30 How To Tell If A Girl Just Had Sex Hit

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How to tell if a girl just had sex
How to tell if a girl just had sex


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Sensual Tease &gt. Fantasies How to Tell if Your Girlfriend Has Slept with Someone Else By.

Most Helpful Girls [2]

BrittBratt2416 Guru. +1 y.

You don’t want to risk your health cause the higher the number is, higher of the chances of catching a sexual disease ( Yes, I know you can catch something the first etc). You don’t want to feel like you’re sleeping with 15 or 20 other people, cause yes it’s gross when you think about it.

Everyone has a past, you’ve had past relationships and doesn’t matter if 1 or 2 and I’m pretty sure you’ve romantically kissed 1 or 2 people before that you were involved with or not. What if every person you liked told you ” nah, I can’t get with you.

and because of that I can’t get with you.” I’m sure you’re going to feel like you’re being judge based off your past, which is funny cause people get upset (especially men) when the past is constantly thrown in their faces when ever a argument breaks out. It’s basically saying you’re too used up and you can’t find or be loved again.

That’s why people are hesitant to tell the truth about their past, not just sexual past but life decisions that they made long ago as well. If you always look at the past or someone’s one past, then you’re going to be held back in a lot of things and not just relationships.

I’m talking about the small stuff that usually gets sweated over that people usually can’t stand get brought up over and over. The point is nobody wants to be judged all the time by their past, nobody wants to pushed aside all the time because of their past either.

Once you ask for forgiveness, that’s it He’s not going to constantly remind you over it or beat you with it so why do we do that to other people. Like if we don’t want it to be done to us, then why do we feel like it’s okay to do it to others.

Also this excludes the virgins, I know a lot of virgin men and women want to get with other virgins. That’s not a problem, I’m mostly talking about people who have already fooled around but then have the nerve to tell others they fooled TOO much for them.

It’s kind of funny reading some of these answers and I’m just thinking “Do they realize people lie. ” Like even if they did sleep with over X amount of people (whatever number you think is too high) do you think they are always going to tell you.

But how do you know for sure. Omg it’s so confusing right.

That they won’t cheat or get bored of you. Oh I dunno..

There is no magic formula that is going to tell you exactly how things are going to work out. Yes it’s totally within your right to be selective about who you date and to date someone whose standards meet your own (unless you are just being a hypocrite.

If you meet a girl that you found out just screwed 5 of your buddies within the past month then yeah she’s probably not relationship material because her head in just not in the right space. And who knows if she’ll ever grow out of it.

But that’s up to her and you two are obviously not a fit. That’s fine.

My ex bff cheated on her fiance twice. She played herself off as such a goody goody because she hadn’t been with that many guys before him.

She became friends with them and well.. You can guess the rest.

So like.. Everyone is different.

But then again they can lie about that too..

Are you a grave digger. Are you dating the memory of someone 10 years ago or who they are today.

You said, “a 2007 study of American women, “Sexual infidelity in a national survey of American women: Differences in prevalence and correlates as a function of method of assessment.,”discovered a 7% increase in infidelity risk per each additional partner (also, a 10% decrease in infidelity risk per each additional year of education) for women.” It doesn’t say that anywhere.

It says, “Annual prevalence of infidelity was much smaller on the basis of the face-to-face interview (1.08%) than on the computer-assisted self-interview (6.13%).” That is the percent of people who admitted to infidelity during the survey, has nothing to do with how many partners they had or the cause.

“You may be surprised to know that 1 out of 10 children born in marriage in the United States are not fathered by the husband in that marriage, or carrying a permanent infection from one of her past partners.” LOL Not true at all. There is no study or statistic that would link those two things together.

Nor does the NCBI have any record of any study like that on file. I think you need to get real statistics and studies then rewrite.

Trying to make things up to influnence people will only backfire on you. influence*.

He must’ve hit a nerve. @Hemlock As if his post wasn’t longer.

You should probably go back to high school if reading is difficult for you. Bahaha, I am in high school.

He definitely hit a nerve. @Hemlock It’s clear you don’t understand what an essay is.

High school is too advanced for you. You need to learn 5th grade writing skills.

The original post was a butthurt emotional post. What I wrote must really hurt you since you seem to care so much about it.

Mama must be very sad she didn’t abort ha. Lol, now you’re writing me paragraphs.

