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How to recognize when you’ve been fooledHow to recognize when you’ve been fooledHow to recognize when you’ve been fooled

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You always hit the “nail on the head”. Thank heavens (just an expression because I don’t believe it exists) for your exceptional ability to express your thoughts.

Thanks, Sharon. Glad you liked it.

Twain/Clemens was a great person. An honest man who had the courage to change his opinions in the light of new information.

The US massacre of the Moros, in the Philippines. (See autobiography, volume 1, pages 403-8) The gun issue in the US is beyond parody.

The ownership of handguns is a measure of anxiety. I have no problem with rifles or shotguns used for stalking or bird hunting, but the ubiquity of handguns in the USA is absurd.

After that we banned handguns and things became stable. We now work on the principle that if you are sane, stable, non-alcoholic, have good eyesight, have no record of domestic abuse and still need a handgun, you can apply for one.

Rifles and shotguns are available for those with proven hunting rights and land to shoot over. The urban handgun is a plague on civilisation.

A very sad statistic. What never ceases to amaze me is how many of these mass shootings happen and then nothing changes afterwards.

Agree completely. I had hoped that Sandy Hook would be your Dunblane.

It was not to be. I believe that some in the NRA responded to the massacre by advocating the routine arming of teachers to defend the children in their care.

Sadly, you did not. What do you think.

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i can tolerate a lot of things in books, but i cannot tolerate NONSENSE. people would never act like this.

ignorance really is bliss and i would rather live in what is apparently a fantasy world where people are normal and no one is this insane.for example.if the girl i was kind of dating screwed my dad and i found out from my dad’s friend, and then i went to look for the gf so we could talk and she grabbed my head, dug her nails in, screamed into my face, and shoved me, i would not APOLOGIZE.

not even just for the setup (which is a lot but not insurmountable), but these characters, and their weird bogus compliments, and their instalove, and..bleh. the father picks a girl half his age he just met over his kids (one of whom was, again, in love with her at the time their relationship was consummated).so i’m on team The Kids.

2.5———————tbr reviewi wish every book had a title that was like a long compliment(thanks to netgalley for the e-arc).


Want to read. i am happy to announce that this cover cured my prescription.

Author 53 books12.2k followers.

Source of book: NetGalley (thank you)Relevant disclaimers: nonePlease note: This review may not be reproduced or quoted, in whole or in part, without explicit consent from the author.Before I get into this, can we just touch upon the whole being allowed to use a Florence + The Machine lyric as the title of your book thing.

Also I understand, like, localisation is a thing and, ironically, I know less about the British market than the US market but, like, why do Americans get this gorgeous vivid cover with a person’s actual face on it. And something that looks like the fucking.Like, did they think we wouldn’t buy a book with a picture of beautiful Black woman on the front.

What even. Is this reflecting badly on the UK reading audience or the UK publisher.

Anyway, this book is gorgeous, and I am dizzy on how much I loved it.

Which is to say, this while, in genre-terms, this is definitely a heroine-focused romance (it is thoroughly Feyi’s journey), there’s a strong central romance, and a happy ending, that is either ‘for now’ or ‘for ever’ depending on your personal perspective.

Of course it’s fine to create a mini utopia if that’s what feels right for an individual text. But the idea that’s a requirement.

Please.I’m aware I’m kind of talking around this book a fair bit here and it’s not just that I love the sound of my own voice (my own voice typing).

And, while it is not up to me to make this judgement, I read it as coming from a brave and loving and generous place. Please don’t think I’m trying to claim this lit-ficcy romance is the magic answer to the genre, or the thing the genre has always needed, or, like, a fix for the way the genre can be problematic and limiting.

But in the meantime, this book is *lovely*. It’s as bold and entrancing and complex as its heroine.

Needing to live a completely different life in the aftermath of such terrible grief, she’s moved from the claustrophobia of her small town [Edit: apparently this is completely wrong, she lives somewhere else that is not remotely small: please forgive me my British lack of insight into American geography] to New York to pursue her career and bond with her best friend, Joy—a self-destructive lesbian with a penchant for married women.

She and Milan continue to have a few mutually beneficial respectful but emotion-free hook-ups until one of Milan’s friends, Nasir, towards whom Feyi experiences something of a pull, approaches her. She’s still not ready for anything resembling a relationship but Nasir, who makes it very clear he is into Feyi, is willing to take things slow.

It’s at this point that Nasir brings an opportunity to Feyi. His father is on the board of directors for a museum about to open an exhibition of Black Diaspora artists and one of the artists has pulled out.

Nasir’s father, it turns out, is a big deal, being rich, influential and a celebrity chef (albeit a somewhat reclusive one). You can probably see where this might be going: Nasir invites Feyi to stay with him and his father in his father’s gorgeous tropical-island home while she prepares her installation for the art show.

An attraction she also knows she should in no way act upon. Okay so.

I’m aware that it’s a lot.

Fuck it. This really worked for me, on pretty much every level.

Because essentially a romance novel is … an argument, I mean in the classical rhetorical sense, not in the sense of a fight. A romance novel essentially presents an argument—makes a case—as to why two (or more) people would have their lives significantly improved by sharing them.

If you come out of the book feeling meh or, worse, then it’s not. And obviously this is hugely subjective: what you read as protective alpha caring for his partner I might read as an abusive dick upholding the patriarchy, what I might read as two flawed human beings fitting their broken pieces together, you might read as two dumpster fires who need therapy not a relationship.

Even triumphant. Because, what can I say.

I mean, I’ve just expressed that in a deliberately frivolous fashion but it’s something the book takes a lot of care with.

It’s a story of two people who truly belong together choosing each other because their love means more to them than convention and potential condemnation.It’s this—as much as Feyi and Alim both being bisexual—that You Made A fool of Death With Your Beauty so successful as a queer m/f romance.

For example, I can’t actually remember the last time I read a romance (outside of erotic romance) where the heroine is allowed to explore romantic-adjacent relationships with multiple men and this is presented as neutral-to-positive by the text itself.

But there’s never a moment when Feyi’s agency in the situation or her consent isn’t absolutely central and absolutely respected, both by Milan and by the text itself. There are no consequences for Feyi for her choices here, be they emotional, physical or social.

The text takes it for granted that Milan—a cis man—will have sex with a woman he’s just met in a bathroom and not in any way view that as invitation to behave badly or judge her: this may, unfortunately, feel too much like romantic fantasy for some but I personally (and with no standing to judge) appreciated it.

