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i keep seeing the same person everywhere i go
i keep seeing the same person everywhere i go

Synchronicity VS Coincidence [1]

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Every time I receive or notice a sign or synchronicity I just feel an overwhelming sense that everything is in order and that the Universe is looking out for me. For other people, this feeling of being “looked after” may come from God or angels (or whatever else it is that you believe in).

So this post is going to help you to start noticing synchronicity signs and interpret them on your own journey, so you can receive and listen to the guidance that you are being provided.

Just as a note: I will be using the term Universe throughout this post because that is what personally resonates with me. Feel free to replace this with whatever resonates with you.

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Before we get into how to recognise synchronicities in your own life, what actually is “synchronicity”.

He described this phenomenon as events appearing meaningfully related despite having no causal connection. From this psychological perspective, many give an alternative name for synchronicity – “meaningful coincidences”.

For example, seeing something we have just been thinking about. This meaning can then motivate us to take action on the things that matter to us.

For example, signs and synchronicities can be a form of communication from a higher consciousness (God, angels, the Universe, or whatever you believe in) to nudge us in the right direction and bring light to things that are otherwise escaping our attention. For example, there have been several periods of my life when I have read tarot or oracle for myself daily and the same card appears in my reading every single day until I take action on it.

In circumstances like this, or when you feel like things in your life are “syncing up” or “aligning” in a way that can’t be explained by science or reason, I think that synchronicity is an inherently spiritual occurrence. This phenomenon however poses the question, what’s the difference between synchronicity and coincidence.

In my opinion, the difference comes down to personal perception and belief only. For example, somebody who is completely close minded when it comes to concepts that cannot be objectively proven may put every synchronicity that occurs down to coincidence and coincidence alone.

These are at two extreme ends of the spectrum, but I believe there is a middle ground in which you can intuitively notice when you are receiving true signs and synchronicities from the Universe. (which of course you’ll be able to do yourself after reading this post.).

However, if this sign comes to you over and over again it becomes increasingly less likely that this is due to chance. When you’re connected with your intuition, you’re able to sense when something is a sign or synchronicity, as well as how to interpret it.

If we’re not living mindfully, sometimes we can go about our daily lives and not even notice the signs that are right in front of us. If you’re not used to recognizing synchronicities in your own life, these three easy steps can help you get into the routine of doing so.

It might sound obvious… but are you really paying attention.

In order to recognize synchronicity you have to be aware of what is going on around you. Mindfulness techniques are an absolute must for this – essentially, you want to slow down and exercise all of your senses.

Actively engage with the world around you otherwise you’re bound to miss out on important messages.

Repetition is one of the biggest signs of synchronicity and something you should definitely be looking out for. When things are aligning, you will notice them most commonly in recurring events, things you see or things you hear.

(Or receive the same tarot card over and over if you’re anything like me. ).

Often we’ll forget things that may not seem huge at the time, but writing them down (no matter how big or small) helps us to track them over time and see how they play out. It can also help us to notice further patterns that help us interpret what certain signs mean.

Without acknowledging it and writing it down you’re less likely to notice these sequences of events. Still unsure how to recognize synchronicities in your own life.

Doing so takes time and practice, and I find it can help to know some common synchronicity examples to look out for. So here are 8 of the most common synchronicity signs that you shouldn’t ignore.

Numbers are one of the biggest signs of synchronicity that suggest things are lining up for you.

1111 or 222. An obvious place for this to occur is on a clock.

You may also see repeating numbers in other areas too like on signs, doors, or a license plate. They really can show up anywhere to be honest.

It’s worth searching for the meanings of angel numbers and numerology because then you can get a clearer idea of what the numbers mean when they show up as signs. Related post: ​Seeing Repeating Numbers: What Do They Mean.

If you’re looking for examples of synchronicity with someone else, or love synchronicity signs specifically, this is a big one. When you’re thinking about somebody and then you see them or they get in touch then this is usually a sign that you have a deep energetic connection with this person.

Another common example of synchronicity with someone else is running into them over and over again. This could be another sign that you have a very strong connection with this person.

You might even find yourself bumping into them in the most obscure of places that really can’t be explained with coincidence. It can also be a sign from the Universe that you’re supposed to engage with this person in some way and pursue the connection further.

Have you ever heard a phrase that you’ve never heard before and then suddenly you start hearing it everywhere.