I refuse to argue with an emotionally unstable melodramatic 30 + anonymous coward. Fuck you &amp.

wow somebody’s triggered. Aww 🙁 I’m sorry you got triggered child.

lol ooookkaaayyy. you’re the one posting insults cause you ain’t got nothing better to say.

I hate how this is always about how many partners the GIRL has had. I think it should be the same for men and women, both of them can either care or not care, but it’s hypocritical for a guy with 99 partners to expect a girl to be a virgin and trust him if he ain’t willing to trust a woman with more than few partners.

they all say that but only a handful stick to their words, the rest are happy with a player. @DaTruth01 Don’t know what they all say, haven’t really asked, but nevertheless I think it’s an unfair assumption that a woman should be fine trusting a man that happily jumps from girl to girl and somehow he wouldn’t cheat when if a woman behaves the same way she would.

I’m tired of these double standards. And either you care or don’t but for me it really is a turn off if a guy sleeps around with whom ever, I’m not like that and I don’t wish him to be either if there’s ever going to be anything between us.

The reasons why its not applied to the men is primarily because women have different standards for men. Women actually avoid virgins, this necessitates that the man have had past partners.

So its more of a concern for men. That said, yes you as a woman should be just as concerned about a promiscuous man as a man should be of a promiscuous woman, but again in general women for what ever reason are not.

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Girlfriend showers and changes as soon as she gets home [5]

Showering and changing as soon as someone gets home from a hard day at work is not unusual. Many people like to clean themselves up and climb into their PJs.

She could be trying to remove or hide the other person’s scent. Washing before you even get a chance to see her or kiss her is a telltale sign that she’s up to no good.

If you’re premenopausal, you may lose elasticity temporarily [6]

George Morgan / EyeEm//Getty Images. “The vagina is an elastic tube,” says , MD, an OB/GYN at Avon Pointe Family Health Center in Avon, Ohio.

But she says, “It will go back to its original elasticity in a woman who is of premenopausal age.”. That’s thanks to the hormone estrogen, which helps maintain elasticity and lubrication in the vagina.

43 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Girlfriend Slept With Someone Else [7]

You’ll become a home wrecker [8]

How well do you actually know this girl. Is she single, married, in an open relationship, or you have no idea.

Rather than being the person who destroys someone else’s relationship, it’s in your best interest to find out as much information as you can about the person you’re about to sleep with before you unzip your pants. If you don’t want a hot mess (the bad kind) on your hands, avoid these girls.

Quarterly [9]

Make sure you and a potential partner are on the same page about where you stand [10]

the relationship convo this early in the game. instead, try having a general chat about what you’re both looking for in the long run—not necessarily with each other.

That’s totally fine. But if you know that your goal in dating is to have a relationship, then you want to make sure they have the same goal before you sleep with them, says Carmichael.

Note that someone who is “open to a relationship” isn’t the same as someone who is “looking for a relationship.” A person who has a specific goal will be willing to work through challenges to make it happen. conversely, somebody who is just open to something is more likely to walk away if it doesn’t seem to be happening without challenges, explains Carmichael.

Don’t worry that openly talking about wanting a relationship will make you sound desperate. It’s not desperate at all.

Great sex is about letting go of control [11]

in this position. What was that weird noise we just made.

“I was so very much in my head and judging myself, and judging my partner and trying to figure out what the heck was going on,” Persimmon recalls. The problem, she says, was she believed being a great lover was about knowing all the “tips, tricks, and positions,” but she realizes now it’s about a lot more.

The Aphrodisiac Effect: Foods That Rev Your Engines [12]

Despite what you may have heard, there is no substance that will create sexual desire where none exists. Even Viagra can’t do that.

In fact, a more recent , involving a telephone survey of 987 white and black women aged 20 to 65 years old, found that just 24 percent of women reported marked distress about their sexual relationship or sexuality. The researchers also found that a woman’s emotional health and quality of her sexual relationship hold greater value in her sexual satisfaction than the physical aspects of sex like arousal or orgasm.


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First-time sex: safety first! [14]

EliteDating, EliteRencontre, ElitSinglar, Elittárs, EliittiKumppani, Partner na úrovni, PartnerMedNiveau [15]

Online Dating with EliteSingles EliteSingles caters only to those looking for a serious relationship. Over 85% of members are 30+ and more than 85% have a university degree.

