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when a guy asks where have you beenwhen a guy asks where have you been
when a guy asks where have you been

What Does It Mean When A Guy Asks If You Are Good [1]

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering what’s going on in a guy’s mind when he casually drops the question, “Are you good. ” then you’re not alone.

It might seem like a simple enough question, but sometimes, there’s more beneath the surface.

Is he genuinely checking in on your emotional well-being, or is it just a laid-back way to strike up a conversation.

When a guy asks if you are good, a common meaning is that he’s genuinely concerned about your well-being.

If he’s been listening to you talk about a tough day or a problem you’re facing, and then he asks, “Are you good. ”, it’s likely a sincere inquiry into how you’re feeling.

His body language can also be a telltale sign. If he’s leaning in, making eye contact, and showing open, attentive posture, it’s a good indication that he cares about your response.

Pay attention to his facial expressions and the situation you’re both in.

It’s all about reading the nuances in his behavior and the setting you’re in.

Sometimes, “Are you good. ” is just a casual way to start a conversation.

” in a more specific way.

If he throws the question in casually while doing something else, like scrolling through his phone or when you both bump into each other unexpectedly, it’s likely just small talk.

However, even in casual contexts, the timing and frequency of the question can give you more insight. If he asks this regularly, it might be his way of showing consistent interest in your life without diving too deep.

Observe how he reacts to your answer. If he stays engaged and continues the conversation, it shows he’s interested in what you have to say, even in a laid-back setting.

But if he quickly moves on or seems distracted, it’s a sign that the question was just a conversational stepping stone. Another angle to consider is that he might be using the question to gauge your interest or comfort level in a situation.

This is often the case in a new or developing relationship, where he’s trying to figure out if you’re enjoying yourself or if you’re okay with how things are progressing.

His attention to your reaction and his eagerness to ensure you’re having a good time are key indicators here. Watch how he responds to your answer.

However, if the question feels like it’s loaded with a deeper meaning, perhaps asked while exchanging glances or in a moment of silence, it might indicate he’s looking for reassurance about your feelings towards him or the situation.

[Also Read: What Does It Mean When A Guy Says “Do Whatever You Want”. ].

Maybe he’s trying to figure out if his actions were well-received or appropriate.

His eyes might search your face for a reaction, or he might have a slightly uncertain tone in his voice. Another clue here is how he reacts to your response.

Pay attention to the context too. Was there a moment just before he asked the question that might have left him feeling unsure.

Observe how much he engages with your response. If he asks the question but doesn’t show much interest in your answer, it suggests a more casual, non-committal approach.

On the other hand, if he follows up with more questions or seems genuinely interested in what you say, it might mean he’s looking to deepen the connection, albeit in a relaxed way.

When A Guy Says I Love You First, What Does It Mean.

What It Means When A Guy Says You Look Amazing. When a guy asks if you’re good, the key is to consider the context and your comfort level.

If it seems like he’s genuinely concerned about your well-being, a sincere response about how you’re feeling can deepen your connection.

”, he’s likely looking for an honest answer. This is a chance to share a bit more about your feelings or day, but only as much as you’re comfortable with.

A simple “Yeah, I’m good, thanks. How about you.

This keeps the conversation flowing and shows that you’re open to chatting.

If a guy frequently asks if you’re good, it can mean several things. Consistently checking in might be his way of showing that he cares about your well-being and wants to stay connected.

This can be especially true if he’s attentive to your answers and continues the conversation based on what you say. It shows he values your input and is interested in what’s going on with you.

Some people use questions like these as a go-to in conversations, especially if they’re not sure what else to talk about.

Does he engage further, or does he quickly move on. This can give you a better idea of his intentions.

Have you left the house in the last 14 days? If yes, where have you gone? [2]

Meeting up virtually right now is the safest way to connect with family and friends outside of your household without the risk of contracting COVID-19. Depending on where you live, you may even be currently ordered to stay at home except for permitted work or essential errands.

The next-safest option may be seeing people outside while wearing masks and staying socially distant (at least six feet apart) the whole time. “Any time you get together with someone, it’s really important to understand if they’ve been quarantining the same way you have so you can gauge your level of risk,” says Alaina Brinley Rajagopal, MD, an emergency medicine physician in Southern California who has treated COVID-19 patients.

“If you’re in a position to genuinely measure somebody else’s safety protocols, you have to be really explicit about what they’re doing and what they’re not doing,” says Kim Gorgens, PhD, Clinical Professor and Director of Continuing Education at the Graduate School of Professional Psychology at the University of Denver.

In this scenario, it’s best not to beat around the bush: Be kind but straightforward with your loved one. Tell them that you have a few questions to ask them to ensure you’re managing your own risk in the best way.

Gorgens. For example, you might say something like: “I’ve talked to my doctor about being at high risk for COVID-19 complications, and it’s really important that I avoid any possible exposure.

Avoid focusing the conversation on the other person with statements like “I don’t think you’re being careful enough” or “Well, we can’t meet up if you haven’t been wearing a mask.”. Dr.

There are five important questions you can ask your loved one to determine how they’ve been managing their exposure to COVID-19, and if it’s safe for you to be around them, says Dr. Brinley Rajagopal.

“And even when you do get together, still wear a mask, stay six feet apart as much as you can, and continue to adhere to CDC [U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] guidelines.”.

“It’s really important to trust your gut, so if something doesn’t seem right to you, then I wouldn’t get together with that person,” says Dr. Brinley Rajagopal.

We’ve all heard this laundry list of symptoms throughout the pandemic, but it’s important to ask your loved one anyhow. After all, one 13-year-old girl spread COVID-19 to 11 other people at a family gathering after having only nasal congestion as a symptom, per the U.S.

In other words, a symptom that your loved one might brush off as something minor may be a warning sign for you. “Especially if someone is immunocompromised, it’s really important to avoid getting this virus, because there’s no way to predict who’s going to get really sick and who’s going to get mild symptoms,” says Dr.

If they answer yes to any of these symptoms, do not get together. If the answer is no, continue to the next question.

“I’ve seen patients upon follow-up who contracted COVID-19, and surprisingly a lot of people knew they got it from a family member or friend gathering,” says Magdalena Cadet, MD, a clinical rheumatologist and Associate Attending Physician at NYU Langone Health in New York City.

If the answer is no, continue to the next question. Of course, someone will not know if they’ve been around someone who themselves is asymptomatic and doesn’t know if they have COVID-19, which is why the next few questions are so important.

For instance, researchers reviewed anonymized data from nearly 100 million Americans living in New York City, Chicago, and Washington, D.C., plus seven other metro areas in a November 2020 report published in the journal Nature.

Brinley Rajagopal. “So it makes sense to reduce that risk as much as possible to accomplish the tasks you need to do and see the family members or friends you need to see.”.

“Also take into account the occupation of that person,” says Dr. Cadet.

If you feel comfortable with your loved one’s answer and it aligns with your own careful quarantine habits, move on to the next question. Strong evidence shows the efficacy of masks, and the CDC recently updated its guidelines to note that masks protect both the wearer and those around that individual from spreading the virus.

If your loved one groans about wearing their mask or makes comments that hint that they may be cutting corners, take that as a red flag. For instance, look out for phrases like, “Oh sure, I wear a mask when I’m right next to people” — remember, masks are meant to be used in addition to social distancing.

If the answer is yes, continue to the next question. If your loved one has had guests over, ask if they both wore masks and remained six feet apart.

“Also ask if it was one person or multiple people who came over,” says Dr. Brinley Rajagopal.

“I’m more concerned with large group gatherings, even with ‘people they trust.’ We’ve heard over and over from people ‘This is someone I trust, this is someone who’s being careful,’ but then that careful person ends up getting COVID-19 and infecting who they’re talking to,” says Dr. Brinley Rajagopal.

“However, it’s still important for everyone to stay distanced and wear masks,” she says. “Also, be sure to follow the regulations in your area.

If you’ve reached this point and feel comfortable meeting up with your loved one, you may be able to do so carefully if local regulations allow. However, still follow standard mitigation efforts like social distancing and mask wearing.

When you do need to let your loved one know that you can’t meet up, they may manage their emotions in different ways — they might be very understanding, or they could respond defensively or by trying to guilt-trip you. However, try not to dwell on negative responses, and remember that they may be going through very different experiences if they are not a high-risk or immunocompromised individual.

Gorgens. “They don’t see the realities of exposing yourself to any kind of risk with underlying health issues or a compromised immune system.”.

Why Men Say One Thing, Do Another [3]

Need help understanding men. If a guy makes plans but doesn’t follow through or leaves it vague about a day, place and time, that’s not a REAL date.

Let’s say you’ve been texting with a great guy all week and on Wednesday he said, “Let’s meet this weekend. We’ll talk about the details as we get closer to the weekend.” How exciting – you can’t wait to meet this guy.

This could also happen after a first date or if met a guy out or at a party. It’s all the same thing if he asks you out but is vague about it.

Not sure how to respond to a flaky guy, you text asking if you’re still getting together. He texts back saying something came up or worse, doesn’t even respond.

Now you’re facing Saturday night with nothing to do when you had been counting on a date with him. Why did he do that.

Some men like to hedge their bets to make sure they have a fun weekend. While chatting with you, he thinks to see you would be fun, so he asks to meet Saturday.