And while that may, in fact, be true, it’s not a natural dynamic that we should replicate unthinkingly in the stories we tell. It’s an aberrant situation created by rape culture and the patriarchy.

Err, to bring this slightly closer to my lane because, obviously, I’m way out of it right now: I know depicting safe, responsible sex is sort of seen as ethically appropriate in fiction and I’m not knocking that, but I think it’s easy to inadvertently cross the line into reinforcing oppressive ideas about sex, and sex among people of marginalised identity in particular.

There’s Feyi, who I simply adored: she’s obviously still trying to figure out how to survive her loss, but she’s also just incredibly funny and full of life, allowed by the text to be confident, about her art, about her own beauty, as well as human and uncertain. She doesn’t always make the best choices but why should she.

There’s also Feyi’s relationship with Joy: honestly, if the whole story had been them bantering and taking the piss (very lovingly) out of each other, I wouldn’t have minded. And then there’s the way the book both celebrates love (all kinds of love, not just the romantic relationships at it centre) and deals with the grief, particularly with how we live with grief and the way it changes us.

Perhaps even reflections of each other. One of the things that moved me very much was the way, as the story unfolded itself, it presented a concept of grief not as something isolating, or something that separates you and your pain from the rest of the world, but as something universal and potentially uniting.

I think there’s insta-attraction, because they’re both incredibly hot, and insta-understanding, because they’re both people who have had their lives changed and shaped by intense personal loss.

They share conversation, understanding, jokes and most significantly their art (there’s a wonderful parallelism in Feyi’s response to Alim’s cooking and Alim’s response to Feyi’s installation: in their separate ways they communicate something that has profound meaning to the other person and alleviates a deep sense of loneliness they’ve both been carrying).

And, most importantly, the way he never wavers when it comes to Feyi.Obviously the end of the book is quite intense as the truth of Alim and Feyi’s relationship comes out, and some of the scenes with Alim’s family are genuinely hard to read.

But thankfully we didn’t go there and Feyi got an opportunity to defend her choices, even though she shouldn’t have had to defend them. As she tells Nasir: “You have no ‘right’ to me, we weren’t together, we weren’t even exclusive.

You don’t get points for waiting for me. I didn’t use you, I didn’t lead you on.

Even her desire, right or wrong, appropriate or inappropriate, she owns: Feyi pushed away the irrational feelings of rejection (He doesn’t have to want you, she scolded herself) and focused on what did belong to her— this desire. This desire that pooled like traitorous flame, that wasn’t in response to someone else, that was coming from her and just her.

Because Joy is the best.Okay, I need to wrap this up because I could talk for hours, days, forever about this book. And, uh, it feels like I literally have.

I simply cannot recommend You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty highly enough: I’m sure there are people it’s not going to work for but, for me, it’s one of the boldest, most powerful and … honestly … unabashedly romantic romances I’ve read since the last terrific romance I read.

Author 2 books205 followers.

This is my first book by Akwaeke Emezi. I recently read their essay on their surgeries, and I was struck by how beautifully it was written.

It’s pretty terrible. It’s a book about extremely beautiful people telling eachother how beautiful they are.

Similarly beautiful men throw themselves at her, and it’s just so gosh darn hard to choose one when you’re that beautiful.Feyi used to be married to the saintly Jonah, who died in a horrible car accident they both were in. You don’t get any sense who Jonah actually was, just that he was the love of her life.Feyi now is defined by that trauma, she barely has a personality, just the trauma.

That such a fuckbuddy might feel more for her, well, that’s not her problem.Feyi approaches any and all people through the prism of sex. Does she want to fuck the person, is the main question.

Most of the men in this book feel like a walking template, a cypher with a dick. And that’s a problem, because the book makes a point of Feyi not wanting any deeper relation because of her trauma – you haven’t had someone die in a car accident, how could you know, etc.

She’s very interested in being a part of the art world, just not in the art itself. She makes art about, you guessed it, her trauma.

It’s just another form of paint, it has no meaning beyond it.The second half of the book is about what feels like a very problematic relationship (laaarge age gap, insta-love, wonky power dynamic), that Emezi wants to convince you is actually pretty great. And it feels manipulative, and icky.I’ve seen some reviews presenting this as the literature equivalent of a romance novel, and it’s not, it’s just a pretty plain romance novel.

Schuster for providing me with an ARC through Edelweiss).

1,449 reviews4,342 followers.

I deleted my original review after the author went on twitter to complain about it, taking one specific word out of context (i imagine the aim was to garner their followers sympathies).


Let’s start this off with.Here is yet another book that proves that Akwaeke Emezi and their oh-so-beautiful, oh-so-troubled autobiographical characters are morally bankrupt.

To be clear, I mean the version of Nasir who was a real human character, not the one-dimensional incel monster Akwaeke Emezi turns him into by the end. Because that person makes no sense…his transformation is nonsensical and literally only occurs so that Emezi can make it seem like Feyi and Alim are just sTaR cRoSsED lOvERs and not arch-villains.

This only happens because the author ignores the INITIAL VIOLENCE that begins with Feyi and Alim’s actions…and THAT only happens because the author is subconsciously trying to justify their own reprehensible romantic and sexual actions.I literally don’t even know how to review this ethical injury of a book.

Usually when books make me feel a lot of emotions, that’s positive. But by the end of this book I literally feel like I did when I had my root canal.

I don’t know. Because I’m churchy, I’m going to run this root canal metaphor into the ground for a minute.

But the scene where the villainous couple moves from the kitchen to Alim’s bedroom literally felt like developing a cavity, because that was the precise moment all the aesthetics and vibes of the sugar rush turned into rot.

The author literally sucked all of the enjoyment right out of this story and made us writhe in discomfort for 60-ish more pages (because of course, with a book this bad, you got to see it through.) Okay so back to summarizing the story itself: Alim is a raggedy old man dating a girl the age of his kids.

This book is an Am I The Asshole post written in MFA format, and just like on Reddit, I can see right through the bullshit. I cannot BELIEVE Akwaeke Emezi sat down and tried to make us believe that Alim was wise and caring, or that Lorraine and Nasir were wrong.

I need them, and anyone else who supports this book, to return to about how our online ethics are moving towards a value system that frequently doesn’t align with the rest of the world. And yes, before you say anything, these ethics extend to novels written by chronically online authors like Akwaeke Emezi.