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Questions About Kissing and Touching [16]

What was your first kiss like. Do you like.

Is there anywhere you don’t like to be kissed. Is there anywhere on your body you don’t like to be touched.

How, if at all, do you like your. What kind of are you into.

Do you ever like rough touching, or do you prefer to be touched in a gentle way.

2) She’s passive when you fool around [17]

What’s worse than a chick that won’t sleep with you. A girl that’s totally down to do the deed, but isn’t interested in making it pleasurable for you.

Pay attention to what she’s like when things get hot and heavy. “A woman who’s selfish in bed will be passive during other sexual experiences [like making out, or fooling around] and she won’t initiate behaviors or spend too much time on things that will make you feel good,” explains Meyers.

Option 2: Hold off for a few months [18]

of the relationship, when your emotions have settled a bit and you’re able to think more rationally. Advertisement “A good match is somebody that makes you feel calm and comfortable,” Talia Goldstein, a matchmaker,.

Waiting until after that period can mean you’re sure you’ve found a good match.

She added that previous studies have said the couples who “waited until that level fared a lot better than people who had sex on the first, second, or third date.”. Goldsmith disagrees, though — he thinks the time after the honeymoon period is too late.

Warnings [19]

If she gets pregnant with your child and decides to keep it, remember that you will be legally bound to the child. Thanks Protect yourself and your partner from unwanted pregnancy.

Pulling out is not an effective or acceptable alternative. Contraception is a lot cheaper than child support.

, it means no. Even she doesn’t say anything at all, it may mean no.

Make sure you have received your girlfriend’s unambiguous consent before initiating sex. not doing so is considered rape or attempted rape and can be used against you in court.

Thanks Ask yourselves what if the birth control fails. It’s best to know how both of you would handle this situation beforehand.

Thanks Protect yourself and your sex partner from STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). The only way to do this is to use a condom.

The benefits of not having sex for a long time [20]

You don’t have to worry about getting pregnant: Although there are many very highly effective methods of birth control available today, the only 100% absolute, most certain way to not get pregnant is to not have sex.You’re less likely to get a urinary tract infection: Naturally, not having sex is going to drastically reduce your chances of getting a sexually transmitted infection, but abstaining from sex also makes it less likely that you’ll get a urinary tract infection.You get to know yourself better: Sometimes people have a hard time focusing on their pleasure when they’re having sex with somebody else.

If you decide to be sexually active again, you can share this information with a partner to make sex even more enjoyable.You can have some much-needed space: Abstaining from sex can give you time to focus on any big emotional issues you may be dealing with. Sometimes abstaining from sex is necessary after an illness or medical procedure and doing so can even help to speed up the healing process.

26 Signs a Girl Loves You [21]

She Prioritizes You If she doesn’t prioritize you, she doesn’t love you. This is just the truth of the matter.

But you’ll see it manifested as real effort. You’ll know that you’re a priority to her.

Sometimes a little unbiased advice from a professional goes a long way. 2.

And for good reason. It can be overwhelming to deal with sometimes.

A woman who loves you will become extremely jealous when she fears that you may choose to allocate resources (time, attention, affection, money, etc.) to another female over her. But while this may not be pleasant, it is an indicator that she values you—or at least your resources.

She Always Tries to Be around You Does she seem to always want to be by your side. Is she constantly trying to spend time with you, visit you, and invite you to do things with her.

A woman who didn’t love you wouldn’t be so interested in spending so much time with you. 4.

This is understandable. We have to prioritize ourselves if we wish to survive.

And this means that she may actually be more interested in listening to you than in telling you about herself. If she seems intensely interested in hearing what you have to say, and takes your words seriously, it’s a good sign that she’s displaying genuine burning desire for you.

She Legitimately Cares about You [Automatic Pinterest Embed] A lot of women tend to have an indifferent attitude toward most men. They may desire for other people to be happy in an overarching sense, but they’re not necessarily going to go out of their way to make it happen.

She’ll legitimately act in a caring and nurturing manner toward you. She’ll focus on trying to make your life better by doing nice things for you.

She Tries to Impress You [Automatic Pinterest Embed] It’s no secret that women love attention. But most women don’t feel the need to impress anyone specific unless they care greatly about that person’s opinion.

If she goes to great lengths to try to impress you, either by dressing up, bragging about her accomplishments, , etc. These are all pretty surefire signs that she may actually be in love with you.

