma” sound in derivations like “mamma” came to be assigned to women instead of men, it is generally thought that it derived from the sound babies make while suckling or feeding.

Further, when the baby is hungry and sees the object of its foodie desires, it is not uncommon for the baby to, as linguist Roman Jakobson put it, “reproduced [it] as an anticipatory signal”. While no one can prove this is how “mom” and its predecessor “mamma” came about, it would at the least explain why there is an almost universal trend of the word for mother in varying languages utilising the “m”, and often “ma” sound.

is perhaps why there is such variation on this one in terms of which repeated consonant is used to go along with the a’s in a given culture. So is there any culture in which this nicknaming practise isn’t observed.

But if you happen to be an anthropologist or just someone who knows different and you know of an exception where children don’t commonly give their parental figures (whether truly their biological parents or not) some sort of nickname, please do let us know. We came up empty on it, which makes us a little uncomfortable as there seemingly always is at least one exception somewhere for just about any issue.

It would seem so. If you liked this article, you might also enjoy our new popular podcast, The BrainFood Show (iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, Feed), as well as:

Mom Dad Heart Touching Quotes [3]

Heart touching mom and dad quotes are a great way to express your feelings. But, you shouldn’t take them too seriously.

I Love. They are my motivation, my support, and the reason why I am here in this world.

I love my mom very much. I am thankful for all the things she has done for me and how she has been a great example to me.

I love my mom, she is my role model and a great example of what a strong woman should be like. She was a very strong and independent woman.

She was a great inspiration to me. So also dad has made sacrifices in his life for us to get a better life.

So it is really unfair that we don’t get to spend time with him. When I say that my dad has made a lot of sacrifices for me, I mean it.

The quotes below clearly explain what our parents have done for us in our lifetime. A mother’s heart is always with her children.

Parents are the only God to help and guide you in your life. Parents are the last people on earth who ought to have children.

Parents need to teach their children the principles of respect and acceptance. My mother protected me from the world and my father threatened me with it.

Being a mother is the highest paid job in the world since the payment is in pure love.. Love your parents we are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old..

The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them. Read Also: Anniversary Wishes for Parents.

One of the greatest titles in the world is parent, and one of the biggest blessings in the world is to have parents to call mom and dad. Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.

But as you get older, you understand and appreciate it. No one was more important than my mom and dad.

Your captain is your mother and father. He will tell you when to eat and when to sleep.

Make me happy. And we will all see the land we are going to.

Every word, movement, and action has an effect. No other person or outside force has a greater influence on a child than the parent.

I am blessed to have Mom and Dad. A parent’s love is whole no matter how many times divided.

Me: Please give me a reason to live. God: You have your parents.

There is only one pretty child in the world, and every Father has one. Love is giving your kids your undivided attention and time.

Never forget your parents, they are the reason why you are and who you are. Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.

A father’s goodness is higher than the mountain, a mother’s goodness deeper than the sea. As your kids grow they may forget what you said, but won’t forget how you made them feel.

It never ends, fails even though the whole world is against you. Moms are as relentless as the tides.

Happy Mother’s Day. By loving them for more than their abilities we show our children that they are much more than the sum of their accomplishments.

So take the first step today by getting married. Think different, do different.

A happy family needs a loving and caring father, and he who knows how to be a mother sometimes. Fathers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts last forever.

[your father] The person who was with you in every pain [your mother]. The most loving parents and relatives commit murder with smiles on their faces.

I am blessed to have Mom and Dad. My mother and father are very involved with music.

Parents forgive their children least readily for the faults they themselves instilled in them. Parents are the only God to help and guide you in your life.

I was always at peace because of the way my mom treated me. A mother understands what a child does not say.

Moms hold their children’s hands for a while, but their hearts last forever. No love is greater than mom’s love, and no care is greater than dad’s care.

A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary. Never forget your parents coz they are the reason why you are and who you are.

Even if they can be annoying I know they want the best for me. My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.

We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love. Happy Mother’s Day.

Youth fades. love droops, the leaves of friendship fall.

Happy Mother’s Day. When mom and dad went to war, the only prisoners they took were the children.

What do you call an employee who works 24/7 and is seriously underpaid.

A Mom.

My mother is an angel who loves unconditionally. If your mother is an angel click “like”.

You just have to make your mother and father proud of you. I believe that the Presence of Parents with you makes you the richest person in the world.

it need not be acquired, it need not be deserved. Happy Mother’s Day.

They cared deeply about who we would be and much less about what we would do. Fathers and mothers have lost the idea that the highest aspiration they might have for their children is for them to be wise… specialized competence and success are all that they can imagine.

Any man can be a father but it takes someone special to be a dad. We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves.

Happy Mother’s Day. No matter how old I get, I always want my mom when I don’t feel good.

Parents are friends that LIFE gives us, & Friends are parents that the heart chooses. Read More: Unconditional Love Quotes for Family.

A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take. Your parents may not be perfect, but they are the most precious gift God has ever given you.

A mother’s secret love outlives them all. MOTHER means Magnificent, Outstanding, Tender, Honorable, Extraordinary, Remarkable.

Happy Mother’s Day. Mother, no matter how old you get, you will always be the queen of my heart.

Treat your parents with loving care, you will only know their value when you see their empty chair. As we journey forward, let’s carry the essence of their love in our hearts.

May we strive to emulate their kindness, resilience and unconditional love as we create our own paths. Forever grateful for the foundation they’ve given us.

When to capitalize family member titles [4]

It’s natural to want to give family members all the honors—after all, in our lives, they are some of the most important people. But are their titles capitalized.

Family member titles are capitalized when used as a title immediately before a person’s name (I adore Aunt Lisa) or when the title is used in place of their name (Where’s the milk, Mom. ).

You should capitalize family member titles when addressing your own relatives: hello, Mother. A good rule to follow is to capitalize them if they are used as proper nouns, as in the previous example.

Even if a title isn’t being used to directly address someone, it is always acting as a proper noun—and should be capitalized—if it replaces a person’s name. For example, the word Dad is capitalized in the sentence I went fishing with Dad this morning even though the speaker is not talking directly to their dad.

Family member titles are also capitalized when used immediately before a family member’s name: I invited Uncle Chet to the baseball game. In this case, this is not a direct address.

If used as common nouns, don’t capitalize, as in: We honor all mothers in May. In other words, capitalize words such as Mother, Father, Grandmother, Grandfather, Son, Daughter, and Sis when they are used in place of the person’s name.

Whether or not a noun is a common or proper noun often depends on how the sentence is written. Make sure you know how a noun is specifically being used in a sentence so that you’ll know whether to capitalize the family member title or not.

Common noun: I went to the mall with my cousin, Jenny. Proper noun: I went to the mall with Cousin Jenny.

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Mom or Dad Quiz, Free Printable for Baby Shower [5]

Mom or Dad quiz is a fun baby shower game and it is just like the honey do’s game that we play on bridal showers. Ask the parents-to-be that who is ready to do the tasks mentioned in this quiz sheet and then test the guests if they can guess it correctly or not.

You can print this game in any color of your choice. This is also an ideal game for co-ed baby showers where both parents-to-be are present.

How to Play: You can either ask the parents-to-be to give answers to this quiz one day before the baby shower or they can play this game while all the other guests are playing. Give each guest a copy of this printed game and ask them that in their opinion who will do a certain task mentioned on the quiz card.

Match the answers to the one given by the parents. The guest with most right answers will be the winner.

This is the first free printable color for this fun and interesting mom and dad quiz. You can print this game in this gender-neutral yellow color for your girl baby shower, boy baby shower, on a baby shower where parents-to-be do not know or do not want to disclose gender or the baby or at a baby shower that has a theme to match the yellow color more.

Click on the image given above to get the bigger version of this Mom and Dad baby shower quiz in pink color. There are 15 interesting questions for the guests to answer.

This is the free printable Mom or Dad quiz in blue color. Just click on this thumbnail and a bigger printable image will open up, that you can save.

Names for stepparents, caregivers, and other parental figures [6]

While “Mommy” and “Daddy” are the most common names for parents, there are many reasons you might decide to have your child call you a different name. Many parents – moms, dads, stepparents, adoptive parents, birth parents, parents who are transgender or nonbinary – answer to a creative variety of nicknames.