Meaning, their minds have been so warped by 1) individualist notions of self-care and 2) elite capture of identity politics (read Olufemi Taiwo’s stuff on this) that they fail to understand that while you can do whatever you want in your life, people WILL have feelings and terrible reactions to what you put them through.

Their terrible reactions are because YOU STARTED THE TERRIBLE ACTIONS.While I felt that Emezi’s political analysis in Bitter was disappointingly basic, their politics in this book are just plain awful. Like the fact that THEY TURNED THE CLEARLY BLACK AND WHITE ISSUE OF NOT FUCKING YOUR SON’S CRUSH IN THE VERY HOUSE YOUR SON COULD RETURN TO ANYDAY into platitudes about resisting moral binaries.

This is precisely why we need to bring back shame, and stop confusing feminism (or things like relationship anarchy) with a carte-blanche excuse for piss poor sexual behavior. This is how I know people aren’t reading the original texts.

Cause this is nowhere near the politics they should’ve gathered from them. Instead, Emezi (and people like them.

For Exhibit A of the Reddit-monster-morality, take the ridiculous “you don’t own me” lecture Feyi gives to Nasir. That is NOT the issue here, and I resent the bob and weave they tried to pull.

They don’t care about their friend/son, if that care would require them to sacrifice even an inch of their impulsivity. For instance: they could’ve just waited a few months, given Nasir a chance to move on from his crush, and that would’ve helped SO MUCH.

They only care because Nasir’s feelings interrupt Feyi’s opulent, kinky summer vacation and Alim’s perception of himself as a good father. All that needed to happen was the villainous couple wait until THEY WEREN’T ON THE TRIP THE SON PLANNED to act on their lust.

Exhibit B of the Reddit-monster-morality is the call from Milan…which made no sense except as a lazy justification of the author’s nonsensical idea that Alim and Feyi are morally sound characters.

I know Akwaeke Emezi cannot truly be this dense, so it must be that they are just this selfish. It must be that their desire to justify a “fictional” situation that’s very similar to something they did in real life is obscuring their common sense about good storytelling.

Because this ridiculous bending over backwards to seem like a good person when they and their characters aren’t is infuriating, and the book quality is suffering because of it. In summary, I cannot believe how despicable these people in the villainous couple are and the fact that they are our POV characters.

I detest Akwaeke Emezi for putting me in their mindset and trying to make their bastardized ethics seem like something I should root for or agree with. I feel like my soul needs a shower after reading this, and I hate each and every one of you that are recommending it to people.

Stop putting this book on “queer fiction” lists.

When I’m trying to read queer romance novels, I want to read about two (or more. ) queer people actually loving each other.

I want to also share.

172 reviews2,488 followers.

go to hell.this book sucks. why exactly are these two people together outside of lust….cause they both have dead partners.

this is a forced “romance” that is just supported from you guys cause of the messiness of it all. She should not be dating her “friends” daddy and Feyi is a weirdo.

you weird. I hated it.

remind me not to take recommendations from yall. so happy I did NOT choose this for the lily reads bookclub cause i woulda got nasty.

635 reviews4,841 followers.

I quite literally picked up this book for the very first time simply because of that intriguing title. Then I read the first sentence.

despite the fact I was in the middle of a couple of other books. I set it back down and added it to my list knowing it wouldn’t be long.

I also desperately needed to find out something about a bunch of damn carrots. It became an obsession of sorts and I found myself buying the book.

I needed to own this book. This was sexy and a ton of fun to read.

The writing is highly competent, the characters lifelike, and the settings were a huge draw to this reader at least – both New York City and the tropical island retreat. Feyi was a strong lead who acted with agency after having suffered a tragic lost several years prior to the start of the novel.

I love what candid conversations can do to build a friendship and a relationship. I love the fact that I won’t soon forget this book.

“He loved people being messy as fuck – he said it was one of the best things about being human, how we could make such disasters and recover from them enough to make them into stories later.”.

1,090 reviews52.6k followers.

this was certainly not what i was expecting.

3,990 reviews171k followers.


this is a romance novel. and i do not like romance novels.

I am consumed, utterly.”or when it leaned hard into one of my biggest pet peeves. unrealistic micro-evaluations of a character’s fleeting facial expressions/vocal intonations (this example has BOTH.

feyi is a young widow whose high school sweetheart jonah, whom she married right after college, died in a car wreck five years before the novel begins.

Here, Feyi could keep her name and her unruined face, yet become someone else, someone starting over, someone who wasn’t haunted. No one in New York cared about the vintage of sadness tucked behind her eyes and in the small corners of her smiles.

“easing” may not be le mot juste, as the first chapter finds her barebacking a stranger in a bathroom during a party, which is the kind of reckless behavior we’re not supposed to applaud (and joy certainly gives her some grief over it), but it was just what feyi needed to kickstart her back into the deep end of the dating pool.

she’s gone through her five stages of grief, and now she’s exploring the stages of love in all of its permutations:”..there are so many different types of love, so many ways someone can stay committed to you, stay in your life even if y’all aren’t together, you know.

like most romance novels, it’s more complex with emotions than with plot—everything moves very quickly except for the introspection, which is slow and sticky—and it embraces all the romance novel tropes: a beautiful protagonist, multiple attractive and appealing suitors who love talking about their feelings and their expectations and say shit like “I very much want to respect your heart in this, too, which is why I’m asking about which boundaries feel comfortable for you,” and, through them, she is catapulted into a fairytale dreamworld—getting her work into a prestigious art show alongside all of her favorite artists, introducing her to the artworld elite, staying in a celebrity chef’s mansion in a tropical island paradise with frolicking monkeys and oh my god the food.it’s a very sensual book—not just the sex, because reading about other people boning is whatever, but the food, the music, the vibrant foliage—feyi’s is a full-scale multisensory reawakening, and that is the beauty of this book.

if you want a fun drinking game, take a shot every time the word “alive” is used. here’s a sampling:—It was the start of summer, she was alive and she was so fucking close to becoming what she wanted..—a roiling sweaty mess of alive—She was alive, like her therapist had taught her, and it was okay to live.—She was hers.

there was so much to do.—And, because Feyi was Feyi and she was alive, there was no way she could say no.—..because Feyi was herself, and alive, she kept going—It was a party, and she was drunk and alive.—To hell with the trouble this would bring, she was alive. —”..I think we’re just figuring out how to survive a world on fire..that it’s okay to be alive.”u drunk yet.

this is my fourth of their books, and each one has been so markedly different— was challenging and structurally wild, was a masterpiece but also straightforward enough for wine-soaked book clubs to appreciate, and —well, i didn’t really like , but i was still impressed with what they produced for younger readers, even if i wasn’t a fan.

i also appreciate that joy’s character is a winky spin on the rom-com “gay best friend” trope, where the twist is that—unlike most rom coms, where the gbf is a boy—here the bisexual feyi has slept with her lesbian bestie.

love is often messy, but this one—yeesh. i do not envy what comes next for her.

