10 How To Ask A Guy Where You Stand Over Text New

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Setting the Right Tone in Your Text [1]

Home » Relationships » Love » How To Ask A Guy Where You Stand Over Text: What To Say & How To Say It. Are you unsure about where you stand with a guy.

Sending a text can be a great way to have an open and honest conversation. In this article, we’ll guide you on how to ask a guy where you stand over text.

Learn how to handle different responses and how to move forward after the conversation. Table of Contents.

Timing factors play a crucial role in effective communication strategies. It’s important to choose the right moment to initiate such a conversation to ensure a favorable outcome.

It’s best to choose a time when both of you’re relaxed and have the opportunity to engage in a meaningful discussion. Additionally, consider the context of your relationship and any recent events that might affect his receptiveness to the question.

To set the right tone, begin by expressing your feelings openly and honestly. Let the person know that you value the connection you have and that you’d like to discuss where you both stand.

Use phrases like ‘I would appreciate it if we could have an open conversation about our relationship’ to convey your intentions. Remember to remain calm and understanding, allowing them the space to express their own feelings.

When it comes to building confidence and overcoming fears, it’s important to be direct and clear in expressing your thoughts and feelings. If you want to ask a guy where you stand over text, be confident in your words and avoid beating around the bush.

Use simple and concise language to ensure there’s no confusion. When trying to get honest answers from someone, asking open-ended questions is key.

This approach builds trust and allows for a deeper and more meaningful conversation. If you want to have a meaningful conversation, try asking open-ended questions that encourage honest answers.

By asking questions that require more than a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, you give the other person an opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings more deeply. This can lead to a richer and more engaging conversation.

You can encourage honesty in a conversation by asking open-ended questions and through the use of double prepositions and coordinating conjunctions. By asking open-ended questions, you create an environment where the other person feels safe to share their thoughts and feelings.

Additionally, using double prepositions and coordinating conjunctions can help foster honesty. These linguistic devices allow for more nuanced responses and encourage the other person to delve deeper into their thoughts and emotions.

You can build trust with questions by asking open-ended ones that encourage honest answers. Building rapport and gaining clarity in any relationship is crucial, whether it’s with a friend, colleague, or romantic partner.

This allows for deeper understanding and connection. Open-ended questions also demonstrate your genuine interest in the other person, which helps to build trust over time.

This fosters open communication and paves the way for building a solid foundation of trust and understanding. When receiving varying responses, it’s important to handle them with grace.

Managing expectations is key in these situations. It’s natural to have different opinions and perspectives, but acknowledging and respecting them is crucial.

Responding with understanding and open-mindedness can create a safe space for further discussion and collaboration. Keep in mind that everyone has the right to their own thoughts and feelings, and it’s not necessary to agree on everything.

It’s important to understand that navigating uncertainty can be challenging, but it’s an essential part of growth and understanding. The next steps involve actively listening to each other’s viewpoints and searching for areas of agreement.

Remember that finding a solution may require compromise and open-mindedness. Discussing the next steps together can help in creating a roadmap for moving forward.

By remaining open and respectful, you can foster a productive environment for ongoing discussions. When figuring out the right time to ask a guy about where you stand over text, consider determining timing and setting the tone.

When asking a guy about your relationship status over text, it’s important to set the right tone. Start by establishing clear boundaries and building trust and open communication.

When asking a guy where you stand over text, it’s important to be clear and direct. Sending a straightforward message like, “Hey, I’ve been thinking about our relationship.

” can help initiate an open conversation. To encourage honest answers from a guy when discussing your relationship over text, try asking open-ended questions.

When a guy gives mixed signals or vague responses about your relationship over text, it can be confusing. Trust your instincts and communicate openly with him to clarify where you stand.

By crafting a direct message and asking open-ended questions, you increase the chances of receiving honest answers. Remember to handle different responses with grace, and after the conversation, take the necessary steps to move forward.

Be Prepared to Hear a Negative Answer [2]

First things first, there are some things you should keep in mind before you ask any sorts of questions. This part is mostly related to your personal needs and desires, and you shouldn’t skip it.

Let’s go through them together: Table of Contents.

You can’t discuss any given topic without knowing where you stand personally. Therefore, ask yourself what you want, and then you’ll be able to confront a particular person about your relationship type.