Here’s how they rank for mothers: And for fathers:

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a nickname: Cultural traditions.

Mum, Mummy, or Mam (Welsh) may replace Mom in families with ties to Great Britain. Madre is common in Spanish-speaking households, and Maman for Francophiles.

Padre is a popular moniker borrowed from Spanish, and Tato is Ukranian for Dad. Vati is father in German, Tad is Cornish, and Da comes from Welsh and Gaelic.

Personal preferences. Some parents prefer to be called something a bit out of the ordinary, whether it’s to stand out on a crowded playground, or simply because the generic names just don’t chime well.

“It makes him happy.”. From the mouths of babes.

As long as the parent approves of the name, it can be a fun way to be “custom” labeled. “My little ones call me Mommily and Mudder,” says one mom.

I have no idea why. ” Another loves that her son calls his father J-dad (real name: Jason).

And dads report being called Chief, The Dude, Popsicle, Pop Star, and Popeye. When kids use first names.

This can be a controversial topic: Parents either love it or hate it. For some parents, letting your own child address you with your given name is a straight up “no.”.

“I respect them too much. It’s not something I would want my kids to do, either.”.

“I’m all for letting kids call you whatever is comfortable for them,” one BabyCenter mom shares. My daughter calls me ‘Mommy’ 99 percent of the time, but when she plays with calling me my first name, I’m not particularly offended – it is what everyone else in her life calls me, so I guess she’s just curious as to how I’ll respond.

Another amusing version of this phenomenon is when kids pick up on affectionate nicknames parents generally save for addressing each other. “My kids call my husband ‘babe’ about as much as they call him ‘Daddy’ because it’s what I call him,” says one mom.

In LGBTQ families with two moms, two dads, or a nonbinary parent, getting creative with parent labels serves a practical purpose: It’s a lot less confusing if one household doesn’t have two parents called “Mom” or two called “Dad.”. One mom says, “I started seeing my partner when her children were 1 and 3, and it was the 3-year-old’s idea to call me Mama B (my name is Brittany) and my partner Mama A (Amber).”.

To their kids, they’re Mumma and Mummaliese.”. Here are some other two-mom pairings:.

When a parent is nonbinary, traditional mom and dad names can feel a bit too bogged down in gender stereotypes. The number one priority is to do what feels and sounds right to you.

There are no strict rules, so whether you let your child choose or just use your imagination – it’s up to you. Some nonbinary parent labels include:.

While first names are often a go-to choice for labeling these special relationships, many families opt for something different. Here’s some inspiration:

A family’s heritage or the local culture can create a graceful option here. One mom writes, “We followed our French heritage and went with ‘beau-père’ for stepfather (shortened to Beau) and ‘belle-mère’ for stepmom (shortened to Bella).”.

Kid-created stepparent names. Children come up with, or latch on to, names we never would have expected.

“My stepkids call me by a nickname my husband has been using since they were little: Pop-Tart.”. One mom remembers, “Growing up, my best friend called her stepdad ‘my Dave.’ As in, ‘I don’t know, I better go ask my Dave.’ It worked well as a substitute for Dad because it sounds so similar but was unique to their particular situation.”.

Nannies. If a beloved nanny, au pair, or childminder helps take care of your children, many families keep it simple, calling them by their first name.

Others go with a more familial “Auntie” or “Uncle” so-and-so. “Our nanny has been with our son since he was 6 months old,” one BabyCenter parent shares.

We all call her Zee now. “.

“Auntie” and “Uncle” are the most popular choice for godmothers and godfathers. Grandparents.

Read our article on names for grandparents for more. What kids call close adults who aren’t their biological parents can sometimes lead to unintended stress and conflict.

A stepparent may want to be called Dad, only to find out it’s the last thing his wife’s daughter wants to call him. To avoid friction in your family, it’s best to resist imposing a parent nickname on a child who’s still adapting to the new relationship and is possibly feeling protective of, loyal to, or tender about their biological parent.

“They didn’t choose for their parents to split up or remarry, and I think that adults have to suck up their feelings to make it as comfortable a transition as possible for children.”. Stepparents and stepchildren can collaborate to come up with a name everyone feels good about.

As the relationship evolves and emotional attachment grows, a child who initially chooses a nontraditional name for a stepparent might gravitate to a more traditional parental name. What’s essential is that the decision, and the timing of that decision, must be theirs.

This is something the adults need to work out in as peaceful a manner as possible, without putting undue stress on the child. “My stepdaughter wanted to call me ‘Mom’ when she was younger and I didn’t let her,” one BabyCenter stepmom says.

I would feel hurt if my boys had a stepmom they called ‘Mom,’ but I need to do what’s best for them, not my pride.”. There are plenty of parent names to go around.

When you should use lower case letters: mom [7]

In a recent post we discussed the differences between a common noun and a proper noun. In short:

For example: dog, house, oven. A proper noun is a specific person, place or thing.

For example: Fido, Burger King, Statue of Liberty. Are there cases, though, where a noun can be both a proper noun and a common noun.

When to use a capital letter is tricky, especially when it comes to family nouns, such as mom, dad, aunt, cousin, grandma.

A good tip to work out if the noun is a common or proper noun is to look at the word that comes before it. If that word is a pronoun or an article, don’t capitalize the noun.

For example:.

Will you ask your friend to come play. Her dad likes to play tennis.

Let’s say your mother’s name is Angela. If you can easily replace the noun with her name in the sentence, the noun should have a capital letter.

I will have to talk to Mother about dinner on Sunday. I will have to talk to Angela about dinner on Sunday.

For example:.

We are attending Aunt Susan’s birthday party.

Where Does Jada Pinkett Smith Stand With Her Dad Today? [8]

Before Jada Pinkett Smith was known for her infamous relationship with Will Smith, the now-successful actress described herself as a “blessed child of two addicts” while growing up in Baltimore, Maryland. The Girls Trip star opened up about her family dynamic in her memoir, Worthy, and how living in a home with an “abundance” of drugs ultimately started her decades-long career.

Jada was born to parents Robsol Pinkett Jr. and Adrienne Banfield-Norris in September 1971, after her mother became pregnant at 17.

Jada’s grandmother gave her father three options — marry her mother, give Jada up for adoption or abort the baby. While Robsol opted to marry Adrienne, he became physically abusive shortly into their relationship and Adrienne filed for divorce.

“When I go in search of the origins of my broken heart, it is a sense of not being a priority to the two people who gave me life that creates a fracture in my feelings of worth,” Jada wrote in her memoir, noting that due to her parent’s addiction, “Neither were ever fully available to me.”.

After growing up in a city full of drugs, Jada eventually turned to selling, with her sights set on being a drug “queenpin,” and acting being her secondary goal.

The mom of two shared a lengthy tribute toward Adrienne in May 2021, thanking the “Great Divine for her mother.”. “As human beings we are not perfect BUT that Divine Essence called Mother Love that each Mother carries in her heart … is the most perfect Love in human form,” she captioned a video clip of her, her mom and daughter Willow Smith.

She has provided for me … EVERYTHING You intended.”. The pair also cohosted the popular talk show, Red Table Talk, which premiered on Facebook Watch in 2018 and came to an end in April 2023.

In December 2022, she celebrated 32 years of clean living.

During a 2018 episode of Red Table Talk, Jada and Adrienne talked about living with addiction and the domestic abuse Adrienne faced during their “about a year” marriage.

“She has a couple scars on her body.”.

Pop just wanted me to be happy [9]

My mom and dad are polar opposites. This comic illustrates those differences.

But despite that, they’ve been married for 40 years. More info: howwecametobe.wordpress.com.

She wasn’t the most affectionate, motherly type. But I could always rely on her to give me straightforward answers.

He’s very intelligent and book smart, so as I’d gotten older, I figured he was just trying to give me answers that he thought wouldn’t upset me. I eventually ended up figuring it out from a book in my elementary school library.

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Facebook share Twitter share Pinterest share Whatsapp Link share Shares stats. My ex-boyfriend had something going on with an older woman–my high school teacher’s friend.

Oh well. We would eventually leave for the USA anyway: land of Johnny Depp, and that guy from Teen Witch.