He continues fishing online, viewing profiles, and chatting with women. He connects with another woman who seems better.

Whatever his preferences or mood might be, he asks her out for Saturday night. This is a flaky guy who doesn’t know what he wants.

He was still looking for his best possible option. via GIPHY.

This is especially true BEFORE your first date. Talk is cheap and doesn’t mean anything.

Players know you want to feel like a man is into you, thinks you’re the one, or are pretty, so they say amazing things to you to win you over. Go ahead and enjoy the flattery, just don’t BELIEVE it.

Hold off falling in love until you know who this guy really is. He might mean every word he said.

Men don’t necessarily do these things to be mean. Some guys just don’t know what they want, so they act this way.

In this case, it’s not just about setting up a date but, about almost anything they agree to do. That might be when he’ll call, introduce you to his friends, or return something he borrowed.

You might be tempted to be patient and just to be sure he doesn’t turn it around. Instead, accept this is who he is and move on to find a better man.

On the other hand, follow-through is GOLD. When a man says something and then does it, now you can start taking him more seriously.

When he follows through on promises and what he says, then he’s worth seeing again. This is one of the best ways for understanding men – following though what actually matters.

It takes several dates to find out if a man is really interested. Paying attention to what he DOES to win you over is the only thing that matters.

You are looking for a man with integrity who does what he says. The right man for you wants a relationship and wants it with YOU.

You can say yes, then keep connecting with other men and feel free to make a date if that’s an option. Why keep yourself open for a man who isn’t willing to schedule a date.

As time draws near, you may be tempted to check in with him and ask if you’re still on. I don’t recommend it.

It’s not the end of the world if you do check, but if he takes his time responding, forget about him. My dating advice for women is to not get excited about a vague date.

Until the details are firm, you are still available to meet or see other men. You want to know how to respond to a flaky guy.

Many women wonder if he’s shy or insecure and wants to help the guy out by making it easy and doing his follow up work. Don’t fall for that.

Even a shy man knows EXACTLY what he needs to do to go on a date with you Saturday night. He knows he has to ask you and set it up.

Whether or not he’s a shy guy, give a man the time to do what is natural for him to do if he’s serious about you. When you give a man space, you are not taking over his role in dating.

Later, things will balance out in terms of planning and getting together. When a man seems flaky by not scheduling the date, he’s letting you know through his actions (or lack of them) that he’s not into you enough to be serious about you.

This minimizes the risk of going out with a guy who is just filling time until he meets someone better. If you accept a date with another man, because the first one didn’t follow up, just say, “Gee, I didn’t hear from you, so I made other plans.

This lets him know you’re interested, and he’s still got a chance and that’s how to respond to a flaky guy. It might make you feel good when a guy wants to hang out.

This is his excuse not to be buttoned up with date details because it’s just hanging out. If this is the case, don’t be fooled.

And since he’s not serious, you can do nothing because that’s how to respond to a flaky guy. Understanding men is so much easier when you take your emotional attachment out of the equation.

Then you will see that a man who does this could be: The point is, it doesn’t matter what he says or why he’s flaky, only what he does to be sure he can see you.

It doesn’t matter if his texts are fun or sweet, he follows you on social media and likes your posts or calls and talks for hours. When he doesn’t set a date, time and place, it’s not a real date.

End of confusion, end of the story.

Questions About How You View Yourself and Life  [4]

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As you’re getting to know someone who you are seriously interested in, it’s a good idea to have some “go-to” personal questions to ask a guy.

So it’s important that you know what to ask as well as how to sit back and listen to the answers to give you real insight into this person’s mind.

Many of these questions are geared towards a more deep connection so you should use them only if you’ve already been together for a little while.

Also, the questions may be on different subjects, but they have something in common – they’re meant to foster more trust between you so that you grow as a couple.

Table of Contents. These questions may be simple and someone can answer with a few words, but they also can stir up further conversation.

I like to start out new relationships with a simple game of “20 Questions”. As the relationship develops, the questions get more complex and into the big issues and values of life.

I think that it’s ideal to begin when you know you have a connection and want to spend a lot more time with the person.

So spend a date night or weekend getting into many of the questions with that special guy in your life.

Finally, if you want to ask better questions, then watch this short, 20-minute course to learn how to have a great conversation with virtually anyone.

10 Questions To Ask To Find Out His Intentions [5]

If there is one thing that most women can’t stand, it’s being left in the dark about where they stand with their men. Most of us who are looking for a committed relationship don’t want to be led on, but the problem is that there are way too many people out there who are totally content to tell girls they “might want commitment later on.”.

Most people out there will wonder, at least once, what’s going on with the state of their relationship. RELATED: 225 Deep Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend.

If he doesn’t hint at being married, you probably should find out why. This may be an indicator that he’s not interested in keeping you around for the long run.

He’s not interested in marrying you, and trying to convince him otherwise is not a wise decision. Sometimes, bluntness is the best route.

If he still skirts the question, you have all the answer you need about his interest in commitment. If he’s really acting like he’s on the fence, this will give you a better idea of where his mind really is at.

If you’re just starting to date, you might as well know his intentions. Many guys will be honest.

RELATED: The 10 Biggest Mistakes Men Make In Relationships. This is one of those questions that is pretty hard to be subtle about, but if you are slick about how you ask it, it can reveal a lot about his intentions.

If he says things that he’s already done but has shown no interest in proposing, you might have reason to be worried. Either way, this question is a great way to learn how to know if he’s serious about commitment.

On the other hand, a man who prioritizes family and friends is often looking for Mrs. Right, too.

In most cases, you’ll find out what he’s really looking for in the follow-up questions to this one. This is a good question to ask six months in.

On the other hand, if he starts talking about establishing you as family and having you to come home to, it’s a good sign. Studies show that men who are surrounded by other bachelors are much less likely to wed than men who are surrounded by couples.

They may also waffle and say “maybe a commitment.. if it happens.” If they act like this, give them three months to see if he’s worth pursuing.

If he’s upfront and says that he wants marriage, or if he’s upfront about not wanting marriage, listen to him. It’ll save you a lot of time and tears, I promise.

Ossiana Tepfenhart is a Jack-of-all-trades writer based out of Red Bank, New Jersey. When she’s not writing, she’s drinking red wine and chilling with some cool cats.

Flirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend over Text [6]

Are you looking for flirty questions to ask your boyfriend. Well, you’re not alone.

When my husband and I were dating, one of my favorite ways to ask him questions was over text using my Nokia phone and through Friendster. Nowadays, there are different avenues for texting your boyfriend.

Anyway, to make things a little easy for you, I’ve listed several flirty questions to ask your boyfriend and broken them down into different types of texts. Even if you do find some overlaps, make sure you take a look.

Whatever situation you find yourself in, you will always be ready with flirty questions to make conversation with your boyfriend wherever you like. I know what you’re thinking- there’s no way he’s going to know what came over him.

I’ve found that subtle questions are great if you want to understand your boyfriend better. You can slip them casually into conversation.

Back to Top. When you’re thinking of cute flirty questions to ask your boyfriend, you want to ask questions that’ll make both of you find a new appreciation for each other.

Check these out: Back to Top.

I like to think that these are questions you can ask during everyday situations, such as when you’re watching the sun go down or when you’re chilling out by the pool. Back to Top.

So I decided to send him some flirty questions, and after the first one, I knew I had his attention.

An SMS is an excellent option if you need to send something as fast as possible or if the WiFi went off or there’s a weak signal.

Back to Top. Earlier on, one of my goals in my dating life was never to make my relationship dull.

” Boring, right. Even if you’re bored, there’s always something to say to get you and your boyfriend talking.

Back to Top. Sometimes, all you need are funny and flirty questions to ask your boyfriend to make him laugh.

Back to Top. No doubt, freaky questions should have been top of the list of flirty questions to ask your boyfriend.

Here we go. Back to Top.

Knowing you can turn your man on just by asking him a question is a powerful feeling. However, you don’t want to take advantage of it when the time or occasion isn’t right.

I don’t know about you, but I think it’s always an excellent idea for you and your partner to be on the same page regarding the direction of your relationship. Even when you’re thinking about flirty questions to ask your boyfriend, it’s ok to incorporate some serious ones so you can know your partner better.

To do this, you will have to get down to business and prepare great questions. Here are some examples that will guide you along.

One of the essential aspects of any relationship is communication. Where there are communication issues, a relationship may start to break down.

Back to Top. When you have a new boyfriend, you want to learn as much as you can about him.

Ask questions, of course. BUT, what questions should you ask your new boyfriend so you don’t risk chasing him off before your relationship even starts.

Some of the questions I recommend you ask may seem a little serious. But, if you’re looking for a serious relationship, you should ask them so you know what you’re getting yourself into.

When you’ve just met a guy, and you want to know him better, you can ask him subtle but flirty questions. These questions are for that guy who hasn’t transitioned into a boyfriend yet.

When I was still in the dating scene, I knew there were questions I could ask face to face and those I could ask over text. Here are some of the questions I loved asking on text to keep a conversation going with a crush.

So you’ve got a new crush on Tinder. If you’re like me, you must be looking forward to late-night texts, lots of flirting, and awkward but cute moments.

Here are some questions you can ask your crush. Back to Top.