This is a synchronicity that I get in my own life a lot and sometimes it will be something completely meaningless which makes me chuckle ‘cos it kinda feels like the Universe is just having a laugh with me. But at other times if you pay attention to the words it might be something significant that you’re supposed to be hearing.

Are you receiving words of encouragement to pursue something you’ve been thinking about. Or are you receiving a warning not to go down a certain path.

Get your FREE Manifestation Blocks PDF to achieve your manifestation breakthrough. This has got to be one of the best and most fun synchronicities to receive.

Perfect timing is when you seem to be just in time for something good to happen or just in time to avoid something bad or unpleasant. In other words, it’s having “luck on your side”.

Or maybe you’re walking somewhere and it starts to rain just as you get inside. There’s usually no lesson to be learned in instances like this, but it could mean that you either have someone or something looking out for you, or simply that you’re in such a high vibration that you’re attracting these positive experiences.

Spiritual Confirmation or Coincidence?  [2]

You met a guy out and about and now you keep hearing his name everywhere. We’ve all been there.

You’re probably wondering if you’ve gone mad– and I’m here to tell you that you haven’t.

Seeing repeating numbers, or someone’s name consistently is called a Synchronicity. It works to keep our attention in order to deliver important messages called Universal Signs.

If you are seeing or hearing someone’s name often, it typically means that you are thinking about that person a lot.

And you are partially correct.

It will, however, attract the traits and feelings that you associate with that person. In other words, if you keep hearing things about Tony, the sweetest, most respectful man you’ve ever met, it’s likely because you want a man that is sweet and respectful.

Tony may just be that guy.

But if you’re looking for someone who is kind and passionate, don’t expect to find him while focusing your energy on the handsome jerk from the grocery store.

Of course, coincidences are going to happen and we can’t work ourselves up every time we see something twice.

Rather, they come to help guide you down the right path. And until you have received and understood their message, they won’t give up.

Next time you repeatedly see or hear a name, look around you. Notice where you are and how you are feeling.

You may wish to jot these things down on paper to help you to better understanding why the signs are coming when and where they do. Once you do correctly understand their message, these signs will slowly disappear as your mindset begins to shift and no longer requires reminders.

It might feel tricky at first, but you will be interpreting signs and attract peace, love, and happiness before you know it.

The Law of Attraction Synchronicity And Manifesting [3]

Synchronicity signs let you know that you’re on the right track. Sometimes described as “meaningful coincidences”, they can take the form of all sorts of patterns.

But how do you know when you’ve encountered a synchronicity sign. And how can you use that sign to foster success and personal growth.

This article about synchronicity signs will help you understand where these meaningful coincidences come from, explaining why they’re different from regular coincidences. We’ll look at four of the most common and significant types of signs, and help you detect and interpret these signs in your everyday life.

The term “synchronicity” comes from psychotherapist Carl Jung. In his work, he used the idea to refer to seeing multiple signs that held significance to both him and his therapy clients.

Specifically, synchronicity signs are things that you see or experience that have a common meaning, helping to guide you toward a particular path. They’re commonly thought to be signs from the universe that foster your personal development.

Suppose that you dream of seeing a particular symbol, like a star. Imagine that you then wake up to find a letter that has a star on the front and invites you to a professional networking event.

Alternatively, you might keep seeing the same number and then meet someone new whose phone number repeats this same number. Or, you might see the same animal many times in a week, and decide to take a new opportunity after you discover that this animal represents a need for change.

Are they just the same thing.

So, some patterns or coincidences will have no significance, while others will immediately trigger thoughts or feelings linked to your current life or choices. The only sure way to tell the difference is to be alert to all coincidences.

Use your imagination and intuition, as well as looking up the meaning of any relevant number patterns or symbols. Now, why do you get these signs from the universe.

Often, it’s because we need an extra nudge to find the path that’s best for us… Or because we’re in danger of going down a path that is potentially harmful to us. Generally, when synchronicity signs point us towards a particular choice, it’s the one that will be best for our fulfillment and well-being, and the one that is linked to our deepest, most authentic purpose in life.

In sum, synchronicities are signs or messages that you are walking down the right path, or that there is an opportunity to move onto the right path. However, as suggested above, these meaningful coincidences might vary dramatically between different people and contexts.

Look out for numerical synchronicity signs in addresses, phone numbers, license plates, and articles you read. In particular, be alert for repeated numbers like 777, 1010, and 999.

However, it’s also useful to write down all the associations you have with that number. What those numbers remind you of, where you have seen it before, and so on.