She’s Always Flirting with You If she truly loves you, she’ll want to keep that ‘spark’ between the two of you alive. She won’t want to risk letting it die out.

But here’s the bottom line. If she flirts with you and/or otherwise engages in when she’s around you, that’s a sure sign that she’s into you—and that she may very well love you.

She Cares about Your Future Plans [Automatic Pinterest Embed] Is she intensely interested in what you plan to do in the future. Does she care about your work and life to such an extent that it almost feels like she wants to understand the ‘roadmap’ of how you want your life to progress.

Further Reading 9. She’s Your Biggest Cheerleader [Automatic Pinterest Embed] Does she cheer you on when you accomplish big things, celebrate your victories, and encourage you when you feel down.

But if she goes out of her way to be your cheerleader and to let you know that she genuinely believes in you—well, that’s a definite sign that she desires you, and may even love you. 10.

Of course, as a , you’ve probably already got your life put together. But sometimes, even high value men can use another pair of hands when things get super busy.

She Tries to Make You Happy A lot of women are really only out to make themselves happy. Once again, this makes sense.

But when a woman actually wants to make you happy as well, and puts a sincere effort into doing so, that tells you something about her. It tells you that she sees a relationship with you as so beneficial to her survival and happiness that making you happy has become a priority for her.

She Remembers Details Pertaining to You [Automatic Pinterest Embed] Does she seem especially keen at remembering specific dates, times, end details pertaining to you. Humans only have a certain amount of mental bandwidth.

So if she seems to: Be good at remembering small details about you Be interested in showing you that she’s good at remembering such details These may be signs that she’s trying to tell you that you mean a lot to her. It may be her way of saying: “Hey, look at how much attention I’m paying to you.

She’ll Try to Be Your Best Friend Friendship is important to every relationship. Granted, a dating relationship with a woman is going to be different than a platonic friendship.

If she loves you, she’ll want to be the most important person in your life. She may even try to compete with the rest of your circle to be your very best friend.

She’s Willing to Work on the Relationship [Automatic Pinterest Embed] In our modern dating culture, dating apps provide a nearly infinite number of potential prospective partners to anyone willing to go to the trouble to download one, upload a few pictures, and create a profile. This makes it easier than ever to walk away from a problematic dating relationship and start a new one.

If she loves you, she won’t want to walk away and start something new. Not only will she believe that trying to make it work with you is her best option, but she’ll also show you as much through her behavior.

Further Reading 15. She Gets a Little Flustered When You’re Around [Automatic Pinterest Embed] Do you ever notice her acting a little bit flustered, giggly, goofy, or even just a little bit weird around you.

It’s true. As a woman I once dated used to say to me: “You sure know how to make a girl feel self-conscious.

It’s hard to keep my thoughts straight.” 16. She Thinks You’re Perfect, Despite Your Flaws [Automatic Pinterest Embed] Nobody’s Perfect.

But when a woman legitimately loves a man, she tends to see right past the flaws to all of the good things that exist alongside them. And I’m not talking about the blindness of , either.

But sometimes, infatuation is mistaken for love. Infatuation would make you blind to someone’s flaws because of the crazy sex hormones that are surging through your body.

She Values Your Opinion [Automatic Pinterest Embed] In order for a woman to truly love a man, she needs to be attracted to him. Sexual attraction is an important component to romantic love.

And if a woman truly respects you, she’ll value your opinion. Be careful of women who don’t seem to place any value on your opinion.

And if she doesn’t respect you, she definitely doesn’t love you. 18.

To be inspirational means that you strive to lift others up and encourage them to achieve the great things they’re capable of. If a woman enters your frame and seems determined to lift you up and inspire you as a man, there’s a good chance that you’ve found someone who’s not only a high value woman but also someone who loves you.

She Talks Positively about You [Automatic Pinterest Embed] Does she often brag to her friends and family about you. When she speaks about you in public and behind your back, does she say good and positive things.

And a woman who puts a man down in public has zero respect for him. By contrast, a woman who speaks positive and encouraging words about a man in the presence of others definitely displays affection towards him.

She’ll Make You Feel like You Have a Partner A woman who loves a man will strive to be a partner and a helpmate to him. She won’t want him to feel like he’s alone in the world.

This is an important value to look for when trying to measure how much a woman actually loves you. 21.