Not only will you up to your dating game, but you’ll also be able to know your partner better.

They Ask About Your Day [7]

It’s a commonly held belief that the old-fashioned way is the best way when it comes to romance. (Picture this: people used to actually call each other to set up a first date.) But with the world of dating at your fingertips these days, it’s easy to find yourself stumbling through the endless pool of candidates on apps like Tinder and Bumble.

According to a 2019 YouGov survey, 30% of people admit to having ghosted a romantic partner in the past. It’s brutal out here.

Certain things are simply human nature, and there are a few innate ways of acting that people can’t help but adopt when they’re enamored with someone. When a guy asks how you are doing randomly during the day or a girl remembers some specific thing you said a while ago, it can reveal that they are genuinely interested in you.

To help you differentiate between what’s real and what’s not, here’s a list of 10 expert-backed telltale signs that someone is into you. When someone is into you, they will actively keep in contact with you as much as possible, according to Stefanie Safran, a dating expert and matchmaker at Stef and the City.

“I would definitely say to people who are interested in someone, especially in this day and age, it’s not so hard to check in on somebody via text or whatever,” Safran says. “Somebody who is trying to connect with you very regularly is clearly interested in you.”.

If a girl or guy texts you, “How was your day. ”randomly and are quick to respond to your mid-day messages, that’s a great sign, too.

When a guy or girl is into you, they’ll want to know what’s going on in your life. They will listen with genuine intrigue because they’ll find every aspect of you fascinating and want to be kept in the loop.

“If they ask about your day, they want to get more of a feel for what’s going on in your life.”.

“Openly sharing information with you — without you even asking for it — there’s so much intimacy in that.”. Not everyone is going to share all of your interests, even if it’s someone you feel a great connection with.

When someone is really into you, for example, they’ll sit through an Ariana Grande concert even if they don’t love it, just because they know Ari is your favorite. “When people start connecting, maybe they’re not interested in some of the same things, so one of the things I tell clients is that being flexible in terms of what you like will go a long way in showing your interest or commitment,” Safran says.

This person might tag along to the science museum or go on a run with you, even though they wouldn’t normally do that of their own accord, because they like to see you happy and want to be a part of your world. “It’s definitely a good sign,” Safran says.

You will also know a person is into you when, in addition to wanting to be a part of your world, they make you a part of their world, as well. Someone who is really interested in you will introduce you to their friends and family and have you frequent their closest circle because they want to integrate you into that group.

“For some people, they won’t introduce you because there’s multiple others that they might be dating — and generally parents don’t approve of that.” If you’re meeting the fam, you know this person sees long-term potential with you. In the same way that you want your close friends to meet someone you’ve been gushing about, they should feel excited about introducing you to people in their life, too.

When a person is into you, they’ll book your time well in advance because they respect you and are just happy you’re choosing to spend your time with them. If they never stand you up, aren’t late, and don’t make plans with you as a last resort, they are treating you as you deserve to be treated.

“Someone who is conscious of your time clearly respects you.”. Relatedly, when someone truly cares about you, they don’t mind making time to fit your needs and “are ready to sacrifice [their] feelings, time, situation … without expectation for anything in return,” as relationship consultant Andrea Adams-Miller told Bustle.

If you find that these are the only places someone ever takes you, ask yourself what their intentions are. A good sign that someone is genuinely interested in you is the amount of focus and attention they give you and your thoughts.

“If they were around you the entire time and didn’t bother to meet other people or [start] up a conversation with anyone else, it’s a sign they think you’re special.”. A person who is into you will take you to a place where they can hear you speak without interruption, such as a café or the park for a picnic, because they value you for your mind and what you have to say.

“It shows that they are paying attention and really trying to get to know you, as well as wanting to get to know more about you,” Safran says. When a person remembers things you’ve said earlier on and brings them up as your conversations progress, it’s a huge indication that they are interested, as Coree Schmitz, professional matchmaker at Tawkify, told Bustle.

“To me, that says, ‘Of all the 1,000 things I could be thinking about right now, I prefer to genuinely hear and think about what you have to say.’”. If the person you’re seeing never makes any effort to dress up when they meet up with you, then it’s likely they aren’t 100% invested.

“You can tell if someone isn’t interested if it looks like they didn’t put in any effort, in general, like if they don’t put effort into their appearance when they see you,” Safran says. Safran also notes that thoughtful little ways of touching you are quite telling when it comes to somebody’s interest level.

Sometimes the smallest gestures can say everything, and the simple touch of someone’s hand can be a subtle, yet highly effective, way of showing interest. “Light touches create a deeper connection and more intimacy,” Diana Dorell, intuitive dating coach and author of The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again, previously told Elite Daily.

Of course, all of this is only true if they respect your boundaries and make you feel comfortable. As life and dating coach, Treva Brandon Scharf, told Bustle, someone who truly has feelings for you will always take “no” for an answer without question.

“If you say ‘no’ to something you’re not comfortable with, they honor it.”. When a girl or guy is into you, you’ll know it.

How To Ask Someone To Be Your Boyfriend Over Text [8]

Are you thinking about cute ways to ask a guy to be your boyfriend.

Asking a guy out isn’t the norm, in general, men are the hunters. When they see a woman they like, they enjoy pursuing her until she’s his girlfriend.

If you’ve been dating a guy for some time, or you have a male friend you’re interested in who has yet to make a move, it could be that he likes you, but he’s not confident enough to ask you to be his girlfriend. Sometimes it is unclear if you are dating or if he is your boyfriend.

He might be the ‘one.’ If you are ready to ask the guy you’ve been crushing on out, here are twenty cute ways to ask a guy to be your boyfriend.

So, you’ve been dating for a while. You think he’s boyfriend material, but he hasn’t popped the question yet.

Here are five ways to do it: If you’re dating the guy, this doesn’t apply to you because he likes you and hasn’t asked you to be his girlfriend yet.

Asking is out of the question, but his body language will tell you everything you need to know. Look out for the following: Do his pupils dilate, or does he lick his lips often when talking to you.

That means he thinks you’re hot. Does he stand with his legs shoulder-width apart and his hands on his hips when you’re around.

Body language experts call this the superman pose, meaning he wants you near his groin area. You can also flirt with him to see if he flirts back.

Men are not thinking straight when they’re having sex. They are in the moment, having a great time and the last thing they want to do is have a conversation.

Then afterward, he thinks about it and regrets it. If you’re going to talk with the man you like about taking things to the next level, make sure you do it with your clothes on.

Please don’t embarrass yourself and tell your guy you love him. he’ll run a mile.

The fact that you’ve got to do the asking means one of three things. He’s either fighting his feelings, trying to figure out whether you like him too.

If he’s not into you like that, you don’t want to make a fool of yourself, so don’t get all intense about things. Unless he shows some obvious signs he wants you to say I love you first.

Alcohol makes people do and say things they wouldn’t normally do. When asking a guy to be your boyfriend, you want both of you to be in your right mind.

Or he could say no and regret it in the morning. Either way, he’s said something he didn’t mean, leading to a very short-lived romance or no romance at all.

they prefer things to happen organically. If he’s feeling you, he’ll wait for the right moment and let you know.

he’ll try and play it cool because he doesn’t want to appear needy even if he likes you a lot. So, take the same approach as him and be casual about it.

it will worry him. Then, when you have the conversation, I can guarantee he’ll say something like, “Oh, is that it.

Not because he’s not taking you seriously, but because the beginning of a relationship is never a big deal to a guy.

If you’re just friends, you’re not sure whether the feeling is mutual. and if you’re dating, you’re not sure if he wants to take things further.

Here are twenty ways to ask someone to be your boyfriend: A handwritten letter is a meaningful way to show someone you care.

These days, everything is done on a computer, whether it’s through email or typed out on a Word document. A handwritten letter shows you’ve tried telling him how you feel.

Depending on your closeness, he will take you out for your birthday or call and wish you a happy birthday. Either way, during your conversation, you can say something like, “Do you know what the best birthday present would be.

When he asks what, say, “to have a boyfriend just like you.” He’s either going to respond with, “I can be your boyfriend,” or if he’s not looking to take your friendship to the next level, he’ll come up with an excuse and say something like, “Oh no, you wouldn’t, I make a terrible boyfriend.”. Make sure you’re alone for this one so he can’t get away with saying something like, “Can we talk about this later, please.

The truth question will be, “will you be my boyfriend. ” If he chooses to dare, it means he doesn’t want to answer the question and probably doesn’t want to be your boyfriend.

If you can’t stomach doing it yourself, ask a mutual friend to help you. Get her to call or meet up with him and explain that you really like him and would like to ask him out, but you’re too shy.

Don’t waste time with any extras. tell him straight.

Wait for the right moment, and tell him how it is. He’s either going to say yes or no.

Writing a poem is a really cute way to tell your guy friend you want him to be your boyfriend if you’ve got some poetry skills. You can write about why you like him, from his looks to his personality.

he won’t have any choice but to say yes.

It also gives you a get-out clause if he says no. You can basically say, “Oh, I thought I was talking to someone else.”.

Find a song about women asking men out on dates or a girl asking a guy to be her boyfriend. Call him and tell him to listen to the song.