Only that way, you’ll get a straight and honest answer. People feel more comfortable with dodging questions, and you want to avoid that.

Life is not always rainbows and butterflies, and you might get an answer you’re not going to like at all. It’s just how it is, people often want and aim for different things in their lives and relationships.

Regardless of the answer you get, you should follow your heart and stand behind your personal opinion. If the person doesn’t agree with you, don’t worry, you’ll find a way to cope with it.

Most of the time, women avoid these questions as they are convinced about being too pushy when asking them. The real truth is that there’s nothing wrong with asking a guy about his opinion on romantic relationships.

In the end, it’s understandable that you want to avoid and prevent a possible heartbreak. Sometimes, even the first date can tell you whether you’re wasting your time, emotions, and effort, or not.

You maybe went on a perfect date, get a couple of drinks, enjoyed a romantic walk in the night. Then you get out together, danced, ate lunch, and you completely forgot about the talk you had and whether you’re ok with it.

At this point, you should try to remember all the talks you had about the particular topic. It should help you prepare yourself for the actual talk and give you some hints on how to ask a guy what his intentions are.

Don’t let the fear take over. If you want to ask a guy where your relationship is heading, you should do it.

It’s completely ok if you want to find out whether you are on the same side regarding your relationship. Don’t be ashamed of asking directly any questions you have, and most certainly don’t be ashamed of wanting more than other people.

We tried to give you some answers and tips on how to overcome them.

Deep Questions To Ask A Guy Over Text [3]

Image: iStock. Texting is an easier and exciting way to get to know each other.

Sending regular boring messages may end the conversation abruptly if they lose interest. So why not kick-start the conversation with some exciting questions and keep the flow smooth.

You may also tweak these questions to suit your style. Here are some flirty questions to ask a boy.

Image: IStock. Looking for some engaging conversation starters to text your boyfriend.

Image: IStock. Make sure you both know each other enough and feel comfortable discussing these topics and answering these questions.

Here is a collection of deep and engaging queries to initiate meaningful conversations with a guy over text. Image: IStock.

If you’re looking for daring questions to ask a guy over text, here are some engaging queries to keep the conversation going.

How do I know if I’m coming across as too aggressive or passive in texting conversations with a guy.

However, you can be cautious by ensuring your language is clear and mindful. Avoid using slang or cuss words.

Is it okay to ask personal questions over text.

To be on the safe side, be subtle in your approach. If they respond positively, you may ask the main question.

Do not pester them. 3.

To transition from texting to a phone or in-person conversation, you can suggest doing an activity together, like exploring a new restaurant or indulging in any activity. This can help you move beyond texting.

How do I make a guy comfortable opening up to me over text.

Be responsive to his questions and encourage him to share more about himself without fearing being judged. Show interest in him, and he might be able to open up to you over texts.

You can add a spark to your relationship, especially the couples in a long-distance relationship, by getting a little flirty and asking some intimate questions. Some questions to ask a guy over text can add excitement to your relationship and may help you know them better.

The above questions will spark chemistry and fuel the romance if you execute them well. You may have seen how sending the wrong texts can ruin a perfect relationship.

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team. Get high-quality PDF version by clicking below.

Get creative and have fun with it – you never know what kind of conversation you’ll have.

Knowing how to ask a guy where you stand with him without coming across as needy is tricky. But it can be done, and here is how you do it. [4]

Let’s face it, figuring out how to ask a guy where you stand is scary. If you like him and want things to move forward, this could be an eye-opener that you want different things.

DTR is short for “defining the relationship.” It is a conversation between you and someone you are dating about what the relationship can and should look like from now on.

Or the conversation can go further and lead to officially defining it as a committed boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Either way, you want to know where you stand with a guy.

It can also be done if you are casually hooking up with someone or you have a friends-with-benefits situation. [Read: Dating exclusively but not in a relationship.

If you have people asking you, “is he your boyfriend. ” then maybe it’s time to have the DTR talk.

If you’re in a casual relationship, defining your relationship might not seem necessary. It can also be uncomfortable and unpleasant because you’ve never had a serious emotional discussion.

Just because you don’t need it right now when things between the two of you are going great doesn’t mean you won’t ever need it. [Read: Types of relationships – 26 ways to define your love life].