It’s not always easy to be honest with your partner. So a woman who’s honest with you is also showing you that she’s courageous enough and values the relationship enough to do so.

If a woman truly loves you, she’ll show you through her honest words and actions. 22.

In contrast, women crave the attention and validation of men they respect and are highly attracted to. This actually creates a dynamic spawning ground for romantic love to spring to life.

Therefore, if a woman seems to like you and treats you with the utmost respect, that’s a sure-fire sign that she may be truly falling in love with you. 23.

Now, it’s not so uncommon for ‘random acts of PDA,’ for example, to take a lesser role in a relationship after you’ve been married for years. But the truth is this.

She’ll want to sit on your lap, hold hands, hug you randomly, etc. If a woman wants to do these things, there’s a reason for it.

And if it persists past the ‘infatuation’ stage of the relationship, there’s a good chance that it’s an indicator of real love. 24.

And this is a definite sign that she may be in love with you. See, women don’t just seek the approval of random men, even if she’s going on dates with them.

To her, his approval will be one of the most important and valuable metrics in the universe. She’ll crave his approval and admiration—and when she makes him happy, she’ll feel accomplished and successful.

You’ll See Actions, Not Excuses [Automatic Pinterest Embed] Does she often give excuses for why she’s not acting in a truly loving fashion. Well, here’s the truth.

She’ll show her love through her actions. It’s not rocket science.

Look at how she behaves. Behavior speaks volumes louder than words.

If she behaves like she loves you, she probably does. If she behaves like she doesn’t, she probably doesn’t.

If she doesn’t display acts of love toward you anymore, then there’s little reason to continue to spend time with her or to pursue the relationship. Further Reading 26.

If a woman tells you that she loves you, odds are good that she does. She may not be perfect, and her love for you may not be perfect.

Contact Form [22]

In conclusion [23]

If you spot several of these signs and there is no event in particular that might have caused them (e.g. cheating or divorce), it’s safe to say she’s having an affair, but remember: If you start accusing her of cheating without any proof, she’ll definitely not admit guilt and your relationship will probably be over… so get the proof before you try anything.

I hope this article has been helpful to you. Remember to always get proof before accusing and look for multiple changes in behavior.

Conditions and Disorders [24]

What are some conditions of the hymen. There is nothing you can do to control the shape of your hymen.

A hymen disorder is considered a congenital anomaly (you’re born with it). There are five classifications of the hymen:

Some hymen disorders are diagnosed at birth, while others are not found until a teenager is having issues with menstruation. If you have a hymen disorder, a minor surgery called a hymenectomy can be performed to fix your hymen.

This lets period blood flow out the vagina and allows for regular use of tampons. If you have an issue with your hymen, you will likely know once you reach puberty.

In very rare cases, you may not get your period at all because your hymen covers your vaginal opening. Your healthcare provider will be able to diagnose a hymen disorder by the time you are a teenager.

What are the signs of a woman who had sex a few hours ago? [25]

When a woman has sex with another for a few hours, some partners may experience a burning or stinging sensation after having sex. If she’s your woman, and you both have been having sex, and on that day she had sex outside, some men do notice it naturally.

After you must have sex with her again, which you have not been having, it may be a sign that she had sex a few minutes ago. You can ask her to confirm from her.

Because when she is roughly handled, she will feel weak and tired, as well as changes in her movement. Her walking steps will change, and she will not think as she used to.

The pant she wore will be soaked and wet if you touched them. It will be so because of the earlier excitement she had.

If you both enjoy licking yourselves, you will notice that her vagina tastes differently, especially when she didn’t shower after the sex. Be observant about the taste of your woman’s vagina.

And if a man ejaculated inside of her without making use of protection, an internal exam may find spunk hanging around, and sometimes it may reach up to 24 hours after getting it on. Sex always has this smell that you can easily detect.

Her mind may not be relaxed, and some loss of thought will occur during your staying together that period.

Born in family of life. Love seeing everybody in a peaceful and happy relationship and marriage.

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When will I know I’m ready to have sex after birth? [27]

, they’ll check your incision site too. Beyond that all-clear from your provider, you know your body best, and you’ll know if you’re ready for sex when you feel, physically, mentally, and emotionally ready.

Many new parents find that amid the of the postpartum period, they’re not interested in sex for quite some time. When you are ready, be sure you’ve figured out your plan for.