You can then say something like, “because I was too shy to ask you myself, so I thought I’d get (name of the person who sings the song) to ask you instead.

it makes them feel manly. Ask him to help you do something strenuous around the house, like lawn mowing.

you can make him a cold drink and tell him how much you appreciate him helping you out, especially because you love seeing him dripping with sweat. Pay attention to the energy.

This one will only work if he gets the hint. Keep dropping hints that you would like him to ask you out during a conversation.

But be over-the-top flirtatious with it, so he knows you are talking about him.

Wrap up the gifts. one of them will be a note asking him to be your boyfriend.

Buy some gum with wrappers, open them carefully, and remove the stick of gum. Write “will you be my boyfriend.

When he opens it, he’ll see the question.

Every time you go on a date together, take pictures, print them out, and stick them in a journal. Write about the date, how awesome it was, and how he made you feel.

” on the page. Only do this if you’re sure he likes you, or you’ll embarrass yourself in front of many people.

Get the D.J. to give you the mic in the middle of the party and ask him to be your boyfriend.

Ask to borrow his phone to text your mom because your battery has died. Actually send a text to your mom, by the way.

when he answers the phone and asks, “Who’s this. ” respond, “It’s me, (whatever your name is).

” By now, he would have guessed that you changed your name when you were sending the text.

You can use plenty of apps to make the video look super cute. Send it to him and see how he responds.

During the conversation, call him your boyfriend and see how he reacts. You can say something like, “I was speaking to my friend the other day, and she asked who I went to the cinema with, and I told her I went with my boyfriend.”.

Everyone loves praise, and complimenting your guy friend before asking him to be your boyfriend will make him feel good about himself. Don’t compliment his looks because he’s probably heard it a thousand times before.

The importance of asking your guy serious questions and timing [9]

There are many things we keep hidden at the beginning of a relationship. But if you hide the crazy for too long and then let it all out at once, it rarely ends well.

Luckily, we have compiled a list of serious questions to ask your guy to help you do that while getting some clarity at the same time.

With that said, you shouldn’t make your man sit down and fire deep questions at him one after the other. But a few here and there can help you get to know him much better.

[Read: 42 secrets to communicate better in a relationship and ways to fix a lack of it]. While you should definitely go with the flow if you’ve only just met this guy, once you realize that it’s possibly going somewhere, you need to know that you’re on the same page.

The problem is that many people avoid serious questions like these because they worry that it’s going to make the guy run a mile.

Communication is vital, and if he’s not up for it, your relationship is going to be nothing but confusing all the way. For that reason, these serious questions to ask a guy are vital.

These are the best serious questions to ask a guy to get to know him better and keep the conversation going.

Yes, but it is necessary to take things to the next level by being open and honest with each other. In turn, this will spark meaningful conversations that will bring you closer together.

Giving them the floor to make any confessions about their past ensures that you never get blindsided. This is probably one of the most serious questions to ask a guy.

Is he a serial monogamist or a sleep-with-anything type of guy. You may have changed him, but it is nice to know who he was before you turned his eye.

[Read: 46 good ad bad types of guys in the dating world and secrets to read them]. This is an important question to ask your boyfriend that you’re sure to be curious about.

Knowing what his other girlfriends were like might give you a perspective about what he looks for in a girl. You’ll also learn what it was about the other relationships that didn’t work.

[Read: How to talk about a past relationship and not piss your partner off]. Sometimes, there are things a guy won’t come right out and tell you about.

While you shouldn’t expect him to spill all, it’s one of the serious questions to ask a guy that will give you plenty of insights. [Read: 16 warning signs your boyfriend is not over his ex and still attached to her].

You have to have something to compare your feelings to. If he has never been in love, then how does he know what love is or when to recognize it.

We all have baggage from our past. Knowing what’s in his suitcase can help you navigate difficult times with him.

[Read: Broken heart syndrome – the truth to know if you can die from heartbreak]. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth, you wouldn’t have to ask your boyfriend serious questions like this.

Does his five-year plan involve a family and a wife, or is it all about his career.

[Read: What age does a man emotionally mature. 19 signs of maturity in a guy].

We understand if you want to put off this question because you’re worried about scaring the guy off and making them think your biological clock is ticking. But the truth is that no relationship is going to be healthy if you want different things out of life.

So just bite the bullet and ask.

[Read: Emotionally unavailable man – 52 signs, causes, and ways to make him love you]. Those little things we do that irritate each other at the start don’t seem that big, but they can become deal-breakers.

This is one of the deep questions to ask a guy that may look playful on the surface but actually gives you great information for the future. Like if you even have one at all.

You need to know this to make sure that your needs and values are aligned. If they’re not, it’s simply not going to work out.

When a couple gets married, they never think they will get divorced. But sometimes, the love dies or we just grow too far apart from the person we once loved.

There are some with a greater commitment to seeing it through, while others think that divorce is a way out if it isn’t going so well. It is important that you’re both on the same level of commitment, which makes this one of the most serious questions to ask a guy.

Even if he isn’t actively religious, the faith in which he raises his children may be very important to him. If you aren’t the same, that could pose some serious problems not just for you two but for your families as well.

If he is ultra-conservative and you are a super-liberal, being together is going to be pretty difficult without strife. This is one of those deep questions to ask your boyfriend that can help you see the world through a very different lens.

We all hide our prejudice when we start dating someone for fear of judgment, but if he has some serious prejudices against some group or religion, you may want to know that before you hear the ugly later on. In terms of serious questions to ask your boyfriend, they don’t get more serious than this.

Is it family or the peripheral family that guides his decisions. [Read: Family orientated – the meaning and what it means to be this person].

Know where he would stand and whose side he would take before she becomes your biggest nightmare. While you can’t really do a lot about it, knowing the information beforehand is key.

Does he believe in traditional roles, or does he want you to share in the financial responsibility.

If he doesn’t see things the same way you do now, it’s not going to improve in the future.

That says a lot about the level of intimacy and closeness he wants to have with his significant other. [Read: Sharing expenses in a relationship – the golden must-follow rules].

Is his wife his confidant or just an accessory. If you want to marry someone with whom you share everything, but he wants to keep things to himself, it will create issues, and you’ll feel like he hides things.

It’s better to know about it now, while you still have time to walk away. Is he into raising his kids, or is it business at all costs.

[Read: Love or career – how to choose and make sure you’re not left feeling bitter]. If you are a saver, but he has out-of-control credit card debt, it can create huge problems.

Make sure you are on the same financial page to avoid potential drama in the future. While talking about money is quite uncomfortable, it’s one of the most serious questions to ask a guy.

We tend to either parent the way we were parented or go the complete opposite route. How did his parents raise him, and does he think that it was the right.

What Does It Mean When Someone Asks “What Am I To You?” [10]

Sometimes, in relationships or friendships, a moment comes when one person asks the other, “What am I to you. ” This question might seem simple, but it is actually very important and can be a bit tricky to answer.

Whether it’s a girl or a guy asking this question, they are usually looking for clarity about your feelings and the status of your relationship.

When someone comes up to you and asks, “What am I to you. ”, they’re really trying to figure out how important they are in your life.

It’s like they’re feeling a bit unsure about where they stand, and they need some kind of confirmation from you.

It’s a pretty big question because it shows that they really care about the relationship and want to know if you both are on the same page. Now, this question isn’t just something that happens in romantic situations.

You’ve become a significant part of my life, and I find myself thinking about you a lot.

Your presence is uplifting, and I genuinely appreciate the time we spend together. Being around you is easy and natural, like we’ve known each other for years.

I care about you more with each passing day, and I’m excited to see where this journey takes us. I’ve really come to value the bond that we’ve been building.

Your kindness doesn’t go unnoticed, and I find myself wanting to be there for you in any way I can. You’ve become a person I trust and feel comfortable sharing my thoughts and feelings with.

It’s not every day that you meet someone as genuine and caring as you, and I feel lucky to have you in my life. Your support means the world to me, and I cherish the relationship we’re developing.

You have this incredible ability to lift my spirits and make me smile, and I’m so grateful for that. Your positive energy is contagious, and I always look forward to our interactions.

You’ve become someone I can rely on to brighten my day, and that means a lot to me. I appreciate you more than words can express.

You’ve captured my attention in a way that no one else has, and I find myself drawn to you more and more each day.

I enjoy our time together immensely, and I feel a strong connection with you. I’m excited to see where these feelings take us, and I’m open to exploring the potential of something more between us.

Your presence in my life has brought me a great deal of happiness. You have a way of making me feel comfortable and at ease, which is something I don’t take for granted.

I appreciate the positive energy you bring into my life, and I look forward to every moment we spend together. You have this unique ability to turn a bad day into a good one, and for that, I am truly grateful.

Your support and your laughter are something I have come to rely on, and you bring a sense of joy into my life that I didn’t realize I was missing. [Interesting: How To Respond When A Guy Says “I Want You”].

you know how to make any activity fun and exciting.

We always seem to have a great time, no matter what we’re doing. Your playful attitude and your laughter are contagious.

I cherish the moments we share, and I’m grateful for the fun and laughter you bring into my life. From the moment we met, I felt a unique connection with you, something I haven’t experienced with anyone else.

Our conversations flow effortlessly, and I find myself wanting to know more and more about you. Your thoughts and your perspectives are intriguing to me.