2,220 reviews31k followers.

Wowowowow. I read Akwaeke Emezi’s novel, Freshwater, which is a literary masterpiece.

Thank goodness I did not save this one and jumped right in.

She is finally putting herself out there and dating again, but on her own terms. This is something I loved most about Feyi.

She keeps her guard up when she’s unsure, and she lets it down when she is ready. Feyi eventually lands on a tropical island and finds love in perhaps an unexpected way.

I loved Feyi’s complexity and her story arc. I also loved her best friend, Joy.

It’s less than three hundred pages, reads quickly like a fever dream, and has me in further awe of the writing chops of Akwaeke Emezi.I received a gifted copy.Many of my reviews can also be found on my blog: and instagram:.

710 reviews1,978 followers.

I knew when the masses wanted me to read this book that things weren’t going to go well. I could sense the disturbance in the force..

found this book lacked substance. It was almost laughable in the way that it tried to use grief as a means to pull these characters together.

Again, I think if the discussions of grief and the fleeting nature of life had actually landed you could make some compelling arguments, but this was as rough drafts as rough drafts get. This was idea of a novel, not an actual novel.Really the enjoyable character in the book was Joy.

So yeah. you weren’t supposed to like her all the time, love that for Feyi, but if you’re gonna be unlikeable I’m still gonna need the logic to logic and the math to math and that didn’t happen until the last two pages and by that point the ship had sailed, I was rooting to hear about Joy.

Hell Joy was so interesting that Feyi does all the things she criticizes Joy for doing and ends the book talking about marrying this man she just met. Like..

Like much of the rest of the book, it wasn’t giving.Clearly I’m in the minority because the romance girlies and the girlies I don’t normally associate with romance have eaten this up, but this was just a raggedy mess from start to finish and I would detour all but those who were already eagerly anticipating this from picking it up.

1,440 reviews2,676 followers.

Where do I even begin…. Like… a joke thing dis.

On one hand, I am so happy I get to read a book by this author that I actually understand what is happening because while I did enjoy reading Freshwater I had ZERO idea what it was about. On the other hand, this book was entirely basic and lacking substance… but I guess this is the author’s way of flexing their creative muscles and they aren’t wrong, if you can publish it, why not.

After five years of grieving she figures its time to step out and maybe start dating, afterall she is still very young and with the encouragement of her friend Joy she decides to give it a go. Listen….

Yall, I am not a romance reader maybe that is why I was reading this and thinking, “wow… this is what we call romance…” “Is hoe-ing around romance. ”“Big up you sis, a you seh date.

Honestly, this book too chaotic… issa no for me.. I cannot Feyi went that far..I mean really.

Love the Caribbean rep in this book.


You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty is a contemporary romance with characters trying to process their trauma. Five years after the death of her husband, Feyi Adekola wants to try dating again.

One day at a rooftop party, Feyi skips the dating part and leaps right into a steamy encounter with a handsome stranger. Over the summer, Feyi’s decision to start living again will shape her life in ways she never dreamed was possible for her again.

From her brownstone apartment and work as an artist to a tropical island with huge career opportunities. Although it’s not an easy switch for Feyi, she’ll have to work through her emotions, trauma, and grief.

The writing style flows smoothly, making this a fairly quick read. However, it does delve into some heavy topics.

It’s very spicy, but there’s more to the story than just that. The plot took an unexpected and immediate turn, romance-wise.

This novel is the third that I’ve read by Akwaeke Emezi, and though they have all been in different genres (literary fiction, memoir, romance), I have enjoyed them all. At this point, Emezi is an auto-read author for me.

I recommend this if you want a spicy beach read with emotional depth. Thank you to Atria Books for providing me with an arc via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Author 60 books9,006 followers.

Read during the #TransRightsReadathon.Okay, first will someone please tell Faber and Faber this is a romance novel and could have had a human face cover like the US edition, you don’t actually need to do this litfic thing. A superbly written book (well obviously from this author), which takes some classic tropes (second time around/boyfriend’s dad) and does absolute wonders with them.

We see how much she needs to start living fully, how hard it is to do so. There’s a wonderful scene where she realises part of what attracts her to Alim is his grief for his own lost wife: they can be alone together, in a way that she can’t be with someone who hasn’t gone through a comparable experience.

It’s deeply moving and doesn’t detract from the relationship at all. Okay, with the wise stuff out of the way let us proceed to the Messy Shit.

Feyi knows exactly how messy this is, and it is explored in depth, and the damage it does is real, palpable, and not handwaved away. Brilliantly, the author shows us a whole lot of things being simultaneously true while mutually incompatible.

Feyi is not obliged to keep dating Nasir and he has no rights over her. Nasir and Feyi are not formally in a relationship and have never had sex.

Nasir is a wonderfully drawn character: a man who is almost but not quite a decent, caring, sensitive guy, because he’s all those things until he’s thwarted. And that’s what this is: he says ‘we can just be friends’ but it’s not what he ever meant, and once he realises he won’t get his way, the underlying misogyny boils out.

May I here add that the most satisfying moment in the entire book is when Nasir is going into Incel Rage mode and Feyi LOSES IT on him. Superb.

They aren’t hateful so much as damaged and desperate to keep their remaining parent to themselves. Once again, hurt people hurt people.This is all thinky stuff, which utterly underplays how much fun this book is.

It’s also as deeply thought and terrifically written as anything published as litfic [glares at Faber again], both in the emotions and in the lavish descriptions. Great stuff.

1,479 reviews20.1k followers.

I’m sitting somewhere between a 4 and a 5 star rating for this one, but I’m rounding up because this was truly just *so* good. I’ve been meaning to read something from Akwaeke Emezi for a long time because I’ve heard nothing but the best things about their writing, but I’ve always been a little hesitant because I’m not usually the biggest fan of literary fiction.

) I immediately knew that this was the perfect place to start, and y’all, I was not disappointed. This novel follows our main character Feyi, who has decided to try to start dating again after the death of her husband, and a series of events that lead to her falling for a man that has also lost his wife.