Finally, notice what feelings come up when you see the number. All of these explorations will help you figure out where the universe is leading you.

In addition, you might keep seeing reminders of someone, especially a significant person from your past. These are all synchronicity signs linking you to this other person.

For example, synchronicity signs pointing you to an ex-partner just as often suggest that you need to work through your old feelings for this person before you can become your best sense. Again, noticing and reflecting on the feelings this person triggers in you are key to interpreting this kind of synchronicity.

It’s good practice to keep a pad and pen beside your bed so that you can jot down any potential signs. These dream symbols can be people, places, animals, objects, or visual patterns.

Look out for them in your waking life after noticing them. What intuitive associations do you have between these symbols and particular emotions, experiences, and life paths.

Often, the meaning will be fairly obvious, as synchronicity symbols most often pop up when a need for action is weighing heavily on us. These types of synchronicity signs are about the resources and teaching that you need at this particular point in life.

Alternatively, you might be overwhelmed by several opportunities that help you reach a particular goal. So, if you’re trying to manifest a successful career, you might connect with a mentor offering a networking event that is exactly what you need to boost your resume, and you might repeatedly see adverts for relevant courses or training.

Perhaps you’re reading all of this and wondering why you don’t see signs of synchronicity. Maybe you haven’t noticed any for a long time, or maybe you can’t even remember a time when you have ever seen such signs.

Usually, it happens because you simply aren’t open to such signs. It might be that you struggle to believe they are really meaningful, or that you have strongly internalized a message that it’s embarrassing or foolish to look to the universe for signs.

They are all around us, even pointing us toward minor life changes and choices that are good for us. If you make it your mission to really tune into synchronicity, these signs will start to appear, and acting on them will help to teach you that they are genuinely useful.

There is a strong link between synchronicity signs and successful manifestation through the Law of Attraction. More specifically, seeing these signs is a good indication that you are shifting to a higher vibrational frequency and evolving into a more fulfilled version of yourself.

For example, if you’ve decided to start pursuing a new career and encounter synchronicity signs encouraging you to develop skills and connections linked to that career, your confidence in your manifestation goal will increase. You’ll feel like the universe is supporting your goal, and your mind will focus on that positivity.

You can also use Law of Attraction affirmations to help tune into synchronicity signs and become more open to them. For example, before you start your day, you might repeat the affirmation “I am open to all signs that show me where the universe wants me to go.”.

In sum, you’ll get better using the Law of Attraction to get what you want by paying attention to synchronicities. Such signs are clear indicators from the universe that you are heading in the right direction.

How do you know if someone is thinking about you? [4]

This article is about 23 strange signs from the universe that someone is thinking of you. And you might be surprised—spotting the signs when you know where to look is easy.

Or that you were thinking about someone, and the next minute, the phone rings and that person calls. This is called Synchronicity, a concept used in Analytical Psychology.

There is a lot of skepticism about Synchronicity, but with the help of this concept, we can sometimes help explain things we otherwise can not explain. So If you have ever wondered if someone out there was thinking of you, these are the signs from the universe to watch out for.

As a scientist, I approached these 23 signs from both a science and a psychic perspective. That way, we walk the tightrope of blindly accepting something as gospel truth and carelessly dismissing it as hogwash.

After all, isn’t the best way to arrive at the truth to question everything—including the claim that everything needs solid, measurable evidence to be true.

Everything in the universe comprises a web of energy—interconnected, malleable, and conscious. It’s possible, even probable, to send messages across this web of energy through the power of our minds.

If you’ve ever experienced a weird coincidence or a welcome luck out of the blue, guess what—someone might be thinking of you. Picture this: You’re just going about your day, minding your own business, when suddenly, You blush.

Except you’re not embarrassed, excited, or flustered—it’s like you blushed out of the blue for no reason. Psychics understand random blushing as a sign that someone’s thinking of you so intensely that your nervous system reacts.

That said, certain medical conditions cause random blushing. But if you’ve never suffered from any of them and it still happens, then it might be the universe trying to tell you something.

This is likely the case when you didn’t eat anything too fast, or you didn’t drink any soda or alcohol, and you didn’t get too excited—and yet the hiccups still struck you. Like blushing for no reason, random hiccups can be caused by someone thinking of you so intensely, which manifests enough energy to irritate your diaphragm.

This can go both ways—either you’re in a high, happy state and suddenly get depressed… or you’re down in the dumps, and then you suddenly brighten up for seemingly no reason. If this happens to you—and you have no family history of bipolar disorder—then it’s probably the universe sending you a message.