I like the way you open up to me, and I feel comfortable sharing my own thoughts and feelings with you. I’m excited to see how our connection continues to grow and develop over time.

You’re a strong, independent person, and I love that about you.

I grateful for the person you are, and to have you in my life. Your integrity and your kindness do not go unnoticed.

You’re a remarkable person, and I feel lucky to have you in my life. You have this amazing ability to bring warmth and kindness into my life.

I’m grateful for the positivity you bring into my world, and I always look forward to our time together. Your kind-heartedness does not go unnoticed.

You bring a lot of warmth into my world, and I cherish the bond we’re building. I find myself genuinely enjoying every moment we spend together.

I appreciate your sense of humor and your ability to make any situation enjoyable. You’re a joy to be around, and I cherish our time together.

You bring a lot of happiness into my life, and I’m grateful for the bond we’re building. You’re a fantastic person, and I enjoy being around you more and more.

You’re not just another person. you’re special, and I value our connection deeply.

The way you laugh, your kindness, and your genuine nature make you a rare and important part of my life. I find myself thinking about you often, cherishing the moments we share.

You’re a bright light in my world, and I want you to know just how special you are to me. From our very first conversation, I knew there was something different about you.

You understand me in a way that few people do, and I cherish the depth of our connection. This connection is something I don’t take for granted.

You’re an important part of my life, and I cherish the special bond we have. Every time we hang out, I find myself having a blast.

Your energy is infectious, and I can’t help but feel happier when I’m around you. You’re the kind of person who makes a lasting impression.

I know I certainly am. Being around you is a genuine delight, and I look forward to every chance we get to spend time together.

One of the things I value most about you is how well you listen. You give me your full attention, making me feel heard and understood.

It’s a rare and wonderful quality to have, and it means the world to me. Your ability to listen and understand makes me feel supported and valued.

It’s a gift to have you in my life, and I’m grateful for the sense of security and understanding you provide. I can be my true self around you, and that’s something I don’t experience with many people.

You accept me as I am, flaws and all, and it creates a sense of comfort and ease in our interactions. Your non-judgmental attitude and open-mindedness make me feel safe and valued.

I don’t have to pretend or put on a facade. I can just be me.

It’s refreshing and liberating, and I’m grateful to have you in my life. You provide a space where I can be genuine, and that’s something I hold dear.

The way you handle life’s ups and downs, your strength, and your ability to stay positive in the face of challenges are inspiring. You’re a remarkable person, and I feel fortunate to know you.

You do not just talk. you live out your beliefs in your actions.

It’s a quality I respect and admire greatly. I feel a sense of pride in being associated with someone as admirable as you.

Your passion, your drive, and your zest for life push me to be better and do better. You might not even realize it, but you have a profound impact on those around you.

Your positive influence is undeniable. You’re an inspiration, and I’m grateful to have you in my life.

I trust you completely, feeling secure in our connection and the bond we share. Your honesty.

Your response if he’s persistent [11]

I think this is a funny subject for me to write about. I’m only doing it because my website gets a TON of visitors asking this very question.

Not the ‘asking you to coffee on a date.’ Regardless, I thought I would share my thoughts on what to do if a guy asks you out for a coffee date. As a guy who has survived the dating minefield, I’ll share from my own perspective.

Cheers to you and the next season of The Bachelor. -Shaun.

Should you go. Let’s face it, being asked out for coffee can be flattering, intimidating, or revolting.

A confident response can both save your reputation and make your intentions clear. Let’s jump in.

It is a common way for people to ask others on a date or to simply spend time together and have a conversation. The idea of going out for coffee as a way to get to know someone better is often seen as a more low-key and less intimidating option than asking someone on a formal date.

The first thing to decide when you’re asked out is: are you even interested in going. I know this sounds simple, but sometimes – in the moment – we don’t think about what we want, we just turn into awkward turtles.

Let him know. No need to play games, real men don’t like games.

For example, if you’re not interested but he is persistent, you need to be firm in your response. Don’t let him pressure you into it or worse – make you feel uncomfortable.

Some guys come off as pushy, persistent, or plain rude. Others are just confident and don’t mean to come across this way, but end up misreading the room.

You can be polite, but there comes a time when being polite just hides your intent. “I’m flattered, but I’ve told you I am not interested in going out with you.

If he asks you while you’re at work, you can be firm and blame it on the job. “You are making me very uncomfortable.

However, I am not allowed to date customers / clients / patients / volunteers / members I meet at work.”. Have you ever noticed the universe conspires against you as soon as you’re in a relationship.

Like all of the sudden anyone you’ve ever met is interested in dating you. Whether you’re in a new relationship or a long-term, committed relationship, it’s likely you’ll be asked out by a prospective beau.

The important part is how you respond to it. “Thank you – that is very sweet and I am flattered.

Simple and closes the door on any future asks. Notice I didn’t say, “I’m not interested right now ….“.

It also helps to bring up your boyfriend in conversation as a gentle reminder that they exist, are an active part of your life, and maintain a clear boundary between you and the paramour. If a guy asks you out (and you’re interested) but you’re busy on his proposed date/time, be honest.

How about _________________. ” Or “I am leaving to Ecuador for a 6-week banana-harvesting expedition, can I call you when I get home.

“I work until 7 that night, instead of coffee, maybe appetizers at not-Applebees. ”.

No one wants to hear “Let’s just be friends.” But also, some guys just don’t do it for you. No problem.

Thank goodness. Younger Me would argue this fact, but More Mature Me sees the blessing in it.

Don’t sugarcoat it or make it weird, let him know your preference so he can adjust. “Thank you for asking me out.

If you are okay with that, I am happy to continue our friendship, but it will be strictly that.”. “I’m flattered.

I really value you as a friend and want to keep that relationship.”. I know some guys who squarely fall into this category.

You can handle these situations with care and – who knows – perhaps you’ll find Prince Charming. Don’t go into it blind, set your own boundaries, and be clear about your concerns.

This is concerning to me. It does not align with my viewpoint or belief.

“I don’t think we see eye-to-eye on some issues, and I don’t know if I can be in a relationship with a partner like that. I am willing to go out for coffee and discuss our common ground and these differences.

The best – and simplest – for last. A guy asks you out for coffee and you’re interested.

I mean, other than the fact that he will probably buy your coffee … who doesn’t love free coffee.

Tell him. Let him know that you’re interested (remember, no games).

If he asked you in person (bonus points to him), tell him in person. If he is your neighbor … umm.

In any event, let him know. Be clear.

Responding to a guy who has asked you out doesn’t need to be complex or weird, kudos to him for taking the initiative and making the ask. I hope he did it in a respectful way and allowed you to make the decision.

Communication is key in any relationship, whether it’s a friendship, dating relationship, or business relationship. Having that in mind, be clear in your communication about the date, your expectations, and your boundaries.

-Shaun. P.S.

My qualifications include being a guy, loving coffee, and dating in the past. I have sisters and a lot of female friends – I care about how they are treated and hope that every man out there learns to respect women.

My examples are slanted towards respectful men being mindful of how they may come across. If you are dealing with a jerk or a guy who just doesn’t get it, make sure you are crystal clear about your lack of interest, then take action.

No means no.

Here are 12 sweet things to say to your boyfriend or girlfriend when they ask, “Why do you love me?” [12]

There are certain questions that inevitably strike fear into the heart of anyone being asked them in the context of a marriage or romantic relationship. No matter how many cute, sweet and romantic things you find to say to your boyfriend or girlfriend on a regular basis, when you’re hit with one of these humdingers out of the blue, knowing what to say and how to say say it can be absolutely mind-boggling.

” posed just as you’re heading out the door to a big event. That one is relatively easy to navigate, of course.

Of course, not. You look amazing.”.

“, it can understandably reduce even the most self-assured among us into deer in the headlights as you watch the entire life of your relationship pass before your eyes. Paralyzed with fear, your mind becomes numbingly blank.

You do love them. You can even see yourself making a life with them, or perhaps you’ve already decided to.

RELATED: What It Means When Someone Always Says ‘Love You’ Instead Of ‘I Love You’. Oh, no.

It comes in every relationship. You should have known better.

There are so many reasons you love this person, it’s just that, at the moment, you can’t bring a single, solitary one to mind. They look at you with tears welling up in those puppy-dog eyes, beseeching you for an answer.

At this point, almost any answer could potentially save the relationship. This situation can go one of two ways:

But how.

Recognize the real reason the man or woman you love is asking you this specific question: “Why do you love me. “.

They may be finding it hard to love themselves, in general or in the moment, and they’re looking to you — the person they trust, love and value above all others — for validation they are worthy of love and they are, indeed, lovable. Look them in the eye and, if possible, hold them in one of those close hugs that tells a fellow human being they are not alone.

That you’ve got their back. Then, tell them all the wonderful things you know and feel are lovable about them.

To help keep you light on your toes in case you’re caught off-guard, look to the list of romantic things you can say in response below. 1.

You’re not like anyone else, and you are brave and strong and willing to be you. That inspires me.”.

“You are like sunshine itself, and I feel better when I’m with you.”. 3.

“You accept me for me. I don’t have to hide.

It’s amazing to be loved by you.”. 5.

“You make me want to be a better person.”. 7.

You encourage me, support me and let me know how I can best support you.”. 8.