My only real issue is that I do feel like the main romance between Feyi and Alim felt a little bit rushed, but the beautiful writing and the eventual chemistry we see between them really made up for that for me and I absolutely recommend checking this one out. I really hope that Emezi has plans to write more romances in the future because I absolutely ate this up and I cannot wait to dive into their backlist now.

165 reviews381 followers.

You Made a Fool of Death with your Beauty Made a Fool out of MeI don’t even know where to start lol. Almost nothing about this novel worked for me.

When I found out Emezi was delving into the genre I was excited–but this is not a romance, this is a fucking horror movie. Being stuck in a house with men lusting after you, relying entirely on them for food, transport, shelter, and career opportunities sounds like my own personal idea of hell.

No matter how enchanting Feyi is I could not shake the discomfort of her being completely reliant on these wealthy men she barely knows. Not to mention the age difference, Alim and Feyi are both adults sure, but it certainly adds to the power he holds.

I also found the treatment of Nasir poor, by making him a villain AFTER Feyi hurt him wasted potential nuance, turning him into a violent caricature of his former self. What Feyi did was wrong, as much as the characters dramatically monologued about the consequences to their great love, there really seemed to be little fallout.

This compulsion to turn characters to villainous caricatures, or erase their justified pain, was in incredibly poor taste. I found Feyi selfish and borderline manipulative at times.

why is his grief dismissable and Feyi’s this deep and powerful force. Make it make sense.Perhaps most detrimental (as this is a love story) is the fact I don’t believe the love presented.

Infatuation, yeah, obsession, absolutely, but capital L, Love.

It was so sanitary, each character taking turns to say the exact right romantic thing to one another, to the point it almost felt like a joke.Secondly, the writing. I am in awe of how some of these lines were okay’d.

I had hoped their writing would have matured but, unfortunately, I can’t confidently say I noticed progress. The author’s tendency toward lavish phrasing is rarely effective, mostly it feels feel self-indulgent and flashy, not serving the story but rather a display of technique.

I loved the descriptions of clothing, hair, makeup as well as the mouth watering food. But mostly the wording is straight-up awkward.

*quotes taken from ARC*“his eyes were controlled murky ponds” this is the way the romantic lead’s eyes are described during a scene that is meant to be thick with romantic and sexual tension.

her gaze.

Like am I crazy or is that a bad turn of phrase“Being so close to him felt like a thousand welcome insanities against her skin” As far as I can tell this is not a reference to anything. insanities or a thousand don’t really hold significance so why specifically write this.

Cos it sounds pretty.

I must say however it started off very strong, the bathroom scene was steamy and Feyi and her best friend Joy’s New York life was really enjoyable. I honestly felt more connection between Joy and Feyi than Feyi and, well, anyone else.

the men were so boring in comparison to Joy how tf am I meant to root for them. ALSO I am majorly confused by the timeline–the book’s premise is that Feyi has not been with anyone since her husband’s death, and yet it is dropped that she and Joy did in fact have a romantic/sexual relationship..

If Feyi and her husband met super young. Was it an open relationship.

messy as, like. As previously mentioned I adored the time taken to appreciate aesthetics, especially as Feyi herself is an artist.

was beautiful. Even if the descriptions of her art itself were lacklustre.

When described so literally Feyi’s art lost any magic or mystery, and kinda seems bad. SORRY.

This novel is so hollow and empty, I felt like I was being pranked whilst reading it.*REVIEW OF AN ARC*.

Author 52 books18.9k followers.

|| || || || Before reading this book, I strongly urge you to check out this author’s interview with Trevor Noah via The Daily Show. Regardless of how you feel about the book, it’s a very valuable interview because it puts the author’s intentions into perspective and talks about how they included some of their own thoughts about love, grief, and art into the book.

Boon) and how you can appreciate the oldies for laying the groundwork for the far more feminist- and diversity-friendly contemporary romance novels of today, which give happy endings to people from all walks of life.***WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD*** I liked the interview and I appreciated what this author sought to do with YOU MADE A FOOL OF DEATH WITH YOUR BEAUTY.

I feel like I always end up feeling this way with Emezi’s work. They’re a very– I want to say transgressive author.

YOU MADE A FOOL OF DEATH WITH YOUR BEAUTY is a romance, but it’s not a straightforward one. The heroine, Feyi, is aching from the death of her husband, who she has immortalized and enshrined in art and memory.

Both books show that there is no linear path to love or healing. In SOMEDAY’s case, the heroine takes solace from her friends and family.

No one can really hold up, so she hooks up with people who are undemanding and easy, whether it’s the pretty party boy, Milan, her own best friend, Joy, or Nasir, the nice guy who seems to think that he can save her from herself, like a charity case.Nasir ends up trying to woo her by taking her to his family home on a Caribbean island, where it turns out that his father, Alim, is a famous Michelin-starred chef.

As soon as Nasir leaves the house for an extended period of tim, she’s all over his dad like a pan on a stove, and yeah, they do have chemistry and I think he ends up being a stabilizing influence for her and also a safe space because of their shared grief and love of art, but it’s way messier than what I bargained for (the sleeping around and unprotected sex and messy queer girl summer stuff, I could stand behind, but going on an all expenses paid trip with your friend you know wants to sleep with you and then doing it with his dad felt kind of..

The summary also doesn’t really prepare you for the dad-fucking element. “Forbidden” romance could mean anything.So, here are some things that I liked.

Joy, and the way she tried to hold her friend accountable while also still being supportive of her choices. The message that women don’t really “owe” men anything (even though Nasir paid for all Feyi’s shit, she didn’t owe him sex, or even the truth, really).

The blood thing was very Damien Hirst and the wedding ring thing reminded me of something Tabaimo might do. Neither artist is to my personal taste, but their work is both subversive and disturbing, which I think Feyi would appreciate.

There’s a lot I highlighted while reading. Emezi has a great way with words, and everything is very sensory.YOU MADE A FOOL OF DEATH did not really work for me as a romance, and I did not really like the story.

Framing it as an avant-garde work will probably help it find its target audience, as will knowing going in that it’s an age gap romance that flies in the face of social convention, and has the heroine hooking up with her friendzoned boy “friend’s” dad.2 to 2.5 stars.

753 reviews492 followers.

You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty is a deeply emotional love story about a young woman seeking joy while healing from loss while discovering herself as a person. It’s been five years since the accident that killed Feyi’s husband and she’s almost a new person now—an artist with her own studio, and sharing a brownstone apartment with her best friend, Joy, trying to leave her past behind.