You’d associate it with whoever is thinking of you at that moment. If you suddenly become depressive, the energy may come from someone who harbors a grudge or wishes ill on you.

Whether or not they know their energy would reach you is anybody’s guess, but the thought is appreciated nonetheless, right.

If you can’t explain why it happened, it’s probably the universe letting you know someone is thinking of you. And that’s not all—that someone might actually be romantically attracted to you.

If you immersed yourself in almost any Asian culture, you’ll likely come across the folk belief that when you sneeze for no reason, it means someone likes you and is thinking of you very intensely at that moment. On a side note, you can play a fun game when you have an unexplainable sneezing fit.

The number you see will correspond to a letter of the alphabet (e.g. 01 = “A”, 02 = “B”, and so on).

If nothing else, it’s a good way to have a little fun with an otherwise uncomfortable (and sometimes embarrassing) sneezing fit. Has this ever happened to you before.

You’re not forcing yourself to smile and didn’t see or hear anything funny. You just smiled, and you can’t help it—like you had a wave of good feelings wash over you.

Psychics would tell you it was likely energies from the universe manifesting in your body as feelings of joy and well-being. Where did it all come from.

Have you ever thought about someone—perhaps someone important to you or someone you miss—then, shortly after, you thought you heard their voice. But when you looked around, no one was there.

“I’m hearing things,” they’d say. My psychic friends, though, would caution you to consider the possibility that they felt you, too, when you thought about them.

Maybe give them a call and see how they’re doing.

But what if you did and experienced none of that, and your eye still started twitching for no reason.

Some psychics say that when your right eye twitches, it either means good luck is coming your way or someone wishes you well. Meanwhile, if your left eye twitches, it means incoming bad luck or someone wishes you would.

Numbers mean different things for different people. So, if there’s a significant number for you and another person who’s important to you—and for some reason, you keep seeing that number everywhere you go.

Seeing significant numbers isn’t only a sign they’re thinking of you—it’s both of you thinking of each other simultaneously. The universe then sends the message of this synchronicity by showing you these important numbers to both of you.

It’s like waking up during a commercial break in the middle of a very interesting TV show. As you might guess, it’s yet another sign from the universe.

Maybe it’s a good time to reach out. This is for when you’ve ever lost someone dear to you.

They’re still very important to you, and their leaving is a great sorrow for you. Then, sometime after they left, you came across a white feather or a butterfly, either of which seemed extremely out of place (e.g.

What do these signals mean.

It’s also most likely the sign came with a nudge from the person in question. Meanwhile, butterflies are especially significant signs after a loved one’s death.

If a butterfly alighted on you sometime after their funeral, they likely tell you they’re okay, hear you, and love you. Imagine this: You think about someone—an old friend or ex, let’s say—and you realize you haven’t seen them for a long time.

Is that just a coincidence, or was it destined to happen.

And perhaps now would be a good time to meet up. So the next time this happens to you, consider scheduling some time to catch up with each other.

(On a side note: If the contact is unwelcome and you’d rather not hear from them, here are 10 ways to get them to stop texting you without being mean about it.). Let’s say you were watching some videos on YouTube in the morning, and an ad comes up that reminds you of a past experience with a very old friend of yours.

And then, that same night, you watch a TED Talk of someone whose first name—to your surprise—matches your friend’s. What the heck’s going on.

When you get two or more such signs in rapid succession, listening to what the universe is trying to tell you may be best. It might be a message that it’s time to contact them.

Understanding Why You Keep Seeing Repeating Numbers [5]

Do you ever seem to see repeating sequences of numbers over and over again, like 222 or 333. Or have you heard that seeing 11:11 on the clock is a lucky sign to make a wish.

“If you see something like a repeating number and ask yourself, ‘Is this a sign. ‘ then the answer is always yes,” astrologer and numerologist Jasmine Wolfe tells Bustle.

A sequence of repeating numbers that keeps popping up in your life could manifest in a variety of ways in order to get your attention. Maybe you always seem to look at the clock at 2:22.

A few days later you might notice that you’re the 222nd person to like an Instagram pic. While you might write these things off as a coincidence, there could be a greater meaning behind the numbers — especially if you find yourself questioning that potential meaning.

“Numbers are the language of the universe, and the universe speaks to us through codes. The more we learn to listen, the more we are empowered to fulfill our destiny and achieve the deep joy we deserve,” Jesse Kalsi, numerologist and author of All About Numbers: Attract Luck, Abundance, and Joy Based on Your Numbers, tells Bustle.