It also sets you up to be able to have more difficult conversations or even arguments down the road. In other words, having a DTR conversation defines the expectations of both people so the two of you can act accordingly.

But it will show each other your intentions about commitment – or not. Talking about where you stand with a guy also will make you feel more secure.

[Read: Define the relationship – when to do it and 20 signs it’s time to DTR already]. The conversation can also help you assess your sexual risk.

So, setting sexual boundaries is an important part of this conversation too. We have all been dating someone when that time came to define the relationship.

Either it will lead you to a closer, more intimate connection, or it will end things. If you want things to be casual and he wants things to be more serious, this could make things awkward.

Are you friends with benefits, or are you exclusive. Are you on the path to marriage.

[Read: The DTR made easy: Your simple guide to talking about your relationship]. But, it is never that simple, is it.

That is a vulnerable thing to share, no matter who you are. In relationships, people need reassurance that they are on the same page.

Romantic comedies, the media, and society have tainted this question, making people think you look needy or high maintenance for simply asking where you stand with your guy. If you want even the smallest resemblance of a plan or clue into the future, you are asking too much for a lot of guys.

[Read: How to stick up for yourself in a relationship and know your worth. ].

It is not just vulnerable for him to admit, but it is twice as scary to ask because it shows you care. As women, we are taught to care but balance it with being carefree.

And we are also taught that all men are afraid of commitment. Even if you’re dating a guy and all is going well, the idea of asking him where you stand brings up so much anxiety because it could scare him off.

These things build up in our minds and make us think that asking such a simple question is so difficult and means so much. And trust me, if you’re feeling all these feelings, you’re not alone.

Many people are in a cycle of, “should I ask this question to put myself at ease or should I let it go and be the cool girl who is just so chill. ”.

They pretend to be chill without knowing what they are. They swallow their desire for a relationship with mutual respect and communication for some male attention.

But, you can only do that for so long before you think that is all you deserve. You will fall into a pattern of situation-ships.

When you let that happen so many times, you eventually become used to it. You become accustomed to this as the norm and think it is all you deserve.

Deep down, you know the answer. But it can be so much better.

It all starts with knowing your worth, what you want, and not being afraid of the truth. Before you build up the courage to ask a guy where you stand, you must build that strength within yourself.

Until you recognize your worth and what you deserve, you never will be able to confidently ask this question of a guy you are seeing. You have to learn that you deserve better than the man-children you have dated.

And you deserve to find a guy that wants to commit to you. Once you come to the conclusion that you deserve it, you will have the confidence to be vulnerable.

You know your worth. [Read: The signs of low self-esteem in a woman and how it can sabotage your life].

Sure, he could say possibly say nothing serious or just someone to hang out with, so you need to be prepared for that response. If you ask this question and the guy says nothing serious or is otherwise vague with his answer, you shouldn’t agree and act cool like you aren’t bothered.

So, if he says he is open to anything, but if things felt like he’d want a relationship, you might feel validated and heard. He might be able to give you an answer without squirming or evading the question.

He might answer that way because you ask the question with confidence and know your worth. Now that you know that you should ask a guy where you stand with him, how exactly should you do it.

Unfortunately, you can’t control whether or not he is going to be freaked out by this DTR conversation. All you can do is speak your truth, ask for what you want, and take the risk.

So, how should you initiate this conversation.

If you’re nervous about the conversation, prepare what you are going to say ahead of time. That way, you will know what is important to say, and you won’t fumble through your words.

You have to be prepared for the possibility that he might not want to have this DTR conversation. He might try to avoid it like the plague.

But if he does, that is a huge red flag. That means he doesn’t want to define the relationship, which means he doesn’t want any type of label.

When you are initiating the DTR conversation, you don’t want to freak him out right away. So, act as if the discussion isn’t a big deal.

[Read: 20 subtle secrets to play it cool with a guy and not be distant or clingy]. There’s no right or wrong time to have this conversation about the boundaries in your relationship.

Do whatever feels right to you. This is a conversation about boundaries and limitations.

He might not be ready for the kind of commitment you’re ready for. And if he’s not, then you need to choose what to do next.