This new life she asked for just got a lot more complicated, and Feyi must begin her search for real answers. Can she release her past and honor her grief while still embracing her future.

What I expected was a light, fun, tropical romance but this was an intense and moving story of love and grief. Emezi’s writing is both intense and beautiful.

Emezi does a great job capturing all the complicated emotions that make the story feel really like the depiction of trauma and loss or grief. Still reeling from the death of her beloved, Jonah, Feyi is an emotional mess and prone to making mistakes after mistakes, but you can still relate to her character and her actions as her past becomes clearer.

Personally, the romance seemed more about attraction and another Insta-love and I just couldn’t connect to it. Since romance is the core of the novel, not connecting to the romance definitely made it less enjoyable to me.

The second half got repetitive after a point and the ending felt extremely rushed. Many questions were left unanswered, the book wrapped up without resolving any of them or giving any closure to the characters or the readers.

I’m not a big romance reader and still, I liked reading this book. Mainly because this wasn’t a typical romance book with a set formula or cheesy dialogues.

This is a slow-burn, sometimes messy story and if you love romance, you will like this one. Many thanks to the publishers Simon &amp.

878 reviews494 followers.

⛔️Warning: this book is rated R for adult content and language. Not recommended for YA and/or wholesome folks….

This book… ❤️ first impressions are not always what they seem. I did not think I’d enjoy this as much as I did.

The romantic relationship might not hit right for everyone- but their connection caught me- hook, line and sinker. 🥰.

597 reviews1,239 followers.

2 starsOh boy. Big outlier here.

I did not care for the protagonist (virtually always a nonstarter for me), I didn’t learn anything (bummer), and I didn’t feel anything (except the desire to finish it up). Also too much navel-gazing romance for me and too much gratuitous profanity.

Two stars for the author’s excellent writing skills. I would like to thank Net Galley, Atria Books, and Ms.

Opinions are mine alone and are not biased in any way.


I’m not much for romance books so I thought this one wouldn’t be for me but I was pulled in by the subject of grief and ended up really enjoying it. The characters were fascinating, infuriating and complicated.

174 reviews780 followers.

i was expecting one of two different things: the title was giving “magical realism, think addie larue but she ends up with luc,” or maybe it is your standard chicklit, or perhaps lit fic about death and beauty standards (what i most expected).

run for your life.

he absolutely should not have been as vile or violent as he was, but if my girlfriend fucked my dad, i’d be quite upset too. i feel like there was some expectation for him to just be fine with it, which i don’t agree with.AND WHAT IN THE INSTA LUST.

how many times feyi wanted to climb alim could have been a drinking game. except then i’d be getting my stomach pumped and not writing this review.and then for them to just apparently be destined and made for each other and to ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after.


i found this book really funny and i enjoyed the writing but from the beginning feyi did not want nasir, a scene that stuck out was when they were going on their first date and she was just being hard on him for no reason. she did not want to be with that man.

before she even met his dad. i get this was a bit out of her comfort zone and she was trying something new but she didn’t want him, simple as that.

my issue lies in this book trying to be really deep and beautiful love story but it’s just not that… because of the circumstances (dating her man’s dad) it could never truly be that in my eyes. and this was not no damn romance book so why was it marketed as that.

getting married after knowing each other less than a month is crazy.

538 reviews450 followers.

Akwaeke Emezi did it again. So different from Vivek Oji and still … the beautiful writing, the tangible emotions, trying to make the impossible possible.

When I started reading, I immediately thought of Seven Days in June. I felt the same (Black) unconditional love.

Akwaeke’s writing qualities are simply extraordinary. Just like the cover of this story (take a look at the UK cover too, it’s breathtaking and fits the story so well.

It’s a book to dive in without much knowledge and to read breathlessly as the words penetrate each fiber of your body. I had to get used to the story at first, because it starts so differently than Vivek Oji, but after reading several chapters, I savored it until the very end.

I‘ve rounded it down for now but am still thinking about rounding it up because I loved it so much. I received an ARC from Atria Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.Follow me on.

125 reviews2,538 followers.

this is the adult version of The Summer I Turned Prettysorry, not sorry.

945 reviews.

It’s been 5 years since Feyi lost her husband in a tragic accident. She hasn’t felt the same way about anyone since.

He’s into her but she’s cautious, not sure if she’s ready for something serious and not wanting to repeat what happened recently. They begin hanging out and agree to take it slow and become friends first.

Despite some reservations about their status, Feyi can’t pass up this opportunity. Only when they arrive does Feyi learn who Nasir’s dad is, a well-known celebrity chef, Alim.

Will she ever feel alive again or did she lose that part of herself in the accident. With a great mix of characters and an island setting, You Made a Fool of Death With Your Beauty is a good summer read with plenty to think about — Grief and loss, love and living, friendship and more.

I enjoyed her friendship with her best friend Joy too. I listened to the audiobook, narrated by Bahni Turpin, and she was fantastic.

2,513 reviews35.5k followers.

How about that title. It’s what grabbed my attention to be honest.

She has been mourning but is now ready to being * dating* again with her best friend/roommate’s encouragement. After she meets and hooks up (aka steamy encounter) with a stranger at a rooftop party, things change drastically for her.

She’s dating the perfect man, and is ready to embrace her new life and yet..This book is a contemporary romance which I am still trying to decide how I feel about it. This book looks at grief, moving on from loss, loving again, and second chances.

I don’t feel that they were entirely fleshed out. This one didn’t’ quite pack the punch that I was hoping that it would.

Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.Read more of my reviews at.

1,857 reviews1,442 followers.

Published today 26-4-22 He’d also screamed over her cold body on a merciless beach, just like Feyi had screamed on that dark road. Those were moments that broke timelines, that cut them so deep and so bloody that they would never stitch back together again, that the life before the cut was as dead as the person who was lost.

This is the third adult novel by the Nigerian born multidisciplinary artist and writer whose extraodinary debut novel “Freshwater” was told from an Igbo spirituality worldview with multiple self/split narrators, and whose second, equally literary novel “The Death of Vivek Oji” explored similar ideas of gender fluidity, otherness, identities and prejudice within Nigerian society, in perhaps a more conventional/accessible way.

It is not ‘literary’ whatever that means – it was meant to be a romance novel, it was written as a romance novel, and I love that it’s a romance novel. If you’re going in expecting it to be like my literary fiction work, please know that it’s not literary fiction.

If you hate romance novels but want to give it a try because I wrote it, wonderful. It’s still going to be a romance novel when you read it.