Continue reading for a deep dive on what it means when you see the same numbers and what they’re trying to tell you. Whether it’s 11:11, 222, or 555, repeating sequences of numbers are known as “master numbers” in numerology, and seeing them over and over is a sign to pay attention to your mind, body, and soul.

Whether you believe they’re angels, the universe, or just your higher self calling to you, noticing the numbers is no accident. One of the most well-known and common repeated number sightings is a series of the number one.

Making a wish at 11:11 is a popular superstition because 1111 in numerology is an auspicious pattern — in numerology, the number one represents independence, confidence, and new beginnings. “People usually see 111 or 11:11 most when they are just beginning their spiritual journey,” Wolfe says.

There is a unique spiritual meaning behind each number in numerology so you might be receiving a different message depending on the numbers that show up in your life. Listening to these messages allow us to be more reflective in the patterns and problems in our lives, so when you notice them, it’s like a reminder to be alert.

That’s because the number two in numerology represents harmony and coexistence, which could indicate that things are in currently in balance. In that case, you’d probably want to reflect on any imbalances in your life.

Every single-digit number’s sequence is thought to symbolize something different. “333 is a portal and it means we can expect growth in our lives soon.

and 555 usually means something is about to change,” Wolfe says. Sometimes these messages are warnings, like you’re putting in too many hours at work or running into an unfriendly ex.

For example, 444 symbolizes a confirmation that you’re ready to move on from something. So, if this number shows up for you, pay attention to what transformations that you need to make in order to move forward in your life.

In addition to sequential numbers, you may see a series of the same non-sequential numbers over and over again. In this case, consider the meaning of each of the numbers separately and then interpret what they mean together.

For example, if you see 313, break down the meanings behind both 3 and 1, and plug in the pieces from your life and situations to decode the universe’s message. “If certain numbers continuously appear in your life, the first thing you should do is check if they’re compatible with you.

“Consider what you were thinking about before the repetitive number appeared. What emotions were you experiencing and how did seeing these numbers affect your feelings and mood.

You can find your compatible numbers by adding up the numbers of your name, which are associated with a certain number between one and eight, a popular technique in numerology called the Chaldean code. If your name adds up to 23, then this number, along with its single digits, will hold a significant meaning in your life.

You can also find this number using a Chaldean calculator. If you notice a specific number cropping up more regularly, pay closer attention to these numerological themes and how they’re currently manifesting in your life.

Different numbers mean different things in numerology, and it’s believed that whatever is trying to get your attention through repeating numbers will keep showing up until you listen. If you’re not catching on, you may begin to see the numbers in other places besides a clock — receipts, your car plates, phone numbers, or app notifications could start making numerologically synchronous appearances, too.

“A lot of us [worry it] means something bigger or more foreboding, but most of us are still very much waking up our spiritual connections — so seeing 11:11 every day is a simple reminder that we’re on the right path.” So if you’re seeing double numbers, triple numbers, or any repeating digits on a regular basis, there’s no need to feel spooked.

In the same way the patterns in life can tell us about which habits work and which don’t, seeing master numbers or angel numbers can give us spiritual insight into what the universe thinks about the cycles that are manifested in our lives. “It’s important to remember that these signs are meant for you, so if you have a different relationship with the numbers, trust your own inner knowing more so than what the internet has to say,” Wolfe says.

repeating numbers could be asking you to stop doing something — maybe you see 222 when you’re about to light a cigarette or end a relationship that is detrimental to you. By introspecting and correctly interpreting the context in which these numbers are being placed in your life, you can understand how they impact your present and future,” explains Kalsi.

While you may be tempted to write off master numbers or angel numbers as a little too out there, it’s fun to keep an open mind. Everything is open to interpretation, and the real lesson here — whether you believe or not — is that there is always benefit in trusting your intuition.

This article was originally published on May 8, 2017.

Reference source

  1. https://www.throughthephases.com/synchronicity-signs-from-universe/
  2. https://thejoywithin.org/law-of-attraction/seeing-his-name-everywhere-heres-what-it-could-mean
  3. https://thelawofattraction.com/synchronicity/
  4. https://romantified.com/signs-from-the-universe-that-someone-is-thinking-of-you/
  5. https://www.bustle.com/life/do-you-see-the-same-numbers-over-over-again-the-universe-might-be-trying-to-tell-you-something-56378

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