How to Get a Guy to Ask You Out Over Text: 3 Simple Tips [5]

These days, knowing how to get a guy to like you and ask you out means knowing how to flirt over text in just the right way. If you’ve ever had a guy text you for weeks without asking you out, you know how frustrating it can be.

You think he’s interested, but what’s it going to take for him to finally ask you out on a date.

RELATED: How To Master The Art Of Flirting (If You Want To Snag Someone Special). When a guy first starts texting you, you may be tempted to banter with him.

On the contrary, keep it short and sweet. The goal is to get him to ask you out, right.

“Sounds good. (smiley face emoji)”.

(winky face emoji)”. “Can’t wait.

This may sound silly to you, but it makes perfect sense to a guy. Using three words or less and tossing in a few emojis to answer his texts will let him know you’re ready for him to move from texting to asking you out.

The next step is to keep it to time and location. This basically means you prompt him by letting him know when you’re available, as well as where you’ll generally be located so he can make plans to see you.

This means you avoid texting out-of-nowhere, open-ended questions, such as, “How was your day. ”.

Keeping it short and sweet while letting him know your schedule and where you’ll be will get the wheels turning and send him on his way to trying to set up a date with you. Frankly, if he doesn’t catch onto this, there’s not much else to talk about.

RELATED: How To Text A Guy (Without Turning Him Off Completely). Sometimes, all the subtlety in the world goes straight over a guy’s head.

You can do this is by texting something like this example: “I really like texting with you. It’s fun and you’re charming and smart.

What do you think about calling me on the phone, or us going out together. ”.

By letting him know what you don’t want, you’re opening the door to get what you do want. Remember: keep it short and sweet.

So, let’s recap here. Avoid that tired open-ended cliche question, “How’s it going.

Questions like this are not a conversation he feels like engaging in. Instead, give him your time and location as a way to prompt him to make plans to see you.

For example, “I really appreciate texting with you, however, I don’t feel comfortable only texting. What do you think.

Using these three tips on flirting with a guy over text will get him moving in the right direction. Next thing you know, you will have perfectly played your hand when you get a text from him to ask you out.

James Allen Hanrahan is a relationship expert, author, speaker, an educator of effective communication strategies for male/female relationships. He is a certified ASR educator and T.A.

You Have No Prior History [6]

Asking a guy out is nerve-wracking. Mustering the courage to actually walk up to someone and blurt out, “Do you want to get a cup of coffee sometime.

You may be tempted to just let go of talking to him altogether just because you are afraid he will say no. But what if he says yes.

Maybe, you’ll find some courage if you ask him how over text, instead of in person. Asking someone to go out with you is no easy task, including how to ask a girl out.

The exact phrasing is entirely up to you, as is the weight you assign to it. If you want to see someone in a simple, casual setting, you might ask him to a movie or coffee for conversation.

In this case, you might request a date involving dinner or a show. You may even ask if he wants to go on a date that lasts several hours, depending on how confident you feel.

Also, consider their personality, wants, and needs when you are formulating your date plan. Some men love humor and humorous interactions and might prefer a silly or playful request for a fun date.

As much as possible, learn what type of date will resonate with your guy, and plan to ask him out and suggest accordingly. Figure out what he is interested in, whether it be talking or something more engaging and fun.

While it may take a little courage on your part, avoid beating around the bush or trying to play it safe and cool as friends. Instead of trying to hint that you want to go out, try being direct and to the point.

I’ve enjoyed spending time with you at work. Do you want to get a drink sometime this weekend.

When you ask a guy out over text, try to make it as personal as possible. Text can feel distant and impersonal, so you want to make sure you craft a message that is as unique to your guy as possible.

Asking someone out always puts you at risk of getting a “no.” Ensure that the person you are asking has a safe and simple way of letting you down if that is what he wants. You want to avoid putting him in a situation where he doesn’t feel comfortable or obligated to say “yes”.

An open-ended request to go out with you might look a bit like this: “Are you busy this weekend. ” If the guy does not want to go on a date, a simple “Yes” will close down the conversation quickly.

While you are waiting and wondering, look to the next opportunity. If you both enjoy role-playing games (RPG), you can ask him to be your plus one at your next tabletop RPG meeting with friends next weekend.

If the two of you have spent time talking and laughing over something together, use that as a window into asking him out. If you could not stop laughing over how cheesy a movie is, you can say, “I know how much you loved ___.