Anyway the book itself tells the story of an American (of Nigerian descent) Feyi Adekola a conceptual/installation artist who five years before the book lost her husband in a car crash (a subject she circles in her work where she paints with animal blood and has a hanging installation of wedding rings with her partners still bloodied ring among them).

After a fling with Milan she moves on to his friend Nasir, although with the relationship moving much more slowly and not consummated when Nasir arranges for her work to be displayed at a prestigious art exhibition on his home Caribbean Island and for her to stay with him at the luxury house of his father there.

Alim and Fey’s burgeoning relationship plays out in the luxury and paradisical setting of Alim’s house, against the background events of the art exhibition and after-party, and against the open hostility of Nasir and his sister Lorraine who, already embarrassed at a previous affair their father had with a man, now see her as a gold-digging groupie usurping their mother’s place).The Island part of the novel in particular is set in a world of extreme and rather unbelievable indulgence, privilege and luxury – for example here is what happens when Feyi arrives at Alim’s home “They parked under a steel-beamed trellis dripping with bougainvillea, and Feyi stepped out of the car.

And it is easy to react negatively to this. But in the author’s defense this is very much part of the genre and crucially here the author reserves the world of decadence, richness and art for black characters – for example featuring a host of black artists (previously unknown to me) such as Ruby Onyinyechi Amanze, Moses Dumney, Katherine Agyemaa Agard and Charmaine Bee.

The first would be probably a two star (albeit there is some excellent writing on trauma and grief such as my opening and closing quotes) but the latter is 5 stars, so my overall rating is a compromise rounded down for the Twitter attacks. So, madness and mess.

Something that felt furiously alive, because survival could be so very, very angry. Feyi had seen a glimpse of it in Pooja during their lunch, had felt it in herself while confronting Nasir at the museum.

Heart-rending, cloth-rending grief, but it couldn’t return to that place she and Alim had talked about, the place you might never get out of. You weren’t alive in that place.

1,693 reviews3,995 followers.

4.5 stars – My first encounter with this author, but will not be my last. A more literary take on a genre romance that totally worked for me and even made me enjoy some of my least favorite tropes – all while dealing with grief in a powerful way.

Displaying 1 – 30 of 7,555 reviews.

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Tips for Building Integrity [12]

Failing to live in line with our values disrupts the trajectory of our lives. When we think, feel, and act with integrity, by contrast, our lives stay on target.

They also provide the stability of character needed to build lasting relationships of trust and mutual respect. How do we become people with integrity.

Integrity requires consistency, so building integrity requires we follow-through on our word, to ourselves and others. Here are 7 ways of act with integrity:.

Keep your commitments and 2. only commit to things consistent with your values.

If you say you’re going to do something, integrity requires you to do it. Failing on your commitments creates a rift between what you do and what you say, and internal rifts of this sort destroy integrity.

If you’re a people-pleaser, you may find yourself making promises to make other people (and yourself) feel good. You and they experience a bit of emotional relief when you say, “I can help you with that.

they’ll come to know you’re not someone they can trust. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.

Instead, give yourself time to reflect on your reasons for wanting to promise something and whether you can really deliver. It’s fine to say, “I’d love to help with this, but I can’t commit right now.

” Who’s going to say no to that.

Show up when you say you will. Our commitments include being on time.

“Lateness is a sign of disrespect. ” she intoned while wagging a finger at stragglers who slunk in late to lecture.

You are, moreover, effectively telling yourself that your word isn’t worth very much, that no one—not even you—can rely on what you say. You can’t expect other people to respect you if you don’t respect yourself, and not showing up when you say you will is a way of signaling that you lack self-respect and that you don’t take your own word seriously.

Timebox. Timeboxing is.

Timeboxing is the most effective technique I’ve found for keeping your day on track. The goal of timeboxing is to create a schedule that minimizes the chances of getting derailed by.

Remember, you can’t call something a distraction unless you know what it distracted you from. Therefore, you can’t complain you got distracted without knowing in advance what you’re going to do with your time.

STAY TRUE TO YOUR VALUES. Download free daily affirmation cards to help you resist temptations and maintain your integrity.

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Act consistently with other people. It’s natural to make small adjustments to your behavior tailored to the immediate situation.

But if you’re living with integrity, you won’t deviate from your core values no matter what the context. 6.

Integrity demands that we judge other people and ourselves according to the same standards. There’s a word for people who don’t do this.

Hypocrites employ double standards: they use one set of standards to judge other people and a different set to judge themselves. They will, for instance, ruthlessly criticize other people for being late, driving too slow, or cutting in line, but feel justified in doing the very same things.

We don’t criticize our spouse for not knowing how to fix the drain, but we do criticize a plumber. Similarly, we don’t blame a casual acquaintance for failing to mention the bit of broccoli stuck in our teeth, but we would blame a close friend.

What sets hypocrites apart is that their double standards aren’t keyed to people’s social roles or circumstances. They apply different standards to people in the same circumstances they’re in, doing the same things they do.

Hypocrisy is so corrosive to integrity that I’ve devoted a to it. For our purposes, it’s enough to take home this point: don’t be a.

Avoid lying. No one wakes up in the morning and says, “I want to be deceived today.

If we lie to other people, we’re implicitly demanding that they tolerate something we wouldn’t tolerate for ourselves. That kind of double standard is inconsistent with integrity—a sentiment Shakespeare expressed in Hamlet: “This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man”.

This doesn’t imply that bending the truth can never be justified. If you’re sheltering a friend from a band of homicidal maniacs who ask point blank if he’s with you, lying to protect his life makes sense.

But even though lying in some situations might be the right thing to do, people with integrity handle any decision to lie with extreme caution. They use it as a last resort, and are very clear about their reasons.

Now that you know the truth about lying and liars, you’re equipped to spot them in your own life and avoid becoming one yourself.


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Retouching Reality Have you ever been fooled by an image online that you thought was real but turned out to be fake. Giant Santa Monica Squid High Pressure Hijinks The Tip of the Iceberg Photographer Ralph Clevenger created this image in 1999 by compositing together several different photos.

But around 2001, it began to circulate online with a false caption claiming it was a shot taken by a “Rig Manager for Global Marine Drilling in St. Johns, Newfoundland” and that “They actually have to divert the path of these things away from the rig by towing them with ships.

❖ ‡How do the purpose and context of photo editing affect how we feel about it. ❖ ‡What role does the Internet play in allowing us to share, inspire, and critique images that havebeen edited.