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The Best Nicknames for Dads [10]

When it comes to what kids call their parents, it is not a one size fits all things. Some parents will want to be called by different names, and we have compiled a list of the best nicknames for moms and dads to choose from.

Naturally, children see their parents as the most influential beings in their entire lives. While some moms and dads are cool with being called by their traditional handles, some want one they don’t want to have to share with every parent on the block.

When choosing nicknames for moms and dads you will want to keep a few things in mind. Most of the time, the nickname is naturally chosen by the children themselves, but if you, as a parent, want to influence what you are being called, make sure you choose something you love.

If you are an older child, looking to find something cute to call your mom, there are quite a few choices. While Dads are usually referred to as “Dad” or “Father”, there are several different names and variations that you can choose to make what you are called unique.

If you are seeking the best nicknames for mom and dad, it is best to ensure that you run it by them first. While you can give suggestions, you want to make sure that they approve of what they will be called.

If you are a parent choosing your own nickname, there is still a lot to consider. Related Post: The Best Nicknames for Grandma and Grandpa that You Will Love.

Make sure that the nickname chosen can not accidentally come across as mean or rude. It is also important, that if you are choosing your own nickname, that it is easy for young children to pronounce.

Explore the different variations of mom and dad for each culture and suggest those that play into their background. Choosing a nickname for Mom and Dad can be a fun experience.

Other Posts You Will Love: Cool Nicknames for Aunts and Uncles They Will Love.

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8 thoughts on “Why aren’t “Mom” and “Dad” always capitalized?” [11]

This is an awesome website, I had this question for my morning work (I’m in school).nI had no idea that this was true. Thank you a lot for this.

Hana Mouadddine- #3rd grade. This is a truly excellent explanation.

Thank you.

I really needed this for my school project. Thanks for the great explanation.

this helps a lot tyyyy. <3 <3.

For an English person to write, “After school, Mom took me to piano lessons” would be close to sacrilege. “Piano lessons” in place of “my piano lesson” being another example of different usages.

Examples: The last time you talked with mom, was she interested in moving closer to the children’s doctor.

Neither mom nor dad nor their attorneys have written you.

An issue came up about a holiday that mother had asked to take the children out of school. I wish I could find a rule for situations like this.

The last time you talked with Susan, was she interested in moving closer…. Larry took the child to the emergency room and immediately called Susan… Neither Susan nor Larry nor….

An issue came up about a holiday that Susan had asked…. Since “mom” and “dad” are being used in place of proper nouns, they’re capitalized.

So does that make it, “I’ll go and tell my mom and Dad (Jack).”.

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Dad jeans, defined [12]

Call me papí 😂 #StreetFashion #tiktokfashion #streetwear #dadjeans #howtowear #favoritefit #summerlooks #fashionessentials #styletips #fashiontips.

Similar to mom jeans, dad jeans are also high-waisted but have a loose-fitting, straight leg — they do not taper at all. As such, dad jeans can be super comfortable and are great for those looking for a casual fit.

Dad jeans are just as versatile as mom jeans: Check out how TikTok creator Mayra (@labelswithlattes) styles her dad jeans for proof. Mayra offers an everyday look, a business casual look, a streetwear look, a casual chic look, and a date look — if that's not range, then we don't know what is.

Because both mom jeans and dad jeans are having a fashion moment, no matter which you prefer, you're already styling.

Are Scott and DeNeia still together? [13]

Reality dating shows are great until you finish the last episode and realize that the entire season was filmed months in advance and now there's a decent chance that your favorite couple might not even be together anymore. Boo, lame.

Well, if you breezed through HBO Max’s newest reality dating show, My Mom, Your Dad, then you know exactly what we're talking about. The freshman series, which is a combo of The Circle and Bachelor in Paradise, offers older singles a chance at love.

Now, their spawn are trying to get them back in the dating game. After dropping their lonely creators off at Second Chance Retreat, the kids are brought to a secret bunker where they're able to watch live video footage of literally everything (.

The kids watch their parents on hidden cameras on 'My Mom, Your Dad.'. Not only that, but they're given unique opportunities to interfere or meddle with their parent’s dates (think: random sprinklers going off, the electricity going out, etc).

Now, without further ado, let’s discuss the current status of these couples. Unfortunately, Grant Kauffman and Kiki Orr appear to have called it quits since meeting on Your Mom, My Dad.

Meanwhile, Kiki's Instagram is bare of any relationship posts. However, in a post promoting the show, she cryptically wrote: “Whether or not I succeeded remains to be seen, regardless I did my best.”.

Scott Devoe and DeNeia Hendrix-Johnson no longer appear to be coupled off. Their social media accounts are brimming with content from the show, but lack any photos of them together.

As a refresher, Scott's daughter Alex shipped their relationship, but DeNeia's son MJ had a pretty hard time accepting it. While he did give Scott his blessing in the end, it didn't seem to matter as their love appears to have fizzled out.

However, they no longer seem to be together. During a remote Instagram Live chat with fellow cast member Philip L Patrick on Jan.

She also spoke on how she missed her castmates and even admitted to hanging out with a few of them since the show wrapped. However, she made it very clear that all of her hangouts were "collectively as a group" and not one-on-one.

Interested in watching. Your Mom, My Dad is now streaming on HBO Max.

Unity helps both parents build strong relationships with the kids. [14]

It’s a natural game for kids to play: If Mom says no to something, “Let’s see what Dad says. ” If you’ve ever said yes when your spouse said no, you’ve discovered that family unity is important—and that unity between parents is critical to a healthy household and for healthy kids.

I know a mom who recently found questionable content on her son’s phone, but when she brought it to her ex-husband’s attention, he refused to help her deal with it. Kids should be discouraged from provoking such divisions, but it’s up to parents to be unified about being unified.

If you play good cop/bad cop, one of the parents loses. And if the same parent plays “bad cop” on a regular basis, it compounds the effect.

But when you are united, you both benefit from the “good” decisions and you both share responsibility for the “bad” ones. You facilitate family unity, too.

When kids see discord constantly between their parents, they often pick up on the roots of the disagreements. And if one parent is dismissive of the other, that attitude is passed on to the kids.

It’s easier to respect a united front than a divided house. Like water seeks a low point, kids will gravitate to the path of least resistance.

But when a couple is united on tough decisions—such as on issues of discipline and virtues like honesty and integrity—a child’s character will benefit. Disagreements are inevitable in parenting.

Even if you don’t always agree with your spouse, backing each other up shows your kids that you respect each other. And if you’re not sure about your spouse’s position on a matter, tell your children you want to check with their mom/dad first and that you’ll get back to them with an answer.

If you allow the parenting years to be filled with constant discord, arguments, putdowns, or surrender caused by disagreements (especially in front of the kids), you’ll be chipping away at the peace and harmony you’ll want and need when the house is empty. Try to have a long-term view of not only your relationship with your kids but your relationship with your spouse.

Huddle up with your kids and ask, “How does it make you feel when you see Mom and me love each other. ”.

Dad and Mom Tattoo: A Symbol of Unconditional Love [15]

When it comes to expressing love and appreciation for your parents, a tattoo can be a powerful and enduring symbol. Tattoo designs for mom and dad, as well as mom and dad name tattoo designs, offer a unique way to honor the special people in your life.

Whether you’re looking for inspiration or considering getting one yourself, this article is your go-to resource. Are you contemplating a tattoo to honor your parents, but not sure where to begin.

Your parents have likely played a significant role in your life, so it’s essential that the design resonates with your feelings of love and appreciation. Consider symbols, quotes, or elements that hold sentimental value.

Mom and dad name tattoo designs can be beautifully customized to suit your style and preferences. Whether you opt for elegant script fonts or more artistic representations, your parents’ names will forever be etched in your heart and on your skin.

A “Dad and Mom” tattoo symbolizes the unending love and support provided by parents. This order highlights the father’s role and influence in your life, and it’s a wonderful way to express your gratitude.

Start by considering your parents’ interests, hobbies, or even a shared memory that you cherish. These personal touches can help create a design that’s truly meaningful.

Tattoo designs that symbolize this relationship are often intricate and personal. Whether it’s a shared hobby, a special date, or a secret phrase, unique father and daughter tattoo designs can capture the essence of your connection.