Before I met you, I never felt whole. With you in my life, I am.”.

“I love you for your passion for life. It’s contagious.”.

“You make me feel strong.”. 11.

The world is better for having you in it. And I’m lucky I get to call you my love.”.

“You and me, we’re just good together.”. Now you know why they asked the question, that it’s less about why you love them and more about them needing to receive validation that they are lovable, and how to reply in a way that meets that need.

RELATED: 15 Sweet Texts To Send A Guy To Say ‘I Love You’ (Without Too Much Pressure). Susan K.

Frequently Asked Questions [13]

When not to ask a guy out.

Do guys want girls to ask them out.

What are the benefits of asking a guy out.

By asking a guy out, you eliminate the uncertainty and ambiguity that often comes with waiting for him to make a move. Asking someone out can boost your self-confidence and self-esteem.

What are the chances of a guy saying yes when a girl asks him out.

It’s important to remember that people are unique, and their responses cannot be predicted completely. 5.

Like with all other social interactions, asking a guy carries the risk of bringing some unpleasant experiences, such as the guy not being interested in you and declining your proposal, which may lead to heartbreak. 6.

Building confidence to ask a guy out can be a little nerve-wracking, but with the right mindset and preparation, you can boost your confidence and go for it. Focus on the positives, remind yourself why you are worth it, and focus on your strengths.

Practice self-care and know your worth to gain the much-needed confidence to ask a guy out. 8.

While there isn’t a universally perfect time or place to ask a guy out, it’s helpful to consider a few factors that can increase the chances of a positive response. You can opt for a place that makes you both feel comfortable and have a conversation without distractions.

Take into account the guy’s personality and interests when selecting a location or activity for the date. 9.

It can be disappointing and hurtful when someone turns you down after you ask them out. However, it’s important to remember that rejection is a normal part of life and doesn’t reflect your worth or value.

What should I consider before asking a guy out.

Also, consider whether you share common interests, values, and goals, and make sure the guy is available and emotionally ready for a new relationship. 11.

When asking a guy out, women can sometimes make certain mistakes that can hinder their chances of success. Spending too much time analyzing situations may lead to missed opportunities.

The fear of rejection and not having the self-confidence to initiate may avoid asking a guy out.

More From Thought Catalog [14]

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How to Reply to The Question “How Have You Been”? [15]

Native English speakers often replace “how are you. ” with “how have you been.

They do this when asking how someone’s life has been going in general since a point in time (usually when you last spoke to each other). This question acknowledges that it’s been a long time since you last spoke and you need to catch up.

” instead of “how are you right now. ”.

We use “how have you been. ” when a lot of time has passed since we last saw or spoke to someone, and also we can use this phrase we want to start a conversation.

The inferred meaning is that “we need to catch up. Tell me what is going on in your life.”.

In addition, we can only ask this question if we have already met the person before. We cannot ask “how have you been.

It is not possible to catch up with someone we don’t already know.

To use this question appropriately, you need to learn that “how have you been. ” always has an implied ‘since’ clause.

We can also ask if someone has gone through a big change and we haven’t spoken to them for a long time. Usually, the life change is negative and we want to ask how they have been feeling since the event without mentioning the event directly.

For example: “How have you been..since I last saw you.

“How have you been..since we worked together. ”.

“How has he been..since the accident. ”.

There is no one right answer to this phrase. It is an open-ended question with countless possible answers.

There are ways to answer this inquiry in a short and quick way and other ways that go into detail about the time that has passed since you last saw each other.

Keep the reply direct and to-the-point. Single-word and short replies are acceptable such as “good” “not bad” “not great” and “been better.” Avoid chewing someone’s ear off with everything that has happened in your life.

English Everyday is an English course with 24/7 live speaking lessons for English learners who want unlimited speaking practice with native speakers, professional teachers, and students from around the world.

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Short answers usually come after an affirmative word like ‘yeah.’. Example: “Yeah, good.

You can add “yeah” before any of these short answers.

Keep the sentences short and sweet and end them with a strong short general statement.

Everything is the same as before and nothing has changed since the last time you spoke. This is a very common response that replaces ‘I’m good’ or ‘everything is OK.’ Native English speakers also add ‘and you.

’ and find out how the asker has been since they last spoke to each other. This is an example of how to answer honestly while keeping it relatively short.

Again, this response is slightly negative. Adding ‘but it has its perks’ has the same effect as ‘you know how it is.’ It means that things have been difficult, but it’s OK and you’re not too upset about it.

This is a very positive way to answer this question. ‘Things are on the up’ means that your life is getting better every day.

While this question is not strictly formal, it isn’t informal either. It is an acceptable question to use in a formal situation with someone you know well.

” in formal situations.

In terms of register, “how have you been. ” is a polite way to ask someone a very intimate question about their life without being direct about it.

The person answering can also choose a short answer to avoid sharing too much about their personal life.

Grammatically, it is not correct to say “how you been. ” Native English speakers might say “how you been.

It is a casual and lazy way to ask “how have you been. ”.

“How have you been. ” is used in a present perfect form that highlights a past situation or state and its relationship with the present.

“I have been good (since I last saw you)”.

It is only possible to express this with the present perfect tenses and any other form is grammatically incorrect.

” would get the response “I been good” and subject + past participle is not possible in the English language without ‘have/has/had’ in the middle.

‘How’ve’ is an abbreviation of ‘how have.’ We can also abbreviate ‘how has’ to ‘how’s’ for third person singular questions. For example, “how’s he been.

Pronunciation tip: to sound like a native English speaker, you must pronounce the question with the above abbreviations. You need to learn that native English speakers always link the words ‘how have’ and ‘how has’ when speaking.

‘U’ is an abbreviation of ‘you.’ This can only be used in informal texting or writing and can’t be used in formal writing or emails.

This is a present perfect continuous question structure which is perfectly acceptable too.

” draws attention to the ongoing emotion from the past to the present.

“How have you been doing. ” is a more sympathetic question and should be used when speaking to someone who has gone through a difficult time.

This question can only be used when speaking to someone who is going through a difficult time. The person asking the question is expecting a negative answer and should be prepared to offer words of advice or consolation.

We usually ask this question if someone has been ill and we want to know if they have been feeling better. “How have you been feeling.

Essentially, this question has the same meaning as “how have you been. ” It’s more upbeat and positive than the previous three examples.

“It” refers to “life” in this question.

’ It is a light-hearted question to check up on someone we haven’t spoken to in a while.

” with anyone, from someone we have just met to someone we’ve known our whole lives. We can use “how are you.

“How are you. ” means “how are you right now, at this moment.

We can only use “how have you been. ” with someone we know and haven’t seen for a long time.

” It shows a deep interest in knowing more than simply “how are you right now. ” We are asking for more information about someone’s life when we ask “how have you been.

“How are you. ” asks about a current state of being and “how have you been.

We can decide how much information we want to share when someone asks “how have you been. ” We can say “not bad,” “good,” “great,” “never better,” “been better,” and “surviving” to give a short summary of how our lives have been since we last spoke.

Or we can give longer replies but remember to add “but you know how it is,” “but it has its perks,” or another general statement to soften a negative reply. We want to avoid dampening the conversation with negativity, so be honest but keep it light-hearted.

Choose the best reply:.

How have you been doing.

How To Cope With Social Anxiety While Dating  [16]

When you first meet a guy you’re interested in or go on a first date, it can be challenging to come up with questions to ask him. If you have a list of questions, you might forget them due to nerves.

In addition, if you experience anxiety about dating and socializing, you can take a few additional steps to prepare for a fun and anxiety-free date.

Before the date, prepare for how you want to interact with this individual. Think of a few questions you want to know the answers to and write them down.

After considering these questions, practice them in the mirror and try to solidify them in your mind. Studies show that writing down your thoughts can increase the chances of remembering them and succeeding at your goals.

When thinking of questions, consider your values when dating someone new or looking for a relationship. Consider the morals, values, or traditions you’re most interested in learning about in the other person.

” or “What is the most adventurous activity you have ever done. “.

For example, you might want to know if your date likes traveling. Instead of inquiring, “Do you like to travel,” consider saying, “How do you feel about traveling out of the country.

” By inquiring about more open-ended concepts, you may allow your date to respond with more information, including their thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs.

Note that a first date is not an interview or an interrogation, so try not to feel overwhelmed by the ideas you have written down. The conversation between you and your date may flow freely and organically.

According to Dr. Thomas Richards from the Social Anxiety Institute, social anxiety is “the fear of being judged and evaluated negatively by others, leading to feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, self-consciousness, embarrassment, humiliation, and depression.”.

Richards explains that individuals who feel “anxious in social situations but seem better when alone” may struggle with social anxiety. For these people, the thought of going on a first date and meeting someone new can be emotionally taxing and exhausting.

Whether you briefly step outside for a breath of fresh air or go to the bathroom for a couple of minutes, taking a break and stepping away from the date may be helpful. Let your date know you’re going to make a phone call or need to use the bathroom and reassure them you’ll be back when done.

Depending on your level of anxiety, your date may notice your nervousness. If you are comfortable doing so, find a casual way to acknowledge your anxiety.

It may open the door for a new conversation and allow you and your date to feel less tense, stressed, and nervous. Your date might also have anxiety, showing you that you’re not alone.