This one from 2011 was for her dog Charlie.2011 Look at the various submissions and answer the following questions: ➔ What are some different editing techniques that you see. ➔ ‡Which photos are meant to look artistic.

➔ ‡Which photos look real, and which don’t. Why.

➢ Do you do any photo manipulation to photos you post online. retouching: to improve a photo by adding or changing small details This is a form of digital photo manipulation.

Or you could retouch a photo of a room by adding a door, or editing out cracks in a wall. controversy: public disagreement or debate context: the setting in which something develops or occurs Photo retouching can be viewed as a form of creative self-expression.

In 2003 actress Kate Winslet released the following statement about a photo of her that was retouched for the cover of GQ magazine: “The retouching is excessive. I do not look like that and more importantly I don’t desire to look like that.

I can tell you they’ve reduced the size of my legs by about a third.” What are your opinions about photo retouching in magazines. Do you think that it’s unethical for magazines and ads to feature images of men and women that have been retouched.

Do you think these images influence our standards for beauty and health. Why or why not.

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I really liked the book. I clearly got your point that we don’t have to be normal as the world expects but should be abnormal as God expects.

The chapter about doing it all clearly shows you can do whatever your heart desires by having a plan in place and setting your priorities. And of course nothing can be done without a relationship with God, praying is our direct connection.Well done, Mercedes.

An easy read that is an encouragement to women. This book will definitely have you examining your life and what’s important.

Thank you Mercedes for your truth it helped me to realize I am not alone. I am blessed and it’s ok to be abnormal.

Great Book.

Many of the chapters related to me personally and shed some light on many of the misconceptions. Thanks for the read.

Quick read that makes you reflect on your own actions and how you value yourself. Love the thought provoking questions throughout.

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Gently ask them if something is going on. Watch them closer and act passive-aggressive.

Accuse them of cheating. Even if they’re not, this will help you get an answer.

If they break up with you, now you have leverage. Next Section 2 of 3: Signs That You’re Being Deceived 1.

If they don’t feel like they’re genuine and engaged when you’re around, it could be a sign they aren’t fully investing in your relationship. If someone is dedicated to honesty and mutual respect, then it probably won’t feel like they’re keeping something from you or focusing their energy elsewhere.

” If so, that could be a sign that they’re detached and possibly, being dishonest. 2.

Love bombing is when someone showers you with affection in an effort to control you. This is a classic strategy among manipulators because it makes it harder to point out problems if you feel good.

It’s especially telling if they follow it up by ghosting you or disappearing for days at a time. X Research source You can tell the difference between love bombing and genuine affection by considering when they’re showing you love.

Something has changed in the texture of the relationship. Your emotions are full of important information.

A lot of the time, when you’re internal radar goes off, it’s a signal that a person close to you is being deceptive. This is especially true if this feeling is new.

This isn’t to say that you’re incapable of being lied to by your emotions—everyone is. And if you have a history of being suspicious of honest partners, it might be better to look for more perspective.

Your gut is a powerful tool. 4.

Dishonest people often project their dishonesty on to other people. If you bring up that you’re feeling a little insecure about them lying to you and they start accusing you of lying, that’s probably not a good sign.

X Research source This is especially telling if you bring up your grievance in a super calm and reasonable way, then they turn around to explode and shout while accusing you. Don’t engage in a fight, but use it as an opportunity to study where they direct the conversation.

For instance, if they keep circling back to their fear that you cheated, it might be time to ask them if they’ve been faithful. 5.

If you’re obviously hurting and there’s an inequity or conflict in your relationship, a genuine and authentic partner should do everything in their power to repair things. If they don’t seem interested in fixing their mistakes, then they probably aren’t committing to you like they should (and it could be because they’re being deceptive).

If they have a major stressor popping up right now, for example, that could effect their ability to be a good partner. 6.

If your loved one disappears without explanation, refuses to tell you where they’re going, or behaves extremely secretively, don’t let them trick you into thinking nothing is going on. You’re smart and observant enough to identify shady behavior, and shady behavior is indeed a sign that someone isn’t being forthright with you.

Identify what they get out of their lie. What is this person’s motivation for manipulating or lying.

Figuring out the other person gets out of their dishonesty will inform how you address it. There’s a big difference between fooling you to commit adultery and fooling you to avoid conflict about house chores.

Do your best to assess their goals based on what you know about them. Occam’s razor, which is the principle that the simplest explanation is the most likely, is a good way to approach this.

Determine if you can learn to live and forgive. If you don’t think you’re able to let this go, it may be best to just break up or cut off contact now instead of extending the pain.

Ask a friend or family member you trust to give you feedback. If you aren’t sure whether you’re on to something or not, ask someone who won’t sugarcoat things for their genuine assessment of your relationship.

X State of Massachusetts Official website for the State of Massachusetts You might ask something like, “Hey, no judgement or anything. Are Mark and I a good, healthy couple, or do you think he’s kind of shady.

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A Good Morning America Buzz Pick “A love story like no other, and this one…will have you gripped from page one.” —Vogue “An unabashed ode to living with, and despite, pain and mortality.” —The New York Times Book Review A New York Times bestselling author, National Book Award finalist, and “one of our greatest living writers” (Shondaland) reimagines the love story in this “riveting and emotional exploration of grief and taking a second chance on love” (PopSugar).Feyi Adekola wants to learn how to be alive again.

Feyi isn’t ready for anything serious, but a steamy encounter at a rooftop party cascades into a whirlwind summer she could have never imagined: a luxury trip to a tropical island, decadent meals in the glamorous home of a celebrity chef, and a major curator who wants to launch her art career.

And, of course, there’s the biggest question of all—how far is she willing to go for a second chance at love. “With tenderhearted characters and an immaculate balance of realistic dialogue and lyrical prose” (BuzzFeed), Akwake Emezi’s vivid and passionate writing takes us deep into a world of possibility and healing.

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One thought on “:: Love-Fool – 7 Signs You’ve Been Fooled for Love ::” [30]

Wow I find this very unique…. everything about this is so true.

I’ve been fooled by love , I can’t believe it so f**** Leave a Reply.

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  21. https://www.amazon.com/ABNORMAL-We-have-been-fooled/dp/B086G179DZ
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  24. https://www.wikihow.com/Being-Fooled-by-Someone-You-Love
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  30. https://ergocakes.wordpress.com/2013/01/15/love-fool-7-signs-youve-been-fooled-for-love/

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