The act of choosing a design together and going through the tattooing process can be a memorable and emotional experience. It’s a lasting testament to the special relationship you share.

These subtle designs are often smaller and can be placed on your wrist or the back of your hand. They serve as a gentle, yet constant reminder of your love for mom and dad.

It can be a heartwarming symbol of the unique connection between a father and his daughter. Dad tattoo designs for daughters often incorporate symbols of strength and protection.

Tattoos that pay tribute to the father-daughter relationship are timeless and meaningful. Whether you choose a minimalist design or a more elaborate one, the bond you share with your dad is showcased in a beautiful and enduring way.

It showcases your love and appreciation for the people who have nurtured and shaped your life. The design can be as unique and personal as your relationship with your parents.

From meaningful quotes to shared hobbies, these tattoos highlight the precious and unparalleled bond between fathers and their daughters. Your tattoo mom dad design should be as personal and unique as the relationship you share with your parents.

A tattoo for a daughter on her dad can be a cherished memory. It’s a tangible expression of the love and connection that transcends words.

In conclusion, tattoo designs for mom and dad, as well as dad and mom tattoos, are extraordinary ways to express your love for your parents. These tattoos symbolize the lasting impact your mom and dad have had on your life.

Is it appropriate to get a tattoo for my parents, even if I already have tattoos.

Tattoos for mom and dad are a heartfelt way to honor your parents, regardless of how many other tattoos you have. Each tattoo is a unique expression of your love and appreciation.

How do I choose the right design for my mom and dad’s tattoo.

It could be their names, a shared memory, or a symbol that represents your bond. Take your time to find a design that resonates with you.

Are there any age restrictions for getting a tattoo with my parents.

However, many places require individuals to be at least 18 years old. 4.

The pain of getting a tattoo can vary from person to person, but it’s generally tolerable. The experience of bonding with your parents over this meaningful act can make it a memorable and positive one.

Can I get a tattoo for my parents if they have passed away.

Many people choose to get tattoos in memory of their parents as a way to keep their memory alive. It’s a touching tribute to their lasting impact on your life.

Remember, a tattoo for mom and dad is not just ink on skin. it’s a profound declaration of love and gratitude.

Unique anniversary wishes for parents [16]

As your parents' age, they might lose the desire for a big anniversary celebration. But writing unique, heartfelt and powerful words on their anniversary cards can brighten their special day.

The bond parents and children share is unique and one of a kind. Your parents have been your support system and have shaped you into who you are today.

These heart touching anniversary wishes for mom and dad are some of the most thoughtful and sweetest words you can include in their card. They'll undoubtedly cherish them.

Read also. Happy anniversary mother-in-law and father-in-law: 90+ best messages.

Here are some creative and heartfelt wishes that'll make their anniversary unforgettable.

100+ best 6-month anniversary quotes, captions, and messages. Are you the loving daughter.

They are perfect and will pass your appreciation for their enduring love on their special day.

50+ heart-touching birthday wishes for teachers from students. Are you looking for another way to say happy anniversary to parents.

you can make your parents' anniversary incredible with these anniversary wishes for mom and dad from son.

90+ anniversary wishes for uncle and aunty to honor their love. If your parents have a great sense of humour, you can make them laugh on their special day with funny anniversary wishes.

Read also. 50+ heart-touching birthday wishes for wife to make her feel loved.

There are many anniversary wishes for parents, so it's on you to choose the best. But make sure the anniversary wish your pick conveys gratitude and is a reminder of the enduring strength of their relationship.

Tuko.co.ke has shared an article on the best 6-month anniversary quotes, captions and messages. Celebrating 6-month of companionship and love is a great milestone worth commemorating.

What's the best way to celebrate this incredible milestone than sending a card or text with amazing anniversary quotes to your lover. This article has hearty quotes that'll surely lighten up your partner's day.

Source: TUKO.co.ke.

Why this happens [17]

(This article first appeared in Your Baby, Mar/Apr 2014). The stubbornly uttered phrase of, “Daddy do it, not Mommy.

But it’s good to know it’s quite common.

It’s natural to feel sensitive about this. Educational psychologist Carol Jamison reiterates that parental preference is not manipulation, but a way of exercising the beginnings of “own choice” as part of the attachment process.

It’s common to hear them demand for dad when it comes to bathing, feeding, putting on shoes or playing. But a few weeks later mom could be back in favour.

“A baby’s social and emotional development is affected by the quality of their attachment to their caregiver. A baby is initially attached to the mom as she is usually the primary caregiver.

As a baby moves into the toddler phase, she starts to realise she is a separate individual from her mother, and other caregivers, like the father, then become more interesting. Clinical psychologist Robyn Jacobs explains that this stage is connected to toddlers developing a healthy sense of independence, which sees them asserting choices wherever they can.

While in some ways it does have to do with the developing frontal cortex of the brain, which allows the child to make more connections, the theory and phase are part of social and emotional development. This Daddy Phase is largely a recognition of how some children work through their development,” she says.

“For example, a toddler who has developed confidence and independence has the physical and cognitive capacity to understand that ‘although mom is not with me right now, I know she will return and be there later.’ The level of cognitive and physical development of a toddler allows them to have what we call an internal representation of the attachment figure, which allows them to feel secure enough to explore other relationships,” she says.

The phase can start as early as six to eight months and continues until around age two – when object permanence is fully established. “Separation anxiety is most common from ten to 18 months.

Also, phases of favouring one parent over the other come and go throughout the toddler and preschool years. It doesn’t necessarily last the entire time your child is a toddler,” says Robyn.

Read: When separation anxiety hits. The psychological reasoning behind dad becoming the flavour of the month is a healthy representation that your child is independent, has developed a sense of self and is ready to develop other relationships.

By choosing dad as the favourite, your child is testing her developing autonomy and control. If parents can manage their own emotions around this (even though it might be very difficult for the excluded parent), it can be a very positive and necessary part of their development and wellbeing,” says Tarryn.

She explains that traditionally the maternal role is more involved in practical and nurturing aspects, whereas dads add the dimension of play to their child’s world. Fathers engage differently with the child, which can also add an element of fun to the relationship that the child enjoys.

But Carol suggests that if you’re feeling seriously rejected to remember that in actual fact it’s a sign of healthy development, and a good bond between father and child from which healthy relationships can grow, as well as shared roles of parenting.

Has your child ever chosen daddy over you. How did you remedy the exclusion.

Are Karen and Troy still together after filming 'My Mom, Your Dad'? [18]

Spoiler Alert: This article contains spoilers for My Mom, Your Dad. If you were to mix The Circle with The Bachelorette and add a dash of Love Island, then you would get the new HBO Max show My Mom, Your Dad.

The stars, who are living together at the Second Chance Retreat house, have been nominated for the show by their college-aged kids.

The kids are able to meddle in (virtually) on the dates, and to interfere when they feel as though their parent is repeating old mistakes. While the young adults had a lot of power, unbeknownst to their moms and dads, there was one immediate spark that could not be denied.

Almost as soon as the retreat began, Karen Larrea (daughter Breana Symone Sturgis) bonded with Troy Petrick (son Noah Petrick). Though the two explored other options during filming, they couldn't stay away from each other for long.

Her premature exit also meant that her daughter had to leave. Troy and Noah soon followed.

Karen also shared whether she would divulge her relationship status with Troy in the near future. In the sixth episode of the dating show, "My Rock Says Caution," a producer contacted Karen while she was lounging outside of the retreat house with Troy.

According to the end credits, Karl Risinger is the Health and Safety Supervisor for the show. A block of text appeared on the screen shortly after the discussion began.

"Oh, wow," Karen could be heard saying after the text flashed on the show. "OK.".

"Get you sorted out.". The first producer apologized before Karen re-entered the retreat house.

She did not elaborate on why she was leaving, and she cited "personal issues" in a confessional and in a letter she wrote to Troy. While speaking with Distractify, Karen elaborated on the nature of their exit, and she explained why it was so hard for her to watch it back on.

"We had a family emergency and we had to leave," Karen said. "To relive that [on the show], I started crying.