” This is a low-key, low-pressure date, as well as a low-key and low-pressure way to ask someone out on a date. Sometimes, you may ask a friend out for a drink, movie, or coffee and you will not get a definite “no” to the first text, but you won’t get a definite “yes,” either.

You probably do not take it personally when your friend says they are too busy to hang out, so try to do the same with the guy you asked out over text. Of course, it might be awkward when there is no clear answer and you might be afraid or nervous.

You do not want to venture into the territory of someone who cannot take a hint, but it is possible a guy didn’t get your message. Maybe he had pressing matters to attend to and failed to respond, or just was unsure what to say.

Sometimes, you won’t get a response at all. Not even texting back a “Hey.” Although it isn’t quite the same as ghosting, some men prefer to stay silent rather than face the awkward nature of turning someone down.

If, after a second attempt, you are still staring at a blank message, it is clear that he is not interested. Feel free to remove him from your mind and phone and move on.

While it may be embarrassing and disappointing, do your best to let it go and open yourself up to other potential love interests. You are a precious human being and there are many people who deserve your time.

Although the idea that women should not ask men out is antiquated and rooted in sexist stereotypes, there are instances when you should avoid asking a guy out. These have little to do with being female, though, and have far more to do with reading cues and establishing connections.

Asking a guy out when you have no prior history or connection is most likely going to make you both feel awkward and uncomfortable. Even if you met someone online, you should try to establish some amount of rapport first.

If you get along well after communicating for a few days or weeks, asking him out is likely to be a great idea with the right words. If, however, you merely saw a picture or hung out with mutual friends, and you immediately leap to, “Do you want to go out with me.

Aggressiveness is a trait that many people may find unpleasant. If you do not feel connected with a guy, and it feels like pulling teeth when you try to talk, the spark isn’t there.

When your conversations regularly devolve into uncomfortable silences, or you can never quite figure out what to say, do not ask him out. No matter how attractive you might find him, if you cannot carry on a conversation in-person or over text, you are unlikely to do so in person effectively.

Furthermore, even if you can hold a conversation, you may notice he is not openly interested in you. Paying attention to his body language will clue you in to how he feels about you.

Does he give you his undivided attention or pay the same amount of attention to you as everyone else. Does he respond quickly and make romantic hints when the two of you are texting.

If he doesn’t seem to have much of fun time with you already, then you aren’t going to enjoy going for a coffee, movie, or drink together. You don’t want to sound desperate when you ask a guy out as this can have the opposite effect that you want.

Remember that no one can make you feel fulfilled or whole, this is a feeling and developmental milestone that you find within yourself – not necessarily in others. If you want to ask someone out because you feel bored, lonely, or afraid of being alone for an upcoming holiday, take a step back and take your hands away from your keyboard.

The most important of which is your emotional safety. If he says yes, you might feel excited and wonderful for a moment, but if your relationship starts to go awry, you might be right back where you started.

Avoid asking a guy out when you’re feeling sad, emotional, or vulnerable, and wait until you are in a strong, healthy headspace. Asking a guy out over text is a simple, effective way to ask someone out without a lot of pressure.

Texting has replaced phone calls for the most part and is one of the most common ways people communicate today. It is not only far more convenient than waiting to ask him in real life, but it is also an easier way of asking someone out for those who are a bit shy.

If you are still a bit unsure or nervous of how to start the subject, here are a few tips to keep in mind when asking a guy out over text: Far from being a cowardly act, asking a guy out over text is in keeping with using the most used means of communication while allowing both of you to maintain your dignity.

Questions About Their Childhood [7]

Texting a new crush is arguably one of the easiest and most exciting ways to kickstart a new relationship. IMO, staying up late just to exchange messages with someone you’re starting to like is a necessary step in the modern-day courting process.

But don’t worry — whether you’ve gone out on one, five, or 10 dates, there’s still so much more to learn about your new romantic interest, even if you don’t know where to start.

When it’s your turn to ask the next question and you’re not sure what direction to go in, take your pick from these thought-provoking choices. Each question is just detailed enough to prompt a revealing answer..

Here are 40 questions to ask your crush over text when you’re still getting to know them, ranging from “who,” “what,” “when,” and “where,” to “would you rather. “.