Be present and pay attention to the conversation. Instead of thinking, “What are the other questions from my list.

” try to remain focused on the conversation. Doing so could make you appear interested in what your date is saying.

You can use many questions on a first date or with a guy you just met. Below are a few ideas.

Starting a conversation can be intimidating, whether through text, social media, or real life. A conversation can be a kick-starter for closeness and vulnerability in the dating world.

A few questions you can ask include the following:. Consider skimming a person’s dating bio and asking questions about their interests.

Depending on their openness, a conversation starter could be a more profound or personal question. For example, you may ask a person to tell some embarrassing stories.

Below are 50 questions you can ask a guy on your first date.

Below are a few questions to get started:. Deep questions may help you reach a level of vulnerability with someone you just met.

Deep questions can range from politics to philosophy to open-ended questions promoting conversation. One way to get deep is to have a comfortable environment.

If the stress of a first date or socializing with someone new makes you so anxious that you have difficulty functioning in other areas of life, you might be experiencing social anxiety. People living with social anxiety disorder often benefit from professional support, which can effectively treat symptoms.

Online therapy through a platform like BetterHelp may be a convenient option for those with anxiety or stress surrounding social situations. Through an online platform, you can choose between phone, video, or chat sessions.

Additionally, research has found promising results in studies on internet-based therapy. A recent study showed that even a brief online intervention could improve symptoms of social anxiety among adults.

Oh, and don’t miss our campus pop-up and trivia tonight! [17]

8 September 2022. Today, Thursday 8 September, is R U OK.

The simple act of having regular and meaningful conversations can make a huge difference to someone who may be struggling. Everyone can feel low or anxious at different times, and it’s such a gift to let your family, friends and peers know that you’re there for them.

Whatever the issue, feeling noticed, heard and cared for is a powerful thing – and it’s something we can all do. So, if you feel like something’s a bit ‘off’ with someone you know, or you notice a change in what they’re doing or saying, trust your instincts and take the time to ask them: ‘Are you OK.

You don’t need to have professional qualifications to have an R U OK. conversation – just listening and giving someone your time is a great place to start.

If your friend or loved one says they’re OK, but you’re worried they might be putting on a brave face, this could be because they’re concerned about being judged or looking weak, or aren’t sure how asking for help may affect their study or work. Look out for a mismatch between words and non-verbal behaviour.

To encourage them to open up, it’s important to acknowledge their feelings and use open-ended questions – ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘how’. For example:

You can also tune into today’s nationwide virtual R U OK. Day event at 12pm, when R U OK.

Some situations may be too big or serious for you to handle alone. By listening to your friend, together you can identify the type of help they’re ready for – from self-help resources to professional help that includes medical and counselling support.

Deakin offers a range of free services to help students with their mental health and wellbeing. We encourage you to:

Day t‑shirts. They’ll be at each Student Central from 10am to 1pm handing out free chocolate and bananas, as well as some R U OK.

Stop by and say hi.

Day online trivia extravaganza focusing on hobbies. Run by the Deakin Wellbeing Ambassadors, we’ll test your knowledge of the popular (and quirky) hobbies and pastimes that bring people together and keep life fun.

When: Tonight, 6–7.30pm Register now, and view terms and conditions.

Flirty Questions To Ask A Guy [18]

Whether you’ve only been with your boyfriend for a short time or the two of you have already reached milestone anniversaries, there’s always room to learn more about each other. Research shows disclosing our hopes, beliefs, turn-ons, mistakes, and more with our partner (self-disclosure) is linked to higher relationship quality and lower divorce rates (Finkel, 2017).

) and trust between the two of you. Plus, having an open conversation about things the two of you have possibly never discussed beats yet another date night of takeout in front of the tv.

Want more. Download Lovewick’s free couples card game for iOS and Android for 1000+ questions and hundreds of date ideas.

Note: Not all questions will be appropriate for every relationship, so feel free to mix and match questions according to your situation. Use these questions in various settings and situations: while waiting at the airport, sitting on the couch together, or even during a road trip.

Depending on the length of your relationship, you might think you know almost everything about the person you spend most of your time with. You may know his favorite movie, favorite drink, what kind of music he likes, his favorite animal, and even what toppings he likes most on his hamburger.

That said, knowing favorites doesn’t get into the “why” behind them, so if you’re looking to go a layer deeper and beyond one-word answers, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite personal questions to learn more about your boyfriend’s life, his thoughts, and his values.

Even if he’s mostly open about his feelings, some questions and hypotheticals have likely never come up in conversation. Maybe you want to know how he felt the first time the two of you kissed or shared your feelings, or perhaps there are some fond memories he hasn’t reminisced about with you because he hasn’t found the right opening or opportunity yet.

here are a few fun questions to get you started: When you ask your boyfriend deep questions about your relationship, it helps open the two of you up to all sorts of different ways to communicate your feelings.

Whether you’re crushing, dating, or even married, flirting remains one of the best parts of a relationship. It’s a fun, playful way to bring excitement into your relationship.

Something that requires a little thought and creativity is usually the best. When choosing flirty questions, try to stay away from anything serious, negative, or inappropriate.

Flirting is all about balance.

Here are some good flirty questions to ask your boyfriend: If you want to spice things up with more intimate questions, try these 13 juicy questions to ask your boyfriend.

If he’s uncomfortable answering these, try to be understanding and not take it personally — people move at different paces. These questions are probably for couples who have been together for a longer time and know each other fairly well.

Sometimes you want to ask questions just to be silly and laugh with each other because you’re bored, and that’s okay. Asking questions doesn’t always have to lead to some monumental reveal about their personality.

Here are some silly questions to get you started.

By answering questions that may not come up in day-to-day life, you and your partner can bond on a deeper level. Get Lovewick’s free relationship app for couples on iOS or Android, and start playing today.

What to Say When Someone Asks if You’re Seeing Someone? [19]

When a guy asks you if you’re seeing someone, it can be a pretty loaded question. What does he mean by it.

In this article, I’m going to give you some tips on how you can use a guy’s body language and better understand why he’s asking you if you’re single.

Maybe he’s just trying to be friendly and make conversation. Or, maybe he’s interested in you and is trying to see if there’s potential for a relationship.

This could be because you’ve mentioned it in conversation, or because he’s seen you out and about without a date. If the guy is interested in you, asking if you’re seeing someone is a way of gauging your interest level – even if he knows the answer.

So, I’m not suggesting you lie, but you should think carefully about how you answer him. If you say that you are seeing someone, for example, the guy should back off and not chase you in a romantic way.

Well, the first thing you need to do is figure out why he’s asking and think about how you want the relationship between the two of you to go. If he’s just being friendly, there’s no harm in responding positively and continuing the conversation.

You could say something like, “No, I’m not seeing anyone right now, but I’m happy how I am” or “I’m not looking for anything serious.”. This will let him know that you’re not interested without being too rude.

You could say something like, “Sorry, I’m not interested” or “I’m not looking for a relationship right now”, or even “I’m not, and I would hate to ruin our friendship if you’re suggesting anything.”. Generally speaking, however, being honest is almost always the best way to answer a guy when he’s probing if you’re interested in him.

There are a few things with a guy’s body language you can look for to help you figure out the guy’s intentions when asking you if you’re single. If he’s not making good eye contact and seems a little nervous or acts like he’s been building up to asking you, he’s asking for himself.

On the other hand, he may just be a confident guy, but if he asks you in a flippant way it’s more likely he’s just interested but not necessarily for himself. A friend who is interested is also likely to ask at any time.

This will lessen the embarrassment if you say you’re taken or tell him you’re not interested in him. If it’s completely obvious that he’s not interested in you in a romantic way but he’s interested in your love life, the guy might be asking on behalf of one of his friends.

Now that you know what to look for, it’s time to learn how to spot when a guy is trying to ask you out. There are definitely some signs a guy wants to ask you out.

If he’s been paying close attention to you, and especially if he knows about your personal life, it’s likely he’s interested in you. He may also try to make a physical connection with you, by getting close or touching you.

If the guy has been making good eye contact and seems really interested in what you have to say, it’s possible he wants to ask you out.

Image credits – Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash. Phil lives in England, UK, and has around 20 years experience as a professional life, career and executive coach.

Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future.

Personal Values [20]

When it comes to dating, it can be difficult to know the right questions to ask a guy. After all, you want to get to know him better and find out how compatible you two are.

That’s why it’s important to come up with good conversation starters that will help both of you learn more about each other without making either person feel uncomfortable. In terms of dating, there are a variety of questions you can ask to get to know a guy better.

Funny questions can help break the ice and make the conversation more relaxed and enjoyable.

If you’re looking to connect on a deeper level, try asking deep questions about his values, beliefs, and past experiences.

Whatever your goal, asking the right questions is key to getting to know someone better. Here is the scoop on some great dating questions for guys that can help break the ice and get conversations going in no time.

What’s your name.

How old are you.

Where are you from.

What do you do for a living.

What’s your educational background.

Do you have any siblings.

What’s your relationship with your family like.

What’s your favorite hobby.

What are your favorite types of music.

What’s your favorite food.

Do you have any pets.

What’s your favorite type of movie.

What’s your favorite book.

What’s your favorite TV show.

What’s your favorite type of weather.