The feeling in that moment, it was just so confusing.". "My initial reaction [was] 'I need to get to my daughter.' All of a sudden, I'm leaving this family and this connection that I just forged.

"It just got me back into that moment.". Karen's immediate focus was on her daughter, but she also considered how her connection with Troy would be affected because of her exit.

"It's like someone was just ripped away from me, and then my heart had to go back into focusing on my family and my daughter first.". The departure put a strain on Breana as well, because she had grown close with the other kids on the show.

"We all bonded over having divorced parents. We all went through that experience as children of having our parents separate, and living that several-households life.

It was definitely very hard to leave them, but we all keep in contact. I'm very grateful that we're all still in each other's lives.".

"It's no secret that Karen and I had a connection," Troy said while he addressed the other single parents at the retreat house. "And [with] her not being here, [it] doesn't make much sense for me to stick around.".

One month after filming wrapped, Troy and Karen got together in front of the cameras to discuss their future. They agreed that it felt like no time had passed since they last saw one another, and that they wanted to move forward together as a couple.

"I absolutely would love that," Karen responded.

While chatting with Distractify, Karen noted that she would be open to discussing her current relationship status with Troy on a reunion special for the show (if there is one).

maternal vs. paternal [19]

The words maternal and paternal pop up a lot in different phrases, including ones like maternal instincts, paternal grandmother, maternal leave, and paternal DNA. You probably know that both words have to do with mothers and fathers, but which is which.

In this article, we’ll define the different meanings of maternal and paternal, explain the simple difference between them, and we’ll even cover the related terms maternity, paternity, and parental. Maternal describes things related to a mother or motherhood.

Sometimes, they mean motherly and fatherly, as in phrases like maternal/paternal instincts. But they can also be used more narrowly to distinguish relations involving a mother or a father, such as in terms like maternal/paternal grandmother.

The adjective maternal is used to describe things relating to mothers or motherhood. The adjective paternal is used to describe things relating to fathers or fatherhood.

For example, maternal can mean the same thing as motherly and paternal can mean the same thing as fatherly—that is, they can be used in a positive way to describe behavior befitting the kind of parent they refer to. This sense of the words is commonly used in phrases like maternal/paternal instincts and maternal/paternal affection.

Other common phrases that use these words include maternal/paternal care and maternal/paternal heritage. In these cases and others, they’re specifically used in reference to an actual parental relationship (as opposed to describing behavior that’s simply like a parent).

For example, a person’s maternal grandfather is their mother’s father, while a person’s paternal grandfather is their father’s father. Learn some words for other family connections like aunts and uncles, as well as gender-neutral terms.

Similarly, the term paternal DNA indicates that the DNA was inherited from a person’s father. maternal DNA is inherited from the mother.

Go Behind The Words.

The word paternity, on the other hand, relates to fatherhood or something that involves being a father. Like maternal and paternal, the terms maternity and paternity are often used in phrases that distinguish whether something relates to a mother or a father.

The terms perform the same distinguishing function in maternity/paternity test. Maternal is also used in some other common phrases, such as maternity clothes and maternity ward.

Sometimes, this is the whole point of using them. But when it’s not, the gender-neutral adjective parental can be used in their place, such as in phrases like parental instincts, parental leave, and parental figure.

how to download mom dad tattoo images [20]

mom dad tattoo In today’s post, we have brought mother and father tattoo for you, we are going to give you images so that you can get some idea,. if you are interested in getting tattoo done, then this post is going to be very useful for you people because it has a lot of you will get good ideas.

Mom and Dad tattoos are a special kind of tattoos that are made by children to express their parents’ recognition and love. These tattoos are symbolized by the love and ideals of their parents by the children.

Some children write “mom” in one eye and “dad” in the other, while other children show “mom” and “dad” in a small picture or sign. These tattoos symbolize a deep connection and help children to show their parents’ sense of companionship, dedication and love.

First of all, you open Google or Chrome, after that search the image of and while searching, you must add Ashish editz.com, after that you. click on the link to open the website, now on the search box of this website Search Quit Drawing, from here you will get the image and you can draw by looking at it.

An ex-husband and a bestie [21]

Married by Mom and Dad star Tahnee Smith's mom said her giving nature was the reason her daughter struggled in relationships. Her stepmother, on the other hand, felt Smith just wanted someone because all her friends were settling down.

Unfortunately, the arranged marriage doesn't seem to have lasted. When one of Smith's Instagram followers commented that she was happy to see the TLC couple still together in 2018, Smith replied, "no, no.

" They must be, because in November 2019, Smith posted a lengthy message about her ex-hubby: "3 years ago today I was walking down the aisle to marry a man I had never met on national TV. So happy I said YES to a wild opportunity and to Matthew.

Trammel, we are the lucky ones. Love that I get to do life with you.

Today will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart.". Trammel isn't the only friend Smith gained on the show.

At least she got two besties out of all that.

Answering Tough Questions About Going Back to Work [22]

Don’t know where to start as a stay-at-home mom or dad going back to work. Check out these tips for a smooth and confident career reentry.

But, taking the time to plan your return to the workforce can make the process smoother for your family. Here are some tips to help you plan accordingly.

“Set realistic expectations going in that this process may take many weeks or, more likely, months, to go through fully. Too often, moms and dads burn brightly at the beginning of the journey but quickly extinguish because it’s a longer process than they realized.”.

A 2018 study found that parents who take time off of work to care for their families were about half as likely to get called in for an interview as people who had been working but were unemployed for other reasons. While those statistics may be disheartening, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to transition from full-time parent to full-time employee.

“Start practicing as if you’re already returning to work,” the Career Experts advise. “Talk openly about your career and the work you either used to do or the work you want to do (if they’re different).

These small mindset changes, along with a lot of practice talking out loud about work as someone who works, will set you up to speak confidently when you’re interacting with potential employers.”. If most of your friends are fellow stay-at-home parents, you may need to look outside your circle for some advice and inspiration.

The Career Experts add, “Even if you don’t know many working parents personally, you can use online groups on Facebook and LinkedIn to connect virtually with other moms and dads who’ve either made the return to work or are in the middle of it. Their insights, advice, and camaraderie will be a huge source of support, energy, and inspiration as you make your return.”.

You know you want to work, but you may not be sure what you want to do. Perhaps you’re thinking about going back to your old career because it’s easier than starting over.

Sit down and think about the things that have brought you joy while you were raising your children. Determine what you truly want to do, and then figure out the steps you need to take to make it happen.

Knowing what you need to do and when you need to do it will help keep you on track and give you actionable tasks to work on if you start getting frustrated. Set up your job search and networking goals, then mark the dates on your calendar.

Prepare your elevator pitch, personal brand, and five-word job description. Once you’ve got those set, use them when you connect with professionals and conduct informational interviews.

There are a lot of job searching scams out there, so do your homework to make sure you’re only applying to legitimate jobs and companies. Many people have more than one social media account.

If there are pictures or opinions you don’t want employers to see, consider changing your privacy settings so only people you approve can view your profile. While you’re at it, optimize your LinkedIn profile.

Congratulations—they want to interview you. As you prepare for the big day, remember there are plenty of ways to explain your employment gap in a professional and reassuring manner.

Depending on how long you were out of work for, you likely acquired many transferable skills that can be used in the workplace. Furthermore, mention any volunteer work, side projects, and freelance work you did while taking care of your family.

If you find yourself in this position, it’s important to be prepared to hear the questions and have a perfect answer ready to go. Some of the less-than-ideal questions can include:

But, for the most part, when it comes to answering these types of interview questions, you’ve got a few options. The most important thing to do is to remain calm.

First, you could answer the question directly. “Who cooks for my kids.

Second, you can try a humorous answer to redirect the question and deflect the answer. “Who cooks for my kids.

Seriously. I can’t even boil water correctly.

Third, you could ask the interviewer how the question relates to the job duties. “Who cooks for my kids.

I want to understand the job and all of its duties. If I’m going to cook and be your account manager, I’d like to know that information.”.

If you didn’t get the job, don’t give up. There are still things you can do that will help you return to work.

This way, it’s something to help you and your family get used to you working. It also lets you test the waters and figure out what kind of balance works best for you and your family.

That’s great. But, once you begin thinking about it, you may start wondering how you’ll make it all work.