And, of course, it’s equally as important to share your own answers to these and other questions your crush might ask. The early stage of any kind of relationship is all about establishing boundaries, practicing open and honest communication, and giving just as much as you take.

Editor’s Note: This story has been updated by Elite Daily Staff. Be the first to know what’s trending, straight from Elite Daily.

Suggest A Vague Plan [8]

One of the first texts I sent to my (now) husband was a lie. When we first met on a beach seven years ago, I was living outside of Philadelphia and he was living in Boston.

Thing is, I had no plans to be in Boston that weekend, but I wanted to see if he’d ask me out. He did.

Now, let’s be real: Even if you’re a grown-ass woman, texting a guy you just met can feel weird. It’s basically the modern-day equivalent of figuring out how to say a pickup line, without it coming off as super-cheesy.

But there’s a method to the madness. That’s why I asked a bunch of women to share the exact text messages that worked for them—and had Chloe Carmichael, Ph.D., a psychologist practicing in New York City, explains why these strategies could work for you.

—Litty F., 32, New York, NY. The relationship expert says: “Starting an inside joke and understanding how to gently tease over text is an art—and a nice way to keep things feeling light-hearted.

Plus, by being lighthearted you make it easy for someone to have a back and forth with you without feeling overwhelmed or concerned about obligations.”. Put The Pressure On.

No pressure, but you’re it. You’re the last match.

We dated for a bit, then broke up for other reasons.” —Jennifer W., 33, Wilmington, NC. The relationship expert says: “Women are often concerned with seeming too available, so this woman emphasized her lack of availability.

—Olivia J., 24, San Francisco, CA. The relationship expert says: “She made it kind of open-ended and vague—and didn’t give away that she’s free 100 percent of the weekend.

I invited him surfing Saturday but he hasn’t replied. Should I leave Saturday open.

’ also conveyed enthusiasm for surfing, putting the emphasis more on the fun the activity—something she might do anyway—as opposed to it all being about getting together with him.”. “I was swiping through Tinder and one guy caught my eye.

‘ He answered almost instantly. We had some friends in common, one of his pictures was from one of my favorite restaurants, and we had plenty to talk about.

We met up and spent the next six or so hours together, drinking, and going to a few different bars. We’ve been together a little over a year and a half, we have a home together, and things are absolutely wonderful.” —Desiree M., 30, Green Bay, WI.

He answered almost instantly, which is a really important part of the story. He showed a great deal of responsiveness, receptiveness, motivation, and desire to continue that connection.

—Caroline S., 23, Medfield, MA. The relationship expert says: “She referenced a group, leaving him to wonder if this was a date.

This makes it clear she’s isn’t deeply fixated on him.”. —Sarah M., 23, Needham, MA.

She was also direct, which could be a bit of a risk, but at least she’d know where he stands either way.”. “After talking to my now-fiance most of the night at a bar, I went up to him and asked him if he’d like to get a drink with me sometime, to which he replied, ‘I would love that.’ Since he was too drunk to put my number in his phone, he decided that I should put his number in my phone.

He asked me to get brunch the next day and we’re getting married in May.” —Amanda B., 33, Medford, MA. The relationship expert says: “They clearly had a connection, and when she asked him if he’d like to get a drink, he very affirmatively responded.

he said ‘I would love that.’ Then, he decided that she should put her number in his phone. She texted him and she put herself out there in a fun, clear way but she stopped short of asking him out.

Keep It Convenient. —Bea E., 24, New York, NY.

She’s emphasizing the circumstantial part as well as why it might be fun—as opposed to, hey, I’ve been thinking about you all week, want to go skating. She also suggests something that she’s good at, so it’s not so much that she’s got a burning desire specifically to spend time with him.”.

The relationship expert says: “I’m a big fan of this. If you want him to pursue you, create an opening for him to do that.

That’s what this message did here.”. Cassie Shortsleeve is a skilled freelance journalist with more than a decade of experience reporting for some of the nation’s largest print and digital publications, including Women’s Health, Parents, What to Expect, The Washington Post, and others.

She is a mom to three daughters and lives in the Boston suburbs.

What makes a good open-ended question? [9]

Open-ended questions do more for you than just gathering simple answers, they provide employees, students, colleagues, or whoever they may be directed with, the opportunity to delve deep with their responses and voice what is really on their minds. Open-ended questions start with “Why.