Having reliable birth control can keep you safe and help you get in the right headspace for intercourse.

Talking openly with your partner about what feels good and what doesn’t can help ensure that your postpartum sex life is just as satisfying after baby as it was before you gave birth.

Was this article helpful.

BabyCenter’s editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals.

Learn more about our. American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists.

[Accessed March 2022] Blenning CE, et al. 2005.

American Family Physician 72(12):2491-6. [Accessed March 2022] March of Dimes.

Your body after baby: The first 6 weeks. [Accessed March 2022] March of Dimes.

Your postpartum checkups. [Accessed March 2022] Mayo Clinic.

Sex after pregnancy: Set your own timeline. [Accessed March 2022] Nemours Foundation.

Recovering from delivery. [Accessed March 2022] National Health Service (UK).

Episiotomy and perineal tears. [Accessed March 2022].

Episiotomy: What to Expect at Home. [Accessed March 2022].

She’s passionate about bringing complex topics to life through stories that are easy to read and informative. Burch lives in New Hampshire with her husband and two young daughters.

Burch is currently writing a book about traveling around the United States in an RV with her family for seven months.

Sex goes beyond desire — it can be a way people find community [28]

More from Women [29]

Conversaion Booster [30]

Discover How To Talk To Women, Get Dates &amp. Make Them Want You.

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  1. https://www.lovepanky.com/sensual-tease/fantasy/how-to-tell-if-your-girlfriend-has-slept-with-someone-else
  2. https://sexuality.girlsaskguys.com/sexual-relationships/does-a-woman-s-number-of-past-partners-really-matter-q2760416
  3. https://livingwellmedicalclinic.com/2017/can-you-tell-if-someone-has-had-sex/
  4. https://www.wikihow.com/Ask-Someone-if-They-Want-to-Have-Sex
  5. https://www.bestloverelationship.com/physical-signs-your-girlfriend-just-slept-with-someone-else/
  6. https://www.prevention.com/sex/g26133381/what-happens-vagina-when-stop-having-sex/
  7. https://lovedevani.com/signs-your-girlfriend-just-slept-with-someone-else
  8. https://www.muscleandfitness.com/women/dating-advice/5-reasons-you-shouldnt-have-sex-her/
  9. https://www.girlschase.com/content/women-dont-know-you-want-have-sex-if-you-dont-tell-them
  10. https://www.womenshealthmag.com/relationships/a28689650/how-many-dates-before-sex/
  11. https://www.nbcnews.com/better/lifestyle/these-women-say-great-sex-boils-down-these-5-things-ncna971166
  12. https://www.everydayhealth.com/news/what-when-shes-not-interested-sex/
  13. https://www.lovepanky.com/sensual-tease/passion-pill/turn-offs-for-girls
  14. https://flo.health/menstrual-cycle/sex/sexual-health/how-to-have-sex-for-the-first-time
  15. https://www.elitesingles.ca/en/mag/find-match/signs-she-likes-you
  16. https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a32147746/sex-questions-to-ask-a-girl/
  17. https://www.muscleandfitness.com/women/sex-tips/5-warning-signs-youll-regret-having-sex-her/
  18. https://www.businessinsider.com/when-to-start-having-sex-in-relationship-2017-2
  19. https://www.wikihow.com/Know-if-Your-Girlfriend-Wants-to-Have-Sex-With-You
  20. https://flo.health/menstrual-cycle/sex/sexual-health/what-happens-when-you-stop-having-sex
  21. https://theadultman.com/love-and-lust/does-she-love-me/
  22. https://www.onlineparentingcoach.com/2019/05/when-your-15-year-old-daughter-is.html
  23. https://gentlemencenter.com/15-signs-your-wife-just-slept-with-someone-else/
  24. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/22718-hymen
  25. https://bewiseprof.com/what-are-the-signs-of-a-woman-who-had-sex-a-few-hours-ago/
  26. https://www.peacefmonline.com/pages/local/social/201506/245727.php
  27. https://www.babycenter.com/baby/postpartum-health/can-i-start-having-sex-before-my-six-week-postpartum-checkup_11810
  28. https://www.insider.com/when-you-dont-have-sex-what-happens-to-your-body-2020-6
  29. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/sex/how-do-i-know-if-im-a-virgin/
  30. https://kamalifestyles.com/how-to-tell-if-shes-had-bigger/

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