What about taking them to soccer practice. What if someone gets sick.

In almost every case, you’ll have about two weeks before you report for your first day of work. In that time, you should find childcare for your kids.

It’s also an opportunity for you to figure out what works best in terms of schedule and routine and for you to gain trust and confidence in your helpers. Once you get back to work, you may find yourself doing everything you can to prove you can do it all.

Set boundaries and make sure you enforce them.

That may mean working a little bit at home as a trade-off, but let your team know that you have to leave promptly at 5:00 and won’t be bale to stay late for a meeting. You can offer to have the meeting at a different time, or suggest a virtual meeting instead.

The transition back to work isn’t always easy, so ask for all the help you can get. The Career Experts say, “It can also help to work with a career coach who can work with you to find clarity on your goals, get your resume back in shape, practice interviewing, and determine the best return-to-work strategies for you.

The more support you have in your return, the better. ”.

If you’re a stay-at-home parent who’s ready to return to work, let FlexJobs help you find a new opportunity. In addition to exclusive access to our jobs database, members get discounted rates on career coaching services, plus many other perks.

Don't forget to share this article with friends.

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Dad’s Role in “Creating” Twins [23]

Podcast: Download. Do twins come from Mom or Dad.

Well, we know that twins grow inside of Mom and she does the lion’s share of all the work in that process. But what about family history or genetics.

This question requires that we go back to our high school biology class to remember how babies are made. If you remember, there’s an egg from the mother and a sperm from the father.

(RELATED: Love podcasts. Check out the entire Dad's Guide to Twins Podcast archive for additional twin tips and interviews with twin dads.).

Let’s start with identical twins. Identical twins are completely random.

Identical twins form when a single fertilized egg splits and forms two embryos. Now in this case, it’s not because of mom or dad.

So who “causes” identical twins. Mom.

The answer: neither one. You’re just lucky.

(NOTE: Still expecting. Get weekly updates on your twin pregnancy here.).

In this case, Mom’s side of the family has more influence than the father. Instead of a single fertilized egg splitting into two, you have two eggs that are independently fertilized.

It could be due to several different factors. (RELATED: Love podcasts.

First is that Mom released two eggs at the same time. Typically, a mother will release one egg every cycle that is available for fertilization.

As Mom ages, she may tend to release more than one egg every cycle. So the older the mother, the more likely that she may have non-identical or fraternal twins.

Another option is that the mother has a family history of hyper ovulation where mom releases more than one egg every cycle. So if mom has a history of that, or mom’s family has a history of that, you may be more likely to have fraternal twins.

If families are having a hard time conceiving and having children, parents may decide to go for additional measures to help encourage conception and pregnancy. When you start to involve modern medicine, the game changes completely, it doesn’t really matter what mom’s family history or dad’s participation is.

That could cause potentially fraternal twins or triplets or more. Parents may use in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to get pregnant.

Oftentimes parents choose to embed more than one embryo in the uterus with the hopes that they take. That could lead to more than one baby: twins, triplets etc.

Sorry, mate. Of course if mom and dad are the couple are deciding together that they want to embed more than one embryo through in-vitro fertilization, then obviously dad has a say in things.

When you look at spontaneously conceived twins, dad’s family history, genetics, and opinions really have nothing to say with whether you have identical twins or fraternal twins at all. If you have identical twins, congratulations, you won the twin lottery.

It’s just random and a beautiful thing. As we know, we have identical twin girls.

So there you go. Are twins because of Mom or because of Dad.

How about about you. Do you have identical twins or fraternal twins.

‘I Love My Son’ Quotes [24]

Image: Shutterstock. Your feelings for your son can never be entirely captured in words, but sending him eloquent quotes for son spoken by great minds can let him understand how much you value him.

He is a great blessing, and the joy he brings to your life is incomparable. No matter how old he is, he will always be a child in your eyes, and your love for him remains unconditional forever.

The aphorism that a mother loves her child unconditionally is often taken as a given, but it’s essential to show proof or evidence of that love through actions and words. One way to convey that love is by sharing heartfelt quotes with your son.

For a dad, a son is an important person in his life. Here is a list of quotes that you can send to your son and let him know how special he is for you.

So instead, share these priceless I love you son quotes with your boy and bring a smile to his face. Image: Shutterstock.

So, here are some emotional and heartfelt quotes about sons growing up. Image: Shutterstock.

Image: Shutterstock. Tell your son how special and unique he is and how he inspires you to Be your best self.

When they are not there with us, we miss them a lot. So share your memories and reflection on unconditional love through these quotes.

How can quotes help my son’s self-esteem.

Also, when you send a quote to him, it reassures him of your love, support, and care. 2.

There are many types of quotes you can send your son, such as motivational quotes, and those that show your love and pride in him. So, even if you’re not good at communicating your feelings, these quotes can express your feelings.

Can quotes be helpful for sons dealing with anxiety or depression.

Some motivational quotes can also inspire him to get out of his mental issues and help him to improve. 4.

Yes, When you send quotes to your son, identifying his interests and hobbies and sending him the quotes said by famous and inspirational personalities from the particular field can your son identify positive role models for his life. 5.

Quotes about future challenges, and important characteristics that one should possess in their life, such as endurance, perseverance, positive attitude, etc., can help foster these qualities in him. Thus, such quotes can help you to prepare your child for his future challenges.

Can quotes help my son understand the importance of hard work.

Also, quotes that speak about the importance of hard work and the reward it brings with it can help to inspire your child to improve himself and do better. You can use these quotes for your son and express your admiration for him.

But with the help of these quotes, you may be able to express some part of your love for your son and how you look up to him for his growth. Never forget to appreciate your loved ones for their presence and kindness.

Children are the apples of their parent’s eyes, be they sons or daughters. If you are a proud parent to a son and want to tell him how much you appreciate and love him, we bring you this infographic with a list of heartfelt quotes to share your feelings.

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team. Get high-quality PDF version by clicking below.

If you want to convey your deep affection, watch this video for some authentic quotes.

Arthur Recap Season 3 Episode 14 Mom and Dad Have A Great Big Fight [25]

I’m so mad at myself. I started writing part of this recap at work and I forgot to save what I wrote so now I’m starting over from the beginning.

David and Jane are hurriedly cooking because David’s friends are coming over and he completely forgot. “Because you passed out again,” mutters Jane under her breath.

and Arthur run in, whining. D.W.

David and Jane don’t have it in them to parent properly so they just throw their dirtiest looks at the kids. D.W.

when he finishes his homework and D.W. agrees to stop bugging him.

Is that a milk jug or bagged milk in a jug. Anyway, Nadine shows up right before the milk falls and she freezes it.

become orphans.

was doing as it fell. D.W.

She imagines the scene again except this time David and Jane berate Arthur for choosing homework over his “perfect, lovely adorable sister”. D.W.

She hears the milk crash and David and Jane argue over whose fault it is. She runs upstairs to tell Arthur that their parents hate each other but he thinks she is trying to distract him from his homework.

Arthur and D.W. argue over whose fault it is why their parents are fighting.

blames Arthur’s glasses and when Arthur scoffs at her, she goes, “Are you them. Are you in their head.

Their whole argument was comedic goal, honestly. D.W.

Arthur points out that their parents wouldn’t live together if they argued so much and D.W. takes this to mean that one parent will move out.

And if Jane moved out, David would cook but Jane would get the car so the kids would have to walk everywhere. Apparently this is a problem even though these little rapscallions walk everywhere they go.

And then they try to imagine what life would be like if they each lived with a parent and Jane would get Kate and Arthur but David would get Pal and D.W. Which makes no sense because D.W.

If anything, custody should be split like so: Jane with D.W. and Kate and David with Pal and Arthur.

Arthur gets to keep his dog and D.W. will have someone to explain what periods are to her when she gets older.

worries that NEITHER parent will want them and they’ll be orphans. Arthur worries that the orphanage will be like “Oliver Twist” and imagines people with bad Cockney accents who deny them food.

“Especially ones set in the 1800s.”. That’s my motto.

promises Arthur that they can take care of each other except they quickly realize that they can’t even cook for themselves, much less be their own surrogate parents.

blames herself because she was the one who wished that their parents would be different. They decide to go beg their parents to stay together and as they head down, they overhear Jane and David debate over who should go.