” and “What. ” They encourage a full answer, rather than the simple “yes” or “no” response that is usually given to a closed-ended question.

Not only are these questions designed to elicit a longer and more detailed response, but they, likewise, ask the respondent to take extra time to consider what is being asked of them and what they should say.

open-ended questions are for gathering insights rather than just answers. These two types of questions work well when combined as not every question needs a long and detailed response, while others don’t require a great deal of thinking or consideration.

They may also feature a series of other predetermined responses (Options A, B, C for example). So let’s sum it up this way:

Closed-ended questions. Ok so now that we know exactly what makes up an open-ended question, and what they are not, let’s see what makes a good one.

A genuine interest in the response and a legitimate curiosity will help you to create open-ended questions that are meaningful and will help you to reach your goal or get the information you need. When writing your questions, spend time thinking about what you would like to know from your respondents.

For example “What did you think of today’s workshop. ” or “What would you like to learn more about.

Both of these examples also use verbs that focus on people’s thoughts and emotions – to think and to like’: this can be a great way to structure open-ended questions as these types of verbs force the respondent to answer in a more considered way. Other verbs that work well in this context are ‘to want’, ‘to believe’, and ‘to feel’.

Pro tip: While “why” questions are open-ended, they can often trigger a defensive answer from the respondent. For example “Why did you do that.

” does not.

Including these as part of a survey can help you get nice background information as to why responses look the way they do and why trends may be appearing. As mentioned before, they are best utilized when you want your audience or group to really think deeply about a certain topic or matter.

Open-ended questions are thus a great way to boost participation and engagement.

Our presentations and surveys are designed to promote interaction and engagement so are the perfect way to gather all that thought-provoking feedback your open-ended questions will doubtlessly provide. To get started just follow the link below and get ready to improve your presentations right away.

Wondering how to ask a guy out over text? You’ve come to the right place! We’ll tell you everything you need to know to get that first date in the bag. [10]

Ah, texting. What a wonderful invention.

As convenient as texting is, it also comes with difficulties. Even though it’s easier to ask a guy out over text, you might still be staring at your phone thinking, “How the hell do I do this.

Well, don’t worry. We have all the information you need to know how to ask a guy out over text with confidence and suave.

It’s traditional for men to ask women out, but that doesn’t have to be the case anymore. Women are perfectly capable of asking men out on dates.

[Read: Reasons why girls should ask men out directly]. First of all, learning how to ask a guy out is a major confidence boost.

Furthermore, if you get a yes from him, imagine how high your confidence will soar. [Read: How to be confident when flirting – overcome the butterflies and have fun].

It’s hard to ask someone out on a date because you’re putting yourself on the line and risking a brutal rejection. And guys are just made to make themselves vulnerable like that by default.

If you ask a guy out, he’ll be so impressed with you taking the lead, and he’ll be so flattered, that he might very well say yes.

Because there are some scenarios when it’s inappropriate to ask a guy out. Learn these off by heart if you want to avoid rejection and embarrassment.

If you did ask him out and he said yes, he would likely just be using you as a rebound. And you deserve better than that.

If you already know that he has his eye on someone else before you even get the chance to know him that well, that means he’s really smitten with another person and the whole world knows it.

Save yourself the embarrassment of going on a date with a guy who was secretly wishing you were someone else, and wait for someone who adores the ground you walk on to come around.

Don’t be the other woman. Or a homewrecker.

But wait until he’s single and ready to date you, otherwise that dark cloud will hang over your entire relationship. [Read: The painful realities of being the “other woman”].

But part of you is questioning just how much he really means it.

Maybe he’s just flirting with you to pass the time, maybe he’s just boosting his ego. Either way, his intentions aren’t pure with you, and your gut is warning you.

[Read: Gut instinct – what it is, how it works & 30 tips to follow & listen to your gut]. Now, onto the actual ask-out.

Don’t worry too much. It shouldn’t take you hours to come up with the perfect thing to say.

So take these tips, type up a text, reread it for any weird spelling or grammatical errors, and hit send. What’s the worst that can happen.

You don’t want to start a texting conversation with “Will you go out with me. ” That will catch him off guard.