What’s your favorite place to go on vacation.

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off.

What’s your favorite Saturday activity.

What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time.

What’s your favorite memory.

What’s your longest relationship.

Have you ever been married.

Do you have any children.

Do you want to have children someday.

Do you want to get married someday.

What do you think makes a relationship work.

How do you handle conflicts in a relationship.

How do you show affection.

What’s your love language.

What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship.

What do you think is the biggest mistake people make in relationships.

Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship.

How do you feel about public displays of affection.

What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done.

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned from past relationships.

What do you think is the most important thing to do to maintain a healthy relationship.

What’s your idea of a perfect date.

What do you think is the most important quality in a partner.

How do you know when you’re ready to be in a relationship.

How do you know when you’re in love.

What’s your religion.

What’s your opinion on social issues.

What’s your opinion on environmental issues.

What’s your opinion on animal rights.

What’s your opinion on gun control.

What’s your opinion on drug legalization.

What’s your opinion on abortion.

What’s your opinion on the death penalty.

What’s your opinion on assisted suicide.

What’s your opinion on private prisons.

What’s your favorite type of restaurant.

Do you drink alcohol.

Do you like to cook.

What’s your favorite type of cuisine.

Do you have any dietary restrictions.

What’s your favorite type of alcoholic drink.

Do you smoke.

What’s your favorite type of coffee.

Do you prefer tea or coffee.

Do you have any health issues.

What was your very first job.

How did you get into your line of work.

What do you like about your job.

What do you dislike about your job.

What are your long-term career goals.

Have you ever been fired from a job.

Have you ever quit a job.

What’s the most interesting job you’ve ever had.

What’s the least interesting job you’ve ever had.

What’s your dream job.

What’s your current job.

What’s your opinion on job stability.

How important is work-life balance to you.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned from a job.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced at work.

What’s the biggest accomplishment you’ve had at work.

What’s your opinion on work culture.

Do you prefer working alone or with a team.

How do you handle workplace conflicts.

What’s your opinion on the importance of work-life balance.

Do you have any career goals.

What’s your opinion on career development.

What’s your opinion on entrepreneurship.

Have you ever been promoted.

What’s your opinion on job security.

What’s your opinion on retirement.

What’s your opinion on the gig economy.

What are your greatest strengths in your job.

What are your greatest weaknesses in your job.

What job do you think you will have in 5 years.

Do you work out.

What’s your favorite type of exercise.

Do you have any fitness goals.

What’s your favorite healthy food.

What’s your favorite unhealthy food.

What is your favorite vegetable.

How often do you go to the doctor.

What’s your opinion on alternative medicine.

Do you have any allergies.

Do you have any phobias.

What are your short-term goals.

What are your long-term goals.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome.

What motivates you.

What’s the most important thing you’ve accomplished.

What’s the most important thing you want to accomplish.

Do you have a bucket list.

What’s something you’ve always wanted to do.

What’s something you’ve never done but want to try.

What’s your biggest dream.

How do you manage your money.

Do you have any investments.

Do you have any debt.

What’s your credit score.

How do you save money.

What’s your opinion on credit cards.

Do you have a budget.

What’s your biggest financial goal.

What’s your biggest financial accomplishment.

What’s your opinion on money.

What’s your current financial situation.

What’s your opinion on budgeting.

What’s your opinion on saving money.

What’s your opinion on debt.

What’s your opinion on taxes.

What’s your opinion on charity.

What’s your opinion on wealth and income inequality.

What’s your opinion on retirement planning.

How do you feel about couponing.

Are you a spender or a saver.

What’s your relationship with your family like.

Who’s your best friend.

How did you meet your best friend.

How important are friendships to you.

Do you have any close family members.

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from a family member.

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from a friend.

What’s your opinion on family dynamics.

How often do you see your family.

How often do you see your friends.

What’s your personality type.

What are your biggest strengths.

What are your biggest weaknesses.

What’s your biggest fear.

What makes you happy.

What makes you sad.

What makes you angry.

What’s your opinion on change.

What’s your opinion on risk-taking.

What’s your opinion on failure.

Did you go to college.

What’s the most important thing you learned in school.

What’s your favorite subject.

What’s your least favorite subject.

What’s the most interesting thing you learned in school.

What’s your opinion on higher education.

Did you enjoy school.

What’s your opinion on homeschooling.

Do you have any degrees or certifications.

What’s your favorite type of learning.

What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled to.

Have you ever traveled outside of the country.

What’s your favorite thing about traveling.

Do you prefer to travel alone or with others.

What’s the craziest thing that’s ever happened to you while traveling.

What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to.

What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done while traveling.

What’s your favorite thing to do while on vacation.

Have you ever taken a road trip.

What’s your ideal vacation.

What are your favorite hobbies.

What do you do in your free time.

Do you play any sports.

What’s your favorite show to watch.

Do you have any musical talents.

Do you like to dance.

What’s your favorite type of music to listen to.

Do you like to read.

What was your favorite book as a child.

Do you like to watch movies.

What’s your political affiliation.

What’s your opinion on the current political climate.

Do you vote.

What’s your opinion on political correctness.

What’s your opinion on social justice.

What’s your opinion on freedom of speech.

Do you believe in climate change.

What’s your opinion on immigration.

What’s your opinion on police.

What’s your opinion on The Constitution.

What’s your religious background.

What’s your current religious affiliation.

What’s your opinion on organized religion.

Do you believe in God.

What’s your opinion on spirituality.

Do you meditate.

What’s your opinion on life after death.

Do you believe in reincarnation.

What’s your opinion on the existence of evil.

What’s your opinion on the role of religion in society.

What’s most important to you in life.

#4 Feel Like I Dodged A Bullet Here [21]

The fairytale love story beckons us all with its promise of a princess falling in love with her prince charming. Where the match is literally made in heaven.

Until reality hits, and your options are in front of you, apparently just a frog and a donkey. If you pick the frog, he may change into a prince despite its unappealing nature.

But the crux is, love isn’t always packaged the way you expect so you have to take a chance to discover your happily ever after.

Folks tend to get on dating apps like Tinder expecting a partner to fulfil an exhaustive checklist of physical, emotional, and financial criteria amongst others. These standards often overshadow genuine connections in a world that is already too dependent on technology.

Image source: reddit.com.

For many people, such unrealistic expectations can lead to disillusionment and missed opportunities for meaningful relationships, as the pursuit of perfection overshadows the beauty of embracing imperfections and discovering genuine compatibility between two people.

Image source: kiraagency.

Image source: mommonstar.

That being said, it’s crucial to strike a balance between having standards and boundaries that reflect personal values and being open to the unpredictability of love and human connection.

Image source: reddit.com, perfectsweeties.

Image source: BackgroundContract77.

Image source: reddit.com.

Image source: LaheyOnTheLiquor.

Image source: Reality_Rose.

Image source: virt1028.

Image source: imgur.com.

Image source: AristonD.

Image source: jnej94.

Image source: QuotingThings.

Image source: buildingseas.

Image source: Unfair_Assumption_23, WilliamMarvel.

Image source: reddit.com.

Image source: TheUga69.

Reference source

  1. https://www.attractiondiary.com/what-does-it-mean-when-a-guy-asks-if-you-are-good/
  2. https://creakyjoints.org/living-with-arthritis/coronavirus/daily-living/questions-ask-before-seeing-loved-ones-high-risk-immunocompromised-covid-19/
  3. https://nevertoolate.biz/understanding-men-why-he-asks-you-out-but-leaves-vague/
  4. https://www.developgoodhabits.com/personal-questions-guy/
  5. https://www.yourtango.com/2017306153/how-know-if-man-serious-about-commitment-ask-him-these-10-questions
  6. https://www.cheerfulcouple.com/flirty-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/
  7. https://www.elitedaily.com/dating/734677
  8. https://romantified.com/ways-to-ask-a-guy-to-be-your-boyfriend/
  9. https://www.lovepanky.com/women/understanding-men/deep-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend
  10. https://www.attractiondiary.com/what-should-you-say-when-a-girl-or-guy-asks-what-am-i-to-you/
  11. https://www.shaunnestor.com/how-to-respond-when-a-guy-asks-you-out-for-coffee/
  12. https://www.yourtango.com/experts/susan-edwards/romantic-cute-things-to-say-to-your-boyfriend-girlfriend-when-asked-why-do-you-love-me
  13. https://www.momjunction.com/articles/how-to-ask-a-guy-out_00719463/
  14. https://thoughtcatalog.com/marisa-donnelly/2016/08/100-good-questions-to-ask-a-guy-that-will-bring-you-closer-together/
  15. https://www.krisamerikos.com/blog/how-have-you-been-learn-what-does-this-question-mean-with-answers
  16. https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/relations/what-are-some-good-questions-to-ask-a-guy-you-just-met/
  17. https://blogs.deakin.edu.au/deakinlife/2022/09/08/just-four-simple-steps-how-to-ask-someone-r-u-ok/
  18. https://lovewick.com/fun-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/
  19. https://selfdevelopmentjourney.com/when-a-guy-asks-if-youre-seeing-someone/
  20. https://sarahscoop.com/dating-questions-to-ask-a-guy/
  21. https://www.demilked.com/ridiculous-dating-checklists/

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