David is confused and explains that he was just going to the store. Jane tells the kids that adults lose their temper sometimes but that doesn’t mean they don’t love each other.

are relieved and Nadine appears to explain the moral: don’t put your milk too close to the edge otherwise Mom and Dad will have a great big fight. Grade: A- (I think there was a little too much repetition in the beginning of the episode.

Still, this had the best lines and best fantasy sequences all season. Otherwise it would have been an A or an A+.).

Fights are intense.

13 Ways Dads Can Help With Breastfeeding [26]

It’s common for dads to feel a little out of the loop regarding breastfeeding. It doesn’t have to be that way, though.

Even though dads won’t be the ones actually breastfeeding their baby or producing milk, it doesn’t mean they can’t be part of your breastfeeding journey as a mother. Breastfeeding is easy for some mothers and can be a big struggle for others.

But that doesn’t mean you have to make your breastfeeding journey alone. Having a brand-new baby is exhausting and overwhelming, so having a good support system is something moms really need.

Share with dad these ways that he can help YOU with breastfeeding. Don’t be afraid to voice your needs to your husband.

Especially if you are a first-time mom trying to figure out how to hold them, stop them from crying, change their diaper, and put clothes on them, it can seem overwhelming. Breastfeeding is an entirely new journey and something you may have never done before, so take it each step at a time and let dads offer plenty of help and support.

I’m not saying you must go out and become a certified lactation consultant. Nor am I suggesting you stick a breast pump to your chest, so you know how it feels (but be my guest, you probably won’t try it again.

I am saying, put in some time and effort to have some knowledge of breastfeeding. This also could be something you do before your baby’s arrival.

Even reading a book or two on the subject will help. However you choose to do it, try to learn about breastfeeding, latching, positioning, hunger cues, let downs, and so on.

As a brand-new mother, I was always concerned about not producing enough milk and didn’t consider that latching could be a hassle. Thankfully I was like a momma cow and had enough milk for everyone.

Help mom get baby latched on. Moms are often very sleep-deprived, so holding and positioning a fussy baby late at night can be frustrating and challenging.

Another helpful tip is to recognize what a correct latch looks like to know whether the baby is latched correctly. This is HUGE.

Breastfeeding requires a lot of energy, so if it seems like her hunger and thirst levels increased even more since having the baby, don’t question it. Breastfeeding will drain energy from her leaving her hungry and thirsty a lot of the time.

You can also adjust any pillows to make her as comfortable as possible. While mom is breastfeeding, check in with her, and ask her if she needs anything.

Even though she isn’t alone while breastfeeding, feedings can sometimes feel lonely. Offer her some company while she breastfeeds to give her that extra support and someone to talk to.

Moms have so much to think about. it can be nice to have a log with the last time your baby nursed or when they may need a nap.

Burping your baby can be a great way to help mom with the feeding process. Be ready to take the baby after a feeding session and give mom’s arms a break.

My husband enjoyed burping our baby after I would feed. Often, we had a good system down where he would take the burping role after our little guy had a full tummy.

You may find yourself dealing with some spit-up a time or two. Just because you can’t physically do the breastfeeding part doesn’t mean there aren’t other things you can’t do.

So, find a few ways to help mom out by taking on some of the other daily baby tasks. Some suggestions would be:

You probably have a job to get to in the morning, so getting up every night for every feeding might not always be feasible. But when you can, please DO IT.

You could also change the diaper at night and soothe the baby back to sleep. When possible, please do whatever you can to help and support her through the nightly wakeups.

Do those dishes, vacuum the house, scrub the bathrooms, fold the laundry, and cook dinner. These simple tasks will make mom feel so happy.

My body was trying to heal, and I was learning how to be a new mother and keep this tiny newborn alive and happy, and I needed help. I was so grateful for my husband’s support with simple house chores.

You can help prepare bottles and pump parts. Pumping requires a lot of extra baggage and washing, which most moms dread.

After she pumps, this is a great time to offer to bottle feed your baby so she can take a break. Make it a priority to check in with her daily about how breastfeeding is going.

If she encounters some setbacks with latching difficulty, positioning, discomfort, milk supply issues, etc., be sure to support her. Research together, consult with a lactation specialist or doctor and tackle any problems together as a team.

Appreciate her role as a mother and, more importantly, show her your appreciation. Most mothers want to succeed at breastfeeding, so appreciate her dedication and be sure to cheer her on.

So, tell her that you are there to support her every step. This right here is the winning ticket.

Producing and sustaining a milk supply requires a lot of effort from the body. And the nursing position can cause a lot of back, shoulder, and neck pain.

It will also promote relaxation and a better night’s sleep. You could offer to massage her while she breastfeeds to help her relax or give her a back rub after the day is over.

Ultimately as a dad, just do your best. Remember, you are in this together.

Some may help directly, and others may help indirectly, but dads have a role in parenting like mothers. Even though you won’t be the one to breastfeed, there are countless other ways to support her during her breastfeeding journey.

Happy Anniversary Messages for Parents [27]

Happy anniversary to the most wonderful couple I know. Your love and commitment to each other are truly inspiring.

To the best parents in the world, congratulations on another year of love and togetherness. May your bond continue to grow stronger with each passing day.

Your love is a shining example of what a perfect marriage should be. Thank you for showing me the true meaning of love and dedication.

As you celebrate another year of wedded bliss, I want you to know how much I admire and cherish both of you. You are a match made in heaven.

To the couple who raised me with love and care, may your love story continue to unfold with joy and happiness. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad.

Congratulations on your anniversary. Your love has been the foundation of our family's happiness, and I'm grateful for the wonderful childhood you've given me.

Your love has overcome every obstacle, and I'm proud to be your child. Happy anniversary.

Your love is a beautiful journey that inspires everyone around you. May you continue to create precious memories together.

To the couple who still looks at each other with love in their eyes after all these years: You are the epitome of eternal love. Happy anniversary.

Your love for each other has been a guiding light in my life. Thank you for showing me what true love is.

May your love continue to blossom like a beautiful flower, spreading its fragrance everywhere. Happy anniversary to the most amazing parents.

Happy anniversary to the couple who is not just bound by love but by respect, understanding, and trust. Your love is truly magical.

Your unwavering commitment to each other is truly remarkable. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad.

Your love story is one of a kind, and I'm grateful to be a part of it. May your love shine brighter with each passing year.

To the couple who has always been my role models in love and life, thank you for being the foundation of our family. Wishing you a day filled with love and joy on your anniversary.

Thank you for being the heart and soul of our family. Happy anniversary.

Here's to the couple who has faced every challenge with a smile and emerged stronger together. Your love is unbreakable.

Happy anniversary to the couple whose love has stood the test of time. Your relationship is a testament to the power of true love and commitment.

Happy anniversary, and may your love continue to shine brightly. To the couple who has built a beautiful life together, I wish you all the happiness and love in the world.

Happy Anniversary. May both of you continue to cherish and enjoy all the simple pleasures that life has to offer.

It's truly wonderful to see your enduring love and commitment for each other. Wishing you both a happy anniversary.

Happy Anniversary. Your love story is nothing short of a fairy tale.

On your special day, may your marriage continue to be blessed with countless moments of joy and love. Happy Anniversary.

Happy Anniversary. Here's to another year of love, understanding, and deep connection.

Wishing you both a delightful and happy anniversary. May you continue to allow your love for each other to prosper over the years.

May the journey of your love keep inspiring others just like a beautiful tale of never-ending companionship. As you celebrate your blissful day, here’s wishing you everlasting love and commitment to each other.

Wishing you both a blissful and joyful anniversary. May your love continue to blossom in all its glory for many more years to come.

Anniversaries are a special occasion to celebrate the love, commitment, and dedication of your parents. Here are 25 sweet anniversary wishes for your loved ones that will make their day even more special.

Your love is an inspiration to us all. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing year.

You two are the perfect example of how a marriage should be. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad.

Wishing you a very happy anniversary, Mom and Dad. Your unwavering love and support for each other have been a shining example to us all.

Your love for each other is as strong today as it was on the day you got married. Congratulations on another year of love and happiness.

Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad. Your love for each other is a beautiful reminder of what true love looks like.

Your love story is truly inspiring. Happy anniversary to the best parents anyone could ask for.

Congratulations on another year of love and laughter. Your love for each other is an inspiration to us all.

Your love for each other is a constant reminder that true love really does exist. Wishing you a very happy anniversary filled with love, joy, and happiness.

Happy anniversary to the most loving and caring parents in the world. Your love for each other is a true blessing.

Your love for each other is an inspiration to us all. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad.

Wishing you a very happy anniversary filled with love, joy, and happiness. Your love for each other is truly inspiring.

Your love for each other is a beautiful example of true love. Congratulations on another year of love and commitment.

Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad. Your love for each other is a constant reminder that true love really does exist.

Your love for each other is truly beautiful. Happy anniversary to the most amazing parents in the world.

Congratulations on another year of love, laughter, and happiness. Your love for each other is an inspiration to us all.

Your love for each other is a beautiful reminder of what true love looks like. Wishing you a very happy anniversary filled with love, joy, and happiness.

Happy anniversary to the most loving and caring parents in the world. Your love for each other is a true blessing.

You can use the below-mentioned greeting card messages and get them said by a their favourite celebrities like Kishori Shahane, Swwapnil Joshi, Delnaaz Irani and many more and send it as a digital wish to your parents. "Happy anniversary, mom and dad.

"Here's a toast to the love that eternally blossoms between you two. Happy anniversary, mom and dad.".

Happy anniversary, dear parents.". "Your exemplar love story never fades.

"Wishing the brightest of days to my favorite couple. Happy Anniversary, mom and dad.".

Happy anniversary, mom and dad.". "May your bond strengthen, and your love grow with each passing day.

"From weathering life’s storms to basking in its sunny days, you’ve done it all together. Here's to your anniversary, mom and dad.".

Happy anniversary, parents.". "Spectating your mutual love and respect over the years has truly been a blessing.

"Your enduring love and resilience has been awe-inspiring. Happy anniversary, dearest parents.".

Happy Anniversary, mom and dad.". "May the love that continues to inspire us all, keep inspiring you.

"Your love for each other serves as a soothing melody, a supportive pillar for all of us. Wishing you both a joyous anniversary, mom and dad.".

Happy anniversary to the most beautiful couple.". "Here's hoping that your love story continues to radiate happiness and joy.

"Wishing you the happiest of anniversaries, mom and dad. May your love keep shining bright.

"Your love is the perfect personification of ‘forever.' Happy anniversary, mom and dad.". "Growing old and witnessing your undying love for each other is truly a blessing.

What Do Taylor Swift’s Parents Do? [28]

Taylor Swift’s parents, Scott Swift and Andrea Swift, have been her biggest support system since the early days of her career. The pop star has a close relationship with her mom and dad, who were in the crowd at most shows of her Eras tour in 2023.

They all sat in a private suite and cheered on the Kansas City Chiefs star.

Scott and Andrea tied the knot in February 1998. Taylor, who was born in December 1989, was their first child, followed by a son, Austin, in March 1992.

Even before they relocated permanently, Andrea, who was born in 1958, was often taking trips to Nashville with Taylor so the then-teenager could drop her demos off with record labels. “My mom waited in the car with my little brother while I knocked on doors up and down Music Row,” the “Blank Space” singer shared in 2008.

I’m 11. I want a record deal.

While Scott and Andrea are set for life thanks to their daughter’s incredible career, they were both employed before she became a superstar. Andrea worked as a marketing manager for an advertising agency and eventually stopped working to raise her family.

Andrea and Scott have given their nod of approval for Taylor’s relationship with Travis. Scott was the first to publicly hang out with the NFL star when they both attended the Eras tour in Argentina on November 11, 2023.

When Taylor changed the lyrics to her song “Karma” to be about the pro athlete at the show, Scott was seen excitedly clapping a blushing Travis on the shoulder and laughing. One day before the concert, both men also joined Taylor for dinner in Buenos Aires.

He wore Chiefs gear to the stadium and watched his daughter’s boyfriend take home a win. On Christmas Day 2023, Scott and Andrea were both in attendance at a Chiefs home game in Kansas City.

They also spent time with Travis’ dad, Ed Kelce, in a private box at Arrowhead Stadium. In 2015, Taylor revealed that Andrea had been diagnosed with cancer.

“I’d like to keep the details of her condition and treatment plans private, but she wanted you to know,” Taylor shared.

“Both of my parents have had cancer, and my mom is now fighting her battle with it again,” she revealed. “It’s taught me that there are real problems and then there’s everything else.

I used to be so anxious about the daily ups and downs. I give all my worry, stress and prayers to real problems now.”.

In January 2020, Taylor had more to share about her mom’s health. “While she was going through treatment, they found a brain tumor,” she told Variety.

So it’s just been a really hard time for us as a family.”. She also added, “Everyone loves their mom.

But for me, she really is the guiding force. Almost every decision I make, I talk to her about it first.

Since Andrea and Scott are such an important part of Taylor’s life, it’s no surprise that they’ve gotten some mentions in her songs. Taylor actually penned two full tracks about Andrea.

In the lyrics, she recalls special times that she shared with her mom as a child and teenager. When she rereleased Fearless in 2021, she included several never-before-seen photos with Andrea in the lyric video.

The other Andrea-inspired song is “Soon You’ll Get Better,” which was featured on 2019’s Lover. Taylor wrote the song about her mom’s cancer battle.

What am I supposed to do, if there’s no you. ”.

It’s just a tough one.”. Taylor also mentions her mom on “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things,” a song from 2017’s Reputation.

In 2023, Taylor dropped 1989 (Taylor’s Version), which featured five songs “From the Vault” that had never been heard before. One of those was “Now That We Don’t Talk,” which had the lyrics, “I call my mom she said that it was for the best” and “I call my mom she said to get it off my chest.”.

Meanwhile, Scott got a mention on Speak Now’s Joe Jonas-inspired track, “Last Kiss.” Taylor sings, “I love your handshake, meeting my father.” There was a much different sentiment on the 10 minute version of “All Too Well,” though, as she recalled being stood up by a boyfriend on her 21st birthday.

At one point in the film, Andrea was in tears after Taylor performed the opening night of her 2018 Reputation tour. One of the most memorable scenes from the film, though, was when Taylor made the decision to speak publicly about her political views for the first time.

The father of two was hesitant about Taylor being vocal about this subject. “Right now, I’m terrified,” he admitted.

She choked back tears as she revealed her regrets over not speaking out in the past. “I can’t change that, but I need to be on the right side of history,” she insisted.

Reference source

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  2. http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2014/11/curious-origins-words-mom-dad/
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  4. https://www.thesaurus.com/e/grammar/capitalizing-family/
  5. https://games-for-baby-shower.com/free-printable-mom-or-dad-quiz.html
  6. https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names/advice/parent-nicknames-alternatives-to-mom-and-dad_20000173
  7. https://www.k5learning.com/blog/mom-proper-common-word
  8. https://www.lifeandstylemag.com/posts/jada-pinkett-smiths-parents-mom-adrienne-dad-robsol/
  9. https://www.boredpanda.com/polar-opposites-parents-howwecametobe/
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  13. https://www.distractify.com/p/my-mom-your-dad-couples-still-together
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  15. https://blackpoisontattoos.com/portfolio_category/tattoo-mom-dad/
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  17. https://www.news24.com/life/archive/the-daddy-phase-20170131
  18. https://www.distractify.com/p/why-did-karen-leave-my-mom-your-dad
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  22. https://www.flexjobs.com/blog/post/5-tips-for-stay-home-moms-returning-to-work-v2/
  23. https://dadsguidetotwins.com/do-twins-come-from-mom-or-dad/
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  25. https://arthur-recaps.tumblr.com/post/74549465191/arthur-recap-season-3-episode-14-mom-and-dad-have
  26. https://www.baby-chick.com/ways-dads-can-help-with-breastfeeding/
  27. https://www.tring.co.in/wishes/anniversary-wishes-for-mom-and-dad
  28. https://www.lifeandstylemag.com/posts/who-are-taylor-swifts-parents-meet-her-mom-and-dad/

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