Instead, break the ice. Chat about your day, a new song you discovered, or anything that can be carried over into the potential date.

You can even bring up a movie you’ve been dying to see or a restaurant you love as a smooth transition into the ask-out. [Read: How to text a guy you like – tweaks to leave any guy wanting more].

It can be hard to determine that via text, but it is possible. Instead of texting like you are sending a business email, make jokes, be sarcastic, and even flirt.

If he responds with one-word answers and shuts down your attempts to flirt, you may want to abort the mission. [Read: How guys text when they like you – 28 things they do differently].

You don’t want to offer him two tickets to a show, you want to invite him to go with you.

There’s nothing more embarrassing than trying to invite a guy on a date and instead giving him and his friend tickets to the film you planned to see with him. [Read: How to let a guy know you’re interested without appearing overeager].

In that case, you have nothing to be nervous about at all. But you want to ask this guy out.

But as you opted to go virtual, you have to make sure you actually use the words date or go out.

You’re really eager to go for something, but then at the very last minute, you doubt yourself or you lose your nerve and so you back out. But there is no need for that.

If you don’t ask him out, you’ll never know what could have happened. [Read: 55 secrets & self-love habits to build confidence and realize your worth].

Look in the mirror and know what a catch you are. [Read: Subtle body language moves to appear more confident].

When you’re trying to figure out how to ask a guy out over text, whether you are fretting over the exact words to use or not, just bite the bullet and hit send. Be straightforward.

Now, there’s a difference between being direct and jumping straight into it. If you just start the conversation with an upfront date proposal, you’re not really giving him time to prepare himself.

So, you know, say hi. Ease into the conversation with some light flirting or playful banter before you ask the important question.

What are the 3 F’s. Friendly, flirty, and fun, of course.

This isn’t the moment when you should seriously pen down your deepest, most private feelings. As sweet as that is, it is a little bit off-putting, especially before the first date has even happened.

So be fun, engage in some witty banter, and make flirtatious comments, and you’ll make this guy want to see more of you.

Do not say something like, “It is totally okay if you say no.” This just makes you seem unsure. Not to mention, it seems like you aren’t eager to actually go out and that you would be perfectly happy if he said no.

Part of asking someone out is showing interest, not making it seem like you sort of don’t want to because you’re scared he’ll say no. [Read: How to ask a guy on a date – the walkthrough all girls need to know].

If you invite him to do something you know he feels comfortable with, your chances of him saying yes will be sky-high. Along with that, avoid something he may have zero interest in.

This is the best and easiest way to include something you know he likes. Obviously, you don’t just happen to have two tickets to see his favorite team play the most anticipated game of the year.

But he doesn’t have to know that.

You don’t want to send over a novel. Not only may he avoid reading it if he’s busy, making you wait longer for a response, but no one likes reading super long texts.

Just keep it to one or two sentences: short, sweet, and to the point. Saying something like, “Do you want to go out with me this weekend” is perfectly fine, but offering a set plan leaves less to the imagination.

And if you don’t offer a plan now, you could both keep putting it off and then all this worry was for nothing. [Read: Where to go on a first date – 85 best first date ideas that are fun & romantic].

Reference source

  1. https://themendingmuse.com/relationships/how-to-ask-a-guy-where-you-stand-over-text/
  2. https://whattogetmy.com/how-to-ask-a-guy-what-he-wants-from-you/
  3. https://www.momjunction.com/articles/fun-flirty-questions-to-ask-a-guy-over-text_00669137/
  4. https://www.lovepanky.com/women/how-to-tips-and-guide-for-women/how-to-ask-a-guy-where-you-stand
  5. https://www.yourtango.com/experts/jamesallenhanrahan/how-to-flirt-with-a-guy-over-text
  6. https://www.regain.us/advice/how-to/how-to-ask-a-guy-out-over-text/
  7. https://www.elitedaily.com/dating/questions-to-ask-a-guy-over-text
  8. https://www.womenshealthmag.com/relationships/a25747719/how-to-text-a-guy/
  9. https://www.mentimeter.com/blog/stand-out-get-ahead/how-to-create-open-ended-questions
  10. https://www.lovepanky.com/women/how-to-tips-and-guide-for-women/how-to-ask-a-guy-out-over-text

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